“Heaven’s Court, Divine Realn and Buddha Realm chase to kill?” Long Qingtian hearing this, could not help but smile.

Long Qingtian’s laughter is full of ridicule, full of contempt for Heaven’s Court, Divine Realn and Buddha Realm.

Shu Lin, Namo Great Light Passing Buddha heard the ridicule in Long Qingtian’s laughter, and his heart was angry.

“Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, don’t think that there is Ancestral Dragon Torch Dragon to support you, we don’t dare to kill you, this time, even if Ancestral Dragon Torch Dragon Old Ancestor comes out for you, you will die!” Shu Lin First, for Golden Dragon Old Ancestor shouted: “You killed our Heaven’s Court so many Immortal Emperor powerhouse, Jade Emperor will kill you under myriad realms, no matter where you flee, you have to endless chase to kill! ”

At this time, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor and Pan Xiaoer have retreated to Long Qingtian, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor hearing this, not by sneer: “myriad realms must kill? That year Hao Tian that Queen’s ** killed my Junior Brother, No need Hao Tian Come to me, I will also go to Heaven’s Court to find Hao Tian!**”

Hao Tian, ​​Queen cavity? !

**? !

Heaven’s Court , Divine Realn and Buddha Realm The remaining powerhouse heard that Golden Dragon Old Ancestor dared to call Hao Tian is Queen’s cavity, is **, all complexion changed, colorful.

Divine Realm Great Unrestrained Divine Emperor Recalling the look of Hao Tian, ​​um, it’s white, some fat, and when it comes to it, there are some Queen’s chambers, as for **, except for Queen Mother, his Heaven’s Court There are still tens of thousands of fairies. Is this really a big deal? Under him, is it to be shared by tens of thousands of fairies?

“You, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, you dare to disrespect Jade Emperor!” Shu Lin shouted: “You, simply crime deserving ten thousand deaths !”

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor sneer: “Unfortunately, you can’t see me on Heaven’s Court looking for Hao Tian that day!”

Shu Lin and the others hearing this, face somewhat ugly, then Shu Lin and the others realized that they are in the situation.

“What do you want?” Shu Lin looked at Long Qingtian and Golden Dragon Old Ancestor with glare.

Long Qingtian sneer: “I said, you all have to die here.”

Shu Lin and the others hearing this , complexityion changed. They used to scream at Long Qingtian before, but now they really feel the death of the footsteps approaching everyone.

Shu Lin and the others, when they want to speak again, suddenly, Long Qingtian waved with both hands, completely urging the dozens of large killing formations arranged in the past, countless blue snow countless black mines, countless demons constantly rushing out from the void, endless Endless.

A dozen large killing formations are simultaneously motivated, and formidable power is ten times stronger than the previous Long Qingtian one big killing formation!

Immediately the remaining three-zone powerhouse, constantly falling.

After an hour, only a dozen of Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak powerhouses, such as Shu Lin, remained in the wolf.

At this time, Long Qingtian stopped the killing formation.

Shu Lin, Namo Great Light Passing Buddha and the others panicked and hugged, watching Long Qingtian panting in horror.

“Who are you?” Namo Great Light Passing Buddha trembled: “How come you have so many killing formations? And, why would you get our Pizza Real Great’s Phaseless Great Tathagata Palm?!”

Shu Lin and the others also looked at Long Qingtian, and the heart was full of endless doubts.

“Who am I?” Long Qingtian suddenly laughed and flew up to Shu Lin. A dozen people pointed out that countless stars were constantly born under the direction of Long Qingtian and were constantly shattered.

“Broken, Star Breaking Finger!” Shu Lin looked at Long Qingtian’s finger to his chest, suddenly trembled and screamed in disbelief.

“Star Breaking Finger !”

Namo Great Light Passing Buddha and the others are all trembled.

At this time, Long Qingtian fingered through Shu Lin’s chest. Then, the right hand lifted the palm and took it out. This palm, eternal, contains everything, and sighs all the true law, life, death, time and space between heaven and earth.

“Great Luo Palm !”

Shu Lin fell back and looked at Long Qingtian when she fell down. The eyes were endlessly fearful: “You, Big Luo Celestial Venerable!” However, just after I finished, it exploded.

“Great Luo Celestial Venerable !”

“It’s Great Luo Celestial Venerable !”

Namo Great Light Passing Buddha and the others only felt a sudden bang, Great Luo Celestial Venerable is still alive, still alive!

He proven the Dao failure, not only did not fall, but reincarnation reborn, realm, attack is even more terrible than the previous one! Even when it was Great Luo Celestial Venerable previous incarnation Immortal Emperor middle-stage Peak, it was not so terrible!

According to Long Qingtian now strength, if you return to Great Luo Celestial Venerable late-stage Peak, how terrible is it? !

However, Long Qingtian did not give them a shocking time, his body was constantly flashing, one finger, one punch, palm shot again and again, every finger, every punch, every palm is all his own divine ability.

Now, his realm is higher than the previous incarnation, and the Star Breaking Finger, Great Luo Palm is stronger than the previous incarnation formidable power, not to mention the Namo Great Light Passing Buddha and the others, even the eldest disciple Golden Dragon Old Ancestor is also possible I got it.

Half an hour later, Long Qingtian fingered the last person, Namo Great Light Passing Buddha, and blasted it all around the world.

The wind whimpered.

The strong blood stasis smells high above the sky.

Pan Xiaoer watched the ground gather into the Blood of the Blood River, swallowing his throat, most of which was the blood of the Immortal Emperor middle-stage powerhouse.

No one expected this to be the result, including Golden Dragon Old Ancestor and Pan Xiaoer, and they didn’t expect their Master Long Qingtian strength to return to this level.

More than a thousand Immortal Emperor, all fallen!

Soon after, they can imagine how this will shake myriad realms!

At that time, there will be a major earthquake in the force world.

“Master!” At this time, Sun Xing has refining Primal Chaos Innate Five Thunders Fruit, and wakes up to Long Qingtian, respectful.

“Ancestral Master!” and Sun Xing’s Monster King followed Sun Xing, respected Long Qingtian, and exclaimed from Shu Lin and the others before they died. They also knew that Long Qingtian was Great Luo Celestial Venerable’s reincarnation.

The excitement in their hearts, hey, Ancestral Master is Ancestral Master, cow, more than a thousand Immortal Emperor, it is gone!

This time, Heaven’s Court, Buddha Realm, Divine Realm, Dragon Realm, in addition to more than a thousand Immortal Emperor, there are many Immortal Monarch, Principle Celestial Immortal, but these Immortal Monarch, Principle Celestial Immortal simply no need Long Qingtian shot, It has all been killed by these Monster Kings under Sun Xing.

“Get up.” Long Qingtian nodded and said.

Sun Xing, Monster Kings, was respectfully agreed and stood up.

“Master, now, Shu Lin, Namo Great Light Passing Buddha and the others, when they arrived, Hao Tian, ​​Buddha, Divine Ancestor, they will definitely come people, then we?” At this time, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor said carefully.

Long Qingtian looked calm: “no need to worry.” Since he dared to kill Shu Lin, Namo Great Light Passing Buddha and the others, this problem has long been thought of.

Long Qingtian waved all of Shu Lin’s more than 1,000 Immortal Emperor’s Immortal Symbol into the Buddha Dragon Golden Cauldron.

“Sun Xing, you take the Supreme Treasure from Immemorial Heaven’s Court and give it to the teacher.” Then, Long Qingtian said.

“Yes, Master!” Sun Xing respectfully agreed.

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