For half a month, even the Dragon Dragon Pearl’s fart didn’t see one. Don’t say Ao Xuan, that is, Ao Shuang. The three people are also annoyed, and even more annoying is that the Dragon Dragon Pearl’s fart is not seen, even this half a month. Come, the four people did not know how many times the blood beast and the Blood Soul attacked and harassed.

These blood beasts and Blood Soul people were so annoying. Even once, there were two Immortal Emperor middle-stage Peak blood beasts, and the four were fleeing and stunned.

So, it took another ten days.

The Blood Dragon River has been open for twenty-five days, leaving only the last five days.

The four people still didn’t even see the fart of Blood Dragon Pearl.

“We continue to deepen!” Ao Xuan voice is low.

“Continue to deepen?!” Ao Shuang startled and said: “Residence Lord, here is the center of the Blood Dragon River. Deeper, it is the core of the Blood Dragon River. The core domain is Immortal Emperor late-stage blood beast. !”

Immortal Emperor late-stage blood beast, strength It is conceivable that if they encounter Immortal Emperor late-stage blood beast, they are not necessarily sure to escape.

“The more dangerous, the more opportunities!” Ao Xuan fiercely said, eyes blinking.

The core of the Blood Dragon River, the birth of the Blood Dragon Pearl will be twice as large as the center of the field, so that they have twice the chance.

Ao Xuan sees the three-person expression and says, “You no need to worry, this time I brought the upper-grade Primal Chaos Invisible Armor over.”

Ao Shuang three startled, and then a happy: “upper-grade Primal Chaos Invisible Armor !”

Upper-grade Primal Chaos Invisible Armor, once the restriction is pushed, then all around 10 li, everything is hidden, even Immortal Emperor late-stage powerhouse may not find them!

Ao Shuang three people listened to Ao Xuan with the upper-grade Primal Chaos Invisible Armor. This treasure came over, the heart was relaxed, and he calmed down. Then, the four went deep into the core of the Blood Dragon River.

Two days later, the four finally came to the core of the Blood Dragon River.

“Blood Dragon Pearl!” entered the core of the Blood Dragon River. Ao Xuan looked at the front and suddenly burst into surprise. Ao Shuang looked at them and they all rejoiced.

“haha, I said, the more dangerous, the more opportunities, you see, we just found one in the core domain!” Ao Xuan laughed, flew, and came to the Blood Dragon Pearl, however, Just as he was about to seize this Blood Dragon Pearl into his space immortal tool, suddenly, a silhouette flashed, one person was faster than him, and took the Blood Dragon Pearl away.

“Who?!” Ao Xuan startled, and then roared: “Put down the Dragon Dragon Pearl!” A sudden punch to the other strikes, then the other side reflexed, two punches collided, all around blood waves splashed , crazy rolling.

“Ao Zhong!” Ao Xuan body shakingly withdraw, seeing the aspect, surprised and angry said.

Ao Zhong, an Emperor Sect Old Ancestor, Immortal Emperor middle-stage Peak powerhouse at Ink Dragon Continent near Concealed Dragon Continent.

“hahaha.” Ao Zhong said with a big smile : “Residence Lord Ao Xuan, not good means, this Blood Dragon Pearl, I will accept it, many thanks, and then I will go to the Concealed Dragon Lord Residence and thank you!” After that, the flying body flashed, and I saw no trace in an instant.

“Ao Zhong, you are the dog of the day, put down the Dragon Dragon Pearl!” Ao Xuan roared, flew in a flash, chasing after him, for more than 20 days, he finally managed to see a Blood Dragon Pearl. Seeing that the first Blood Dragon Pearl was about to arrive, he was suddenly taken away, and he was not angry in his heart.

He even has a kind to tear the other side and swallow the poisonous hate in the body.

Ao Shuang, the three of them reacted, and they all followed suit.

After five people in the first four, they kept catching up, causing a lot of Emperor-level powerhouse attention. However, these Emperor-level powerhouses were found to be Ao Zhong. After Ao Xuan, there was no blending of interest. After all, for one Blood Dragon Pearl offended Ao Zhong, Ao Xuan, two of the influences, some are not worth the candle.

The five people chased, and they were all close to Pan Xiaoer and Long Qingtian who were looking for Blood Dragon Pearl in the core area.

“Left front, eight 10 li!” Long Qingtian’s Eye of Heaven’s Punishment flashed, opened the mouth and said, Pan Xiaoer would like to fly, and flew to the position of Long Qingtian.

“1999!” Long Qingtian suspended the Blood Dragon Pearl seize into the Buddha Dragon Golden Cauldron and said to himself, the eyes were filled with joy.


Even he didn’t think that this time, the Blood Dragon River was opened, and he could find so many Blood Dragon Pearls. Before he came, he estimated that he could find a hundred Blood Dragon Pearls.

“1999, it’s still two thousand! It’s two thousand!” Long Qingtian said, 2,000 Blood Dragon Pearl, definitely restore him to Immortal Monarch strength!

Immortal Monarch!

Sovereign King of Immortal !

No matter which sect, even the Emperor Sect, Immortal Monarch powerhouse is a high-level, all have the right to speak, Immortal Monarch and Principle Celestial Immortal status is very different.

After Long Qingtian took the Blood Dragon Pearl into the Buddha Dragon Golden Cauldron and was about to continue searching with Pan Xiaoer, suddenly there was a wave of power fluctuations. Then a roar came: “Ao Zhong, put the Blood Dragon Pearl for me. Come down, otherwise, I will not give up!”

The previous Ao Zhong was chased and annoyed. It wasn’t just a Blood Dragon Pearl. This Ao Xuan was really a mad dog, and he kept biting him.

It’s been more than an hour. It seems that if you don’t hand over this Blood Dragon Pearl, Ao Xuan will not really stop.

“Ao Zhong, don’t put down the Blood Dragon Pearl. I will see your discipline of Myriad Sea Dragon Sect in the future, see kill one!” At this moment, Ao Xuan’s voice rang again.

Ao Zhong, face turned cold, angry with a smile: “Ao Xuan, great tone, others are afraid of Concealed Dragon Lord Residence, my Myriad Sea Dragon Sect is not afraid, I will see how you kill me Myriad Sea Dragon Sect disciple !”

Pan Xiaoer hearing this, could not help but laugh at Long Qingtian: “Master, it seems that we no need to go to Concealed Dragon Lord Residence.” Originally, Long Qingtian also planned to go to Golden Dragon Continent after the Dragon Dragon River, passing through Concealed Dragon Lord Residence, go to the Concealed Dragon Lord Residence.

Long Qingtian nodded smiled: “It seems that you don’t have to go.”

Immediately, the two flew in a flash and disappeared into place.

At this time, Ao Xuan eyes blood red, which is constantly catching up, is staring at Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Old Ancestor Ao Zhong. However, Ao Xuan strength is worse than Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Old Ancestor Ao Zhong, so catch up anyway. Can’t catch up.

Immortal Realm, Emperor, King Sect is generally called immortal sect, and Dragon Realm is Dragon Sect.

Just then, Ao Xuan suddenly felt a strong feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

“not good!” Ao Xuan was shocked and was about to fly away to avoid it, but it was still a slow step. A giant palm came out from the void and snapped at him.

“Travelling Dragong Great Divineless Fist!” Ao Xuan slammed and panicked and greeted him.

The earthquake in the sky, countless blood waves and violent shots, even the Blood River above the Ten thousand zhang also splashed thousands of blood waves.

The latter Ao Shuang three saw their Residence Lord fly over to them.

“Residence Lord!” The three men were shocked and flew in.

In front of Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Old Ancestor Ao Zhong, I heard a loud noise, and I was shocked.

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