After Lin Jiang’s Divine Soul jade plate was also broken, the discipline guarding the Divine Soul Palace suddenly screamed and his eyes were scared.

“What happened?! What is it?!” A Divine Soul Palace Steward heard the sound and screamed.

The discipline pointed to the temple, his face was palely pale, and he ate: “Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor, they, they?!”

The Divine Soul Palace Steward flew, felled, looked towards the temple, and saw the last, the highest level in the hall, the Divine Soul jade plate in the middle of the broken area, where the body was stagnant.

“No, no, impossible, impossible!” After a while, he screamed and his voice was louder than the crime.

Just as the Stevine screams at the Divine Soul Palace, the two men from the corners of the Five Emperors Immortal Country are too long, and the Immortal Monarch is flying to the vast field outside the Five Emperors Immortal Palace. .

Everyone looked at the Five Emperors Immortal Palace and looked at each other quietly.

The two men were too long to converge on the aura, and before they came to the Immortal Palace, the two were connected and suddenly slammed the door: “Old Ancestor, we are here!” The voice echoed, but not at all responded, still A piece of silence.

The two looked and saw the inside of the great hall, a mess, the stone pillar collapsed, the walls of the great hall were broken, and the ground of the great hall, which was minted by Immortal Realm’s hardest Immortal Stone, was also shattered by terrorist forces. A fierce battle.

On the ground, there are more than a dozen pools of blood, and the blood has not dried up.

The two gave birth to a feeling of not good. Then, the two tried to send them a letter to Sect Master Lin Cheng with tokens. There was still no response.

Behind the Five Emperors Immortal Sect, the Immortal Monarch also flew into the great hall, and saw the great hall situation, also look at each other in dismay, all of them were upset.

At this time, a long old man in charge of Divine Soul Palace suddenly shocked his waist, could not help take out the token, divine sense swept, his face changed dramatically: “Dead, dead?!”

Everyone couldn’t help but look over.

“What happened?!” asked the two men on the bench.

“Returning to the two are too long, just now, just now Divine Soul Palace sent a message, said that five Old Ancestor, Old Ancestor’s Divine Soul jade plate, all, all broken!” Divine Soul Palace The long screaming old voice, so big anecdote, he did not dare to hide.

“What?!” Everyone was shocked.

“All, broken?!”

The two are too long, the old ones are flying, the whole body aura is violent, the eyes are like the blade, and the Divine Soul Palace is stunned: “Really?!”

The Divine Soul Palace was so scared that he was squatting: “It’s true that subordinates don’t dare to bully!”

The two are silent.

Indeed, even this Divine Soul Palace is daring to swear by this matter.

“And, there are, sect master and Young Sect Master, they are both, too!” The Divine Soul Palace grew up and screamed.

Everyone is a shock.

“Go!” Five Emperors Immortal Sect Two of them are too long to finish, and they come to the Divine Soul Palace with everyone splitting voiid.

When Five Emperors Immortal Sect everyone came to Divine Soul Palace, Long Qingtian and Pan Xiaoer returned to the Five Emperors City restaurant courtyard room, everything seemed to have never happened.

“You go back to the interest rate adjustment. Two days later, we will leave.” Back to the room, Long Qingtian said to Pan Xiaoer.

“Yes, Master!” Pan Xiaoer paid a respectful ceremony and then quit the room.

When Pan Xiaoer left, Long Qingtian sat down and took the Lin De seven-person immortal tool out. The divine sense swept away, except for Lin Jiang’s space immortal tool, Lin De, Lin Cheng’s six-person space immortal tool. Within the top-grade Immortal Pill, the spirit medicine formed a series of mountain ranges, and numerous congenital spirits formed one after another.

In particular, the space immortal tool of Lin De’s five people, Primal Chaos Immortal Pill is quite a lot, and the five people together have more than 100,000 pieces! There are more than 10,000 grade 1 spirit veins, and even more than one hundred top-grade spirit veins!

Lin De Five people are Five Emperors Immortal Sect Founder, the space immortal tool wealth is far from the Returning Void Palace’s Du Shi, Lin Yuan, Hong Yudan, Chen Fei.

However, it is a pity that there is no primary chaos spirit vein within the Lin De five-person immortal tool.

Long Qingtian flew into the Supreme Void Divine Residence, and then took out the Primal Chaos Immortal Pill of the Lin De five-person immortal tool, and sucked it into the body.

The Linmal Chaos Immortal Pill of the Lin De five-person immortal tool is Thousand Lions Strength King Pill, although it is also lower-grade Primal Chaos Immortal Pill, but the quality is better than that of Du Shi, Lin Yuan, Hong Yudan, and Myriad Waters Primal Chaos Pill. Stone Flame Defying Yang Pill is a lot higher.

Thousand Lions Strength King Pill, after swallowing, constantly quenching the body, Immortal Symbol, let the body, Immortal Symbol has Power of Lion King.

Just when Long Qingtian swallowed within Supreme Void Divine Residence, refining ten lions, the outer world Five Emperors City was overturned.

“What?! Five Emperors Immortal Sect Old Ancestor Five Emperors, sect master, Young Sect Master are all dead?!”

“At the Five Emperors Immortal Palace, was killed?!”

“Who is it? Actually killed Five Emperors Old Ancestor, and Five Emperors Young Sect Master Lin Jiang is the discriminant of Black Dragon Great Emperor. Someone dares to kill Lin Jiang?!”

The entire Five Emperors City was shaking.

Five Emperors Old Ancestor, sect master, Young Sect Master were all killed, which is a huge earthquake for the entire Five Emperors Continent. Even the powerhouses who came to congratulate know that this huge earthquake soon spread. To all around continent, and then the entire Jing government tens of billions of contingent!

Originally, an Emperor Sect Old Ancestor, sect master was killed, it won’t cause such a big shock, but Five Emperors Immortal Sect is different because of Five Emperors Immortal Sect Young Sect Master Lin Jiang!

Black Dragon Great Emperor The disciples in the picture were killed!

Black Dragon Great Emperor is angry, not to mention Jing Prefecture, even if it is all around Great Prefecture, the entire Immortal Realm will be shocked.

“Five Emperors Old Ancestor, Five Emperors sect master, Young Sect Master was killed?!” Inside the courtyard, Xu Yuyun, Murong Qian heard the news and was shocked.

“I don’t know who killed it? However, it can kill Five Emperors Old Ancestor, and the other party must be Immortal Emperor late-stage powerhouse!” Murong Qian said.

Huo Gang and Cheng Jiao both changed their faces. Although the two did not all follow Long Qingtian and Pan Xiaoer to the Five Emperors Immortal Palace, they knew that Seven Emperors Old Ancestor were killed by Long Qingtian, or Said to be Pan Xiaoer’s hand.

Minghe Old Ancestor kills Long Qingtian direct disciple, while Five Emperors Old Ancestor lets the junior discrimice worship Minghe under tutelage Black Dragon Great Emperor. This is the act of bullying the ancestors.

Long Qingtian Since I heard this matter through Five Emperors City, I naturally want to clean up the portal.

At the same time, the two were shocked, and they were afraid of Long Qingtian. Celestial Venerable’s might not let people offend, and Five Emperors Old Ancestor is the end!

I believe that soon after, there will be more Emperor Sect Old Ancestor and the same as Five Emperors Old Ancestor. Heaven’s Court, Gonggong and Minghe kill Long Qingtian under tutelage disciple, and partition Great Luo Heavenly Palace influence, formerly in Great Luo Heavenly Palace. The vast majority of Old Ancestor listened to Heaven’s Court , Gonggong and Minghe .

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