Azure-robed elderly hearing this, looked at the four people of Long Qingtian.

“Four Saint-level, strength right, it’s a little troublesome to solve, but it doesn’t take much time,” said azure-robed elderly.

“Old man Xu, our Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce has worked hard to help you kill these four people.” azure-robed elderly said with a smile.

“Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce?” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat hearing this, a small snack, and then to Long Qingtian said: “Master, this Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce is one of the six Chamber of Commerce of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory.”

One of the six Chamber of Commerce of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory!

Long Qingtian has some surprises.

At the beginning, Long Qingtian’s Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique Purple Thunder Tyrant Heaven Art’s Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce was Sky Blue Continent’s first Chamber of Commerce, but the Wind Cloud Chamber of Commerce and the Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce Than, it’s not at one level.

It is like a rabbit, a tiger.

Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, more than a thousand Plane, this Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce can become one of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory’s six Chamber of Commerce, think about its influence, and it is no wonder that this azure-robed elderly dared to be in Monster King Sect Take the mouth and eat, and claim to be half of the treasure.

“Master, the Black Emperor, is one of the strongest powerhouses of the ancient period, didn’t expect he left the treasure, and is in the ruins of this ancient city?” At this time, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

Black Emperor, the same period as the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, and the name is not weaker than the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

At that time, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign even played with it.

So, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign was surprised to hear that azure robe Old Ancestor spoke of Black Emperor’s treasure.

“hehe,didn’t expect, you also know our Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce, and also know Black Emperor?” azure-robed elderly said with a smile: “But originally, if you are not curious, you can no need to die, but unfortunately , this person, often killed by curiosity.”

Azure-robed elderly Speaking of this look, the two middle-aged men are behind them.

The two middle-aged man would like to fly to Long Qingtian, both of whom are Divine-level 1st layer powerhouse. In the view of azure-robed elderly, strike to kill Long Qingtian is just between the hands.

“It’s not easy to see if they can cultivating to Saint-level.” azure-robed elderly said to the two middle-aged men: “Give them a good time.”

Two middle-aged man said respectfully : “It’s Elder Tang.”

Two middle-aged men flew to Long Qingtian and watched Long Qingtian four people: “brat, you must blame your life, not good, die!”

The two men slammed out.

“Ruling Palm!”

“Xumi Palm!”

I saw four huge palm prints appearing and rushing to Long Qingtian, and the space all around violently oscillated.

Azure-robed elderly See you, look forward to, look at towards Monster King Sect green robe elderly In his opinion, Long Qingtian four people are dying, so there is no need to read it.

“Old man Xu, let’s go now and open the door to the treasure together?” said azure-robed elderly.

However, he suddenly saw Monster King Sect green robe elderly looked surprised at him. He was puzzled by the back. He just wanted to look behind, and he heard two screams behind him.

These two screams are the voices of his two men!

He was surprised, suddenly turned his head and saw the two Divine-level men flying back. The direction of the flight was exactly where he was. He was shocked, and both hands volatilized two forces, trying to take two The famous man was blocked, but he was shocked to find that a tyrannical force was shocked.

Azure-robed elderly was shaken back.

And his two men eventually fell to the ground below the ruin city, stumbled over countless dilapidated buildings.

It crashed into a bang.

“This, this, you!” azure robe Old Ancestor looked forward to Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, just took the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

Monster King Sect green robe elderly is also amazement: “Ancient God powerhouse ?!”

Wherever, the Ancient God powerhouse is an awesome presence.

Even the Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce and Monster King Sect don’t dare to ignore an Ancient God powerhouse.

Azure-robed elderly After a surprise, looked toward below, I saw his two men lying down in my square crater, aura weak, it seems that not far from death, see, his face is very gloomy.

The other person knows that they are the Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce, and dare to be so heavy? !

Even the people of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory Territory Lord Residence did not dare to do this to their Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce.

“didn’t expect I look away.” azure-robed elderly turned to the next day, angry with Dragon Heaven Sovereign said: “You are Ancient God powerhouse, but Your Excellency is too heavy to know that we are The people of Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce are still so heavy, they are not looking at our Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce!”

“Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce?” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign coldly said : “I have never heard of it.”

During the ancient period, the Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce did not exist, and the private tens of thousands of years, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign was sealed at Dragon Tomb, so I did not hear about this Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce.

But azure-robed urban hearing this, angry laughed: “Okay, good.”

Anyone can see that azure-robed elderly is in anger.

Monster King Sect green robe elderly hesitated and said: “Several, you strength though right, but this Black Emperor’s treasure is not something you can touch, this is our Monster King Sect and Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce, I advise you Still leaving.”

“This Black Emperor’s treasure is your Monster King Sect and Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce? jest, I say this Black Emperor’s treasure is ours.” At this time, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat had a lazy smile.

Monster King Sect green robe urban hearing this ,complexion sank : “So, don’t you give me Monster King Sect face?”

The Monster King Sect is not only the Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield South Territory number one sect, but also the impressive in the ancient Fiendgod Battlefield. In the green robe elderly, he lifts the Monster King Sect, and the Long Qingtian should be scrupulous. And retired, didn’t expect Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat did not put Monster King Sect in the eye.

“What about that?” Long Qingtian indifferently said.

For Long Qingtian, to harmonize Fiendgod Battlefield South Territory, I will definitely fight Monster King Sect in the future, so I don’t care about the hatefulness with Monster King Sect.

Monster King Sect green robe elderly startled, but also laughed.

“What do you want?” He wanted to hear what Long Qingtian meant.

“Black Emperor’s treasure, we want it.” Long Qingtian opened the mouth and said.

Monster King Sect and Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce everyone, complexion changed, all ugly, but then they heard Long Qingtian opened the mouth and said: “And, your life, we have to. ”

When the Monster King Sect green robe elderly and the Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce azure-robed elderly didn’t react, suddenly the silhouette flashed, and a huge palm print looked towards them.

The two turned pale with fright and lifted their hands to meet them.

“hong” was a huge shock, the two were shocked and flew away. The two had just heard the all around screams, and I didn’t know when all around appeared twenty undead monster beast. Suddenly attacked, Monster King Sect and Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce disciple were shot.

This twenty three undead monster beast is naturally the shackles of Long Qingtian refining’s twenty three Saint-level late-stage peaks.

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