Now that you know that the position of the alliance lord is hopeless, Yao Cang will naturally not let Long Qingtian do this in the Monster King Sect great hall.

So, he wants Long Qingtian to get out of his great hall of Monster King and get out of Monster King Sect.

Everyone is look towards towards Long Qingtian.

“Roll?” Long Qingtian look is indifferent, then looked at the great hall all around, opened the mouth and said: “This Monster King Sect, scenery right, Xue Wuya, when you move your Blood Demon Sect Sect to Here.”

Xue Wuya and everyone are startled.

Moved Blood Demon Sect Sect here, isn’t it? ! Everyone is weird.

Xue Wuya After a glimpse, his face is happy, said respectfully: “earnestly thanks my Master reward!”

This Monster King Sect is the first influence of South Territory, and the mountain range occupied by Monster King Sect is naturally the best.

Xue Wuya He was naturally overjoyed when he heard Long Qingtian move Sect here.

Yao Cang originally heard Long Qingtian think of Monster King Sect as his thing, let Blood Demon Sect move Sect, and the heart has already been killing intent. When you hear Xue Wuya even earnestly thanked Long Qingtian reward, the mind killing intent like flood The general outbreak is coming.

“Death, Xue Wuya, you must die today!” Yao Cang roared and slammed into Xue Wuya.

This fist contains all the killing intents in his heart.

There is never a moment in his mind killing intent, like this moment.

Even before, Long Qingtian took his alliance lord position, even if the previous sects “betrayed” him and stood on the side of Long Qingtian, he did not have such a killing intent.

This is simply bully intolerably!

A small Divine-level 6th layer, which he used to respect in front of him, Xue Wuya now dared to be in front of everyone, and asked for his Monster King Sect Sect? !

Xue Wuya watched Yao Cang screaming in full swing, and Long Qingtian raised his hand and slammed Yao Cang fist strength.

Yao Cang’s figure is shakingly withdraw.

Just as Yao Cang’s figure was wavingly withdraw, suddenly, Long Qingtian took a hand, a path of astonishing rays of light from the great hall, Monster King Sect, Specter Sect, Witch Ghost Sect and the others Surrounded.

Monster King Sect and the others are not surprised.

“What’s the matter?!” Monster King Sect elder blurted out that apparently he hadn’t reacted to what had happened.

“It’s a restriction? It’s a restriction!” Then, Monster King Sect, Specter Sect, and Witch Ghost Sect disciple screamed and screamed back and saw the discs banging all around the beam, and they were shocked back by the light beam.

Yao Cang stopped his body and looked at all around the light column. He was also shocked and slammed out, but Yao Cang bounced back to the light column and bounced back with a powerful anti-seismic force, which shocked him again and again. Back.

Originally calm, Cold Spirit Sect Sect Master Meng Ling, Witch Ghost Sect’s Sect Master Wu Li Both of them saw that Yao Cang couldn’t break this all around the light column, and couldn’t help panic.

“Jiuchen dream ring palm!” The Cold Spirit Sect Sect Master Meng Ling tenderly shouted, palm shot.

I saw a path of palm print like a ring, through the dream rays of light hit all around the light column, this through the fantasy rays of light palm print hit all the light column, did not make a sound, Silent.

However, again, with a counter-seismic force, Cold Spirit Sect Sect Master Meng Ling shakefully withdraws.

The same is true for the Witch Ghost Sect’s Sect Master attack.

The same is true of the Monster King Sect Vice Sect Master Yao Cheng attack.

There are several other Sect Sect Masters that are attacking on the side of Monster King Sect, and all are being shaken back.

“Who is it? How is it possible?!” Yao Cang surprised and angry, glanced around all around, finally through the light column, his eyes fell on Long Qingtian, one finger Long Qingtian: “Is it you?!”

“right.” Long Qingtian indifferently said that this great formation was what he had just arranged.

“You, what do you mean?!” Yao Cang’s face is gloomy and his fists are clenched.

“What do you mean?” Long Qingtian sneer: “What do you say?”

Listening to Long Qingtian’s words killing intent, Yao Cang eyes shrink, then laughed, laughed wildly, some arrogant, one pointed Long Qingtian: “brat, just because of you, I also want to destroy my Monster King Sect? ”

Everyone was surprised to see Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian is going to kill Monster King Sect? !

“Do you think that you have a small restriction, can you really trap us?” Yao Cang looks like a sneer.

Xue Wuya, Zhou Wen and the others looked at Yao Cang and the others in the great formation with pity. Others may not know the great formation, but they know.

Seven Emotions Absolute Killing Formation !

That’s right, it was the Seven Emotions Absolute Killing Formation that was trapped in Blood Demon Sect!

Xue Wuya looked at Yao Cang and the others and couldn’t help but think of the situation when he was trapped in the Seven Emotions Absolute Killing Formation.

“All Monster King Sect disciple listen to your command, Monster God Great Formation, full attack, break this restriction!” Yao Cang then groaned.

Immediately, all Monster King Sect disciple figures flash.

Long Qingtian sees, there is no opening, hands waved, one finger, Monster King Sect disciples is about to arrange a large formation attack, suddenly within the beam of light, colorful rays of light skyrocketing, flooding the entire great formation space, Monster King Sect disciple, Cold Spirit Sect disciple, Witch Ghost Sect disciple and other Sect disciple expressions within the great formation are sluggish.

After a short period of sluggishness, Monster King Sect disciples suddenly became all crazy, and they were stunned by Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng and the others.

“hallucination formation?!” Peng Zheng and the others flashed.

Within the great formation, Monster King Sect was first strangled, followed by Monster King Sect Elder, and finally Witch Ghost Sect’s Sect Master Wu Li, Cold Spirit Sect Sect Master Meng Ling, Monster King Sect Vice Sect Master Yao Cheng.

They are all caught in illusion!

However, what surprised Long Qingtian was that after Monster King Sect Vice Sect Master Yao Cheng and the others all fell into illusion, Yao Cang was still able to stay awake!

This shows that this Yao Cang Power of Soul is very strong.

“Master, this Yao Cang, do we want it?” At this time, Zhou Wen started asking.

“no need.” Long Qingtian said: “This is more interesting.”

More interesting? Zhou Wen startled, and then he saw Monster King Sect Vice Sect Master Yao Cheng eyes blood red falling into illusion, attacking Yao Cang in the past, then, Witch Ghost Sect’s Sect Master Wu Li, Cold Spirit Sect Sect Master Meng Ling also attacked him madly.

“Yao Cheng!” Yao Cang flashed back, surprised and angry screaming, wanting to wake up Yao Cheng who was caught in illusion, but that Yao Cheng attacked even more crazy.

Yao Cang surprised and angry, in the face of several attacks, little by little back.

A scream rang.

Time passed, Monster King Sect, Witch Ghost Sect, Cold Spirit Sect caught in the illusion of the diversity each and everyone in the hands of their own sect disciple.

Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng, One Sword Sect Sect Master Zhong Mu and the others Looking at the scene, suddenly there was a deep chill in the heart, watching Long Qingtian’s back, inexplicably scared.

Standing behind Long Qingtian, those small sect Sect Master, Supreme Elder is cold and sweaty. If they later chose Long Qingtian, then they are now off? !

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