
Chapter 1563: purpose

It is no exaggeration to say that even Lei Chen, in front of this breath, had a feeling of shock...

And this is just a long distance away. If it's really close, I don't know how it feels...

"This Lin Fei, is it a bit exaggerated." At this time, Lei Chen couldn't help but sigh: "It seems to ask Jianzong, luck is a bit good, he really has less than a hundred years of cultivation?"


Although I had expected it for a long time, when I really saw this scene, Manzhuer was still surprised.

As Lei Chen said, this is really exaggerated...

If you practice less than a hundred years, you will be able to resist the predecessors. If you continue to practice, who knows, what kind of state will he reach...

"I don't know the old guys of Jane Bamboo, what are you looking at this time?"

Suddenly, Lei Chen thought of this place, and when he mentioned Jian Zhu, there was a kind of gloating in and out of words.

The relationship between the ten major schools is both opposition and cooperation, and there are countless entanglements between each other.

At the time when Laoshan was full of prosperity, I wanted to reach the position of the head of the ten major schools, but it was pulled down by the following martial arts.

So now though I'm here to ask Jianzong about the trouble together, but seeing Jian Zhu and others eating deflated, Lei Chen can't worry about them...

It would be better if we could all die together...

It's just that no one is a fool, and it's impossible to dedicate themselves to ask Jianzong to die together, so that others can take advantage of it.

The current situation, do not know how to develop...

Manzhuer groaned a little and shook his head: "I think Lin Fei can think of this, and will definitely not let other families take advantage of it. There should be other plans, but I still can't see it now, maybe, I'm waiting for other couples. When the family arrives, launch together..."

If it was in the past, Lei Chen would have ignored it, and sneered.

After all, this is a bit exaggerated.

Faced with the advent of strong enemies, a younger disciple, desperately struggling to survive, is even good at keeping his martial arts. How could there be any spare energy to think about so much, and even count strong enemies?

But now, Lei Chen is a bit hesitant.

Asking Jianzong the direction, that one can feel a terrifying atmosphere across a long distance, it has been explained that this peer is significantly different from himself and others...

He may not be able to do what he cannot do...

So now, Lei Chen just hesitated and said: "Do you think he still has the leeway? Then what does he want to do?"

Manzhuer shook his head and said slowly: "I can't see it for the time being, but with my understanding of him, he can't suffer any losses. If there is really any plan, wait for me to wait, he should also reveal Out…"

"Okay, then I will stare at him, let Jian Zhu and others go to be the touchstone first, haha, seeing these old men ate and deflated, this is a worthwhile trip..."

Above the spaceship of the Changsheng Palace.

Evergreen lived through the layers of clouds and looked far into the distance. His eyes were unpredictable. Suddenly, there was a sneering smile: "I haven't seen it for many years. The three Jianzhu... still haven't grown."

But after he finished speaking, he shook his head, ignored the seat, and looked at his younger disciples in awe, but touched it habitually, with a green jadeite in his hand.

If you look closely, you will also find that there is a faint white mist lingering above this green jade pendant, mysterious and unpredictable, if there is chaos.

When this jade pendant appeared, the disciples were all in awe.

This jade pendant is a token of the ancestors passed down from generation to generation in the Palace of Eternal Life.

It is also for this reason that the Changsheng Palace has always maintained general stability, and no one dared to act rashly.

And now, this treasure is in the hands of real people...

Suddenly, the real man Changqing put away this jade piece, looked up and asked in the direction of Jianzong, seemed to be thinking for a while, turned his head and looked at Yu Hua Road: "You said, this Lin Fei is Luo A disciple of Shenxiao?"

At this time, Yu Hua was waiting by the side. Hearing the question, he quickly replied carefully: "Yes, and his strength, it seems to have grown again. I think we should be more cautious about asking Jianzong. Let it go slowly, let the others see the situation..."

"Oh, there is an uncle who sits in town, but he has to be more cautious because of a younger disciple. It is a joke!"

Aside, Wu Ying sneered, disapproving, and then turned his head and said to the real person in Changqing: "Uncle Shi, the real person of Frost Frost has long reached an agreement with Fang Duan, the eldest disciple who asked Jianzong, he promised long ago. At that time, I will wait with me inside and outside, and then a Lin Fei, I am afraid that without me waiting for the shot, they will be resolved by their own..."

Before waiting for the real person to speak, Yu Hua was a little anxious: "You want to form a deadly feud with Jianzong, I have warned you..."

"What to warn me?!" Wu Ying interrupted directly, when looking at Yu Hua, there was an indescribable contempt in her eyes: "Brother Yu Hua, not me, you are my longevity palace. Disciple, don’t get too close to disciples of other schools, otherwise, you will inevitably be thought of as having collusion with Lin Fei..."

"You..." Yu Hua suddenly blushed.

Wu Ying ignored it, but turned to look at Changqing Really: "Uncle Shi, are we speeding up now to go round this Lin Fei? After all, he also knows that when we come together, It will be hard to escape, if it is later, I am afraid he will escape."

At this time, Yu Hua couldn't say anything.

The real man Evergreen just glanced at him and said lightly: "What do you want to catch, let them fight."


Wu Ying suddenly looked dazed, almost thinking he had heard it wrong.

Not just him, the rest of the disciples, including Yu Hua, also looked weird.

What does it mean to let them call themselves...

Now that the Nine Major Schools are gathering, even if there is any major contradiction in the past, it should be to deal with Wen Jianzong first. Now, if you just stand by and watch, do you want to take advantage of the fishermen?

There seems to be only this explanation...

However, just when Wu Ying thought that he had figured it out, Evergreen Reality glanced at everyone and said lightly: "Did you all forget that I came here personally for what?"

"Not to suppress Jianzong..."

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