“More than Five Emperors Continent?!” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat A few people listened to Long Qingtian saying that this Jing Jing ●, bigger than Five Emperors Continent, is sucked in a cold breath.

They came out of the Jing Prefecture transmission formation and looked at the wide streets and guessed that the Jing Prefecture City was definitely a lot bigger than the Five Emperors City, but the bigger’t expect was even bigger than the entire Five Emperors Continent!

A city is bigger than a continent, what is this concept!

Walking on the wide streets of Jing Prefecture City, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat couldn’t help but be shocked.

Whether it is the street all around the shop, the city wall building, or the soldiers in the city that have been inspected in the past, it gives people a strong oppression.

This is the center of one of the Great Prefectures, Jing Prefecture City!

“Is these soldiers, Heaven’s Court soldiers?!” Xu Yuyun looked at the soldiers who had been inspected in the past and suddenly began to panic.

Long Qingtian nodded: “Immortal Realm hundred thousand Great Prefecture, every city of Great Prefecture, is stationed by Heaven’s Court soldiers. These Heaven’s Court soldiers are all Great Principle Golden Immortal.”

Immortal Realm hundred thousand Great Prefecture , no matter which Great Prefecture is the influence of Celestial Venerable, but every city of Great Prefecture must be stationed by Heaven’s Court soldiers.

These Heaven’s Court soldiers, also known as Heavenly Soldiers, are the generals of these soldiers.

The highest day of every Great Prefecture, although not all Immortal Emperor, is at least the Immortal Monarch late-stage Peak, and not the Same Immortal Monarch late-stage Peak powerhouse. These Immortal Monarch late-stage Peak days are not as good as Pan Xiaoer. But it is also very strong, Immortal Emperor early-stage powerhouse can not kill.

Hundred thousand Great Prefecture , think of Heaven’s Court influence !

Looking at the past Tianbing, Long Qingtian sighed, Heaven’s Court was big, and Hao Tian was behind Hongjun. Even if he later restored previous incarnation Celestial Venerable strength, it would be difficult to overthrow Heaven’s Court unless he proven the Dao and becoming a Saint. This is possible.

After coming to Jing Prefecture City, Long Qingtian was not in a hurry, and Xu Yuyun and Murong Qian two females went all the way along the Great Dao. After some shops, two females sometimes went in to see if they wanted to buy some spirit objects. Long Qingtian also served as two Females are hanging out.

This Jing Prefecture auction is controlled by Heaven’s Court and is held every month.

Strolling all the way, two females and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, even Long Qingtian bought a lot of things, but Long Qingtian bought some pill refining primal chaos spirit medicine, after buying Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron ,refining Primal Chaos Immortal Pill.

Coupled with the greatness of Jing Prefecture City, almost a month, Long Qingtian came to the Jing Prefecture auction and came to the Jing Prefecture auction. Huo Gang and Cheng Jiao came back to inquire. Huo Gang said: “Master, discipline just inquired, the next auction will be held three days later.”

“Three days.” Long Qingtian nodded: “Well, we will wait three days.”

So, several people in Long Qingtian found a restaurant in the vicinity, and the auction started three days later.

“Several people came to the auction after three days?” restaurant Boss led Long Qingtian to a few people in Long Qingtian’s courtyard, said with a smile: “Several people come here, three days later, the auction will be The biggest auction of this century in Jing Prefecture City.”

“Oh, the biggest auction of Jing County City in a hundred years?” Long Qingtian said.

“Yeah, this auction, not only has a lot of rare primal chaos spirit objects, but also middle-grade Primal Chaos Immortal Armor and upper-grade Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron. I heard that I also auctioned a Nine Revolution Golden Pill. !”restaurant Boss Road.

“Nine Revolution Golden Pill!” Long Qingtian, also a little startled, this Grand Supreme Elderly Lord refining Nine Revolution Golden Pill, each one is extremely precious, is the first under the heaven Dan, this auction actually took Come out to auction.

However, Long Qingtian also has a happy heart, didn’t expect this auction not only has Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron, but also upper-grade!

Originally, according to Long Qingtian, it was good to buy a middle-grade Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron. The upper-grade Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron was much better than the middle-grade Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron. Long Qingtian used it. Primal Chaos Immortal Pill to refining 9th layer of the sun is definitely high quality.

“This auction, I heard that even the grand disciple of Celestial Venerable Minghe, Black Dragon Great Emperor under tutelage third disciple Xie Peng, and the grand disciple of Celestial Venerable Gonggong will come to buy.” restaurant Boss saw all around Then I was careful about several people in Long Qingtian.

“Black Dragon Great Emperor under tutelage third disciple , Xie Peng !” Long Qingtian eyes cold light flashed , it seems that this auction will not be so boring, Minghe, Gonggong’s grand disciple are coming.

I hope this Xie Peng is not for the upper-grade Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron! Long Qingtian sneer.

However, this is not impossible. Although Xie Peng is a Black Dragon Great Emperor under tutelage disciple, there may not be an upper-grade Xian Ding. This time, the auction will be for the upper-grade Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron.

Restaurant Boss, while talking about the auction, led Long Qingtian to the courtyard booked by several people.

“Several people, this is the finest courtyard of our restaurant, you see, can you be satisfied?” came to the courtyard, restaurant Boss said with a smile.

Long Qingtian At first glance, this courtyard spirit vein is full, like a small Immortal Country, nodded, eyes indicate Huo Gang, Huo Gang will know, and will give a space ring to the restaurant Boss: “This is Immortal Pill, the extra no need to find. ”

Restaurant Boss divine sense Sweep and discover that there is no less than 10 million’s upper-grade fairy Pill Mounatin in the space ring. The smile is extended, thank you again, and then retreat.

Long Qingtian and the others went into the courtyard, Xu Yuyun, Murong Qian and the others each returned to the room.

“Master, that Xie Peng is only for the upper-grade Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron. We are afraid of Primal Chaos Immortal Pill,” Pan Xiaoer said.

Long Qingtian nodded.

Although he has Extinguishing Star Treasury, as well as Chen Fei, Du Shi, Lin Yuan, Hong Yudan, Five Emperors Old Ancestor and the others space immortal tool wealth, but to buy Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron, you must use Primal Chaos Immortal Pill, now, There are not many Primal Chaos Immortal Pill on Long Qingtian.

“It seems that only a few Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruits can be auctioned,” Long Qingtian said.

“Auction Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit !” Pan Xiaoer startled, this thing is Supreme Treasure, not to mention Xie Peng, even the Great Emperor Black Dragon Great Emperor knows, will be heart.

Long Qingtian nodded: “it’s nothing, Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, five Five Elements Perfection, I only auctioned four, even if Black Dragon and the others got it, it didn’t work much.”

Black Dragon and the others are already Immortal Emperor late-stage Peaks, get Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, although a bit useful, but absolutely impossible to get Celestial Venerable with Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit breakthrough.

The world of the universe, position of Celestial Venerable, there are long-term fixed numbers, but also through the use of some Buddha Fire can breakthrough?

Auctioned with four Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, Long Qingtian had enough Primal Chaos Immortal Pill to buy the upper-grade Primal Chaos Immortal Cauldron.

Long Qingtian continues to cultivating into the Supreme Void Divine Residence.

Three days passed quickly.

Three days later, Long Qingtian came out of Supreme Void Divine Residence and came to the auction with everyone.

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