“Silly daughter, father. This has been to Realm of Heavenly God for many years. The total impulse has stayed in Scarlet Cheng Star Territory.” Xu Kai said: ‘And I have a hunch, I am ascending to Divine Realm, I am afraid that it will be two years! In general, Heavenly God powerhouse can’t stay in the lower-grade space like Scarlet Cheng Star Territory. However, some Heavenly God powerhouses use the secret technique to suppress their cultivâtion bâse and keep themselves.

Of course, this suppression is not indefinite. The longer the suppression, the greater the space pressure. When the space pressure of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory reaches a peak, Xu Kai can only leave Scarlet Cheng Star Territory, ascending to Divine. Realm.

Although Xu Yuyun also knows this matter, he heard that Xu Kai said that he would ascending to Divine Realm in the past two years, and his heart was still in vain.

Xu Kai said with a smile : ‘good , Yun’er , no need to be sad for the Father , not to hurt , you are now chanting Ancient God 7th layer Peak , with your innate talent , another hundred years , I am afraid that I can break through to Heavenly God. At that time, our father and daughter can meet at Divine Realm. ”

Xu Yuyun nodded, the sadness in my heart is a little lighter.

‘However, that Long Chen. Xu Kai said in a tone and said: ‘For the father, I can’t see this person.”

‘father can’t see this person too? ! Xu Yuyun was a little surprised.

Xu Kai pondered and said : ‘this person is unfathomable. ”

Xu Yuyun is even more shocked and unfathomable? ! His father didn’t have such a high rating for the Territory Lord Residence Residence Lord!

‘this Long Chen, he wants your Nine Phoenix Sword, it should not be that simple. After a while, Xu Kai continued.

‘Not so simple spoon! Father, are you saying? ! “Xu Yuyun is beautiful.”

Xu Kai nodded.

Xu Yuyun willow brows wrinkle, her heart is somewhat lost. If her father said it is true, that Long Chen wants her Nine Phoenix Sword, isn’t it interesting to her? !

Xu Kai sees it, hehe smiles: ‘Yun’er, this is only the guess of father, but that Long Chen should also know the meaning of Nine Phoenix Sword. Since he does not explain at all, it is enough to prove that he is right. You are not at all excluded. ”

Xu Yuyun nodded, said: ‘Know, father, that, Nine Phoenix Sword, I scoop! ”

‘He wants Nine Phoenix Sword, it should be of great use, so you will send Nine Phoenix Sword to him tomorrow, no matter what Long Chen really means to you, but as long as he accepts your Nine Phoenix Sword, then in Scarlet Cheng Star In the eyes of Territory, he accepted you! Xu Kai said: ‘He was the son-in-law of my Myriad Treasure God King, and this is something that cannot be changed.”

‘father, you. Xu Yuyun is a little ashamed.

‘good, that father doesn’t say this matter. “Xu Kai said with a smile, the tone is a bit low, the voice is a bit low: ‘Recently you should pay attention to Territory Lord Residence!”

‘Territory Lord Residence ! Xu Yuyun said.

‘I have always felt uneasy in my heart, worried about the conspiracy of Ke Jin’s old man. “Xu Kai pondered and said :” And I got the news that Hell Demon Race will attack our Scarlet Cheng Star Territory !”

‘Hell Demon Race offensive to our Scarlet Cheng Star Territory! Xu Yuyun startled, pretty face discoloration.

Xu Kai nodded: ‘This Demon Race attack, I am afraid of Scarlet Cheng Star Territory more than 1,700 Plane, countless Sect, family, Dynasty are drowned in the long river of history, so Yun’er, you transmit an order From now on, let Myriad Treasure Divine Sect elders, Supreme Elder strengthen defense, and open Sect’s defense great formation at any time! ”

‘Yes, father, I know! Xu Yuyun’s face is dignified.

‘there’s one more thing! Xu Kai said: ‘I found out the ancient period, the site of Mortal Divine Sect!’

‘ancient, the ruins of Mortal Divine Sect! “Xu Yuyun startled.

This Tool Refinement Great Competition, the Great Emperor Mortal Hand used by Huo Du is the tool refinement hand art of the ancient period Mortal Great Emperor, and the Mortal Great Emperor is the Sect Master of the ancient Mortal Divine Sect.

Xu Kai nodded and said : ‘I want to sit in Sect, so I plan to go to the ruins of Mortal Divine Sect, but I will let Black Dragon go with you. At this time, Xu Kai read a mysterious ancient sound to the void. In the void, the black glow flashed and a black clothed middle-aged man appeared.

This black clothed middle-aged man is everywhere, impressively a Heavenly God powerhouse!

‘God King, you call me, I don’t know what’s the door.” black clothed middle-aged man After the arrival, said respectfully.

‘Senior Black Dragon ! “See black clothed middle-aged man, Xu Yuyun stepped forward respectfully.

Black clothed middle-aged man nodded.

Next, Xu Kai told the black clothed middle-aged man about the Mortal Divine Sect site.

Black clothed middle-aged man Black Dragon hearing this ,said respectfully : ‘Please God King be at ease, go to the Mortal Divine Sect site, I must protect the young lady safely back! ”

Xu Kai said: ‘With you at Yun’er, I am at ease. When it comes to this, Xu Kai turns to the first: ‘Yun’er, you are ready for the next two days, then go to the Mortal Divine Sect site, but this Mortal Divine Sect site is in Death Territory, you have to be careful.” Xu Kai said This, the hands of light in the hands of a flash, holding a bo if the flap of the gods: ‘This floating god armor, you put on when you arrive. ”

‘father, this! Xu Yuyun looked at the gods in front of him, hesitantly said.

This floating god is her mother left to her father, she knows that her father regards this floating god armor as the other half life.

Xu Kai shaked one’s head, said: ‘You no need to say more. Speaking of this, he sighed: ‘You mother, I am afraid I will not come back, but there is a feeling that your mother should not die yet.”

‘mother is still not dead! “Xu Yuyun is beautiful.”

‘right. “Xu Kai nodded and said.”

Later, Xu Kai and Xu Yuyun told some things about the Mortal Divine Sect site. After the Black Dragon, Xu Yuyun and black clothed left the Soul Qi Space.

One day later, Myriad Treasure Divine Mountain was opening eyes from the cultivating Long Qingtian, exhaled a mouthful of impure air.

Tool Refinement Great Competition In the past, he found that his cultivâtion bâse has been refined.

At this time, a splitting voiid sound came from a distance, Long Qingtian looked at it, it was the Myriad Treasure Divine Sect Miss Xu Yuyun.

Long Qingtian stood up and came outside the great hall. Xu Yuyun flew down and saw Long Qingtian standing outside the great hall. He couldn’t help but squat to Long Qingtian, looking at Long Qingtian, but no Opening.

Long Qingtian was stared at by Xu Yuyun.

Just when Long Qingtian wanted to speak, Xu Yuyun suddenly took out a long sword. The long sword was forced by cold light. The sword was on top of it. There were nine phoenixes, nine phoenixes, and different shapes.

After Xu Yuyun took Nine Phoenix Sword out, he stroked the blade and looked at his eyes. Fainly said: ‘This Nine Phoenix Sword has been with me for nearly a hundred years. Speaking of this, the jade hand sent Nine Phoenix Sword to Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian hesitated and took over Nine Phoenix Sword.

After Long Qingtian took over Nine Phoenix Sword, Xu Yuyun turned and left, but she suddenly stopped and said, ‘I want to ask you. ”

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