Sun Xing, Pan Xiaoer, Huo Gang, Cheng Jiao, etc., who came to immemorial gre庭great hall, heard the voice of Golden Dragon Old Ancestor. All of them suddenly stunned. When they came to the great hall, they all looked excited and ecstatic.叩拜喜呼: “Congratulations to Master to restore the position of esteem!”

Long Qingyi hehe smiled: “Get up!”

This time, the restoration of the demeanor, Long Qingyi is naturally right.

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, Pan Xiaoer waited for a respectfully agreed, then stood up.

“Ao Yi, let’s talk about the situation of these ri outer worlds.” Long Qingyi turned to ask, asked Golden Dragon Old Ancestor.

“Yes, Master!” Golden Dragon Old Ancestor should be, and then the recent outer world some ri son one after another to Long Qingyi reporting to.

Long Qingyi’s seclusion breakthrough, outer world has passed for more than ten years. In the past ten years, Gong Gong and Minghe have had no movements. After the first stage of the battle, it seems that the three entrances have completely disappeared.

In the past ten years, Immortal Realm has a lot of Old Ancestor leading the Great Luo Palace, and the Immortal Emperor that has invested in the Great Luo Palace has more than 200 entries, Immortal Monarch is nearly 10,000, as for Luo Yi Shang Xian, Jiuyi Profound Immortal countless.

However, more Old Ancestor chose to watch the fire on the other side.

“Master, do you want to meet them?” Golden Dragon Old Ancestor said that he naturally refers to these effective Old Ancestor.

Long Qingyi waved his hand and said, “No need.” He knows what the abacus of Old Ancestor is.

“I asked you to find the primal chaos, primordial chaos material to repair immemorial 夭庭, how to find it?” Long Qingyi then asked.

At this time, Sun Xing went forward: “Return to Master, most of the materials, we have already found it, but it is still the first to smash the sun too yin and Myriad Sands Divine Iron!”

“The sun is too yin and Myriad Sands Divine Iron.” Long Qing said.

“Yes, Master.” Golden Dragon Old Ancestor went forward: “In the past two years, we have tens of thousands of primal chaos 夭元丹 to enjoy the sun yin and Myriad Sands Divine Iron, but there is still no news.”

Long Qingqi nodded, said: “I have to sneak a sneak peek, no need to find the sacred sun too yin soil.” Repair immemorial 夭庭, you can use the first 夭 夭 代替 instead of the 夭 sun yin soil, and use 夭It is better to use the soil instead of the sun.

“Stop the soil!” Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, Sun Xing, etc. into the hearing this, startled.

First of all, the most amazing divine soil, the master is racing!

At this time, Long Qingwei opened the mouth and said: “As for Myriad Sands Divine Iron, I know where there is.” Speaking of this, Long Qingying eyes cold glow flashed, when it comes to this, Long Qingyi stood up: “We Go.” Then he flew out of the immemorial court and came to the south.

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, Sun Xing went into the air and didn’t dare to ask. The flying body followed the dragon engine.

After a long while, Long Qingyu took the Golden Dragon Old Ancestor into a huge city, then flew down and headed for the city gate.

“Ten Directions City !” Golden Dragon Old Ancestor swept through the three giant characters above the city gate.

Ten Directions City, Ten Directions Immortal Sect, when Golden Dragon Old Ancestor faintly understood the purpose of Long Qingyi’s trip.

Ten Directions Immortal Sect Old Ancestor Lu Shen, who listened to the Great Luo Palace in the same year, was one of the honorary disciple collected by Long Qingyi, but now Gonggong is in effect.

“Stand up, what are you entering?!” Just as Long Qingyi came to Ten Directions City city gate, the guardian Ten Directions Immortal Sect disciple asked.

Emperor Sect city, if you don’t have an invitation, you can’t enter.

However, Long Qingyi turned a blind eye to the dozen Ten Directions Immortal Sect disciple, and walked into Ten Directions City with Golden Dragon Old Ancestor and so on. When Long Qingyi entered Ten Directions City, he guarded the city gate. Ten Directions Immortal Sect disciple still stood there like a sculpture, motionless. After a long time, these Ten Directions Immortal Sect disciple woke up, eyes stunned and had no memory of the previous events.

Long Qingyi took Sun Xing into the Ten Directions City and walked slowly. He was not in a hurry and walked slowly to Ten Directions Immortal Sect.

“This time Ten Directions Immortal Sect recruits a discipline, and the request should be more relaxed than before.”

“Yes, every time I recruited a discipline for only one hundred, this time enrolled three hundred, with our endowment and strength, this time I can definitely enter Ten Directions Immortal Sect.”

“However, Ten Directions Immortal Sect Old Ancestor was the Great Luo under under under tutelage honorary disciple, and now it is Gonggong 夭尊, if the Great Luo 清理 清理 clean up the portal, we now enter Ten Directions Immortal Sect, do you want it?! ”

“You are worried about these thousands of things, and it’s been more than a decade since I started the battle. If the Great Luo has cleaned up the portal, it will have been cleaned up, and Great Luo may not be as good as the rumors. He has not recovered yet. The position of 夭尊, fundamentally impossible is Gonggong and Minghe 夭 对手 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im im Just died in the hands of Gonggong and Minghe!”

A group of young people walking in front of the side and talking about it, it seems that this time Ten Directions Immortal Sect recruits the discipline, they are all coming up sign up.

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor listened to the other party’s words and disrespected the dragon. When he was about to get angry, Long Qingyi raised his hand and blocked the Golden Dragon Old Ancestor. Then he walked forward and dressed in front of him. Yellow robe young into said with a smile : “When the stage was a battle, Your Excellency was also there?”

Just now, it was this yellow robe who was young and utterly disrespectful to Long Qing.

This yellow robe young into the hearing this, turned to the first, glanced at Long Qingyi, Sun Xing glanced into it, quite appearance proud, chin raised, said: “Of course, Gonggong Zun Zun and Great Luo The scene, I can see clearly, if it wasn’t for the Great Luo, the Principal Chaos Purple Flame, had long been squandered by Gonggong.”

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, Sun Xing entered into this this, a glimpse, and then shook his head and smiled. When the stage was a battle, this brat was obviously not present. If it was present, Long Qingyi is now in front of him, and he will not recognize it? If he knew that the great Luo who was killed by Gonggong in his mouth was the black hair young, he was afraid that he would scare the fart!

Long Qingyi listened to yellow robe young and said that he was not angry, he felt funny, and hehe could not help laughing.

Yellow robe Young went on to say: “Ten Directions Immortal Sect recruits discipline, and several people also sign up? However, Ten Directions Immortal Sect is the old Emperor Sect, recruiting discipline is strict, I see a few qualifications, 99% is not hopefully.”

Golden Dragon Old Ancestor, Sun Xing is a bit strange.

The qualification is average? !

Pan Xiaoer couldn’t help but finally laughed.

Huo Gang, Cheng Jiao swayed on both shoulders and also worked very hard.

“Long Excellency said with a smile : “Your Excellency is said, our qualifications are average, naturally not equal to Everyone, Everyone will enter Ten Directions Immortal Sect, and then must rely on Everyone to take care of.”

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