Long Qingtian took the high-level VIP card from the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing, which was soft and soft.

“Brother Long Qingtian will drop the essence blood into it and refining it.” Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing said with a smile: “It’s our Chamber of Commerce high-level VIP.”

Long Qingtian nodded.

After a while, Long Qingtian came out of the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce, and what makes Long Qingtian wonder is that the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing seems to be really just for the high-level VIP card.

Long Qingtian left the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce and left the Myriad Treasure City. Instead, he rented a du li court directly in a restaurant in Myriad Treasure City. After the formation, the Star Core was taken out.

The Star Core was taken out, space all around rays of light, and the power of Star rushed out, filling the entire du li court space.

Fortunately, Long Qingtian arranged the formation to isolate all around, otherwise everything was alarmed.

Long Qingtian looked at the huge Star Core like a small sun in the sky, sat down and played [Prial Chaos Great Luo Heaven], immediately, the Power of Star in the huge Star Core. Long Qingtian within the body.

If someone is here, they will suddenly find that Long Qingtian’s body is like an endless black hole, no matter how the Power of Star is insanely filled.

The Power of Star in the Star Core is extremely violent, even if it is the Same Divine-level powerhouse, it must be cautiously absorbed, otherwise, don’t say Divine-level powerhouse, even the Ancient God powerhouse will be exploded!

But Long Qingtian doesn’t care about this.

He is fully motivated by the cultivation technique.

Star Power’s Power of Star is like finding a vent, like the Tianhe River, and in the end, these Power of Stars have produced a whistling sound.

And Long Qingtian within the body, with the constant absorption, refining these Power of Star is slowly changing.

I saw that under the Power of Star infusion, Long Qingtian within the body actually condensed a piece of star crystal! Just like the world of a star.

Finally, more and more of these stars are attached to Long Qingtian within the body meridian, internal organs.

When Long Qingtian within the body has more and more stars, these stars have begun to integrate into the Long Qingtian within the body meridian, internal organs.

Just like water seeping into the earth.

Long Qingtian within the body meridian , internal organs constantly devour, blending the crystals of these stars.

At this time, Star Core’s Power of Star spewed faster and faster in the sky, Long Qingtian within the body, emitting a path of stars of the rays of light, the whole person is like a star.

At the same time, on the top of Long Qingtian, a Thunder-element Divine Beast is condensed, and these Thunder-element Divine Beast are also swallowed, and the Power of Star is absorbed into the body.

An hour passed.

Long Qingtian The whole person seems to have completely disappeared. From a distance, there is only one human-shape star that emits a group of stars.

Two hours passed, three hours.

Soon, the day passed.

The aura of Long Qingtian is also getting stronger and stronger. The starbursts emitted by Long Qingtian and all around Spirit Qi have gradually formed a cluster of nebulae, and these nebulae continue to flow.

The entire du li Zhuangyuan space seems to be a haochacha.

One day passed, the Star Core turned out to be a circle!

A Star Core is a life tens of thousands of years, absorbing the life power of the planet for millions of years, Origin Qi, all the Spirit Qi, essence is gradually formed, which contains the number of stars Origin Qi can think about, Like Heavenly God powerhouse, refining, one year can’t refining which 1%!

However, Long Qingtian only took one day to absorb the Star Core’s Power of Star by 10%!

If the Myriad Treasure Chamber of Commerce Supreme Elder Wu Qing, star-robed middle-aged man and the others saw it, I was afraid of being shocked.

Because Long Qingtian absorbs thousands of times faster than Heavenly God powerhouse!

Two days passed.

The entire du li space has been completely submerged by the Power of Star, and a cluster of nebulae floats. Suddenly, it is absorbing a long-lasting aura from the high-powered Power of Star. The nebula is rushing away.

Everywhere this aura goes, everything is destroyed.

Du li Zhuangyuan space has produced a subtle crack!

At this time, Long Qingtian’s whole person aura is completely different from before. Yes, only two days, Long Qingtian reached the Great Ascension early-stage from the Crossing Tribulation late-stage!

Two days!

Simply swearing!

However, Star Core absorbed the severe tens of thousand of years, millions of years of life power, Spirit Qi, Origin Qi, and absorbed 10% by Long Qingtian!

In two days, the breakthrough to the Great Ascension is not a strange thing!

However, Long Qingtian not at all stopped, but continued to absorb the stars Origin Qi in the high-altitude Star Core.

Star Core in the sky is constantly shrinking, and Aura of Long Qingtian is constantly climbing.

Soon, Long Qingtian reached the Great Ascension early-stage Peak!

Six days later, Long Qingtian’s body aura rose again, Great Ascension middle-stage!

Seven days, eight days!

At this time, the Star Core in the sky has been reduced by two-thirds compared with the beginning, and the Power of Star is also weak.

However, even so, the star power contained in it is astonishing.

Ten days passed.

Finally, the Star Core in the sky produced a crack, and finally blasted open, all turned into the most jing pure star power, filled the space.

Long Qingtian absorbed these stars into the body, and after a few hours passed, opened the eyes and eyes, as if countless stars were running, and the stars were violent.

Those Thunder-element Divine Beast were immersed in Long Qingtian within the body, and the lightning was bursting.

It finally recovered to the Great Ascension middle-stage and was infinitely close to the Great Ascension middle-stage Peak!

Ten days ago, Long Qingtian was still a Crossing Tribulation late-stage, and now it is already a Great Ascension middle-stage!

50 million Nine Yang Pill, good value for money!

Long Qingtian lifted the right hand and pressed it against the void, only to see that the space in front was actually pressed out of a space fingerprint!

“en?” At this moment, a jade talisman in the Black Lion Divine Ring shook. Long Qingtian moved in and took the jade talisman out. The divine sense swept away. It turned out to be the Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce Elder Tang Bi. Look for him.

Long Qingtian stood up and flashed directly, and instantly appeared thousands of miles away.


After returning to Great Ascension Stage strength, Long Qingtian within the body True Qi and magic power can break through Space-Time for teleportation!

In the past, Long Qingtian was flying for half an hour, but now, a few breaths can be reached!

Within a city tens of thousands of miles away, Myriad Passage Chamber of Commerce Elder Tang Bi saw the sudden appearance of Long Qingtian, and was shocked: “Master, you!”

“What are you looking for? Is there any news from Ziyue Jingshi?” Long Qingtian did not explain, asked directly.

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