
Chapter 1881: confidence

When staring at Lin Fei, the corner of the broken mouth even showed a cruel smile, showing the sharp teeth of the mouth...

Followed by a pair of sharp claws, snapped together, the **** stone spear was in his hand, shattered suddenly, turned into pieces of debris, towards him, like a flying sword, sputtered. Go up!

All of a sudden, I saw only this broken piece of stone spear, which created hundreds of wounds of varying sizes on the demon emperor.

Pieces of rough and sharp pieces, like small stones, are deeply embedded in the demon emperor, on some wounds, hidden, even the bone, can be seen...

However, at this time, it seemed that the Demon Emperor could not feel it at all. The hundreds of wounds on his body caused severe pain.

At that moment, his greasy face was very twisted, and with the broken wounds, it was a bit creepy.

And it’s not over yet. The pair of claws of the demon emperor were actually on his body, and he grabbed them suddenly. He suddenly had two large pieces of flesh with scales, which he dug out of the claws. At that time, those **** flesh and blood were even beating.

Just looking, it gives a chilling feeling.

But as the demon emperor's mouth spit out a series of vague and muttering sounds, among the wounds on his body, there was a non-stop blood, which actually stopped magically, solidified there, as if it were still.

Followed, among the hundreds of wounds, there was a ray of blood light, and finally, fell into his hands, on the two large pieces of blood, the blood light was like a snake, twisting into the In the flesh and blood.

In the end, the two merged into one, and the two large pieces of flesh fluttered more and more.

Then, it seemed as if there was something gestating inside, where the strangely protruding outward, the two large pieces of flesh seemed to have been given life, and after a trembling, the two became one...

It actually merged with each other, and the shape is still changing...

"The demon ancient ancestor, the descendants cited the flesh and blood! Respectfully, come to help my demon prosper!"

A series of hoarse roar mixed with blood, spread in the mouth of the demon emperor, spread far and wide.


And as the words fell, I only saw that the twisted flesh was forming again at a rapid pace.

In the end, than in a strange sight than that time, it turned into a one-person size, but it was covered with blood-red scale armor, and the horns circled and bent...

It seems that this demon is like a miniature version of the demon emperor.

It is weird that this demon emperor flesh and blood, condensed demon, has no face, no facial features...

But despite this, at the moment he came out, the demon emperor seemed to be evacuated, and when he looked at Lin Fei, he showed an incomparable bravery: "My ancient ancestor was cited by the bloodline Coming, today Ephesus is out of bounds and there will be no one left because of you!"

After the words fell, the faceless demon suddenly burst into a terrible murderous coercion. This kind of momentum, just like a flash flood, shaking the space, all turned into a transparent ripple, a circle Circled, towards the distance, diffused...

A blood that was even more fierce than the previous Demon Emperor, spread instantly throughout the world.

This faceless demon is like a monster crawling out of the Shura **** hell. When it first appears, it shows a madness that destroys everything.

In this battlefield, under the staring gaze, the demon emperor slightly retreated his scarlet eyes, and looked at Lin Fei, with a strong murderous voice in his voice: "Human monk, today I even invite the ancient ancestors to come, you are not dead, how can you do it!"


Following that, the faceless demon suddenly moved, and his body suddenly reached a rapid speed. In the space, there was a screaming sound that tore the space version.

A strong blood swelled with the sky, and a **** meaning full of fierce blood filled the whole world.

Everyone is closely watching this change of battle situation, and his eyes have become dignified. Now that the demon emperor is still, but the faceless demon he has recently summoned, this kind of imposing pressure is even more terrifying. .

"This demon emperor is not that simple. I think he is already the pinnacle of the real body. I am afraid that it is not too far from the dharma body..."

"Nonsense, it is said that when the demon emperor is based on the demon world, it can explode the power of the magic body. I am afraid that only the real magic body can exist to suppress it..."


At this time, Hong Yitian, Luo Xiu and others looked at the battle, their brows were frowned, and their faces were not very good-looking.

They were very far away from the faceless demon, but the momentum of the faceless demon, following this distance, could be clearly spread, making them feel a great sense of coercion.

"This monster world is so strong?"

Luo Xiu frowned, before Lin Fei's burst of power, in his opinion, should be enough to overcome most of the real situation, but did not expect that this demon emperor was so strong.

Even Hong Yitian has dignified eyes. If this demon emperor is so strong in the outside world, if the demon emperor is based on the demon world to fight, what level should it be?

But at this time, Zhou Xiangfu suddenly said, "However, if Lin Fei can win, this mission must be able to be completed."


"You think, all of Feuer's Departures have been pushed to such a point that they are all on the verge of extinction. If we give them a chance to fight back, can they? If we don't help us, after this battle, Feuer's Departures will be destroyed sooner or later. Destiny, rather than this, might as well cooperate with me, if you can win, but you can beat a world of prosperity, if you want me, you must choose cooperation..."

"What you said, but there is also a premise, that is, Lin Fei needs to win this battle..." Hong Yitian glanced at him with a frown.

"Of course it can win." Zhou Xiangfu had no hesitation about this. After glancing at the faceless demon, he just thought about it, and did not change this positive statement, but continued. : "At most, the process is a bit tortuous, but as a result, there will be no major changes."

"You are confident enough for Lin Fei..." Hong Yitian gave Zhou Xiangfu a strange look. Now that the situation has changed, even he can't be sure. Zhou Xiangfu is confident enough...

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