The huge Primal Chaos Dying Stone, which is a few 10 Million Li, collided very quickly, and almost a few breaths came to the Long Qingtian.

In front of this huge Primal Chaos Dying Stone, the Long Qingtian three are simply three small dust.

At this time, Long Qingtian suddenly shot, and the right hand slammed forward. Under the shocked eyes of Ao Yi and Pan Xiaoer, the huge meteorite that crashed suddenly stopped, and then the entire huge Primal Chaos Dying Stone suddenly dispersed. , turned into a piece of gravel.

These gravel were scattered again and turned into small stones.

Small stones drifted past the Long Qingtian.

Ao Yi and Pan Xiaoer looked at the stones that drifted from their side and drifted to the back. They looked stunned. This is the previous number of 10 Million Li’s Primal Chaos Dying Stone? !

When the two were shocked, Long Qingtian took the two to continue swiftly flying forward.

Along the way, I don’t know how many Primal Chaos Dying Stone, except for Primal Chaos Dying Stone, there are many primal chaos storms, primal chaos rainstorm.

However, they were all easily resolved by Long Qingtian one after another.

Just after Long Qingtian took two people through a huge primal chaos storm, Ao Yi and Pan Xiaoer only felt a shock, suddenly a light, all around primal chaos airflow completely disappeared, the two looked, I saw Below the mountains and rivers, Birds, Speech, Flowers, Fragrances, Immortal Beast run away.

“This, Monster Realm?!” After a while, the two talents reacted and they have arrived at Monster Realm.

“Go.” Long Qingtian took the two into three streams and flew east of Monster Realm.

In the east of Monster Realm, there is a huge mountain range. This huge mountain range is one of Monster Realm’s most famous mountain range, Sun Xing Mountain!

Sun Xing Mountain is the Sun Xing cultivation cave mansion, one of the Monster Realm Nine Great Monster Kings.

As one of the Monster Realm Nine Great Monster Kings, Sun Xing has a tens of billions of demons. As for the little demon, I don’t know how many trillions. Usually, Sun Xing Mountain is over, Monster Qi is skyrocketing, countless big demon, little demon Flying, waving flags, no one dares to approach, but now, over the entire Sun Xing Mountain, there is almost no trace of Monster Qi.

I saw Sun Xing Mountain pulse all around, a piece of black pressure, standing full of countless powerhouses from all walks of life.

There are celestial troops and generals from Hao Tian Heaven’s Court, the Great Emperor of Divine Realm, the Monster Race’s Monster King, and even the Dragon Realm powerhouse.

Immemorial Heaven’s Court, the Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure is so tempting.

“Sun Xing, hand over the Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure Immemorial Heaven’s Court, we can’t kill you!” At this time, one of the Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak powerhouse opened the mouth and said, the voice was thick and shocked, and everything was turbulent. Jade Emperor under tutelage Deli Great General Shu Lin.

This Shu Lin strength is unpredictable. It is said that Shu Lin has played with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, one of the Buddha Realm Four Great Bodhisattva. In the end, no one knows who wins and no one, and more people guess that they are tied.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is one of the powerhouses of Buddha Realm’s Buddha under tutelage. This Shu Lin can be tied with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, but its strength!

“Don’t kill me?” At this time, within Sun Xing Mountain, there was a taunting voice: “Shu Lin, you are just a dog under Jade Emperor, when your master Jade Emperor Hao Tian took the shot himself, killing with Gonggong and Minghe. Can’t you, can you rely on you? Do you dare not kill me?”

Sun Xing’s words came out, Shu Lin’s face was ugly, and the eyes were cold.

However, he also knows that Sun Xing speaks correctly. Even Gonggong and Minghe can’t kill Sun Xing. He asked himself that he couldn’t do it. Although he didn’t personally deal with Sun Xing, he knew that single-handedness was not Sun Xing’s opponent.

“Sun Xing, hand over Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure Immemorial Heaven’s Court, I know that your strength is strong, but you are not our every opponent!” At this time, Divine Realm Great Unrestrained Divine Emperor opened shouted, a horrible divine power Dissipated from it and shattered the millions li over the Monster Realm.

Great Unrestrained Divine Emperor is one of Divine Realm’s oldest Divine Emperors, born in primal chaos, famous for myriad realms.

“right, Sun Xing, hand over the Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure Immemorial Heaven’s Court, otherwise we will break through Sun Xing Mountain and kill your Sun Xing trillions of demons and all the demon!” with Sun Xing The Jade Fox Monster King interface is one of the Monster Realm Nine Great Monster King interfaces.

“You have so many people, I have to hand over Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure Immemorial Heaven’s Court.” Sun Xing sneer’s voice came out: “Who should I hand it to?”

All around a silence.

That’s right, there are at least twenty big influences coming to Sun Xing Mountain, and there is only one Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure Immemorial Heaven’s Court!

“Good, don’t discuss Immemorial Heaven’s Court Supreme Treasure.” At this time, Heaven’s Court Shu Lin opened the mouth and said: “We all teamed up to break Sun Xing Mountain’s defense great formation, kill Sun Xing, as for Supreme Treasure Immemorial Heaven’s Court, when they are robbed by the ability, whoever grabs it!”

“it is good!”

“Yes, break Sun Xing Mountain defense great formation and kill Sun Xing!”

“Right by the ability!”

Immediately, all the powerhouses have shot.

Shu Lin took the lead and flew up. There was a huge long halberd in his hand. On the long halberd, there was an ancient primal chaos giant beast. The giant beast had a huge fangs and the head had two long horns.

Shu Lin slammed out, and the shadow of the giant beast emerged from the long halberd, rising to the front, and a fierce aura from Great Desolate.

Hong long! A loud bang, the entire Sun Xing Mountain trembled.

With the Shu Lin attack, other powerhouse attacks have fallen on Sun Xing Mountain.

This shot, at least a thousand Immortal Emperor powerhouse shot together, and most of them are Immortal Emperor middle-stage, even Immortal Emperor late-stage powerhouse has more than 30 people, Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak powerhouse people!

Think of the power of this devastating!

After the devastating blow of the entire Sun Xing Mountain, as the residual leaves in the rainstorm continually swayed, the ray of light continued to flash, and the sound of “噼噼啪啦” continued to spread.

“en?! Not even broken?!”

“How can it be?!”

“This seems to be the Myriad Tribulation Inextinguishable Great Formation of Great Luo Celestial Venerable might shaking the Immortal Realm that year”

Everyone is shocked.

More than a thousand Immortal Emperor powerhouse attacked, originally, in the eyes of everyone, it is absolutely possible to break the Sun Xing Mountain defense great formation and even explode Sun Xing Mountain! But now, hasn’t it completely broken Sun Xing Mountain defense great formation? !

At this time, Heaven’s Court Shu Lin sneered and said: “Sun Xing Mountain, your devil master, what the great Luo Celestial Venerable has fallen, even if his Myriad Tribulation Inextinguishable Great Formation is so powerful, it can’t resist us every few attacks. Wait until we break this shit Myriad Tribulation Inextinguishable Great Formation to see who can keep you!”

Shu Lin said, to Heaven’s Court powerhouse loudly said: “All together, give me this Myriad Tribulation Inextinguishable Great Formation!”


Immediately, the Immortal Emperors and the Immortal Monarch from Heaven’s Court have shot.

Others, such as Buddha Realm, Divine Realm, Dragon Realm, and Monster Realm powerhouse, are also on the same line.

With the powerhouse’s continuous efforts, finally, Long Qingtian’s Myriad Tribulation Inextinguishable Great Formation was smashed! At the moment when the great formation was smashed, Sun Xing Mountain great formation was hit by a huge impact, and Sun Xing sneezed blood and his face was palely pale.

“Myriad Tribulation Inextinguishable Great Formation, but that’s it!” Shu Lin sneered and said, waved, immediately, and the powerhouses of all parties flooded into Sun Xing Mountain.

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