
Chapter 1897: I surrender

They have always been extremely domineering. If they encounter any treasures, they will arrogantly grab the hands first and then say, where will they take the initiative to decide as they are now.

But nowadays, what some people expect is that Yue Zuo volunteered to give up...

This attitude is really quite rare...

However, this also said in the past. After all, Lin Fei is now in person. He is a person who can negotiate on behalf of Tianmen City, but there are several dharma bodies standing behind him.

Previously, the Taiyin people and others just took advantage of it. If they didn’t even give Lin Fei a face, it would be too much...

However, when the words fell, I only heard that the left side of the month was actually the same, and said slowly: "So... you deserve my own shot..."


"Damn, this man is crazy, what does he mean!"

When the words fell, it immediately aroused. Many monks were frightened, and they couldn't believe it. The other party was still giving up. They wanted to do something with Lin Fei!

For a time, when Guilao and others looked at the indifferent figure on the left side of heaven and moon, their faces were gloomy.

This clearly came under the banner of cooperation. Now, it is actually necessary to challenge Lin Fei first.

Is there really any sincerity for cooperation?


At this moment, Lin Fei did not have any anger to be provoked, but after looking at the other party for a while, he suddenly smiled and said: "The same thing is said, otherwise, it really makes you a trip..."

Just when Lin Fei's voice fell, I only heard a deafening roar that suddenly resounded between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, an overwhelming yin air was rising into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, in the sky, suddenly there was a billowing yin, and in that yin, there was a dark tower.

The momentum is condensed and the power is compelling, there are as many as 18 layers.

On the surface of the tower, there is a mysterious texture, which looks like a statue of countless evil spirits.

Under the shadow of infinite yin, it is like coming from the depths of hell,

Today, the tower is roaring more and more, like the morning and evening drums, shaking the world!

As Lin Fei advanced into real life, the 18-story tower also made great progress. Now when he is fully in power, he only sees that it has expanded several times as a whole.

It seems to be overwhelming, covering the entire holy mountain, where the suffocating air is like a hurricane hurricane, forming an amazing power around the tower body.

The 18-story tower itself has great potential, and now, after many chances, that potential is also showing more and more.

As time passes slowly, it will become stronger and stronger, and now this kind of power is just the beginning...

But when the 18-story tower appeared, it was suddenly that the faces of the people of the Taiyin tribe changed dramatically after the left side of the moon.

The look that had been quite hostile to Lin Fei was a trivial matter, and now they all look at the 18-story tower with a shock and horror. Now they are obvious, from the 18-story tower, Feeling an overwhelming pressure...

"What magic weapon does this man come up with? How could there be such coercion! Even the innate blood can be suppressed."

Among the Taiyin people present, there is no weak person, even so, it is unbearable at this time, the sense of oppression after the appearance of the 18-story tower.

These magic weapons are obviously extraordinary, and even the innate blood has developed a sense of difficulty to resist!

The headed moon left, but just looked at the eighteen-story tower. Under the strong wind pressure, the moon-white robe was blown into the whistle coordinates to outline the thin figure, the silver-gray eyes. In the middle, it is still quite calm, as if there is no horror like the people behind him.

But, among the fists he gradually held up, the plumes of moonlight appeared, but it seemed to show that he did not take the 18-story tower at all.


But between the surprises of the people of the Taiyin tribe, the 18-story tower has already screamed out.

At that time, it was like a swarthy giant mountain, carrying infinite power, in a piercing roar of space, it hit the moon left so suddenly.

The oncoming strong power made a dignified meaning in Yue Zuo's eyes. At that time, a moon-white brilliance in the body, that is, Fan Fan never came out suddenly. It must be turned into a round. Haoyue, guard by your side.

And the fist that had been held for a long time was carrying an eye-catching moonlight towards the eighteen-story tower that was approaching quickly, and slammed together.

Following that, I only heard the sound of "Boom", and the violent fluctuation was like a ripple, spreading out towards the distance.

Then I saw only that the eighteen layers of **** were only trembling a few times, and the lines were not moving, and Yue Zuo was like a heavy hit, and slammed backwards.

After he barely stabilized his body, the round of Haoyue shrouded behind him became very dim, and the loose hand was already covered with blood, with spots and many wounds.

It was just a collision, and I was injured this month.

Suddenly, the monks of the Taiyin clan changed their colors one after another. At that time, it was a commotion, as if they were going to swarm.

At that time, Guilao and others were also gloomy and took a step forward to lock the Taiyin monks. Obviously, if the other party really wanted to intervene without regard to the rules, they would never allow it.


At this time, that month left the command without hesitation.

Lin Fei also made a gesture, instructing the monks not to act rashly.

Following the next moment, Lin Fei raised his hand and waved, then the eighteen-story tower roared down again.

At the same time, I don't know when, but I saw that a vast sea of ​​swords and stars spread out overwhelmingly, covering the whole sky nearby.

Under this boundless sea of ​​swords, it seems that everything is blocked, even those Taiyin monks except Yuezuo have no way to escape.


The two roared in unison, carrying the shocking air, as if to tear everything apart.

At this time, everyone turned their attention to the left side of that month. He was a descendant of the Taiyin clan. He was born with many amazing magical powers of the Taiyin clan, which can be said to be innately powerful.

Although he suffered a loss in the first wave of collision, everyone knows that this cannot easily determine his strength.

Now, Lin Fei directly swept the Taiyin people behind him.

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