“Congratulations to Fang Family Master o!” A Supreme Elder, Scarlet Mountain, who came to congratulate, congratulated said with a smile: “This time Fang Xue Second Young Lady, Fang Qing Four Young Master, Nine Ice Palace, by Nine Ice Palace Elder receive as disciple , this is the biggest joy of our Scarlet Mountain for millions of years!”

“right, with Fang Xue Second Young Lady, Fang Qing four Young Master talent, will certainly be able to break through the Great Principle Golden Immortal, and even become a powerhouse like the Profound Immortal!” Another Scarlet Mountain sect master charmy said With a smile : “In the future, we still need Fang Family to shelter!”

Great hall, other Supreme Elders who came to congratulate, sect master also flattered, Fang Family Patriarch Fang Hong heard laughed heartily constantly, said: “Well, let’s say, everyone is a league ally, mutual assistance It should be.”

Just then, a Fang Family disciple walked in and looked at with a smile: “Patriarch, Fang Xue Second Young Lady, Fang Qing, Young Master and Nine Ice Palace Chen Bai Elder. Millions of li is outside!”

“Nine Ice Palace Chen Bai Elder is also coming?!” Fang Hong look of delight, suddenly standing up, expression excited: “Well, haha, go, Fang Family Supreme Elder, speed me to meet!”

Daughter, son went to Nine Ice Palace, was received by Nine Ice Palace Chen Bai Elder as disciple, and wrote back that these few will return to Fang Family from Nine Ice Palace, just Fang Hong didn’t expect this time even Nine Ice Palace Chen Bai Elder is also coming together!

Listening to Nine Ice Palace Chen Bai Elder also came along, the Scarlet Mountain Supreme Elder, sect master startled in the great hall, stood up and followed the Fang Family, such as Fang Hong, and went to meet!

“didn’t expect even Nine Ice Palace Chen Bai Elder also came together. It can be seen that Chen Bai Elder attaches great importance to Fang Xue Second Young Lady, Fang Qing Four Young Master, and loves it. Congratulations to Fang Family Master o!” Out of the great hall A Patriarch is envious of Fang Hong said with a smile, eyes, and other Patriarch, Supreme Elder are also envious.

Fang Hong said with a smile : “To tell the truth, I just learned that Chen Bai Elder is coming.” be that as it may , Fang Hong can’t help but look proud.

Nine Ice Palace Chen Bai Elder, Jiuyi Profound Immortal powerhouse !

Jiuyi Profound Immortal powerhouse, these big things are going to come to Fang Family!

When I thought of waiting for Nine Ice Palace Chen Bai Elder to visit Fang Family, Fang Hong was excited.

Soon, Fang Hong and other people met Nine Ice Palace Chen Bai Elder, Fang Xue, Fang Qing, etc., in addition to Nine Ice Palace Chen Bai Elder, along with Nine Ice Palace five Steward, ten Several Nine Ice Palace inner disciple.

Nine Ice Palace Steward, both of which are the Great Principle Golden Immortal powerhouse, which is a must-have for the Golden Immortal of Fang Hong!

Seeing Nine Ice Palace Chen Bai Elder waiting, Fang Hong quickly bowed down: “Fang Hong pay respect to Chen Bai senior !”

Fang Family Supreme Elder and Scarlet Mountain Patriarch, Sect Master, Supreme Elder also all bowed down, respectfully called.

Nine Ice Palace Chen Bai Elder looked at the squatting Scarlet Mountain sect master, Supreme Elder, satisfied, nodded, and proudly said: “Fang Family master and everybody are up.”

“Chen Chen Bai senior!” Fang Hong and the public entered this respect, and after getting up, Fang Hong and Nine Ice Palace five Steward paid respect, Nine Ice Palace five Steward did not dare to put on the shelf, smiled and responded.

Therefore, Fang Hong and Scarlet Mountain entered Ning Ice Palace Chen Bai and returned to Fang Family, returned to Fang Family great hall, Fang Hong invited Chen Bai to take the seat, Chen Bai did not give up, Shi Shiran sat down to the Lord Above the seat, Fang Hong sat down with the crowd.

After Chen Bai sat down, Fang Hong waited for a long time, and he took it in Chen Bai’s heart.

Chen Bai opened the mouth and said : “I heard Fang Xue and Fang Qing say, do you have a little girl of Heavenly Master Sect in Scarlet Mountain who has been doing the right thing with your Fang Family?”

Fang Hong glanced at daughter Fang Xue and his son Fang Qing, and got up and respectfully replied: “Yes, Chen Bai senior, not serious, the Heavenly Master Sect strength is not strong, but their sect has a defense great formation. , no matter how we attack, we can’t break it!”

Chen Bai nodded, this matter, he has already listened to Fang Xue and Fang Qing.

Fang Xue stood up and said, “father you are at ease, this time, there is Master, Heavenly Master Sect will definitely be destroyed!”

Fang Qing stood up and said proudly: “A little Heavenly Master Sect, why do you need a Master? Fu Hong Steward is a formation Master, and Fu Hong Steward is going with us, enough to kill Heavenly Master Sect!”

Chen Bai turned to the next Nine Ice Palace Steward. “Fu Hong, you are now going to see Heavenly Master Sect with Fang Xue and Fang Qing.”

“Yes, Chen Bai Elder.” Nine Ice Palace Steward Fu Hong stood up and respectfully agreed.

Fang Xue, Fang Qing gave a ceremony to Chen Bai, and then led Nine Ice Palace Steward Fu Hong to lead a family of more than a dozen Supreme Elders. Elder flew to Heavenly Master Sect, which was in the Scarlet Alliance City serious injury. Fang Family Elder Shui is also among them.

On the way, Elder Shui said to Fang Xue: “Unfortunately, the black-haired boy has left Heavenly Master Sect, otherwise if he knows Fang Xue young lady, Fang Qing Young Master now goes to Nine Ice Palace and becomes Nine Ice Palace Chen. Bai Elder disciple, I’m afraid to be scared to death!”

The black-haired boy in his mouth naturally refers to Long Qing.

Fang Qing sneered and said : “be at ease, he can’t escape, even if he leaves Heavenly Master Sect, he is still in the continuation of the continuation, as long as he is still in the continuation of the contingent, he can’t escape! That brat colluded with Heavenly Master Sect, false Save my second sister, but also severely injured our Fang Family so many discipline, when the capture lived, I must let him cool and cool!” When it comes to this, Fang Qing eyes hate flashing.

Just before Fang Qing came to Heavenly Master Sect, Long Qingyi came to Heavenly Master Sect.

“Stay, who is your excellency? Come to my Heavenly Master Sect?” When Long Qingyi came to Heavenly Master Sect, a Heavenly Master Sect disciple inspected asked Long Qing.

Since this Heavenly Master Sect disciple is new, I don’t recognize Long Qing.

Long Qingyi is not angry, and his face is calmly said: “Call you Supreme Elder Jiang Hai to come out and see me.”

That Heavenly Master Sect disciple startled, apparently did not expect Long Qing sighs so loud, bluntly asked their Supreme Elder to come out to see him, he looked at Long Qingyi, he did not dare to sneak, said: “Your Excellency wait! “When finished, turn around and return to Jiang Hai.”

At this time, Jiang Hai and Heavenly Master Sect elders are talking about Fang Xue and Fang Qing. Fang Xue and Fang Qing are going to Nine Ice Palace. They are also heard by Nine Ice Palace Chen Bai Elder receive as disciple and Jiang Hai. It is.

Jiang Hai and Heavenly Master Sect elders are sad.

Just when Jiang Hai and Heavenly Master Sect elders looked worried, the Heavenly Master Sect disciple came in to report to, saying that there was a blunt outside to ask Jiang Hai to go out to see him.

Jiang Hai listens, and Heavenly Master Sect elders look at each other in dismay.

“Is it the entry of Fang Family?” elder frowned.

“Go, let’s go out and see.” Jiang Hai pondered and said.

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