Rong “There is a difference between you and everyone. You never look at my stomach. I look at my face. Every time I see you, the baby in my stomach starts to kick hard. I I think it’s probably because every time I see you, my heart starts to slam.”

“Me too,” Brick said shyly.

“With these, I am satisfied. You are perfect, buddy.” Juno’s words made the cinema a laugh again.

“Would you like to be intimate now?” Brick laughed.

“Okay.” Juno was nodded again and again.

The two stood on the stadium and began to kiss passionately. The teenagers were showing their envious expressions while the cheerleaders were cheering. “Do you know? You continue to follow this position.” If you go on, you will give birth early.”

The answer to Leah is the middle finger of Juno’s right hand, while the background is a picture of Juno and Brick still kissing. This scene does not violate the contrary, but let the warmth of the heart roll like this.

When Juno was in production, Brick was participating in the regional competition, so Juno not at all told Brick but he still found it, so he just came to the hospital just after the game. In the ward, Mike, who finished the production, stroked the daughter’s forehead and said, “You will come here again one day in the future. It will be your own order.” When Mike saw Brick appear, he would space. Let this little couple be given.

Vanessa came to the hospital and stood outside the infant. She said, “I have a son.” She cautiously took the child from the nurse, and her body was stiff and feared that one of her actions would hurt her. Child. Seeing Brenda standing at the door, Vanessa timidly asked, “This, I… How do I look?” Her eyes were covered with tears.

“Like an inexperienced mother, I’m so scared.” Brandan also said with tears in his eyes.

Vanessa looked down at the baby in her arms, and the smile on her face bloomed like this. The crystal clear tears hung on the eyelashes, and it was like a beam of sunshine.

Brick also climbed into the bed and held Juno from behind. The two men were lying quietly, and Juno finally revealed his vulnerability. She began to cry uncontrollably. In the final analysis, she has just experienced the pain of production, and her own life with nine months of life has finally been born, but not theirs. Although Juno knew that this was the right choice, because she was only sixteen years old, she could not shoulder the responsibility of a life, but the tears still slipped uncontrollably.

Both Brick and Juno decided not to look at the baby because they felt that it was not their child. They all knew that the child was already Vanessa.

Brick’s stained sneakers and Juno’s feet in rainbow socks lay side by side on the hospital bed. on. Juno’s cheeks were wet with tears, but the smile on her lips was so leisurely, her happiness and happiness, this has just begun.

“Everything ends in a chair.” Juno’s narration said, and on the wall of the infant house at Vanessa’s house, Juno left her a note in a picture frame that read, “Vani Sha, if you still want, I am willing to – Juno.” Vanessa hugged her baby, sat on the edge of the bed, looked at the child with satisfaction, and her face was filled with the brilliance of mother.

Juno carries his own guitar, in the joy of music, riding a bicycle to the sun, her plaid shirt fluttering in the wind, “Since I have a boyfriend, my world begins to surround Poly-cloth. Rick is spinning, he is the nai cheese on my macaroni. I know that the ordinary person is the first to love, then reborn, but we don’t like to play according to the card.”

Juno stopped at Brick’s door, and Brick had been sitting on the steps of the door with a guitar, waiting for his girlfriend. After two people simply greeted each other, they sat down at the door and played guitar and sang. “Sometimes talk about love, always friends, the monkeys on your back are always the latest, I You can’t see other people’s world, you can’t see anything else, only you…” This is part of Brick.

This is a sun shone brightly afternoon, in front of the villa, the lawn is verdant, the dwarf lilac and the wild rose are growing, and the small fountain blooms with crystal water, which makes the afternoon sun emit a thin life force. Two youngsters sit at the door and face each other, holding a wooden guitar in their hands, gently plucking the strings, looking at each other, and the melody of the strings swaying in the sun. Plaid shirt, light blue jeans, black se canvas shoes, dark green se hat t…, without any gorgeous decoration, without any dazzling costumes, without any dazzling background, is such a simple picture, but has a The natural harmony of the stocks makes people unable to open their eyes.

“This is a church, the top is a spire. We are both ugly, but smart and cute. I can’t see other people’s world, I can’t see anything else, only you…” This is part of Juno.

“We both have a bad bad temper, I need more fans, you need a wider world, I can’t see other people’s world, I can’t see anything else, only you.”

“You always make your dreams come true, I love your piety, I can’t see other people’s world, I can’t see anything else, only you.”

“In the dark part of the train, I kissed your forehead, kissed you for admit defeat, and kissed me back and forth. I couldn’t see other people’s world, I couldn’t see anything else, only you.”

“The little stone forgive me, the tree forgive me, why can’t you forgive me? I can’t see other people’s world, can’t see anything else, only you.”

The lens little by little, the picture is getting more and more complete, the blue sky behind the house is gradually enriching the picture, the scene se is more and more complete, the only constant is the bright sunshine, and the picture is positive The two cute people in zhong yang are getting smaller and smaller. Juno leaned out in the direction of Brick, and then the two people kissed each other expression. At this time, the team members of the Brick Run School team ran over and passed by the eyes of two people, but Juno and Brick still kissed the expression, the picture is so beautiful.

The sun is still shining, the people are still beautiful, and the story has just come to a close here!

In the continuous outbreak, seek double monthly votes! (To be continued. [This text is provided by the breaking update group @小艾332335]. Welcome to the starting point “starting point” to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.) everyone can not be brushed Towards Golden Dragon Puníshment Hall Supreme Elder Ao Jing, Ao Beixing Eyebrows, his face does not flash.

Ao Jing feels the eyes of everyone, knowing that she has lost her words, hurriedly said: “patriarch, subordinate means that Ancestral Dragon Palace has always had only our dragon race every clan disciple to enter, Young Master Long, he is not our dragon race disciple So, so.”

Everyone is not silenced.

Ao Beixing also taunted, and he also considered this issue at the time, but this is the decision of Old Ancestor, he dared to question.

“Yeah, patriarch, Ao Jing Supreme Elder said that is not unreasonable.” At this time, Supreme Elder Ao Yuan also said: “When Young Master Long goes, Black Dragon Clan, White Dragon Clan, Giant Dragon Clan Azure Dragon Clan Several patriarchs are afraid to obstruct and will not agree.”

Ao Beixing brows again and again, he looked at Long Qingtian, Long Qingtian indifferent look, calm, can’t see the idea, he pondered and said: “good, this matter, don’t say it again, this is our Old Ancestor’s decision, wait until Ancestral Dragon Palace, Black Dragon, Azure Dragon If you are obstructed, I will report to our Old Ancestor!”

Sure enough, it means Old Ancestor!

Everyone hearing, look at each other, can’t help but stop, don’t dare to say more, give them 10,000 daring, and dare not question their Old Ancestor’s decision.

However, everyone is even more convinced that Long Qingtian is a rumor of their Old Ancestor direct disciple.

“Young Master Long, we are going to Ancestral Dragon Palace now, what do you mean?” Ao Beixing turned and asked.

Long Qingtian nodded.

So, Ao Beixing and Long Qingtian and Golden Dragon Clan Supreme Elder, Young Patriarch Ao Xiaoyang flew up and came out of the Golden Dragon Immortal Country to the Ancestral Dragon Palace.

Ancestral Dragon Palace is in the Dragon Realm extreme north, from Golden Dragon Continent to Ancestral Dragon Palace, at the speed of everyone, it takes about ten days.

Ten days later, everyone came to a white snowfield, snowfields, a group of snowballs falling down, these snowballs are not white se, there are some blue se luster, some like Long Qingtian’s Ice Soul Blue Snow Great Formation Among the blue snow, of course, it is not a hail blue snow, but it is also extremely cold.

Everyone is in it, and these Cold Qi are like a cold blade.

After coming to Xueyuan, Ao Beixing continued to fly forward with Long Qingtian and the others. After a while, he saw a huge palace standing on the snowfield.

The feeling of this palace is big, very big, huge! Standing there, the momentum is amazing, giving people the illusion of breaking through the sky.

The entire palace is tens of thousands of miles away. The palace itself is made up of Dragon Realm thousands of absolutely lonely dragons, including Golden Dragon, Azure Dragon, White Dragon, Black Dragon, Giant Dragon, Tuo Dragon, Buddha Dragon.

A dragon, some sly, some serene, some look up, some squat, some smother, some smash the world, some swim high.

Nearly, watching this huge dragon palace made up of Dragon Race thousands of absolutely dragons, the visual impact of everyone is even more shocking, including Ao Beixing as Golden Dragon Patriarch.

Although Ao Beixing and the Golden Dragon Supreme Elder have also come several times, it is inevitable that every time I stand in front of this Ancestral Dragon Palace.

This Ancestral Dragon Palace, generally only when the opening and Dragon Realm happen to be great, Dragon Realm every clan patriarch and Supreme Elder can come here to discuss and discuss things.

Long Qingtian has been to Dragon Realm several times, but it is the first time to come to Ancestral Dragon Palace.

Looking at this Ancestral Dragon Palace, Long Qingtian was also a little shocked.

He can see that the Ancestral Dragon Palace is not a simple building, but a Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure, which is a Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure like the Ancestral Dragon Sea.

His Buddha Dragon Golden Cauldron is now top-grade Primal Chaos Spirit Treasure. If it can be promoted, it is Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure, but ease said said than done. First, Long Qingtian within the body’s Flame of Primal Chaos is promoted to Flame of Primordial. Chaos, and I don’t know how many primal chaos materials to look for.

And the formidable power of Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure is far from being comparable to top-grade Primal Chaos Spirit Treasure.

In front of Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure, top-grade Primal Chaos Spirit Treasure is simply slag, yes, it is slag, just like Celestial Venerable in front of Primordial Saint.

Not proving the Dao and becoming a Saint, in the eyes of the saints are ants, including the Celestial Venerable, not to see the Celestial Venerable in the myriad realms. The position is extremely high, but in the eyes of the saints is no different from the Immortal Emperor.

Just then, there was a hearty laughter in the distance: “Northbound brother, last time, we haven’t seen each other for tens of thousands of years?”

Long Qingtian looked and saw a group of Dragon Races wearing Black Dragon war armor flying here.

There is no doubt that the other party is Black Dragon Clan.

Long Qingtian looked towards the front of the Black Dragon Clan Patriarch Ao Bubai, this Ao Bubai, the last time he came to Dragon Realm, this time, Long Qingtian found that the strength of the other side improved a lot.

The general Immortal Emperor early-stage powerhouse, Immortal Emperor Law is more than 100 million, and Immortal Emperor Law breakthrough one billion, then Immortal Emperor late-stage, reaching 10 billion or more, is Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak, last time Long Qingtian see This Ao Bubai, Immortal Emperor Law is only 20 billion, but now it is almost two hundred and two billion.

Two one billion!

Don’t look at these two one billion, Immortal Emperor powerhouse, every cultivating an Immortal Emperor Law is extremely difficult, more than one billion, strength is promoted about 10%.

It seems that there is a secret in this Ao Bubai? Long Qingtian thought, or this Ao Bubai got a great fortuitous encounter, otherwise the impossible strength improved so much.

“It turned out to be Brother Bubai!” Golden Dragon Patriarch Ao Beixing saw Ao Bubai and the others, and also led the Golden Dragon Clan everyone to meet up, cup one fist in the other hand said with a smile.

“Is this?” Ao Bubai looked at Long Qingtian and said.

Ao Beixing said with a smile : “This is Young Master Long.”

“The original Your Excellency is Young Master Long.” Ao Bubai said with a smile : “The name of Young Master Long is now famous for the entire Dragon Realm. Even Golden Dragon Supreme Elder Ao Jing and Ao Yuan are not Young Master Long. Opponent!”

Ao Beixing behind Ao Jing, Ao Yuan, both face ugly.

Ao Beixing smiled and said: “Young Master Long’s innate talent is amazing. I think even if you have two Supreme Elders with Black Dragon Clan, I am afraid that it is not a Young Master Long opponent.”

Ao Bubai smiles and then says with a smile : “Young Master Long wants to participate in the Ancestral Dragon Palace competition this time?”

“This is what we mean by Old Ancestor.” Ao Beixing interface.

“I heard that Young Master Long is the direct disciple of Golden Dragon Old Ancestor and even the Ink Thunder Mad Dragon Great Formation of Golden Dragon Old Ancestor?” Ao Bubai said, eyes staring at Ao Beixing and Long Qingtian.

Ink Thunder Mad Dragon Great Formation ? ! Ao Beixing and Golden Dragon Clan everyone are obviously startled, but Long Qingtian has a face that is indifferent and has no expression.

Ao Bubai, Ao Beixing and the others talked and talked, and soon everyone came to the plaza in front of the Ancestral Dragon Palace.

Long Qingtian and the others, Azure Dragon Clan and White Dragon Clan have arrived. Azure Dragon patriarch and White Dragon patriarch saw Ao Bubai and Ao Beixing, both of whom came up and talked. The two are the same as Ao Bubai. Next to Long Qingtian, I tried to know from Ao Beixing whether Long Qingtian is really Golden Dragon Old Ancestor direct disciple.

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