Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng, One Sword Sect Master Zhong Mu and the others See Long Qingtian look over, eyes can not help but hide.

Long Qingtian means that they naturally know.

just? !

Long Qingtian glanced at everyone, see everyone expression, how to not understand everyone psychology, sneer, and then opened the mouth and said: “Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master, Peng Zheng.”

“In!” Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng suddenly heard Long Qingtian point to his name, not to “scare” a jump, replied.

Even he did not find it. When he replied, his figure was slightly lower and lower, and the appearance was the same as Zhou Wen and Xue Wuya in front of Long Qingtian.

“Go to me, let Soul Sea go!” Long Qingtian did not talk nonsense directly.

His body exudes a silent pressure, in the middle of the forehead, a golden sigil emerges.

This golden sigil shines the entire great hall with a golden light.

At the Dragon Race, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign thought that this golden sigil was God King sigil, and that Long Qingtian was Antiquity God King’s reincarnation.

Golden sigil emerges, great hall All powerhouses are like a chest pressed against a giant mountain, even the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign behind Long Qingtian.

Everyone is at a loss.

“This, this is God King Imprint?!” Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng looked at Long Qingtian forehead golden sigil, as if thinking of something, his face was shocked.

After hearing the words of Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng, One Sword Sect Master Zhong Mu and the others all looked shocked.

“God, God King Imprint?!” Some small sect Sect Master, Supreme Elder, Elder is even more incredible, can’t believe it.

Long Qingtian forehead golden sigil, suddenly rays of light.

Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng, One Sword Sect Sect Master Zhong Mu and the others is even more frightened, and can’t stand this oppression and collapse!

Peng Zheng and Zhong Mu, both of the Ancient God powerhouse, couldn’t stand the oppression, let alone the small sect Sect Master, Supreme Elder and Elder.

However, this oppressive force is mainly directed at Peng Zheng, Zhong Mu and the others, so the pressure on Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and the others is not as strong as at all, so they can still stand there.

Peng Zheng, Zhong Mu and the others After the battle, Long Qingtian forehead golden sigil’s oppressive power is still growing, Peng Zheng, Zhong Mu and the others are frightened and stunned.

“I, I am willing, willing!” When Peng Zheng couldn’t bear the pressure of this oppression, gasping, panic, and intermittent.

Zhong Mu, other Sect Sect Master, Supreme Elder have also opened their mouths and are willing to return to Long Qingtian.

In fact, the previous, Long Qingtian strike to kill Monster King Sect Sect Master Yao Cang that bloody scene has long deterred the various powerhouses, now, Long Qingtian this golden sigil oppression, they are the same as the original Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, think it should be God King Imprint, there is no resentment.

Looking at the squatting in front of himself, the black sect Sect Master, Supreme Elder, Elder, Long Qingtian, then the golden sigil was oppressed back.

When Long Qingtian retracts the force of the Jinling sigil, everyone is not ighed in relief, such as avoided a catastrophe.

At this time, every sect Sect Master, Supreme Elder, Elder looked at towards Long Qingtian’s eyes, it was completely different. Previously, Long Qingtian strike to kill Monster King Sect Sect Master Yao Cang, Vice Sect Master Yao Cheng, let everyone fear, But now, there is fear and there is fanaticism.

Thus, Long Qingtian one after another asked Peng Zheng, Zhong Mu and the others to release the Soul Sea, one after another to plant the Faith Seed, and one after another to give the Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique and the pure Divine Qi.

Above the great hall, all Sect above Saint-level powerhouse, all get the Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique.

However, the South Territory has a lot of small sects. When Long Qingtian planted the Faith Seed in the Every Soul Sea, the Divine-level top-rank cultivation technique and the pure Divine Qi, it took a few hours.

When he did all this, Long Qingtian couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fiendgod Battlefield South Territory, finally in his hands!

Originally, Long Qingtian unified Fiendgod Battlefield South Territory, it is definitely not so easy, even if Long Qingtian has the power, every sect is scattered everywhere, Long Qingtian wants one after another to go to every sect, then one after another, Time-consuming.

But now Monster King Sect has come up with an alliance grand ceremony, which has created this opportunity for Long Qingtian.

After accepting Peng Zheng, Zhong Mu and the others, Long Qingtian asked everyone to clean up the great hall Monster King Sect.

Not long after, Monster King Sect’s various corpse were cleaned up and bloody.

At this time, Long Qingtian flew, came to the throne of the great hall, sat down, and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Six-winged Purple Phoenix, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat stood on the side of the treasure under tutelage.

Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng, Specter Sect Sect Master Meng Ling, One Sword Sect Master Zhong Mu, Blood Demon Sect Master Xue Wuya, Specter Sect Master Zhou Wen and South Territory Other Sect Master, Supreme Elder All respectful Standing under the great hall.

“See glimpse of alliance lord!”

Peng Zheng, Meng Ling, Zhong Mu, Xue Wuya, Zhou Wen and the others all respected and bowed, the sound was loud, and the powerful powerhouses of the powerhouses gathered together, and even the nine weather streams over the Monster King Sect were scattered.

“en, get up.” Long Qingtian nodded, let everyone get up.

“Thank alliance lord!”

The various powerhouses stood up.

“Congratulations to the lord uniting South Territory, the alliance lord!” Specter Sect Zhou Wen said respectfully.

Zhou Wen is the first of the South Territory, Long Qingtian uniting South Territory, and the influence is greatly increased. Zhou Wen is naturally happy.

Zhou Wen After this, Blood Demon Sect Xue Wuya also went forward respectfully and flattered.

As a result, all the Sect Masters have also come forward, respectful and flattering.

Long Qingtian hearing this, can not help but smile, pressed the hand, said: “good, good, uniting South Territory, indeed congratulations.” Speaking of this, Long Qingtian paused, said: “Sect Master transmit an Order, all Sect disciple feast for three days!”

A feast for three days!

“Yes, alliance lord!” All Sect Sect Master respectfully agreed, a look of joy.

“However, although South Territory is unified, with our South Territory influence, it is not enough to fight against the Demon Race.” Then, Long Qingtian said.

“alliance lord, do you want to?!” Zhou Wen asked carefully.

“right, South Territory unification, then, I want to unify East Territory, North Territory, West Territory, and Central Territory!” Long Qingtian opened the mouth and said: “Unify the entire Fiendgod Battlefield!”

“Unifying the entire Fiendgod Battlefield?!” Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng, One Sword Sect Sect Master Zhong Mu and the others.

From the birth of Fiendgod Battlefield to the present, for thousands of years, no one has ever been able to unify the entire Fiendgod Battlefield!

Before this, they never dared to think about it. However, everyone was shocked, but not at everyone to doubt whether Long Qingtian could unify the entire Fiendgod Battlefield.

Because, they believe that with the power of Long Qingtian, unifying the entire Fiendgod Battlefield is not impossible.

“In this year, I want to unify the entire Fiendgod Battlefield. As long as the entire Fiendgod Battlefield is unified, we are likely to fight against the Demon Race!” Long Qingtian slowly said.

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