“Monster King Sun Xing?!, one of the Monster Realm Nine Great Monster Kings.” It’s a surprise to see the Sun Xing, which is looking towards the gold bar.

“That’s Life Seizing Immortal Monarch?!” Then, there was a cry out in surprise, and the court was again surprised to look at towards Pan Xiaoer.

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor !

Monster King Sun Xing !

Life Seizing Immortal Monarch !

“haha, it was Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, Monster King Sun Xing, Life Seizing Immortal Monarch!” After a while, the Immortal Emperor late-stage Peak powerhouse, who was headed by the court, laughed: “You are just right, Jade Emperor has always been rewarded. Capture you, I was escaped by you that year, didn’t expect you to dare to come to walk right into a trap!”

“Breakfast network great formation! Can’t let them escape!”

“Returning to Jade Emperor, Gonggong and Minghe, and sending powerhouse!”

夭庭, Gonggong and Minghe Three-party Immortal Emperor powerhouse shouted loudly.

Although I was surprised by the Golden Dragon Old Ancestor and the Monster King Sun Xing, there are more than 50 Immortal Emperor in the three parties. The three-party powerhouse not at all really puts the Golden Dragon Old Ancestor and Monster King Sun Xing in the heart, thanks to Long Qing, Torch Dragon. Converging aura, can not see the real strength, so the three-party powerhouse thought that Long Qing and Torch Dragon are just some of the unknown Immortal Emperor.

Immediately, with the courtesy of Gongting, Gonggong and Minghe, more than 50 Immortal Emperor, the three parties Immortal Monarch, Luo Yi Shang Xian, Jiuyi Profound Immortal powerhouse body flashing, circle after round, layer after layer , arrange great formation.

When Long Qingyi saw it, his face was indifferent, and he did not stop it. Instead, he stood there with Torch Dragon, as if watching the clowns look at the three sides of the set up the formation.

Since there was no Long Qing command, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor and Sun Xing did not attack.

Looking at Long Qing, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor and other inbound there is no movement, set up the formation of the three-party powerhouse can not help but feel strange, once looked at Long Qing, Golden Dragon Old Ancestor and so on did not wait for themselves The expression in the eyes is not by sneered and said: “Hurricane, arrogance! Wait, you are still mad!”

“Attack!” great formation clothed, the imperial head of the Immortal Emperor cold shouted.

Immediately, the three-party powerhouse slammed into the attack and attacked the dragon, and saw the power of terror. The 1st layer followed by the 1st layer, such as the giant waves, continued to flood into the dragon.

“All killed!” At this time, Long Qingyu’s indifferent voice sounded.

“Yes, Master!”

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, Sun Xing, and Pan Xiaoer entered the respectfully agreed, and they flew up and slammed into the three-way powerhouse.

“Master ?!” The three-party powerhouse is not startedled, and I still don’t understand what the Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, Sun Xing, and Pan Xiaoer said.

At this time, Long Qingyi forehead rays of light flashed, an Immortal Palace flew out, Immortal Palace flew out, primal chaos, primordial chaos aura rolling, shrouded everywhere.

Immortal Palace broke open the power of the three-party powerhouse attack, turned into an unknown number of 100 Million Li’s palace, suddenly slammed into the court.

The courts looked at the sudden collapse of 100 Million Li’s palace, and they were so scared that they were flying to hide. They were smashed by the palace, and countless blood rains spilled from the sky.

Gongting, Gonggong and Minghe These Immortal Emperor, Immortal Monarch, Luo Yi Shang Xian, the blood of the Profound Immortal powerhouse in the city, almost reddish every corner of the city.

On the street below, there is a blood red, bloody, and the smell of death permeates the city.

Numerous buildings have been smashed by blood and have collapsed.

The powerhouses who came to the city to deal with the original powerhouse looked at the excitement. They watched the high-altitude three-party powerhouse explosion, bloody rain, and all screamed, fled, and panicked.

Immemorial Pri庭 This Primal Chaos Supreme Treasure, although broken, but by the Dragon 夭 夭, not to mention these Immortal Emperor, even Jade Emperor 昊夭 can not be picked up.

In addition to several Immortal Emperor late-stage, the late-stage Peak escaped the immemorial attack, and all others died!

A single blow, killing 50 Immortal Emperor, hundreds of Immortal Monarch, a few hundred thousand, a sacred, and a sacred Profound Immortal!

Under the city, some of the panic parties powerhouse scared their hands and feet softly, almost flying without saying no raise.

“You, are you Great Luo?!”

“You are not dead?!”

The remaining Immortal Emperor late-stage, late-stage Peak powerhouse finally wanted to understand the meaning of the Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, Sun Xing, and Pan Xiaoer.

After a few rounds of it, it was almost a condition to fly back and flee.

When I flew into the air, there was only a single thought in my mind: “Great Luo is not dead!! Oh, Great Luo is not dead! I must report to Jade Emperor as soon as possible!” Not far away, suddenly I was crossed by the rays of light from the back, straight out from the front…

After a few lows, he fell down and then fell down.

Long Qingyi took back his hands and looked at the numerous soldiers who were escaping from the city. Coldly said: “One does not stay!”

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, Sun Xing, Pan Xiaoer, Huo Gang, Cheng Jiao, etc. into the respectfully agreed, have shot, all the panic squad will be all to strike to kill.

These escaping squadrons, generally only the Great Principle Golden Immortal strength, faced with Golden Dragon Old Ancestor and so on into strike to kill, how to escape? Soon, all were killed, and none of them escaped.

Long Qing’s face is indifferent.

At that time, Gonggong and Minghe slaughtered their direct disciple and there were several giants in the Great Luo Palace, guards, boys, and for the courts, Gonggong and Minghe, Long Qingyi would not be soft.

The screams soon stopped, and they were dead.

The huge city that was originally so noisy has become a city of no entry, blood flowing into a river. For other powerhouses, disciplines, and dragons that are traded in the city, it is difficult for the other party to let them escape. go with.

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, Sun Xing and other squadrons who will escape will be struck to kill and return to Long Qingyi.

At this time, Long Qingqi hands slammed down to the bottom, only to see the huge city under the 100 Million Li under the shot of Long Qingyi, such as sand scattered and collapsed into a piece of sand.

After doing all this, Long Qingyi took the immemorial Supreme Treasure took out and said to Torch Dragon: “Brother Torch Dragon, let’s go.”

Torch Dragon hehe smiled and said, “Okay.” After that, he and Long Qingyu flew into the immemorial court: “I said Great Luo Brother, you immemorial, but it is a good treasure o, I may even want to Often come to you cultivating.”

“Welcome to!” Dragon 夭 夭said with a smile.

At this time, the court hall, I listened to the Immortal Emperor reporting to the king of the holy city, I almost want to throw the mother.

“Great Luo 夭!” 昊夭 昊夭 昊夭 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧 紧

“Your Majesty.” His Royal Highness, Taibai Jinxing hesitantly said: “Just Gonggong and Minghe transmit transmit transmitted a message, said, saying that the loss of the sacred king holy city, we are responsible for the court.”

“What?!” glared: “The two old bastard, impossible!”

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