Just after Long Qingtian left the Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Immortal Country, Black Dragon Clan Patriarch Ao Bubai was dark and dark. He looked at the two Divine Soul jade plates that were broken in front of him. For a long time no opening, a horrible killing intent is constantly brewing on him.

This horrible killing intent is like an invisible storm, and it is too big to be able to gasp.

“You mean Ao Gu, Ao Guang are both dead in Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Immortal Country?!” Ao Bubai’s face recovered, his voice was dull, and he couldn’t hear a trace of fluctuation.

Black Dragon Clan is too long and shivering in one’s heart.

“Yes, patriarch.” Black Dragon Clan is too long and old Ao Dong is on the respect respectfully: “A few days ago, Ao Gu, Ao Guang went to Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Immortal Country, I have let Ink Dragon Continent After investigating, I believe that there will be results soon.”

Ao Bubai didn’t open her mouth, she closed her eyes slowly, and she sat on the throne like that. The great hall, Black Dragon Clan, the old man, the old man, no one dared to speak.

Soon, too long, Ao Dong will open the mouth and said: “Responding to patriarch, just sent a message from Ink Dragon Continent, it has been confirmed that Ao Gu, Ao Guang died in Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Immortal Country, and ,and.”

“And what?!” Ao Bubai suddenly opened his eyes, cold glow as a sword.

“And, Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Sect Master Ao Gao and the squadrons were all killed.” Ao Dong replied in a tight voice.

“What?!” The great hall everyone is startled, including Ao Bubai.

Ao Gao and Myriad Sea Dragon Sect are all too old and old! Together with Ao Gu and Ao Guang, it is the nine Great Immortal Emperor! Nine Great Immortal Emperor was killed!

“What the hell is it?!” Ao Bubai solemnly asked.

“It should be related to Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Old Ancestor Ao Zhong,” Ao Dong replied.

“Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Old Ancestor Ao Zhong !” everyone look at each other in dismay.

“Say!” Ao Bubai said solemnly.

Ao Dong respectfully agreed, so Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Ao Zhong took Long Qingtian and Pan Xiaoer back to Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Immortal Country, then disputed before the treasury stone gate, to Ao Gao, Ao Gu, Ao Guang and the others Go and kill it and say it in detail.

These, Black Dragon Clan detection is not difficult.

“A black-haired youngster, a body may be the medieval middle-aged man of Immemorial Ominous Beast!” Ao Bubai listened to the narration, frowned, and now it seems that three people have killed Ao Gu, Ao Gao and the others undoubtedly.

Great hall Black Dragon Clan.

“Is it found out, Ao Gu, how did Ao Guang nine people die?” Ao Bubai asked, which is also the doubt of Black Dragon Clan.

As Ao Dong just said, the black-haired youngster brought back by Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Old Ancestor Ao Zhong is only Immortal Monarch late-stage, and the suspect middle-aged man of Immemorial Ominous Beast is only Immortal Emperor early-stage. Peak, Ao Zhong alone strength, fundamentally impossible to kill Ao Gu Ao Guang nine people.

And Ao Gu Ao Guang nine people didn’t even have the chance to escape? !

“This has not been found yet.” Ao Dong hesitated and said truthfully.

This Black Dragon Clan is naturally impossible to find unless Ao Gu, Ao Guang and the others are born again.

Ao Bubai has a meditation.

“Although I haven’t found it yet, according to Myriad Sea Dragon Sect, the treasury millions li, the thunder gas residue is subordinate, and the other side should be equipped with a powerful thunder element great formation to trap Ao Gu, Ao Guang and The others, so Ao Gu Ao Guang and the others have no chance to escape,” Ao Dong said.

Ao Bubai eyes flashing.

“Thunder element great formation? Is Thunder Dragon Clan’s Overflowing Thunder Annihilation Great Formation?” said a Black Dragon.

Thunder Dragon Clan is not the Dragon Realm Seven Great Dragon Clans, but is also behind the Seven Great Dragon Clans’ powerful Dragon Race Thunder Dragon Clan’s Overflowing Thunder Annihilation Great Formation.

“Overflowing Thunder Annihilation Great Formation?” Another Black Dragon, too long, shook his head and said: “The other party is not necessarily the person of Dragon Realm, maybe the Thunderbol True and False Great Formation of Immortal Realm!”

For a time, Black Dragon Clan was too embarrassed to say that the old people were too old.

After a while, Ao Bubai raised his hand and the Black Dragon Clan was too long to stop.

Ao Bubai said to Ao Dong slowly said: “Look at it, once I found the trace of Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Old Ancestor Ao Zhong, immediately report to, at any cost, I will give me the capture back, I suspect that the two may be strike To kill Ao Xuan The murderer of the four.”

Ao Dong and Black Dragon Clan everyone startled, and then respectfully agreed.

Soon, the news of the killing of Ao Gu, Ao Guang and Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Ao Gao nine people spread throughout Ink Dragon Continent, followed by the jurisdiction of Black Dragon Clan, and gradually spread throughout Dragon Realm.

Originally, Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Sect Master Ao Gao and the others were killed without causing such a sensation, but Ao Gu and Ao Guang are both Black Dragon Clan and the two Black Dragon Clan are too long. The old was killed, this amount is enough to alarm the entire Dragon Realm.

Almost all of Dragon Realm is talking about Ao Gu, Ao Guang nine people being killed.

Golden Dragon Clan naturally knows this news.

Above the Golden Dragon Immortal Country great hall, Golden Dragon Clan patriarch Ao Beixing looked towards Golden Dragon Clan. The crowd was too old and said: “everybody, what do you think about Ao Gu, Ao Guang nine people killed?”

“Now Dragon Realm is speculating about this black-haired youngster and robust middle-aged man.” Golden Dragon Clan is too long and old, Ao Zui said: “A few days ago, Hao Shan of Immortal Realm Jade Emperor Hao Tian They were killed. Some people said that the two were the murderers who killed Hao Shan. Others said that the Concealed Dragon Lord Residence Residence Lord Ao Xuan was also killed by these two people!”

“Whether, Hao Shan or Ao Xuan are the two people, but there is no doubt that these two strengths are definitely not as simple as the surface, otherwise, impossible by two people, plus Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Old Ancestor Ao Zhong can kill the Black Dragon Clan Ao Gu nine people.” Golden Dragon Clan Another old, long-haired, old man said.

Golden Dragon Clan is too old to talk about.

After a while, Ao Beixing raised his hand and waited for everyone to stop. He said: “transmit an order, find Ao Zhong three people, and immediately report to immediately.”

“patriarch, you think?” Ao Zui asked.

“I also want to know how they killed Ao Gu, Ao Guang nine people.” Ao Beixing blinked.

“Yes, patriarch!” Ao Zui heard the words of Ao Beixing.

In fact, it’s not just Ao Beixing who wants to know the secret of Long Qingtian killing Ao Gu nine people. Even the other Dragon Race Black Dragon, White Dragon, Azure Dragon and other races want to know, so almost the entire Dragon Realm is looking for Long. Qingtian three people.

However, Long Qingtian and Pan Xiaoer had already changed their appearance to the Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Immortal Country, so Dragon Realm everyone was able to find Long Qingtian. Of course, Myriad Sea Dragon Sect Old Ancestor Ao Zhong from Myriad Sea Dragon Sect After Immortal Country came out, it changed its face.

Just as the entire Dragon Realm was looking for the Long Qingtian three, Long Qingtian had a continent seclusion refining Ao Guang, Ao Gu nine people Immortal Symbol near Ink Dragon Continent.

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