敖ri looked at Long Qingtian coldly, sneered and said: “Great tone! In this Concealed Dragon Continent, there are still people who dare not put Concealed Dragon Lord Residence in the eyes?!”

At this time, suddenly there is a splitting voiid sound, everyone looks at it, 敖ri three faces a happy.

“Two long old, three long old!” After the arrival of the arrival, in addition to 敖ri, the other two respectfully bowed.

The comers are the two oldest men of the Violent Thunder Tribe, both Nine Celestial Profound Immortal early-stage powerhouse.

“Young Master, what’s the matter?” Violent Thunder Tribe asked after the arrival of the two elders, and looked at Long Qingtian, and finally his eyes fell on Ao Sheng next to several people in Long Qingtian. .

“The two long old, you come just right.” 敖ri said: “We chase Ao Sheng, didn’t expect these people not only block, do not put our Violent Thunder Tribe in their eyes, and even Concealed Dragon Lord Residence Not in your eyes!”

“Oh!” Not two people looked at Long Qingtian, not sneered and said: “patriarch is worried about the problem, so send us over to see, didn’t expect someone really dare to take care of our Violent Thunder Tribe!” Speaking of this, a look of mocking: “This world, a lot of people who like to do business, but the end is very miserable!”

“I will give you a chance, roll now and get out of the Flying Dragon Mountain Range!” Another person Ao Dong sneered and said.

At this time, Cheng Jiao took the shot, Cheng Jiao raised his hand and gently slammed it. He saw that both Aofei and Ao Dong suddenly exploded suddenly, and even the screams did not have time to shout.

Violent Thunder Tribe Young Master 敖ri three startled, his face smiles disappeared, slyly watching the scene of the drama xing.

“Two long old, three long dead old?!” After a long time, he understood what was going on!

“You?!” 敖ri three understand what is going on, face sedeathly pale, dead gray, eyes difficult to hide the fear of a flick, kill two Nine Celestial Profound Immortal, what is this strength? !

“Several, we!” 敖ri is about to say something, Long Qingtian’s indifferent voice came: “Kill it!”

Immediately, three airpower splitting voiid, three groups of blood mist sprayed from high altitude.

While standing next to Ao Sheng, watching a few people stunned and stunned, they quickly yelled at Long Qingtian: “earnestly thanked a few seniors to save the grace, senior ask you to save me Iron Mountain Tribe! I beg you!” Speaking of this, he repeatedly decapitated Long Qingtian.

Long Qingtian right hand A wave, asked: “What happened?”

Originally, these idle things, he did not intend to control, but Violent Thunder Tribe arrogant and in front of him, of course, he let Cheng Jiao shot, also because he saw that Ao Sheng has Golden Dragon Clan bloodline.

“Senior, Violent Thunder Tribe To kill our Iron Wood Tribe, Iron Wood Tribe, I only escaped from my father. They are still trapped at Iron Mountain Wood Peak, ask senior to save my father, mother, save me Iron Wood Tribe.” Ao Sheng heard Long Qingtian ask questions, and I don’t know how to talk about it.

“Go, walk and say!” Long Qingtian pondered and said, let’s finish, let Ao Sheng take a few people to Ao Sheng to see Long Qingtian promise to save, his face is sobbing, and Long Qingtian is also earnestly thanked, then hurry Long Qingtian Several people flew to the Iron Wood Tribe.

On the way, he briefly told Long Qingtian about the beginning and end of the matter.

It turns out that the Iron Wood Tribe and the Violent Thunder Tribe are the two strongest tribes in the Flying Dragon Mountain Range. The two tribes have been fighting for millions of years in the Flying Dragon Mountain Range, but since the two tribes are equal, so who No one can resist.

Only the former ri son suddenly came out, Violent Thunder Tribe is now the patriarch daughter by Concealed Dragon Lord Residence Sixth Young Master, received as little concubine, originally, Iron Wood Tribe still do not believe, but just yesterday, Violent Thunder Tribe that was Concealed Dragon Lord Residence Sixth Young Master The patriarch daughter Ao Ru came back and brought back more than a dozen guards from the Concealed Dragon Lord Residence.

The Concealed Dragon Lord Residence guard is all Nine Celestial Profound Immortal late-stage powerhouses, and one of them is even the Principle Celestial Immortal early-stage.

The latter thing is very simple, the Violent Thunder Tribe has started to extinguish the Iron Wood Tribe, the Iron Wood Tribe is similar to the Violent Thunder Tribe strength, but the Violent Thunder Tribe has more than a dozen Nine Celestial Profound Immortal late-stage The above Concealed Dragon Lord Residence guard shot, Iron Wood Tribe fell into the desperate situation.

According to Ao Sheng, when he escaped, the Iron Wood Tribe tens of millions of fragments had been killed and injured.

Half an hour later, there was a fight, a fight, a scream, and a roaring voice.

“Senior, in front of me Iron Wood Tribe!” Ao Sheng pointed to the front of the mountain, said.

Long Qingtian nodded, flying with Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat.

“Iron Wood Tribe Young Master Ao Sheng !”

“Fast, this Ao Sheng under capture!”

The Violent Thunder Tribe disciple, trapped in the Iron Wood Tribe, screamed as soon as he saw Ao Sheng, and then slammed it at Ao Sheng. However, these Violent Thunder Tribe disciple had not yet arrived and were taken by Purple Heaven. Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat Palm flew out.

These Violent Thunder Tribe disciple strengths are not very strong, mostly Golden Immortal, only a small part of the Great Principle Golden Immortal early-stage , middle-stage, in the face of Purple Heaven Dragon Sovereign and Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat, simply unable to withstand a single blow .

Long Qingtian A few people all the way.

However, very quickly, the Violent Thunder Tribe powerhouse noticed the situation.

“Ao Ru, you used to see what’s going on.” On the other hand, Violent Thunder Tribe patriarch Ao Lie said to the Violent Thunder Tribe.

“Yes, patriarch!” Ao Ru respectfully agreed, and then flew to Long Qingtian with a few Violent Thunder Tribe.

After a while, Ao Ru saw several people from Long Qingtian.

“Iron Wood Tribe Young Master Ao Sheng!” just after the escape, a Violent Thunder Tribe behind Ao Ru was surprised.

“Young Master and the two long 垩 垩 ri, are they not chasing this Ao Sheng? Young Master and the two long 垩 old ri ri?” Another long old man said.

Ao Ru but eyes are condensed, looked towards Long Qingtian.

Soon, several people came to Long Qingtian.

“Senior, he is the Violent Thunder Tribe!” Ao Sheng saw a few people in front of Ao Ru, and opened the mouth and said to Long Qingtian.

“Ao Sheng, our Young Master and the two long 垩 垩 他们 !?!” Ao Sheng voice fell, Violent Thunder Tribe, a long old man could not help but open to ask Ao Sheng.

Ao Sheng did not speak, respectfully standing next to several people in Long Qingtian.

“Who are you? How are we young Master and 敖ri?” Ao Ru looked at Long Qingtian, solemnly asked.

“How is it?” At this time, Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat could not be said with a smile: “How are you saying?”

Ao Ru face sinks: “You, kill them?!”

“right.” Nine-tailed Heavenly Cat said: “People are we killing.”

“What?! Young Master and the second long old are they dead?!” immediately, Violent Thunder Tribe, the old and the disciple all around, shocked, and then a strong sao move, killing intent chao.

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