“young lady, do you want to?!” Lin Ji asked carefully.

Hao Shan ray of light: “Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, Five Elements Perfection, can completely transform a human soul, Immortal Symbol, source bloodline, everything, I myself cultivating twice as much as big sister, but strength I have been behind her because my innate talent is not as good as her. If I get five Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, I can definitely suppress big sister in the future!”

Lin Ji hesitated and said: “Second Young Lady, but the auction stipulates that we? Isn’t this good?”

Hao Shan said coldy: “Not so good? Is there anything that is not good? My father ruled toenti Immortal Realm,entire Immortal Realm. Everything should belong to my father, everything should belong to my Hao Family, this black-haired youngster Get Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit and you should give it to my Hao Family!”

Lin Ji is silent.

“After auctioning the four Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruits, the black-haired youngster VIP room was revealed to Xie Peng and Hu Li,” said Hao Shan.

Lin Ji, Hao Shan wants to reveal the news to Xie Peng and Hu Li? !

“Go, do what I want.” Hao Shan waved his hand.

“Yes, Second Young Lady!” Lin Ji respectfully agreed, Hao Shan said, he understood, Hao Shan wanted to use Xie Peng and Hu Li to touch the bottom of the black-haired youngster. Of course, it is best to both sides. Both sides suffer, then Hao Shan is good for the fisherman.

After Lin Ji went out, Hao Shan’s eyes flickered, and when he thought of happiness, he couldn’t help laughing.

“big sister, every time Heaven’s Court War of Talent, you have done your best in front of countless young talents, this time it’s my turn!”

“How did you let me lose face before, this time, I want to hundredfold on you!”

The following auction has already begun, and the auction is a piece of primal chaos with a few meters of imaginary iron. The bidding is fierce, and the bidding sounds up and down.

Long Qingtian is sitting in the VIP room and watching the bidding below.

“Qingtian, that Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit is so treasure, we take it out and auction it, will it not be good?” Xu Yuyun said.

Murong Qian is also nodded and said: “Yeah, if the auction will leak the news, then we are not dangerous?”

Long Qingtian said with a smile : “This, I expected, be at ease, it’s nothing.” In this case, he would not expect it.

“Below, we are going to auction a batch of primal chaos spirit medicine.” At this time, the open auction the mouth and said, and then took out a space ring. There are hundreds of space rings. Primal chaos spirit medicine, which includes the Purple Monkey Fruit Spiritless Flower, Thousand Leaves Grass, which Long Qingtian needs.

The host briefly explained the effects of these hundreds of primal chaos spirit medicines, and then let everyone start bidding. The starting price is 5 million top-grade Immortal Pill.

5 million top-grade Immortal Pill !

A top-grade Immortal Pill is equal to 10,000 upper-grade Immortal Pill, 10,000 is 100 million, and 5 million is 50 billion!

50 billion upper-grade Immortal Pill !

“These primary chaos spirit medicine, even so expensive?!” Even Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat are startled, even if these primary chaos spirit medicine is not small, it is refining many Primal Chaos Immortal Pill materials, but the price is also higher!

Because, refining Primal Chaos Immortal Pill, not every furnace will succeed, Primal Chaos Immortal Pill is extremely difficult to refining, generally with the Immortal Emperor refining of the Flame of Primal Chaos, the ten furnaces can be a right one.

“5.1 million!” After the scene was silent, someone suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked at the past.

“It’s too long to be yin and yang!”

Yin and Yang, also an ancient Emperor Sect, is also a reputation in Jing Prefecture.

“5.5 million !”

“6 million !”

After the yin and yang teaching was too long and the old screaming price, some people quickly bidd on the price and mentioned the price to 6 million.

“Eight million!” Just then, a voice suddenly sounded, and everyone else who was about to open the scene was dumbfounded, and looked towards the VIP room along the sound.

Eight million top-grade Immortal Pill!

This is naturally called by Long Qingtian.

“10 million!” However, just after the opening of Long Qingtian, another VIP room sounded together.

Long Qingtian divine sense sweep, it is Black Dragon under tutelage third disciple Xie Peng.

“20 million!” Long Qingtian coldly smiled, indifferently said.

In the VIP room, Xie Peng startled, next to him, Cheng Nu instead of said with a smile: “didn’t expect In addition to Hu Li, there are people who dare to bid for something with Third Young Master.”

Xie Peng knows in the VIP room on the 33rd, the auctioneer everyone.

Xie Peng also smiled: “I am bored and bored. Some people dare to bid with me. This is also an interesting thing. If you can, you can play with him.” He naturally did not put Long Qingtian in his eyes.

“30 million!” he said casually.

But his voice just fell, and suddenly the sound of Long Qingtian sounded: “60 million!”

60 million!

Everyone is startled.

In the VIP room, Xie Peng, who didn’t care, smiled coldly. Eyes cold glow was awkward. Originally, he didn’t care, but now, the killing intent in his heart rises and the other party doubles the price. This is not simple. Bidding with him, but provoking him, deliberately looking for it!

At this time, Hu Li sat in the VIP room, but laughed up: “didn’t expect, there are people who dare to provoke Xie Peng, this brat, I like, you check this person identity, I appreciate this brat , give me this brat!”

“Yes, Hu Li Sir!” Immortal Emperor behind him respected with a smile: “You can get Hu Li Sir to appreciate, this is what Immortal Realm dreams of, this brat is blessed!”

Hu Li laughed.

“100 million!” At this moment, Xie Peng’s voice sounded again, but this time it was not as easy and casual as before, but it was chilly, low, and everyone at the scene felt that Xie Peng had already had a killing intent in her heart.

“Who is this person? Isn’t it true that Xie Peng? of the VIP room on the 33rd? Dare to bid with Xie Peng, isn’t this a courting death?”

“Who knows, maybe this person is some of the ancient Emperor Sect Young Master that antiquity is not born, and there are some flaws!”

On-site commotion, discussion.

Hao Shan smiled in the VIP room: “I am worried that Xie Peng will not start with this person. Now it seems that the worry is superfluous!”

Struggle, the more the competition, the better, she is going to have this result.

“200 million!” At this time, Long Qingtian’s voice rang again.

Two hundred million!

The scene was awesome. The starting price of these primal chaos spirit medicine was 5 million top-grade Immortal Pill. Now it is bidding to 200 million! Everyone is more curious about the identity of this person who dares to bid with Xie Peng.

In the VIP room, Xie Peng’s whole body flames, killing intent will freeze all around, how many years, few people dare to provoke his majesty!

“Third Young Master, I see, we are still forgetting.” Cheng Nu is careful to open the mouth and said: “After the event, we can do it again!” Speaking of this, made a gesture of killing the neck.

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