Long Qingtian See Truthless Church for price, sneered in one’s heart.

“One hundred six hundred thousand.” He sat there, shouting again with a calm face.

Truthless Church, Divine-level Elder, sees Long Qingtian, and suddenly he raises the price again. He is happy, and then to Young Master Wuzhen: “Young Master, look?”

Young Master Wuzhen is also smiled nodded.

According to his estimation, the ten grade 1 spirit vein can auction a hundred 400,000 price even if it is right, and then remove the tax rate, he can get 1.2 million or so.

But now, Long Qingtian actually shouted a hundred six hundred thousand!

This has to be said to be a surprise!

His eyes flashed, and Nine Yang Pill on Long Qingtian was even more than he imagined.

“One million and six hundred twenty thousand !” Truthless Church The Divine-level Elder got the approval of Young Master Wuzhen and shouted at the auction site.

At this time, no one has bid for the entire auction site.

Because, these ten grade 1 spirit vein, up to a hundred 400,000.

However, after the Divine-level Elder of Truthless Church shouted, Long Qingtian did not mean to bid again, but sat there without any movement.

鈥淭en No. 9 VIP room , one million and six hundred twenty thousand , the first time!鈥?At that time, the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing shouted, until the third transaction was called, Long Qingtian still No openings.

Truthless Church Young Master has a face of yin, he even spent one million and six hundred twenty thousand, bought his ten grade 1 spirit vein back? !

He originally took out the ten grade 1 spirit veins for auction because of the lack of Nine Yang Pill, but now, not only did not get Nine Yang Pill, but also pay one million and six hundred twenty thousand!

a path of horrible aura is brewing in his within the body.

The Truthless Church Divine-level Elder looked at the death pale, and then he stunned to Young Master Wuzhen: “Young Master, me, me!”

However, when he just said this, he was swept by the palm and reached the far corner.

Truthless Church Other Elder looked, no one dared to speak.

鈥淲aste, be smart!鈥?Young Master Wuzhen looked coldly at the Truthless Church Divine-level Elder.

“Young Master is the crime of subordinate, Young Master have mercy, Young Master have mercy!” The Truthless Church Divine-level Elder climbed over and panicked.

“hmph, read that you have followed me for many years, this time will spare you.” Young Master Wuzhen said coldy.

“Thank Young Master, Xie Young Master!” The Truthless Church Divine-level Elder looked like a joy, and even earnestly thanked.

“Get up.” Young Master Wuzhen, then turn around, looked towards Long Qingtian at the auction site below, eyes killing intent flashing: “brat, you irritated me, originally, I still don’t bother to kill you like this ant, now, I changed my mind, I have to be hands-on when I arrive!” Speaking of this, his eyes cold glow.

The auction went on. After ten grade 1 spirit veins, several items were auctioned and finally arrived at the auction of Innate Yellow Crystal Iron and chao Yangshuo Iron.

Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing After bringing Innate Yellow Crystal Iron and chao Yangshuo iron to the stage, I introduced Innate Yellow Crystal Iron and chao Yangshuo Iron in detail, and then said the price of the two things. Let the public start bidding to buy.

The Innate Yellow Crystal Iron and the chao Yangshuo Iron are also auctioned together at the starting price of 300,000 Nine Yang Pill.

Innate Yellow Crystal Iron and chao Yangshuo Iron are rare things. They are tool refining Supreme materials. Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing just shouted and started bidding. Immediately someone shouted: “400,000 Nine Yang Pill ! 鈥?/p>

400,000 Nine Yang Pill !

Let the original Patriarch, Supreme Elder, who was eager to bid, look at the past.

“It’s Supreme Elder of the phantom door, Chen Tong!” Someone recognized the person who shouted the price, and couldn’t help but whisper.

“This Chen Tong’s last Crossing Ancient God Tribulation failed. I heard that the weapon was destroyed by the tribulation thunder. It is estimated that I want to buy Innate Yellow Crystal Iron and chao Yangshuo iron and refining the weapon.”

鈥淎ncient God Tribulation is so easy to spend, even if there are Innate Yellow Crystal Iron and chao Yangshuo iron refining weapons, it may not be able to survive.鈥?/p>

Long Qingtian listened to everyone’s argument and looked towards the phantom door Supreme Elder.

Crossing Ancient God Tribulation failed to die? This situation is rare.

Divine-level powerhouse Crossing Ancient God Tribulation, there are generally only two situations, successful promotion or failure, death!

Long Qingtian divine sense sweeps, then nodded, so that’s how it is , this phantom door Supreme Elder Chen copper within the body seals a powerful force, he can cross the Ancient God Tribulation failed without death, it should be relying on this Within the body The power of the seal.

“41 million!” Just after the phantom door Supreme Elder Chen copper voice shouted, a voice came from a VIP room.

Long Qingtian Heavenly Eye works, through the restriction, seeing the VIP room in this VIP room is a youngster dressed in strange costumes, this youngster aura concealed, like Young Master Wuzhen, it is also an Ancient God powerhouse!

“45 million!” phantom door Supreme Elder Chen copper shouted again.

“40 60,000!” The costumed strangester shouted again.

This time, the phantom door Supreme Elder Chen copper could not help but hesitate.

“five hundred thousand!” Finally, he shouted.

“51 million!” The costumes of the strange youngster are not in a hurry, adding 10,000 each time.

The phantom door Supreme Elder Chen copper one’s head, eventually gave up, although he wanted to buy this Innate Yellow Crystal Iron and chao Yangshuo iron, but five hundred thousand Nine Yang Pill is already his whole family.

“Five five thousand!” At this time, another VIP room shouted.

“Fifty and sixty thousand.” Clothing strange youngster frowned, then shouted.

The VIP room was silent, and there was no intention to bid again. The auction site was also silent. Innate Yellow Crystal Iron and chao Yangshuo iron were rare, and it was worth about 400,000. It was beyond five hundred thousand. The average person would not Go to the auction.

“VIP room No. 10, 560,000, first time!” Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing glanced at the scene, and then, when he was about to shout the second time, suddenly a voice sounded: “1 Million !”

“One, 1 million?!”

Everyone was surprised, a while sao moved.

The person who opens is naturally Long Qingtian.

The ten grade 1 spirit vein, he can not, but this Innate Yellow Crystal Iron and chao Yangshuo iron, he is determined to win.

In the VIP room, Young Master Wuzhen see Long Qingtian bidding, eyes yin cold.

The costume strange youngster face se is not good, he didn’t expect Finally, someone came in and he looked at Long Qingtian coldly.

鈥? million, once.鈥?Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing astonished glanced at Long Qingtian and immediately shouted.

“1 million, twice.”

“One hundred and ten thousand!” At this time, the bidding sounds again, but it is not the strange young costume, nor the VIP room, but the auction scene, sitting in another small corner of a gray hair Elderly.

Long Qingtian looked over, and the gray hair elderly also looked over, his eyes smiled.

“Two million.” Long Qingtian screamed indifferently.

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