When Long Qingyi looked behind, behind the Desert City North city gate, the power fluctuated. Under the eyes of Long Qing, a path of flashing into the shadows was followed by the entry of Xie Peng and Black Dragon Palace.

And Wu Ting’s entry is just after Xie Peng.

It seems that Wu Shan and Xie Peng are planning to do the same. Xie Peng is going to let the Ice Blood Palace’s entry and the Dragon Engine fight for you to live and die.

It’s just that the Black Dragon Palace and the court’s entrance didn’t expect the Ice Blood Palace’s entry to be easily solved by the Dragon’s side, not at all what they expected to fight for the result of your death.

After a while, Xie Peng came to the desert with the Black Dragon Palace. Xie Peng looked at the dragon and stood in the desert, his eyes puzzled, and the Ice Blood Palace entered? Haven’t you arrived yet? !

Because Long Qiang had previously arranged a restriction, the previous fighting power fluctuated, and later Xie Peng waited for the not at all induction.

Xie Peng was puzzled, and both Cheng Nu and Black Dragon Palace were also confused.

“Third Young Master, something is weird!” Cheng Nu pondered and said.

Xie Peng thought for a moment: “It’s a bit weird. The Ice Blood Palace’s entry is clear before us, but now it’s not in the picture. Is it Hu Li waiting to guess that we are behind, so I deliberately conceal it, waiting for us to fight with this brat? You are dead, Hu Li, come out, cheap?”

I dare to love, I don’t see the entry of Ice Blood Palace. He thought it was Hu Li waiting to hide.

Cheng Nu is frowned: “But why is this brat stopping here? Is he waiting for us?”

However, at this moment, suddenly the space all around changed, the desert of the original heat wave disappeared, and Xie Peng waited for an endless ice sheet.

Above the ice sheet, ice and snow are flying, the space air flows with a group of blue and some bewitching airflow, this blue has some bewitching airflow, extremely yin cold, except for Xie Peng three Immortal Emperor, Black Dragon Palace all Immortal Monarch The chills are endless, as if with the body bloodline, the bone marrow, and even the Immortal Symbol are frozen.

“formation restriction!” Xie Peng, Cheng Nu, etc. changed into a face.

“This is, Ice Soul Blue Snow Great Formation?!” Black Dragon Palace Immortal Emperor, which was brought together by Xie Peng, shouted in horror after a big change in the face.

“Ice Soul Blue Snow Great Formation!” Xie Peng, Cheng Nu and so on into the body, are also full of horror.

Ice Soul Blue Snow Great Formation !

The competition is Ice Soul Blue Snow Great Formation!

Ice Soul Blue Snow Great Formation is one of the horrible great formations of Primal Chaos Great Formation, Immortal Realm. In the dozens of thousands of years ago, there was a person Immortal Emperor to arrange this Ice Soul Blue Snow Great Formation, Killed more than a dozen Immortal Emperor, hundreds of Immortal Monarch!

This is also the case, the Ice Soul Blue Snow Great Formation is known as the entire Immortal Realm,entire Immortal Realm, and very few of them do not know the Ice Soul Blue Snow Great Formation.

This Ice Soul Blue Snow Great Formation, according to the most horrible thing is that after the spurt, the entire great formation space, blue snow, all the creatures in the great formation are stained by this blue snow, all turned into each and everyone blue snow Ice sculpture.

This blue snow is a kind of ice and snow variation. The most yin cold ice between the earth is that even the general Immortal Emperor is stained by this blue snow, and it is difficult to drive it out of the body.

“How come, how come there is Ice Soul Blue Snow Great Formation!” Xie Peng surprised and angry said, and then his mind flashed: “It is him, that is brat?!”

“right.” Xie Peng’s voice fell, and an indifferent voice sounded, and then Long Qing’s silhouette appeared in front of Xie Peng.

“Sure enough!” Xie Peng saw Long Qingwei: “Who are you?!” There was a strong uneasiness in his heart.

“Who am I?” Long Qingyi smiled and smiled. Then his body was hidden and disappeared. When Long Qing’s figure disappeared, the great formation space suddenly burst into a cold wind. Above the sky, a group of blue se’s ice And snow village, densely packed.

“Protecting Third Young Master!” Cheng Nu screamed in horror. After he finished, he flew to Xie Peng and shot with Xie Peng, slamming into the falling blue snow.

But then they were horrified to find that these blue snows were not affected by their attacks, and they directly penetrated the enthusiasm of their attacks and continued to fall!

Not affected by the attack!

All Black Dragon Palace powerhouse saw this scene, and then thought of the hail ice and snow formation legendary horror, scared face dead white.

“Put the Primal Chaos Spirit Treasure Dragon Flame Diagram took out!” Xie Peng screamed in horror.

“Yes!” Cheng Nu rushed, and then waved his hands, took out a treasure map, on top of this treasure map, embroidered with thousands of Fire Dragon, this treasure map took out, instantly become bigger, wrapped in the ground, treasure map On top of the 10,000 Fire Dragons, they formed a huge dragon character. The dragon character flashed on the map. The ray of light flashed. For a while, it blocked the high-altitude blue snow.

The Black Dragon Palace is in the spotlight, and all face a happy face.

“haha, this is Ice Soul Blue Snow Great Formation?!” Xie Peng laughed even more: “It’s just that!”

Cheng Nu said with a smile : “Maybe that brat deliberately made a great formation similar to Ice Soul Blue Snow Great Formation, deliberately scaring us!”

The Black Dragon Palace is completely relaxing.

“Everyone is attacking now, and this garbage is making a break!” Xie Peng said: “Give me the brat capture, I will tear him!”

Long 夭 夭 夭 this this 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭 夭

“Yes, Third Young Master!” Black Dragon Palace screamed and shouted.

However, just as Cheng Nu waited for the attack, suddenly the rays formation of the great formation space flashed, and the blue snow blocked by the Dragon Flame Diagram in the sky was getting bigger and thicker. The previous piece of blue snow was very thin. Now it is a group of blue snow ice, these blue snow ice falling down, and the dragons ray of light of the 10,000 Fire Dragons are fading.

“This, this?!” Xie Peng smiled on his face.

In the end, the dragon characters of the 10,000 Fire Dragons were completely covered by the blue snow ice and became a blue se ice dragon.

The Dragon Flame Diagram fell from the sky.

The Dragon Flame Diagram fell, and countless blue snow ice cubes continued to fall from the sky.

Xie Peng waited into the eyes and panicked, watching the countless blue snow ice falling down.

The screams sounded.

Some Black Dragon Palace Immortal Monarch can’t escape, and they are instantly submerged by these blue snow ice. Under Xie Peng, Cheng Nu, and the horrified eyes of Kong, these Black Dragon Palace Immortal Monarch first turned into blue ice and finally chest. , the back, slowly spread until the head, the eyes all become blue ice.

Looking at the just-lived Black Dragon Palace Immortal Monarch became a blue sease sculpture, and Xie Peng’s fears spread infinitely.

In addition to the great formation, Wu Shan, who followed Xie Peng and others, was frowned. She just watched Xie Peng enter the desert, but disappeared in a flash, disappearing without a trace.

“Lin Ji, you go up and see, what happened to Xie Peng?” Wu Shan pondered and said.

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