
Chapter 1936: Jianmujie

The various matters of the expeditions in this area are gradually being prepared. Shortly before Lin Fei's preparations for departure, there was an unexpected news from Tianmen City.

Tianmen City and Heiyuan did not know why, and a very sudden war broke out.

The two sides of the war are their respective dharma bodies. It seems that it is because, for some reason, the dharma bodies in the Black Abyss suddenly have a change. The Tianxin Taoist who is responsible for the rotation of the Black Abyss is also suppressed immediately.

Generally speaking, this kind of repression is just going through the field. After all, the two parties already have a tacit understanding. In ordinary times, both sides must accumulate strength and will not move hard. At most, it is conventional friction.

But who knows, this time the Black Abyss refused to give up easily. The mana power of that Black Abyss tried to break through a dozen times, and his will was quite firm.

Tianxin Taoist people realized that this was wrong, and immediately called on the longevity ancestors and others to help.

It was only after several confrontations that the momentum was put down.

In the end, this dharma war caused some monks who defended around the black abyss to be buried in...

This war has come and gone quickly, which is inexplicable.

Even the several dharma bodies had no clue, but they did not dare to carelessly. He felt that Heiyuan had sensed the threat before the war and deliberately tried to explore Tianmen City's determination.

So now, several ancestors of the Tianmen City are actively preparing for war, on the one hand, they are all coming to the Tianmen City to fight, and they are always staring at the movement of the Black Abyss.

And Tianmen City no longer conceals its own existence, but exposes the forces they have accumulated in the heavens and the world for many years, and countless resources and magic weapons are transported to Tianmen City uncovered. …

During this process, Tianmen City also issued a message that as long as monks willing to participate in this war, all kinds of treasures can be obtained by virtue of their military merits.

After the long list of treasures was released, it caused a lot of uproar. The next day, there were a large number of loose repairs, from various channels, devoted to the city of Tianmen...

There are still many such things. It is precisely because of these countless preparations that during these months, the atmosphere of the imminent war is gradually spreading...

While Tianmen City was busy with this, all sides of the heavens and the world were headed by Lin Fei.

Since this time, all aspects of scheduling have also been adjusted as soon as possible. Soon, the day of departure has arrived.

With a trembling roar of war drums, a total of nine ships, after concentrating resources from all walks of life, a specially modified giant spirit ship, loaded with many monks, rose into the sky and escaped into the void.

At an amazing speed, toward the first goal, build the wood world.

The Jianmu Realm is a great realm among the heavens and the worlds. It is said that there is one of the legendary innate spirit trees and the place where Jianmu was born.

Although it is only a legend, the place is indeed a treasure place for spiritual practice, and the aura is extremely abundant.

This is what makes the monks in that place extremely powerful. During these countless years, a sect named Li Tianzong was in control of that realm.

At first, Li Tianzong looked at the heavens and the worlds, and was also a very large school. He even extended his tentacles to other worlds.

It's just that with the founding ancestor, who disappeared from the sky, this sect has relatively declined, and the forces in other worlds have to shrink back...

Despite this, Lizongzong is still an extremely powerful existence in the wood-building world. The genius disciples under the door emerge endlessly, like the root seedlings of the towering tree, which has separated countless root systems and firmly controls the entire wood-building. World.

Outsiders simply can't penetrate. Litianzong hasn't had any wars for many years and has been dormant. Outsiders simply have no way of knowing to what extent their strength has accumulated.

If it weren't for the fact that there were three blood souls when the red-haired real people summoned the split souls, flying from here, ordinary people would never come to provoke this indisputable giant...

In order to conquer such a large world, the monks also made great efforts, just because the time is too short, the current spiritual ship is definitely too late.

Today, these nine behemoths have mobilized existing warships from various circles, and have undergone many transformations. Today, they are almost not as they were.

After several large-scale cooperations at all costs, today, on top of these spirit swords, only the dreadful and splendid spirit light cannons are standing.

They are extremely densely distributed, big and small, like what a giant monster, it is conceivable that any existence that dares to be close to it will be torn into powder under the terrifying aura...

The surface of a spirit ship headed by a densely covered seal was flashed with mysterious light from time to time, revealing a strange feeling.

Lin Fei stood on the deck, the sky was an endless deep black sky, and sometimes saw a few cold stars flickering, and the Luofu world behind him went away sharply.

In the void in front, there will be some floating rubble groups blocking the road. These rubble groups cover the vast area, and there are hundreds of thousands of feet at every turn. Such rubble groups are dense and dense. I don’t know how many. Around Luofu Realm, floated into a ring.

These are the sequelae left by the sword of the red-haired real man. Not only did the sword smash the void, but also cut the outer periphery of Luofu Realm into a mess.

If these smaller flying swords, it may be bypassed.

Today, however, the fleet of nine spirit ships, led by Lin Fei's flagship, is advancing forward in the past.

The powerful collision angle directly collided those gravel groups into thin pieces.

The entire fleet drove forward in a straight line, and as it progressed, behind the fleet, a clean straight path was left behind.

This fleet gradually left the Luofu Realm and continued to sail in this endless dark void, perhaps because there was no reference object. Although the entire fleet was extremely fast, it was not reflected at all.

If it weren't for occasional smashing of some rubble and other coverings, it seemed that the entire fleet was standing still in place.

It is still some time before the voyage is completed.

In this voyage, Lin Fei is not really okay, but is continuing to sort out the gains of that war.

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