“It turned out to be Immortal Monarch late-stage Peak!” The Golden Dragon Clan everyone who came over saw Long Qingtian realm, could not help but be shocked. Originally, they had previously heard reporting to not believe it.

Golden Dragon Clan Ao Ya and the others When they saw Ao Beixing and the others, they all had a happy face, and they quickly flew over and said to Ao Beixing and the others: “See patriarch and Supreme Elder!”

Ao Beixing nodded: “You all get up.” After that, they looked toward the Long Qingtian three in the fierce battle.

At this time, Ao Ya came forward and said: “patriarch, this person is extremely arrogant, taking advantage of strength to kill our Golden Dragon Clan core disciple, if not my father and Master arrived, I am afraid I still have all the Golden Dragon in the field. Clan disciple, Elder is all killed by this person!”

“This person is too arrogant!” At this time, Golden Dragon Clan Supreme Elder screamed and said: “patriarch, no one has ever dared to strike my Golden Dragon Clan disciple in Golden Dragon City strike, and it is a core disciple, even Even our Golden Dragon Clan Elder wants to kill! Without this person strike to kill, our Golden Dragon Clan will be laughed at by Dragon Realm every clan!”

“right, patriarch, no matter what the origin of this person, you must die!” Another Golden Dragon Clan Supreme Elder is also angrily said.

Other Supreme Elders have also echoed, all agree to strike to kill Long Qingtian, deterrent Dragon Realm every clan, otherwise, pass out, Golden Dragon Clan is prevailing!

Ao Ya listened to Dragon Race’s Supreme Elder anger, and couldn’t help but smugly look at Long Qingtian in the high-altitude battle. She continued: “patriarch, everybody Supreme Elder, those people are all this person.” In the distance Xu Yuyun, Murong Qian, Huo Gang and the others.

Ao Beixing and the others looked at the past.

“In this case, let’s kill those people!” At this time, Golden Dragon Clan Supreme Elder said.

“patriarch, what do you mean?” Golden Dragon Supreme Elder Ao Zui opened the mouth and said , everyone looked towards Ao Beixing.

Ao Beixing blinks.

“patriarch, there is nothing to worry about.” Yu Fei saw it and said.

Ao Beixing frowned , nodded and said : “Well, you go up, but don’t kill them, take them all down, and, let’s go, help you Ao Jing, Ao Yuan.”

“Yes, patriarch!” Everyone hearing this, respectfully agreed.

However, just as the Golden Dragon Clan Supreme Elder flew out, to capture Xu Yuyun and the others and join the attack Long Qingtian, suddenly, Ao Beixing expression shocked, and Golden Dragon Clan everyone shouted: “Slow!”

Golden Dragon Clan everyone startled, looking at Ao Beixing unclearly.

“patriarch, he killed our Golden Dragon Clan core disciple, we can’t!” Ao Ya opened the mouth and said.

“Stop!” Suddenly, Ao Beixing suddenly turned around and looked at Ao Ya with a fierce look. Shouted, Golden Dragon Clan Supreme Elder could not be dumbfounded. It seems that for many years, Ao Beixing has not been so sullen. Now! And Ao Ya screamed at Ao Beixing, scared his legs soft and crouched down.

After Ao Beixing screamed at Ao Ya, Ao Jing and Ao Yuan, who were fighting with Long Qingtian in the sky, shouted: “You give me a hand!”

Originally, Ao Jing and Ao Yuan, who were in a fierce battle with Long Qingtian, saw Ao Beixing and the others coming. My heart was happy. I suddenly heard Ao Beixing open the door and let them stop. I didn’t understand Ao Beixing.

“I want you to stop me!” Ao Beixing saw Ao Jing, Ao Yuan still shot, some angry and defeated shouted, and even the whole person flew forward.

Everyone look at each other in dismay , patriarch What’s wrong with this? !

Ao Jing, Ao Yuan Listening to Ao Beixing again, he rushed back and stopped the attack.

Ao Jing, Ao Yuan After the two men stopped the attack, Ao Beixing ignored the two and flew to Long Qingtian. Long Qingtian looked at Ao Beixing who was flying over and his face was calm.

“Young Master Long, I’m sorry, we were offended by Golden Dragon Clan disciple and offended you. I apologize to you on behalf of Golden Dragon Clan.” Under everyone’s eyes, Ao Beixing came to Long Qingtian and looked respectful.

Did patriarch apologize to the other party? !

Looking at Ao Beixing, respectful and sincerely apologize to Long Qingtian, all Golden Dragon Clan disciple, Elder, Supreme Elder can’t believe it, even Xu Yuyun, Murong Qian, and every clan powerhouse watching in the distance. All the mouth opened wide.

“I rely, is it crazy, or is Ao Beixing crazy?!” In the distance, a White Dragon Clan Supreme Elder saw this scene, and couldn’t help but burst into it.

Long Qingtian killed the Golden Dragon Clan core disciple in Golden Dragon City, and serious injury Golden Dragon Elder, Supreme Elder, Ao Beixing even apologized to Long Qingtian? !

When Golden Dragon Clan became so soft!

Just when everyone was shocked to see this scene, Long Qingtian was indifferent look, facing Ao Beixing’s apology, indifferent, opened the mouth and said: “My people are buying in Golden Dragon City, Golden Dragon Clan disciple Blatantly robbed in the Golden Dragon City, this matter, what do you do?”

Ao Beixing was shocked. Originally, he and Golden Dragon Clan Supreme Elder didn’t know what happened. Now, listening to Long Qingtian, he couldn’t help but turn around and shouted the Golden Dragon Clan disciples: “Who? Give me a stop!”

Golden Dragon Clan disciples could not be looked at towards Ao Ya.

Ao Ya’s face was terrified, and the trembled Nono stood up and knelt down: “Family, patriarch, me, things, things are not!” She still wanted to defend, but the teeth trembled up and down, the voice was unclear.

“Stop!” Ao Beixing glared, and asked to interrupt: “Say, is it true?!”

Ao Ya pretty face deathly pale : “Family, patriarch, me, me!”

“Is it true?!” Ao Beixing continued to ask.

“Yes, yes, it is true!” Ao Ya trembled.

At this time, Golden Dragon Clan Ao Jing, Ao Yuan and the others also began to understand the cause.

“Patriarch, Ao Ya is wrong, but.” Ao Jing is going to plead for daughter. Suddenly, Ao Beixing looks cold and his eyes are full of fierce eyes, scaring him not to say anything more.

Ao Beixing glance all around Golden Dragon everyone, slowly said: “Take off Ao Ya Golden Dragon Elder and take it to the prison station, 1 million years later, release it!”

Stripping Elder’s job! Imprisoning the refining station, 1 million years!

Ao Ya was gray, and Golden Dragon Clan was shocked by all the Boss. Only the Golden Dragon Clan disciple who committed the felony would imprison the refining platform. They didn’t think that because of this matter, they patriarch would have to imprison Ao Ya. Taiwan, and it is 1 million years!

1 million years!

Although 1 million years is not too long for their Immortal Emperor powerhouse, but on the refining platform, day and night by the refining platform, the pain is abnormal, 1 million years is almost more than 10 billion years

“patriarch, please look at Ao Ya’s first offense and spare Ao Ya once.” Ao Jing hurriedly asked: “And this punishment is too heavy?!”

Ao Beixing eyes like blade, staring at Ao Jing.

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