Dragon Race great hall is quiet again.

Indeed, the power of the Martial God Palace is too strong compared to the last time. Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign are impossible to resist even if they have the power of the sky!

Dragon Race everyone Although there is worship and confidence in Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, this is no longer a problem that worship and confidence can solve.

“Lord Dragon Sovereign, that our dragon race is out of the Dragon Flaming Valley?” said Dragon Sovereign elder.

“Leaving Dragon Flaming Valley?” Dragon Sovereign Ao Bai shaked one’s head.

Before the last Martial God Palace besieged the Dragon Flaming Valley, they also wanted to leave the Dragon Flaming Valley, but as Long Qingtian said, where can the Dragon Race escape?

“Patriarch, we will still report this matter to Master and Purple Heaven Old Ancestor.” At this time, the Dragon Race Supreme Elder Ao Wuji was opened the mouth and said.

Anyway, this matter is going to report to Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign. Whether the Dragon Race will be withdrawn from the Dragon Flaming Valley will be decided by Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

Dragon Sovereign Ao Bai nodded, then took out jade talisman, crushed, and the rays of light flashed.

At this time, in the Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield South Territory, the Monster King Sect mountain range has been completely changed.

The peaks of the mountains are endless, the ancient trees are towering, the numerous blasts are pouring, and the sky is blue and washable, like a huge crystal mirror.

Above the mountain, there are palaces.

And the palace all around the gap, it is a piece of spirit medicine 圃.

On the top of the mountain and the foot of the mountain, there is occasionally a spirit beast running, and the various disciplines are flying around to the peaks.

As for Demon Qi of Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield, it has been completely blocked by Long Qingtian using the formation screen outside the mountain range.

Surrounded by 10 Million Li, the weather is booming and Spirit Qi is abundant.

This is the result of continuous efforts by Long Qingtian for several days.

In a few days, the powerhouses looked at the changes in the Monster King Sect mountain range and all around mountain range. It was like a dream. If they didn’t see it, they couldn’t believe it was true.

Looking at Long Qingtian, as the god of creation, this is all made up, and the enthusiasm of Long Qingtian by various powerhouses has blindly reached an extreme point.

Even Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng, Cold Spirit Sect Sect Master Meng Ling, One Sword Sect Master Zhong Mu, the three major Ancient powerhouses.

In the ten palaces such as the Central Palace, Long Qingtian re-refined and reinforces the Spirit Gathering Formation, in which cultivating, Spirit Qi is even more amazing.

The central palace is suspended above the sky and echoes the palace of all around mountain range.

The palace of Long Qingtian refining is naturally not a general building. These palaces are joined together to form a great formation, which is motivated and combined with the Three Thousand Heavenly Immortal Formation, formidable power.

Long Qingtian is confident that even Heavenly God powerhouse can’t break the defense.

The Central Palace, in addition to Long Qingtian Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, Six-winged Purple Phoenix, only Peng Zheng’s three ancient God powerhouse can be cultivating.

The Divine-level cultivation cave mansion, such as Blood Demon Sect Xue Wuya, is the top of all around the mountain, and Spirit Qi is second only to the palace of the central palace.

Xue Wuya and the others Under the palace, it is the Saint-level powerhouse cultivation palace.

And below the Saint-level Emperor-level Venerable-level, Ancestor-level, according to strength, cultivation palace, the more flat.

On this day, Long Qingtian is self-cultivating, and the sound of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign is: “Master!”

“Come in.” Hearing the voice of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Long Qingtian stopped cultivating, opened the mouth and said.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign came in, hesitated, and then reported to: “Master, just Dragon Flaming Valley transmitted a message, said Martial God Palace six factions combined with many Old Ancestor, to besiege Dragon Flaming Valley again!”

Long Qingtian hearing this, calm face: “Martial God Palace six factions combined with many Old Ancestor, once again besieged the Dragon Flaming Valley?” In fact, this matter, already in his expectation.

At the beginning, he was at the Ice Mountain Sea Territory and Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple Founder Wu Qian. His whereabouts leaked, Martial God Palace will know that Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign are not in Dragon Flaming Valley, and Martial God Palace will besiege Dragon Flaming Valley again. Very normal.

“Master, then we are now?” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign asked carefully.

“How many Old Ancestor did the Martial God Palace six factions?” Long Qingtian pondered and said.

Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign said respectfully : “reporting back to master, this time Martial God Palace six factions united eight Divine-level Old Ancestor, and there is a person Ancient God.”

“Oh, Ancient God?” Long Qingtian had some surprises. The Martial God Palace actually invited the Ancient God powerhouse?

“Yes, Master, is the Four-winged Whale King of Chaotic Sea,” replied Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign.

“Four-winged Whale King?” Long Qingtian hearing this, then laughed, it was really interesting, it turned out to be this Four-winged Whale King, when he was at Chaotic Sea, he and his son Bi Fang were not too close friends.

Eight Divine-level, plus Martial God Palace thirteen Divine-level, that is twenty-one Divine-level, plus an Ancient God powerhouse, the power of Dragon Flaming Valley even with Ice Soul South Li Supreme Nether Formation is also hard to resist.

“All Elder King, Elder, War General listen to me, and immediately come to the central great hall!” Long Qingtian’s voice spread out and echoed over the all around mountain range, and the powerhouses heard it clearly.

Immediately, Yin Fiend Sect Sect Master Peng Zheng, Blood Demon Sect Sect Master Xue Wuya, Specter Sect Sect Master Zhou Wen and the others all flew to the central great hall.

After a while, all Elder King, Elder, and War General all stood under the great hall, waiting for the life, and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, and Six-winged Purple Phoenix also stood at the top of Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian sat under the throne of the great hall, overlooking the numerous powerhouse, slowly opened the mouth and said: “You are now with me to Sky Blue Continent!” Finished, eyes flash with a cold light, suddenly got up, and instantly flew out Great hall.

It’s time to completely settle all the grievances with the Martial God Palace six factions!

Go to Sky Blue Continent? !

Peng Zheng and the others startled, no one dared to ask anything, and then all flew up, followed Long Qingtian and left the great hall, out of Fiendgod Battlefield South Territory.

Including Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Six-winged Purple Phoenix, four Ancient God, 38 Divine-level, more than 1,600 Saint-level all the way to Sky Blue Continent!

Powerful momentum, dispelling the wind and cloud, let Fiendgod Battlefield all undead monster beast far away.

While Long Qingtian led the South Territory numerous powerhouse back to the Dragon Flaming Valley, within the Martial God Palace sacred realm, a silhouette was flying, the speed was extremely high, and the space was around.

Some flight disciplines haven’t reacted yet, and the silhouette has disappeared from the side, and some even spurred the airflow to fall.

“Senior Brother Lei Haoxuan?!” Some disciples saw this silhouette, could not help but exclaim.

Yes, it is Lei Haoxuan!

At this time, Lei Haoxuan is coming to the mountain where Murong Qian cultivating is located.

“Long Qingtian, hehe.” Lei Haoxuan in flight said: “You didn’t expect, the six halls combined with many Old Ancestor besieged the Dragon Flaming Valley, this time, destroyed the Dragon Flaming Valley, your death is here!”

“I hope you will come back when you are, don’t do coward, hide in which corner!”

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