Under the watchful eye of Five Emperors, Five Emperors Immortal Sect Sect Master Lin Cheng, Young Sect Master Lin Jiang, a black-haired youngster rides a small Earth Bear to tear the void and appears in front of everyone.

Seeing the appearance of the coming, Five Emperors suddenly had big eyes and then looked terrified. Finally, they were finally pale, and the whole body trembled, and some of their legs were unstable.

“Big, big, Roro!” Boss Lin De seems to have seen a ghost, eating and eating, the tongue is like being pressed by a stone, how to lift it raises no raise.

At this time, the Five Emperors Immortal Sect Young Sect Master Lin Jiang startled and said: “Long Qingtian ?!” He obviously did not expect Extinguishing Star Immortal Sect that inner disciple Long Qingtian appeared here!

Five Emperors Five people heard that Lin Jiang said that the five people’s minds were all loud.

“Dragon, Long Qingtian!”

“Extinguishing Star Immortal Sect that abandoned Gui Longyi right hand and the inner leg of the left leg?!”

At this time, the five people all understood in an instant, why an Extinguishing Star Immortal Sect inner disciple dared to abolish Gui Longyi, the Returning Void Palace Young Palace Lord! Why Gui Longyi, Chen Fei and the others will be killed on the loop! And why, Du Shi, Lin Yuan, Hong Yudan and the others are all gone!

The reason is this Extinguishing Star Immortal Sect inner disciple Long Qingtian !

As for Extinguishing Star Immortal Sect Supreme Elder Huo Gang, it is not stupid to protect this Long Qingtian, nor because of this Long Qingtian’s enchanting innate talent!

The five understood, but Five Emperors Immortal Sect Young Sect Master Lin Jiang said to Five Emperors: “Old Ancestor, who is Extinguishing Star Immortal Sect, that inner disciple Long Qingtian! It is his act recklessly abolished the Returning Void Palace Young Palace Lord Gui Longyi right hand and left leg!”

Five Emperors Five people are getting this, and their faces are whiter.

Five Emperors Immortal Sect The current Sect Master Lin Cheng saw some unusual look at the five faces of Five Emperors. He wondered: “Old Ancestor, are you? This Long Qingtian, we?!”

Just before his words were finished, he saw five people from Five Emperors suddenly slamming down to Long Qingtian.

“Disciple glimpse of Great Luo Celestial Venerable!” Five Emperors Five people said respectfully.

Lin Cheng and Lin Jiang were both stunned by the primal chaos, and they were all stiff and their minds temporarily lost their minds.

“Gr-Great Luo Celestial Venerable?!” After the sluggishness, the two people looked up towards Long Qingtian with incredible faces.

This Extinguishing Star Immortal Sect inner disciple Long Qingtian turned out to be Great Luo Celestial Venerable!

Immortal Realm was once one of the Five Great Celestial Venerables, and the strength of the strong is almost the best Luo Celestial Venerable of the Dao Primordial Saint!

Great Luo Celestial Venerable is not proving the Dao failure, is it fallen? !

After the two of them suddenly, the thoughts of this mind can not help but in fact, let alone two people, even the Five Emperors can not believe it, but also have this idea.

“Disciple?” Long Qingtian looked at the Five Emperors who had bowed down and said: “Did you not contribute to Minghe? Also called “disciple” to me? Don’t you fear that Minghe knows?”

Five Emperors Five people bowed, zhi zhi 唔唔, his face turned red.

“Disciple thinks Great Luo Celestial Venerable, you have fallen, so, so.” Boss Lin De trembled: “So.” Speaking of this, he said in a tone: “Actually, the discipline let the junior disciple Lin Jiang worship the Black Emperor. Teacher, for another purpose, the discipline is absolutely not afraid to bully the ancestors, betray the Great Luo Celestial Venerable !”

Long Qingtian’s face was calm: “So, I misunderstood you? But what about your reward?”

“Don’t dare, don’t dare, disciple dare!” Lin De five people opened the mouth and said.

“Don’t dare?” Long Qingtian looked towards Five Emperors Immortal Sect is currently Sect Master Lin Cheng and Young Sect Master Lin Jiang.

Lin De saw this and shouted both Lin Cheng and Lin Jiang: “impudent, brazen! You don’t hurry to pay respect to Great Luo Celestial Venerable?!” and then turn to Long Qingtian said: “They don’t know Great Luo Celestial Venerable you. I am offended by the Great Luo Celestial Venerable and I am also pleased with Great Luo Celestial Venerable!”

But then Lin Jiang’s voice sounded: “Old Ancestor, this Great Luo Celestial Venerable must prove the Dao failure, the power is lost, so to recultivating, now he is just a little Extinguishing Star Immortal Sect inner disciple, why should we be afraid He? There is no need to kneel at him!”

Five Emperors Five people, his face changed, but the unexpected not at all reopened to Lin Jiang.

At this time, Lin Jiang continued: “He is a little Extinguishing Star Immortal Sect inner disciple. When you meet Old Ancestor, you should kneel down to you!”

Five Emperors Five faces are colorful.

Let the former Great Luo Celestial Venerable kneel down to them? !

Five Emperors Immortal Sect Sect Master Lin Cheng is also opened the mouth and said: “right, Old Ancestor, Jiang’er is right, he used to be Great Luo Celestial Venerable, and if there is Great Luo Celestial Venerable strength, we are next to him. Nothing, but now his strength is completely lost, recultivating, no longer Great Luo Celestial Venerable, we don’t have to be afraid of him!”

Lin Jiang went on to say: “Old Ancestor, if we capture this Long Qingtian and ask for his cultivating cultivation technique, Old Ancestor cultivating, maybe after the position of Celestial Venerable!”

Five Emperors Five people eyes bright.

Great Luo Celestial Venerable cultivating cultivation technique, [Pripal Chaos Great Luo Heaven], one of the most top-level cultivation techniques of the entire immortal Realm, which really has to be said to be a huge temptation for five people!

“In addition, after we asked him about the cultivating cultivation technique, you can also dedicate this Long Qingtian to Celestial Venerable Minghe, Celestial Venerable Minghe. If you know that this Long Qingtian is still alive, you must be overjoyed! We will offer it, and we will definitely get Celestial Venerable Minghe. Appreciation, maybe Celestial Venerable Minghe will also receive five Old Ancestor for direct disciple !”

Five Emperors Five people’s eyes continue to shine.

“Jiang’er is right, Old Ancestor, this Long Qingtian is just a Celestial Venerable that fails the Dao, and Celestial Venerable Minghe is a real Celestial Venerable.” Lin Cheng said: “Since this Long Qingtian walking right into a Trap, we must not miss this opportunity!”

Five Emperors Five people looked at each other and then slowly stood up.

Lin Jiang turned to Long Qingtian sneered and said : “Long Qingtian, do you think you are still a Great Luo Celestial Venerable? I thought that when you come over, will our Old Ancestor return to you again? Then you will rate Five Emperors Immortal Sect to you. ?”

Five Emperors Although the five people stood up, but not at all how to move, but the divine sense covered the entire Five Emperors Immortal Country, five people found no abnormalities, heart relaxed.

However, the five people know that Qingtian will not come so unsure, and he will definitely have a backhand. Long Qingtian will definitely consider the possibility of five people being alienated.

Lin De blinked, and finally the eyes fell to Long Qingtian, sitting down and riding the little Earth Bear.

Lin Chen and Lin Qi also almost all of their eyes fell on Long Qingtian’s little Earth Bear mount.

Although the five people knew Life Seizing Immortal Monarch Pan Xiaoer, but they didn’t know Pan Xiaoer’s body, so the eyes were puzzled. Pan Xiaoer saw the five people’s eyes confused, and simply no longer concealed the strength and completely released their own aura.

“Immortal Emperor!” felt aura, everyone startled on Pan Xiaoer, but Lin De and then the expression was loose, because Long Qingtian sat down on the mount just Immortal Emperor early-stage.

This is what Long Qingtian dared to come to? Five people looked at each other.

After confirming that Long Qingtian was just the Immortal Emperor early-stage, the five people carefully pushed the restriction of the entire Five Emperors Immortal Palace, and isolated the Five Emperors Immortal Palace from the outer world to prevent Long Qingtian from escaping!

After doing all this, the five people looked toward Long Qingtian, and their eyes were no longer as fearful as before.

As their junior disciple Lin Jiang said, he was only a Great Luo Celestial Venerable, but now it is not!

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