“In such an environment, if you want to leave, you can only find a way out of the stone wall that we came out. The cockroach may have the ability to sacrifice and shuttle, just find a way.” Angley shrugged.

“But our material treasure is not enough for the whole staff to shuttle. At most, we can only go back a small part.” Wei Wei did not continue.

“Don’t worry, most of the wizards who left together in the first place are actually peace-stricken people who are tired of war, and if they want to go back, they have to find a way to go through the abyss tornado. Even if the channel is hidden, I can’t find it in a short time. This is also the case. It’s very clear, so the fate of all wizards is now doomed,” Angrid said comfortably. “Next, quietly living, re-adapting to the environment is the most important.”

“It is o, since I have already decided, regret is just meaningless.” Wei Wei is a bit stunned.

Both of them actually know that from the moment the Elder House leaves the middle, the fate of the hands of Yuanneng is likely to be buried somewhere in the world, and it is difficult to rise again. Whether it is Great Elder or second elder, or other wizards who join the team.

All the entrances are clear, this is actually giving up everything, pursuing and living in peace.

“Right, we will rebuild a double-storey building and find a good place alone. If you want to settle down, you can get a place to live!” Wei Wei noo smiled again.

“No problem!” Angrid also smiled.

*******************************After nine years

In the morning, the light golden sun passed through the jungle and sprinkled on the surface of a small white wall with a bright white light.

The small building stands in the depths of the deep forest, surrounded by a silver se metal railing. On the edge of the small building is an unknown small flower with a piece of red se yellow se, and several bees stinging up and down in the flowers.

Bang! !

The window on the second floor of the small building suddenly spewed a black smoke.

Cough cough cough cough

A violent cough from the man came out of the window.

In the room on the second floor of the gray-black se, Angley was black clothed, and the long hair was bundled into a bundle, and his mouth was coughing loudly.

In front of him, a piece of white se candle lit on the ground, all the candles were extinguished, and a pungent blue smoke was emerging. The whole room was full of smoke and smoke, and the stencil was full of tumbling smoke, and nothing could be seen clearly.

“Failed again?” Angrid frowned at the floor between the candle stacks, which used blood to depict a red-shaped array of moon-shaped characters, which were covered with a densely packed ant-like witchcraft rune.

“It has been nine years, and I feel more and more that the power of nightmares is slowly weakening. The world track is about to be separated. It is estimated that there are still several months. It is necessary to find out the power of the world to suppress my key before this. “Angley’s eyes flashed a bit of firmness.”

As a disaster lord, his bloodline has the ability to return to the nightmare world at any time, but in order to study the reasons why the wizard world suppresses him, he must conduct a tentative study in this world.

For the past nine years, he has been constantly exploring all the knowledge about Space-Time. Occasionally check the situation of the group of seals in the middle, everything is very smooth, but the time is a little hurry, didn’t expect only nine years, the world will be separated into the next cycle.

“It’s no wonder that the desperate hotel’s bearded man does not care about the sealer’s invasion. In such a short period of time, to be truly critical to the underground 5-Layer, it is simply impossible to achieve.

“Green Uncle?” suddenly heard a small child shouting outside the window. “Ms. Wei Wei told you to go to the town for breakfast.”

Angliel went to the window and looked out.

Outside the silver se railings of the small building, two small children yelled at the railings. The two children look eleven or two years old, a boy dressed in short-sleeved shorts with a rubber sling on his waist. The other is the girl dressing up, brown red se long hair tied to the right side of the hair, pale purple se close-fitting dress looks pure and lovely.

“It’s Elma and the little egg 挞o.” Angrid smiled and looked at the two children. Both of these children are beautiful and cute, but the difference is that the boy is dressed as a girl and the one in the skirt is a boy. This is the custom of this town. Before the age of 13, the boy must be a girl, and the girl should be a boy.

For nine years, the wizard who came here has gradually merged with the simple and closed town.

Some wizards also moved to the town to live, quiet and peaceful life so that these wizards and their families who love peace are liked everything here.

Now living in the woods of the mountains, except for the Great Elder, there is only Angri. Even Wei Wei and Fei Fei lived in the town.

“Morning is, I know, you play with you. I will go soon.” Angrid replied immediately.

When the two children responded, they slipped into the woods and disappeared. It was estimated that they were going to find other small children in the town to play.

Angliel didn’t care about the black smoke in the room, left the window sill, opened the door and went straight downstairs.

Going down the mahogany stairs to the first floor, he walked to the back of the stairwell and touched it on the floor. He pulled up a black se ring and pulled it hard.


The floor was immediately pulled up by a lid, revealing a slightly reddened basement below.

Anglia walked straight into the bow and covered the lid with his backhand.

Deserted in the basement, without any furnishings. Only the center on the ground, there is a gray platform like a round pad. A gray disc about five meters directly occupies most of the basement.

High silver se candlesticks are erected on both sides of the disc. The dim candlelight is on the wall of the surrounding red se, emitting a faint red light according to 1ri.

Angliel walked to the front of the disc and did not stand in. Instead, stop at the edge and look down at the foot.

At the moment when the gray disc approached Angrid, the light traces of the blue se circuit board gradually appeared. The light marks are bright and dark, and the densely packed is like a fine crack on the disc, without any regularity.

“I hope that if I can succeed, it will only be a few months, and it will be a little tight.”

In the case of all the wizards in the hands of Yuan Neng, more or less reduced experimental research, Angrid’s power not at all was weakened a lot, he began to use the negative energy to construct witchcraft. It is a pity that the negative forces are unusually instigated and it is difficult to calm down and control the Jing Cao. For the past nine years, Anglia has been designing a real, unique array of their own bloodline power.

This array is based on the strength of the bloodline and the energy of negative emotions. It can be used for the experimental research purposes independently researched by Angley.

Looking at the complicated disc light marks under his feet, Anglia flashed a trace of tension in his eyes.

“Nine years of research, I hope not to drop the chain here. As long as I can successfully achieve the goal, I will be able to successfully study the reasons for the suppression of the power of the world and completely solve this problem! The ancient wizards can uncover the ancestors of light, they can do it. I can certainly!”

“Begin.” Angliel gently licked his feet.

A complex dark red circle was suddenly lit up at the foot, and then a larger dark red matrix appeared outside the circle, followed by a larger one.

A circle of circle symbols overlapped, all of which appeared at the foot of Anglia, and eventually the entire basement floor was completely occupied.

Angliel took out a white scorpion from the lumbar sac.

“In the name of the king of fear,” he slowly recited his voice.

The white se bird on the hand actually moved slowly, leaving only the skinny corpse impressively plump at the speed visible to the naked eye. However, within a few seconds, the bird’s corpse was completely alive and became like a normal bird and fluttered from Anglia’s palm.

After a few laps around Anglia, the white se bird eyes suddenly lit red light, and one broke into the gray white disc, and the water generally melted into the disc and disappeared.

“Endless world Endless Space-Time With my mark, open the door to the shuttle.” Angrid suddenly burst into a thick black smoke, all pouring into the gray disc.

A three-dimensional dark red rune wall slowly emerges around the disc. In the middle of the wall with the body, countless black smoke condenses into a black seball, which is slowly rolling.

hiss! !

A moment of tearing the cloth.

The black beads were madly torn, forming an eye-shaped black se crack, which was dark and could not be seen.

Anglia stared at the black se crack, unable to prevent it, and the black light flashed.

The entire basement was dark for a moment, and Anglia’s vision took a moment. When the reaction came, the crack disappeared completely.

A weird unknown creature is standing on the gray disc.

The shape is like a ball stuck to a cube. The brass body se, which seems to be a mechanical product, is making a kaka gear rotation.

The top of the ball is on the square, with the same round holes in the two cameras, staring at Angile up and down.

“What is this?” Anglia frowned at the weird creatures in the red se three-dimensional array. “My original Space-Time summon Great Witch should not summon pure mechanical products?”

I have carefully felt the aura of this thing, without any suppression of the power of the world.

“Too weak? The power of the world is not moving at all.” Angrid some helpless, his original Space-Time summon Great Witch, he named Angley Space-Time Great Witch. In fact, it is not controlled by him. From the endless Space-Time, a creature is temporarily summoned, which may be weak or powerful.

Only the summon is a powerful creature that can trigger the suppression of the world. Obviously, this is not in line with the conditions.

Angliel waved gently, and the dark royal bird around the disc even released the red se current, covering the brass se mechanical creature.

yes yes

After a burst of current, there was only a pile of black se ash left on the disc.

Angler’s hand waved again, and the ashes quickly moved out of the array and flowed into a black se round hole in the rear basement.

“Come back!”

He once again took out a white se bird bone.

Repeat the previous process, the bird resurrected and rushed into the array.

Black light flashed again.

After Angley saw a flash, I finally saw the creatures in the array.

One is standing quietly in the rune wall, curiously looking around. This is dressed in white se wool coat, gold red se short hair all erected up, the face is beautiful and reveals a sense of unique and unmatched calm and arrogant. Hands in the trouser pocket of white se trousers, a casual stand.

“Where is this?” Jin Hong short-haired man leaned slightly on his chin, looked towards Angri. He didn’t open his mouth, but the simple jing shock conveyed the message he wanted to express.

“You can actually move the original as a virtual Spirit King here!”

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