“That, is the legendary Great Dragon Blade!” Continue to fly, not long after the Golden Dragon Old Ancestor again startled and said.

I saw the starry sky in front of a giant blade, this giant blade does not know how many miles, the blade body is full of fierce, murderous aura, the numerous Divine Dragon coiled on it, deducting a Dragon Realm.

The Great Dragon Blade is a top-grade primal chaos immortal tool that is infinitely close to Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure. It is impressive. At immemorial, the name is not even weaker than Immemorial Heaven’s Court, which is the Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure.

Long Qingtian took a single shot and his arm sank. It was impossible to seize the Great Dragon Blade for a moment. With Long Qingtian now strength, even a billion-mile immemorial Divine Mountain can easily pick up.

Long Qingtian saw it, and his hands suddenly took a photo. The Great Dragon Blade flew over, and on the blade, Divine Dragon roaring dragon.

鈥淎o Yi, then!鈥?Long Qingtian finished, a wave, the Great Dragon Blade flew to the Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi took over, startled and said: 鈥淢aster, this?!鈥?/p>

“You lack a weapon, this Great Dragon Blade, just right,” Long Qingtian said.

鈥淴ie Master!鈥?Golden Dragon Old Ancestor Ao Yi hesitated, respected thanked and said.

He really likes this Great Dragon Blade.

Long Qingtian nodded, with a few people continue to fly deep into treasury, not long after, encountered several top-grade primal chaos immortal tool, Long Qingtian let Sun Xing, Pan Xiaoer also picked one.

Long Qingtian Several people are flying. Suddenly, the medicine pill in front of them is flooded with everyone like a huge wave. This medicine pill has a strong attacking power.

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor three startled, have shot, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, Sun Xing two, okay, Pan Xiaoer was forced to retreat.

Although Pan Xiaoer is only the Immortal Emperor early-stage Peak, but the strength can compare same Immortal Emperor late-stage, it is forced to retreat by the medicine pill!

Long Qingtian eyes, with a wave of hands, broke the medicine pill wave of qi, flew in a flash, and came to a starry sky.

鈥淧rimordial Chaos Qiankun Profound Celestial Pill !鈥?/p>

I saw the front of the starry sky suspended in two giant Dan!

These two giant dans, each with a planet size, the horrible medicine pill gas is the two giant dans exuded, giant Dan surface, countless Pill Qi formed one after another giant beast.

Qiankun giant beast is a kind of divine beast between the heavens and the earth. The body of the innate talent is extremely tyrannical. The body of Qiankun Realm’s King of Qiankun is the giant beast.

Looking at the two giants, Long Qingtian eyes, because this Primordial Chaos Qiankun Profound Celestial Pill is top-grade Primordial Chaos Immortal Pill!

Previously, the Primordial Chaos Glazed Seven-colored Pill swallowed by Long Qingtian was only the lower-grade Primordial Chaos Immortal Pill, the lower-grade was above the middle-grade, and the middle-grade was above the upper-grade, upper-grade It is top-grade!

Top-grade Primordial Chaos Immortal Pill Ah!

Every one has the effect of winning the world! The power of medicine pill is definitely not ten thousand times that of lower-grade Primordial Chaos Glazed Seven-colored Pill, which is as simple as thousand.

The birth of each top-grade Primordial Chaos Immortal Pill is awesome.

“As long as swallowed, refining the two primordial chaos 涔惧潳鐜勫か涓? I can definitely breakthrough to Immortal Emperor late-stage!” Long Qingtian eyes flashing.

Long Qingtian can see that these two Primordial Chaos Qiankun Profound Celestial Pill one yin one yang, together with the refining, the medicine pill is definitely twice as strong as the one that swallows one!

At the moment, Long Qingtian opened his mouth and suddenly absorbed it. I saw that the two medicine pill wave of qi from the two Primordial Chaos Qiankun Profound Celestial Pill poured into the Long Qingtian within the body.

As these medicine pill wave of qi was swallowed up by Long Qingtian, Long Qingtian within the body, constantly swaying the noise, like the sound from the primordial chaos.

A few hours later, Long Qingtian completely devours these medicine pill wave of qi, refining, and feels that her strength is once again infinitely close to the Immortal Emperor late-stage, and the two medicines pill wave of qi emitted by two Primordial Chaos Qiankun Profound Celestial Pill. The effect is several times better than Long Qingtian’s previous refining Soul of Immemorial Golden Crow!

At this time, the two pseudo-giant beasts of the two Primordial Chaos Qiankun Profound Celestial Pills flew up to form a Qiankun Great Formation, which protected two Immortal Pills.

Long Qingtian saw it and flew up, suddenly throwing a punch, blasting over the Qiankun Great Formation, and instantly broke the Qiankun Great Formation.

If the Golden Dragon Old Ancestor is the Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak powerhouse, it is almost impossible to break the Qiankun Great Formation, but it is easy for Long Qingtian.

After breaking the Qiankun Great Formation, Long Qingtian broke his hands with his hands and clawed it down. He saw two Primordial Chaos Qiankun Profound Celestial Pill rays of light flashing, and countless restrictions broke open.

As the two Immortal Pill’s restrictions were broken by Long Qingtian, the two medicine pills, which were originally the size of the planet, continued to shrink and eventually became the size of the thumb.

Then, Long Qingtian opened his mouth and sucked two medicine pill into the body, sitting under the starry sky and running [Prial Chaos Great Luo Heaven] to refining the two Primordial Chaos Qiankun Profound Celestial Pill.

A stock of Qi of Primordial Chaos has been circulated from Long Qingtian.

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, Sun Xing, Pan Xiaoer saw the three, retreated to the side, guarding.

“I don’t know if Master can breakthrough to Immortal Emperor late-stage this time.” Pan Xiaoer looked at Long Qingtian, who was cultivating in the distance.

鈥淢aster has already reached the Immortal Emperor middle-stage Peak limit, this time refining two Primordial Chaos Qiankun Profound Celestial Pill, absolutely breakthrough to Immortal Emperor late-stage!鈥?said Golden Dragon Old Ancestor.

鈥淗owever, the Master realm is extremely high, but to recover the previous incarnation Celestial Venerable late-stage Peak strength, the energy required is too horrible, now the breakthrough Immortal Emperor late-stage needs top-grade Primordial Chaos Immortal Pill, to break through Celestial Venerable doesn’t know what it needs!” Sun Xing is somewhat worriedly said.

All three can see that Long Qingtian now needs only energy, but the energy needed is too horrible. The more backward, the more horrible the energy is.

Time is constantly passing.

Suddenly, the ray of light of the Long Qingtian refining Primordial Chaos Qiankun Profound Celestial Pill, a path of seemingly weak but terrifying power from Long Qingtian, and the golden dragon Old Ancestor in the distance People heart startled, hurry and fly back, straight out of the millions li.

After stopping his body, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor felt the change of Long Qingtian, and he said: “Master breakthrough to Immortal Emperor late-stage!”

Yes, Long Qingtian finally broke through Immortal Emperor late-stage !

However, Long Qingtian not at all stopped, but continued to run the cultivation technique, constantly refining within the body Primordial Chaos Qiankun Profound Celestial Pill’s medicine pill, when completely refining two Primordial Chaos Qiankun Profound Celestial Pill, Long Qingtian Just stop the cultivation technique and stand up.

“Christine-Hi Master’s Masterminal Immortal Emperor late-stage!” In the distance, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor flew in front of him, Christine said.

Long Qingtian smiled, nodded, and finally broke through to Immortal Emperor late-stage. Now, he has in the body Immortal Emperor Law has reached more than two billion.

Although it is only two billion, the Long Qingtian strength has turned ten times more than before! A world of aura emerged from Long Qingtian, Long Qingtian confident, with Flame of Primordial Chaos, now even if Celestial Venerable comes, it is very difficult to hurt him!

He turned his head and looked towards the deeper of treasury.

Now, he breaks through Immortal Emperor late-stage and the sense of summon in front is even stronger.

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