Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and the others Unexpected Long Qingtian is not going to Chaotic Sea, but going to Desolate Wilderness Continent, and Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple Founder Wu Yu, Wu Qian are also startled.

“Wu Yu, Wu Qian.” At this time, Long Qingtian turned to the first.

“Subordinate is in!” The two of them tightened and quickly stood up and respectfully.

“We are now past Desolate Wilderness Continent.” Long Qingtian said, suddenly standing up, eyes cold glow flashed, he went to Desolate Wilderness Continent this time, not only to rectify the Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple, but to truly unify the Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple, and also To eradicate Ice Mountain Sea Territory, completely unify the Desolate Wilderness Continent!

Ice Mountain Sea Territory !

Long Qingtian, but I remember clearly that I saved the Ice Mountain Sea Territory island powerhouse from Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple Wu Yu, Wu Qian and the others, while the Su Family Old Ancestor 12 people were ungrateful, and they will fight for their own towers. Fire divine sword, even have to break a few of their own Qi Sea!

All this, Long Qingtian remembers clearly!

Now past Desolate Wilderness Continent? Wu Yu, Wu Qian and the others startled, and then respectfully agreed.

“Master, then we?!” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

Long Qingtian pondered and said : “Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign , Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat with me, Four-winged Whale King, stay with Martial God Palace, if you have anything, feel free to report to me!”

“Yes, Master!”

Then, Long Qingtian waved her hands, and a group of rays of light shrouded Wu Yu, Wu Qian, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and the others, and then the rays of light flashed, Long Qingtian and the others disappeared. In the great hall.

“Spatial movement?!” looked at Long Qingtian, Wu Yu, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and the others all disappeared into the great hall, Four-winged Whale King, Ice Snow Giant Dragon and the others exclaimed.

Four-winged Whale King, Ice Snow Giant Dragon, One Sword Sect Sect Master Zhong Mu and the others, look at each other in dismay.

The Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, Wu Yu and the others are even more shocked. They only feel soar into the clouds and mount the mists. The body continues to shuttle Space-Time, and a horrible hurricane keeps rushing from them. Passed by.

“Spatial storm !” Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign was amazed.

Spatial storm, this is what happens when Heavenly God powerhouse flies, but what about them now? !

Everyone opened their eyes, only saw the front, and all around, all of them were spatial turbulence.

Just when they were shocked, suddenly, the spatial storm disappeared, the space all around disappeared, and everyone stopped.

“Desolate Wilderness City !” Suddenly, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign looked at a huge city below, cry out in surprise.

When they came out of Evil God Peak, they arrived at the huge city of Desolate Wilderness Continent myself, and they later contradicted the Prosperous Wealth Chamber of Commerce in the city.

Just for a while, they came to Desolate Wilderness Continent from Sky Blue Continent across Chaotic Sea and Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield. !

I heard the Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign exclaimed, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat looked and recognized the Desolate Wilderness City Wu Yu they had stayed in, Wu Qian and the others successively recognized the city below is Desolate Wilderness Continent near Ancient Fiendgod Battlefield’s city.

“Wu Yu.” Just as Wu Yu and the others were shocked, Long Qingtian’s voice rose.

“At, Master!” Wu Yu reacted back and hurryed forward.

“Desolate Wilderness Divine Palace is in the extreme east of Desolate Wilderness Continent,” asked Long Qingtian.

“Yes, Master, our Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple’s Desolate Wilderness Divine Palace is on the Barbarian God Peak in the Desolate Wilderness Continent.” Wu Yu replied with respect.

Long Qingtian nodded Then, with a wave of hands, a group of rays of light shrouded Wu Yu, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and the others and then disappeared again.

Wu Yu, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat and the others Once again, they went into the clouds and mount the mists. Looking at the spatial storm that reappeared, everyone was surprised again.

After a while, Long Qingtian stopped.

This time, I haven’t waited for Long Qingtian to open. Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple Founder Wu Yu will come forward and respectfully: “Master, not far from Barbarian God Peak, a thousand miles away from here!” .

“A thousand miles?” Long Qingtian nodded.

Since there is only a thousand miles, Long Qingtian has not carried the transients of everyone, but let Wu Yu, Wu Qian and the others lead the way.

Not long after, Long Qingtian saw the huge Barbarian God Peak.

From a distance, the Barbarian God Peak is extremely large, and the whole mountain is covered with a strange aura. This aura, Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign is very familiar, but is the aura of Barbarian God’s Hammer.

“Master, there is a lot of formation on top of this Barbarian God Peak, which was laid out by our Desolate Wilderness Old Ancestor. So, above the Barbarian God Peak, we have the aura of our Desolate Wilderness Old Ancestor.” Wu Yu explained.

Wu Yu explained and flew to Barbarian God Peak with Long Qingtian.

Everyone flew to the Desolate Wilderness Divine Palace at the summit of Barbarian God Peak.

Standing in front of the Desolate Wilderness Divine Palace, Long Qingtian looked at the Desolate Wilderness Divine Palace in front of the peerless oast, and asked, “Is this Desolate Wilderness Divine Palace also your Desolate Wilderness Old Ancestor refining that year?”

“Yes, Master!” Wu Yu replied respectfully.

Long Qingtian inwardly nodded, this Desolate Wilderness Divine Palace appearance is generally “ugly.” But its refining method is right, containing a variety of attack formation and defensive-type formation.

In this lower-grade plane, it is the right tool refinement technique, which is much better than the Huo Du of Chaotic Star Territory in Tool Refinement Great Competition.

“pay respect to Founder, deputy Founder!” At this time, Guardian in front of Desolate Wilderness Divine Palace saw Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple Founder Wu Yu, Wu Qian, and hurryed forward to worship.

“You, come pay respect to Master!” Wu Yu saw, eager to crystal.

The dozens of Guardians heard this, looked up, and looked surprised. Obviously, they didn’t respond at the moment, or they didn’t understand what Wu Yu meant.

“Master, subordinate guard is slow, but also the Master is to punish!” When the dozens of Guardians were shocked, Wu Yu turned to the front, said Long Qingtian.

The dozens of Guardian eyes are looking towards Long Qingtian.

Master ? !

They Founder called this black-haired youngster for the Master? ! This!

“You, don’t come over pay respect to Master?!” At this moment, Wu Qian also shouted.

The dozen or so Guardians looked sluggish.

“Hey, see, Master!” Although I haven’t fully figured out what’s going on, one of the Guardians is still paying respect to Long Qingtian.

Other Guardians have seen it, and they have followed.

“Get up.” Long Qingtian is two people to Wu Yu and Wu Qian.

Wu Yu, Wu Qian, and Desolate Wilderness Divine Temple, the ten Supreme Elder hearing this, sighed in relief, respectfully agreed, and then stood up.

“Master, please!” Wu Yu stood up and asked Long Qingtian to enter the Desolate Wilderness Divine Palace.

Long Qingtian and Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat walked into Desolate Wilderness Divine Palace, Wu Yu, Wu Qian, and then those Guardians stood still, look at each other in dismay.

After entering the great hall, Long Qingtian sat on the throne of the great hall.

“Master, I have already passed all the Supreme Elders, Elder came to the great hall, and the Master waited a moment, they will arrive soon!” Under the great hall, Wu Yu said respectfully.

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