Xu Yuyun, Wu Cheng and Xuan Ye followed the eyes of Song Zhen and the others and also looked towards the palace where Long Qingtian is located.

Wu Cheng and Xuan Ye looked at each other and immediately frowned. They came to Miss Xu Yuyun. Long Qingtian must know, but did not come out to meet? !

At this time, Wu Cheng came forward and said to the palace where Long Qingtian is located: “Brother Long Chen, our young lady is coming, please!” However, he just said this, suddenly the silhouette flashed and one stood. In front of him, Wu Cheng was shocked and took a step back.

He looked at it, it was Long Qingtian.

However, his heart is in vain.

Because, how Long Qingtian appeared in front of him, he could not see it at all.

This seems to be the spatial movement of Heavenly God powerhouse, but it doesn’t seem like it!

After Long Qingtian came out, she looked towards the Scarlet Cheng Star Territory number one genius Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun. He entered the Myriad Treasure Divine Sect to see the Xu Yuyun and get the other Nine Phoenix Sword.

Therefore, Long Qingtian not at all is going to be low-key.

Because of the low-key, fundamentally impossible to have the opportunity to see this Xu Yuyun, let alone see, even the attention caused by Xu Yuyun is impossible.

So before he refining the tool, he showed his hand, and his serious injury Azure Snake Old Ancestor, the punishment of Blood God Old Ancestor, is actually to show the Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun.

Sure enough, this Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun came in person.

“en?!” However, when Long Qingtian looked towards Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun, she suddenly looked shocked and the eyes seemed to see incredible things.

Primordial Chaos Great Dao Body !

It turned out to be Primordial Chaos Great Dao Body!

This Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun turned out to be Primordial Chaos Great Dao Body ! It’s not the Innate Great Divine Body that Tang Bi said earlier!

Innate Great Divine Body surprised Long Qingtian, but not enough to shock his Celestial Venerable, but when he discovered that Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun turned out to be the legendary Primordial Chaos Great Dao Body between heaven and earth. shocked!

And it is shockingly abnormal!

Between heaven and earth, some people are born with special physique, these physique, high and low, strong and weak, Innate Great Divine Body is undoubtedly a very strong physique, but the Primordial Chaos Great Dao Body is not taller than the Innate Great Divine Body How many thousand times!

Among the Immortal Realm, except Long Qingtian. The other four Celestial Venerables were born at the end of the world, primordial chaos primal chaos, born with Body of Primal Chaos!

For example, Celestial Venerable Zhu Rong is the Primal Chaos Fire Spirit Body!

Body of Primal Chaos, between heaven and earth, Peak physique! But there are three more physiques between heaven and earth than Body of Primal Chaos, one of which is Primordial Chaos Great Dao Body!

This Primordial Chaos Great Dao Body was born. Within the body, you have the Qi of Primordial Chaos! In general, only the Qi of Primal Chaos, which is infinitely close to the Celestial Venerable powerhouse within the body of Realm of Primordial Saint, will gradually be converted into Qi of Primordial Chaos.

However, the person who owns the Primordial Chaos Great Dao Body has a Qi of Primordial Chaos at birth, but how many defying heaven!

With Qi of Primordial Chaos, the speed of cultivation speed is unparalleled, and it is difficult for this Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun cultivating to reach the Ancient God 7th layer Peak in less than a hundred years.

If it is not limited by this Scarlet Cheng Star Territory Spirit Qi, in Divine Realm, I am afraid that it has already reached God King!

Moreover, this is not the real defying heaven of the Primordial Chaos Great Dao Body.

Like Celestial Venerable Zhu Rong with the Primal Chaos Fire Spirit Body, proving the Dao and becoming a Saint. Only 30% hope, but this Primordial Chaos Great Dao Body has reached 60%!

In other words, if this Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun has not died in the future, 90% hopes to become Celestial Venerable, 60% hopes to break through to the primordial, and achieve the saint!

Long Qingtian was shocked by the Myriad Treasure Divine Sect young lady’s own Primordial Chaos Great Dao Body, but in the eyes of everyone, she only saw Long Qingtian coming out and stared at the face of Myriad Treasure Divine Sect young lady.

Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun See Long Qingtian has been staring at himself. It’s also awkward. She is the first Divine Sect young lady. Even Scarlet Cheng Territory Residence doesn’t dare to look at him so rudely. This is the first time someone dares to look at her like this!

She willow brows wrinkle.

Wu Cheng and Xuan Ye both coughed.

“Brother Long Chen, this is our young lady.” Wu Cheng opened the door again.

Long Qingtian nodded.

Wu Cheng and Xuan Ye See Long Qingtian, just nodded, no intention to salute their young lady, just about to speak. Xu Yuyun opened the mouth and said : “As Your Excellency, enter our Myriad Treasure Divine Sect, shouldn’t it be just for the name of our Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Guest Elder and the point of Nine Yang Pill?”

indeed. Others may be the title of Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Guest Elder, but as long as the Long Qingtian Divine Craftsman Master, don’t care.

As for the point of Nine Yang Pill every month, it is even more usable.

Wu Cheng, Xuan Ye, and Heaven Destroying Old Ancestor, Song Zhen and the others are all looked toward towards Long Qingtian.

“right.” Long Qingtian looked calmly said: “I want your sabre, Nine Phoenix Sword.”

When Long Qingtian’s words came out, everyone was surprised, looked towards Long Qingtian, and the face was colorful.

Nine Phoenix Sword is Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun loves the sword, always keeps the sword away, once Myriad Treasure Divine Sect God King, whose father will make fun of her, then she said that she can find a partner later. People, then she will give Nine Phoenix Sword to each other.

This, many powerhouses are aware of it.

Long Qingtian now wants the sword of Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun, isn’t it? !

Song Zhen secretly gave a thumbs up for Long Qingtian. Although he admired Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun, he dared to be so direct. He dared to face Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun. Sword, the entire Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, I am afraid that only Long Qingtian is alone!

All around For a moment, the atmosphere becomes that.

Xu Yuyun hearing this startled, and then smiled, this smile, Wanhua splendid, heaven and earth lost se, admiring Song Yu and the others from Xu Yuyun could not help but see the eyes straight.

Xu Yuyun smiled for a while, stopped and looked at Long Qingtian, not angry, said: “I want my sabre, Nine Phoenix Sword, it is not impossible.”

All around everyone sluggish, the chin almost fell.

Song Zhen and the others who admire Xu Yuyun are even dumbfounded.

Listening to the words of Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun, is it agreed with Long Qingtian’s “pursuit”? !

“Two months later, our Scarlet Cheng Star Territory will hold a Tool Refinement Great Competition. If you can win first in this Tool Refinement Great Competition, I will give you this Nine Phoenix Sword!” Next, Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun.

“Tool Refinement Great Competition?” Long Qingtian frowned.

“right, this Tool Refinement Great Competition is the largest Tool Refinement Great Competition held by our Scarlet Cheng Star Territory in the past ten years. At that time, not only our Scarlet Cheng Star Territory’s Tool Refining Master, but even Scarlet Cheng Star Territory Some of the surrounding star territory Tool Refining Master will also come to the competition.” Xu Yuyun continued.

“Good!” Long Qingtian nodded and said.

Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun See Long Qingtian, almost without thinking, promised, startled, opened the mouth and said: “However, if you can’t get the first, then you will become my Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Supreme Elder!”

Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Supreme Elder, which means to play for Myriad Treasure Divine Sect forever, that is, when she is a slave to Xu Yuyun, just like Wu Cheng and Xuan Ye and the others!

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