Azure Snake Old Ancestor’s screams echoed in the ears of the old Ancestor and Divine-level powerhouse, and did not dissipate for a long time.

Everyone stood there sullenly, and even Song Zhen, who was in a hurry, looked at Azure Snake Old Ancestor, who was lying there in the distance, and blinked.

All around A silence is silent.

In the distance, the leaves are falling and there is sound.

No one is moving, no one is speaking!

Just when everyone was sluggish, Long Qingtian turned around and walked over to one of Old Ancestor.

Seeing Long Qingtian coming, many Old Ancestor were frightened and couldn’t help but take a step back, and the Old Ancestor was even more terrified. His face was white and he ate: “You, what do you want?!”

“What do I want?” Long Qingtian’s face is indifferent: “What do you say?”

Just now, this ancient God Old Ancestor said that Long Qingtian had to admit his mistake.

“I, I!” The ancient God Old Ancestor stepped back and panicked. “You dare to kill us, aren’t you afraid of Myriad Treasure Divine Sect?”

Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Although there is no ban on the private fight between Guest Elder, there is a limit to everything, and private fight is one thing, but strike to kill the other is another matter.

“Kill you?” Long Qingtian sneer, suddenly flew in a flash, came to the other side, suddenly palm pressed down, shouted: “kneel for me!”

The ancient God Old Ancestor changed his face and slammed into Long Qingtian with a punch and flew back.

But all around many powerhouses were shocked to see that under the Long Qingtian palm, the Ancient God Old Ancestor fist strength was instantly smashed.

“No, you can’t!” The Ancient God Old Ancestor looked terrified at the high-altitude giant palm and threw himself down. The giant palm hadn’t slammed yet, but he felt the giant mounta like terror pressure.

He suddenly found out that the space all around was solidified, and he couldn’t even move the bullets!

“bang!” a shock, his body suddenly shocked, a giant mountain pressed down, let him involuntarily slammed down.

When he knelt down, the ground shook and his knees fell deep into the ground.

All around The ground cracked open.

“Roar!” The Ancient God Old Ancestor eyes blood red, yu struggled, stood up, and sent a wild beast same in the throat.

An Ancient God-level’s Old Ancestor is kneeling in front of a Divine-level 4th layer powerhouse, which is a shame!

In his heart, the killing intent is boundless.

But when he was struggling to stand up, he was scared to find that there was still an invisible giant mountain on the top of his head, which made him unable to stand up, let alone stand up, even if he could not do it half a point.

“Ah!” He screamed, his neck was rising, his fists were clenched, and his bloody serays of light broke out.

“This is the bloody gas that Blood God Treasured Classic cultivating has to a very high realm!”

All around Some Old Ancestor cry out in surprise.

“This Blood God Old Ancestor cultivating is bleeding, and strength is stronger than Azure Snake Old Ancestor!”

Under everyone’s gaze, the Blood God Old Ancestor stood up slowly and slowly separated from the ground with his knees.

Long Qingtian saw sneer, right hand stretched out, rolled over, immediately, and Blood God Old Ancestor, who had just stood up, suddenly slammed down, and this time he got deeper and his knees fell into the ground. .

Blood God Old Ancestor eyes Red, yu wants to stand up again, but this time, no matter how much, it can’t stand up again, even if it is bleeding.

His lower back bow became a semi-circular shape, like a bow that was about to break.

Long Qingtian didn’t pay any attention to the Blood God Old Ancestor, turned around and looked towards all around Old Ancestor.

All around Old Ancestor See Long Qingtian looked over, no fear of retreating, at this time, Long Qingtian in their eyes, is a horrible fiend.

Long Qingtian looked at the horror of the everyone, coldly snorted, flew in a flash, and fell into one of the palaces, all around Old Ancestor, like avoided a catastrophe, not sighed in relief.

They touched their foreheads, all cold sweats.

After a while, everyone looked at each other in dismay, and then looked towards Azure Snake Old Ancestor lying there and Blood God Old Ancestor there, silent.

“This Long Chen bully intolerably! With strength, the shot is too heavy!” An Old Ancestor couldn’t help but anger.

But no one interfaces.

Bully intolerably ? !

This is Azure Snake Old Ancestor, and can only blame Azure Snake Old Ancestor.

However, everyone thought of this matter, could not help but chill.

Divine-level 4th layer defeats Ancient God 2nd layer !

Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, for thousands of years, I am afraid this is the first case? ! This can only be described as peerless monstrous talent.

After a while, an ancient God Old Ancestor who had a relationship with Azure Snake Old Ancestor hesitated and walked up to Azure Snake Old Ancestor, who was healed, only when he lifted Azure Snake Old Ancestor When True Qi was entered into Azure Snake Old Ancestor, suddenly a fearful temperament was sent from Azure Snake Old Ancestor, which shocked him back and forth.

Other people see it, not by startled, the Old Ancestor is even more dazed: “This is?!”

“It’s that Long Chen stays in Azure Snake Old Ancestor’s body strength?!” An Old Ancestor blurted.

Everyone looks at each other, can’t believe, shocked.

Long Qingtian’s fatigue strength actually stays in Azure Snake Old Ancestor 〖body〗? !

From now until now, it has been a long time since the beginning and the fatigue strength is left in Azure Snake Old Ancestor 〖body〗!

Everyone can’t help but think of Long Qingtian’s punch to Azure Snake Old Ancestor, Shaking Heaven Fist? ! Previously, they had never heard of this boxing method.

“Shaking Heaven Fist? Is it the punch of the ancient era Shaking Heaven Elderly?” an Old Ancestor wondered.

Shaking Heaven Elderly is a very strong powerhouse with an ancient era strength. In the ancient era, the name impressive, its reputation not only shocks Scarlet Cheng Star Territory more than 1,700 Plane, even the star territory of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory all around The powerhouse is also known as Shaking Heaven Elderly.

“No, I heard that Shaking Heaven Elderly is a fist technique, not a boxing method.” An Ancient God Old Ancestor shook his head.

“Maybe this Shaking Heaven Elderly has created a boxing method? Is this Long Chen found the cave mansion he left cultivating?” Another Ancient God Old Ancestor opened the mouth and said.

Everyone is suspicious.

This is not necessarily true, because Shaking Heaven Fist and Shaking Heaven Elderly’s slap in the palm, the name is too close, and no wonder everyone can go to suspicion.

“That Azure Snake Old Ancestor, he?!” said an ancient God Old Ancestor.

“We still use this matter to let people report to Wu Cheng and Xuan Ye and let them come over.”

“It can only be like this!”

Song Zhen and other Divine-level powerhouses listened to a lot of Ancient God Old Ancestor in the distance, watching Azure Snake Old Ancestor and Blood God Old Ancestor, the heart is more complicated.

At this time, leaving Wu Cheng and Xuan Ye are respectfully standing on a great hall of Myriad Treasure Divine Sect, waiting for someone to come.

Just after Wu Cheng and Xuan Ye respectfully waited for a long time, outside the great hall, slowly flew into a woman, only to see this woman’s skin as a gelatin, dressed in white se peony soft yarn, beautiful eyes between the flow, such as Qing Fluctuating people, there are three points in the purity of pure, two points charming.

When the woman flew into the great hall and sat down at the great hall, Wu Cheng and Xuan Ye both respectfully: “pay respect to young lady !”

This woman is Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun !

“Excluded.” Xu Yuyun spoke, sounding like a bead, crisp and clear.

Wu Cheng and Xuan Ye both stood up.

“How was the Guest Elder recruited this time?” Xu Yuyun then started asking.

“reporting to miss, great!” Wu Cheng hearing this, respected with a smile.

“Oh, big happiness?” Xu Yuyun was puzzled.

“Yeah, young lady, this time we recruited a Divine Craftsman Master!” Xuan Ye also came forward with a smile.

“What?! Divine Craftsman Master?!” Xu Yuyun was originally surprised by the calm face, and couldn’t help but stand up from the seat and look good.

“Yes, young lady, and, more than Divine Craftsman Master early-rank!” Wu Cheng continued.

“More than Divine Craftsman Master early-rank?!” Xu Yuyun is even more surprised.

“This person can not only control the Flame of Heaven and Earth, but also no need cauldron tool refining.” Wu Cheng went on to say: “This is the large blade that he previously refining in front of us.” When it comes to this, Wu Cheng will be the one. The snake blade was taken out and the hands were sent up.

Xu Yuyun took a photo and seized the snake blade in his hand. The hand sank, startled, and the gaze gazing at the large blade. I saw a large blade blade with a path of cold light. Sound, like roaring dragon.

“Saint-grade top-rank, right.” Xu Yuyun nodded.

“young lady, this blade is only Saint-grade top-rank, but its formidable power is stronger than the same Saint-grade top-rank, it can easily cut gold silk.” Xuan Ye sees Xu Yuyun light expression, for fear that it does not know Its forformable power, says: “And he refining this large blade before and after it took less than an hour!”

“No, less than an hour?!” Xu Yuyun couldn’t believe to see Wu Cheng and Xuan Ye both respectfully nodded.

Xu Yuyun took a deep breath.

In less than an hour, refining a Saint-grade top-rank weapon!

“This, is it possible?!” Xu Yuyun, though unbelievable, knows that Wu Cheng and Xuan Ye are afraid to deceive her with this matter.

“You talked to me about this person, but also, he refining the tool!” After a while, Xu Yuyun asked.

“Yes, young lady.” Wu Cheng and Xuan Ye both respectfully agreed, so the two will report everything to Long Qingtian to Xu Yuyun.

“Wait, what are you talking about? This Long Chen is just a Divine-level 4th layer powerhouse ?!” Xu Yuyun was surprised to hear that Wu Cheng said that Long Qingtian was just a Divine-level 4th layer powerhouse.

What surprised her today is only more than what she has surprised her in the past 100 years.

“Yes, true lady, this Long Chen is just a Divine-level 4th layer, but the four-round competition is easy to beat the opponent, and his opponent is the Divine-level 7th layer Peak powerhouse.” Wu Cheng said.

“Divine-level 4th layer, beat Divine-level 7th layer Peak!” Xu Yuyun blinks.

“right, young lady, this Long Chen strength is very strong.” Xuan Ye said: “I think even the Ancient God 1st layer powerhouse is a bit difficult to beat this Long Chen.”

“Beat?” Xu Yuyun noticed the wording of Xuan Ye.

In general, Ancient God powerhouse can easily strike to kill Divine-level 7th layer Peak powerhouse, but now it is not strike to kill, even defeating a Divine-level 4th layer powerhouse is difficult?

Is the Long Chen of the Divine-level 4th layer not infinitely close to the Ancient God 1st layer powerhouse strength?

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