
Chapter 10.1

Previously on Centaurus: Fey is finally able to empty her swollen melon-sized balls into an unknowing and innocent catgirl. Said Catgirl being forcibly upgraded from a size queen to a size empress.

Chapter 10:

A beam of light slowly crawled over Fey’s face. She desperately held onto sleep as the light sunk beams of wakefulness through her eyelids. The more she tried to remain asleep the more her own thoughts woke her however. With a groan she gave up and opened her eyes. The sun won, as always.

She blinked the crusty sleep from her eyelids and blearily squinted around. She was in the common room they had rented at the Slime’s Bane inn. Or at least what was left of it. Trashed might be too kind a word. She was rolled up in her bedsheets like a giant horse filled taco, which was fine, except that her bed no longer occupied her bedroom. The bed was in the common room and a few feet lower than it should have been since the frame had been thoroughly destroyed leaving the mattress on a legless broken frame.

It took her a few moments to realise that Ellaria was sleeping next to her, curled up in a ball, her head lolling on the pillow she was wrapped around, her lips slightly parted, her leg thrown up, and her fiery hair partly veiling her face and fanned out over the cotton. 

She was in a deep sleep, occasionally making a soft noise that an uncharitable and fearless person might have called a snore. Said person would be wise to invest in fireproof clothing. Elves absolutely did not snore.

It took her a moment to remember that Ellaria had actually gone to her own bedroom to sleep last night. She was uncertain how the elf had ended up sleeping on her bed in the common room. They hadn't had sex clearly, going by her trim stomach at least. Fey wasn’t sure how she felt about the fact they hadn't. 

A shifting motion caught her eye and she turned her head to see a large smooth-skinned sphere levitate past. It took her a moment to realize she was looking at the cum filled belly of Flora, a huge sphere nearly eight foot across. The gnome was reclining happily atop her throne of a body, her elbow on her belly, her head resting on her hand while various mugs orbited her. A mug floated down to Fey and she confusedly caught it. The scent of fresh rich hot chocolate wafted into her nostrils. She flicked her tail unconsciously at the satisfying smell.

Fey begrudgingly realized that the gnome was giving her breakfast. She held the warm mug in hand and sipped.

“Thank you Flora…”

The gnome gave her a blissful smile. Fey squinted at her suspiciously.

“Why are you so pleased looking?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m so fucking full and stretched out with your cum! It felt good when I had lots in me after the hot spring, it feels soooo much better now I have so much more in me. I feel all tingly and glowing and uhnff!”

The gnome stroked her palms across her taut smooth stomach as she spoke.

Ellaria suddenly snorted and shifted in her sleep. She blinked and then seemed to wake up. A mug of coffee floated down in front of her face and the elf stared at it, not understanding for a moment before grabbing it and drinking from it.

“No need to thank me,” said Flora.

“Shgood thnkyou,” mumbled Ellaria still half asleep.

Fey had to admit it was cute seeing the normally so composed and perfect elf look so sleepy and vulnerable, her red hair loose and frazzled, her eyes half lidded and bleary.

“OI, gimme some of that!”

Fey turned to see Vivi. The fox girl didn't have telekinetic powers like Flora so she was quite quite trapped on top of her own belly which was a room dominating seven and a half foot across. She flailed trying to move herself. Her legs kicking at the air, her arms waving forward. She sort of succeeded, her body rolling across the top of her cum belly, her breasts shifting against the mass, but she soon reached as far as she could slosh herself forward and rolled back to where she began.

“Such a powerful warrior, trapped by her own body,” smirked Flora.

Flora floated the steaming mug of chocolate just out of the Fox girls reach leaving her to snatch at it just out of reach.

“Dammit Flora, give me the hot choco!”

Ellaria seemed to be becoming more and more aware and she drained the last of her mug and cleared her throat.

“Listen. I don't like to say this but we may have a small problem.”

Flora blinked and looked down at her. Vivi leapt on the chance and grabbed the floating mug, greedily grabbing it with both paws and guzzling the contents and then letting out a satisfied sigh.

“Do you have money Vivi?”

The fox girl looked at Ellaria from over the mug held in her paws. “Er, well, not really. I kinda spent everything on my sword and special luxury fur shampoo before we went off to the dungeon. I have the reward we got but uh, well it’s not a lot you know.”


“She spent everything on sex toys…” murmured Fey.

“Why am I not surprised in any way shape or form.”

“This is stupid, who cares what I spend my money on,” grumbled Flora. “What the hell are you trying to get at elfy?”

“I’m saying we’re broke. Extremely broke. And we need money. The dryad believes the problem with Fey’s soul can be solved by an Arch-Soulomancer. The problem is that they can only be found in cities and I imagine they are rather expensive to hire, not to mention it will cost money to actually get to a city.”

“So you’re saying that we need to start charging to ride the pony?”

“Never! I’m not a fairground ride you hop on for entertainment Flora!”

“Best fair ride in the world,” mumbled Vivi from around the mug in her mouth.

“Look, forget all that, we have one obvious and easy way to make money that we’re good at.”

“Doing adventuring jobs for the guild?”


Ellaria knee walked to the edge of the bed and put her mug on a nearby table. She looked around the mess of a room, damaged furniture strewn everywhere. She pursed her lips.

“There will likely be other expenses too so it’s all the more important we get out there and start making money as soon as possible.”

Flora grunted. “Fine. I could do with a bit of excitement anyway.” She paused and glanced at the band who were just looking at her. “You want to stand up here with our thumbs up our cunts while we talk about it or are we actually going to go do this?”

The band began slowly gathering and washing and clothing themselves, or at least in Fey’s and Ellaria’s case. The other two were a little limited with what they could manage, Vivi most of all, although Flora floated some shorts and a blouse onto the fox girl after she complained about being naked.

Fey had a moment of slight vertigo after managing to stand, her body a little larger and taller than it had been the day before, the ground a little further away. 

At last the band was ready, clothed, cleaned, and armed. However Vivi and Flora remained very large and awkward and full. Ellaria put her hands on her hips and glared at the pair.

“Why aren't you emptying yourselves? We can’t go to work while you two are a pair of giant balls of cum.”

“Wha-? No way! There’s no way I’m letting this lovely delicious full feeling go!” 

“Me neither!”

Ellaria scowled at them. “I’m going downstairs to talk with the innkeep, in the meantime figure out a way to empty all that stuff out of yourselves. Don’t leave me waiting.

Flora and Vivi glanced at each other but then nodded.

Ellaria gave them a suspicious look but then beckoned for Fey to follow her downstairs. Fey found that she had a very easy time with the stairs not needing to worry about her sensitive swollen balls and given her own ever stronger more dextrous body.

Ellaria went off to find the innkeep leaving Flora to stand awkwardly in the lobby. She suddenly realised that there were no eyes being drawn to her lower parts, she blinked, right, she was soft down there, she didn’t have a large throbbing erection or even melon sized balls to draw the eye. She was free! She felt light as a feather, then after a moment, after she noticed that the adventurers in the lobby continued to ignore her, she felt... weirdly disappointed, like she missed the attention? Fey blinked. Was that really something she liked? Had growing a dick and being the center of attention really turned her into a minor exhibitionist? This was a new and worrying development. She put her chin in her palm and pondered this new problem.

She was mulling and naval gazing the issue when a massive booming crash from outside shook the structure. The conversation died to silence in the lobby and every head turned to the entrance and the street.

“Uhh… did someone just crash a cart into the building?” said an adventurer.

Fey had a horrible feeling that it was not a cart and as she trotted nearer to the entrance which was being rapidly crowded with adventurers her fears were confirmed.

Outside a large section of the second floor wall had been ejected from the side of the building and was lying on the cobble road. A small column of dust was still rising from it, sprinkles of shattered glass scattered across the wood. 

Fey pushed her way outside and looked up to see Flora emerging from the now open sided building, her huge cum filled belly making her actual body hard to see at this angle. Behind her came the fur covered dome of cum that was Vivi. 

“Uhm, I'm not sure this was a very good idea Flora…”

The gnome drifted downward as Ellaria stepped from the inn behind Fey, a furious red faced innkeeper stomping angrily behind her. 

“Oh my god you fucking gnome! What the fuck have you done to my inn!!”

“What? I’m just providing access for those who are unfortunately door challenged. Foxy here can't fit through your doors so I needed to open a bigger door.”

The innkeeper stared at her wall that was lying in the street, her eyes bugging out of her head with fury. 

“That's a wall not a doooor!”

“It’s rectangular, doors are rectangular, duh. This is just a really big door with faulty hinges.”

“That's- that doesn't work that way!”

“Mmm, pretty sure it does, and you wouldn't want to discriminate against my wide friend here would you? That would be quite rude and bad for business.”

The innkeeper put her hands in her hair and let out a strangled scream.

“Flora, repairing this is coming out of your share you realise?” said Ellaria.

“What why?! It's not broken!”

“Yes, it is!” screamed the innkeep. 

“Oh shush, watch this.”

The innkeep squawked as she was suddenly lifted off the ground, her legs kicking at the air.

“P-put me down! What are you doing?!”

Flora ignored her and carefully moved the innkeep up and across and put her down inside the exposed common room they had rented. The innkeep looked down at the ground below with round eyes which quickly became apoplectic when the wall lifted off the ground and rose back up to the common room.

Flora had her tongue stuck out and was focusing quite hard as she shifted and shoved the wall up and in, the broken wooden edges cracking and splintering as the wall was forced roughly back into place.

The innkeeper’s face appeared at the broken window.

“This is not fixed! this isn't fixed!!!!”

Flora gave the furious innkeep a double thumbs up and turned away, leaving the innkeep to rage and seeth and gnash her teeth.

She paused seeing Ellaria with her arms crossed.


Ellaria shook her head and turned down the street. Fey hurried after her. Flora waved her hand at Vivi and both the gnome and fox girl floated down the street after them.

Fey was suddenly very aware that she was no longer the attention magnet of the group as gasps and chatter and people began to quickly follow them, pointing and remarking at Flora and Vivi. It wasn’t fair, she should be the one who- wait. Fey checked herself. Was she jealous? She bit her lip. 

A group of Lupine kids began following their wake, round eyed and staring, and then as though to see what the reaction would be, they started throwing small stones at the bellies of the two girls. Flora flicked her finger and the stones were sent back the way they had come causing the kids to yelp and run away laughing.

Fey was happy that at least she wasn't being harassed by species in heat. Those who were were too distracted by Vivi and Flora and weren't near her for long enough to notice their attraction to her. Not having a giant throbbing boner helped too.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the guild. They had an entourage with them by this point, various townspeople who had decided that the band was to be the day's entertainment. In a town far from any city like this entertainment was hard to come by and valued highly.

Flora reached out a hand to rip down the wall of the guild but Ellaria slapped her belly before she could begin, a huge ripple sent over her smooth skin sending it jiggling and sloshing hypnotically.

“No Flora. Stay. Behave.”

The gnome pouted and crossed her arms but remained where she was.

Fey and Ella entered the AG and quickly found the job board. The warning about thieves they had left was still there and when Fey got closer she saw someone had added a note to the paper. It read: thankyou.

“Hrmm. Well at least some good came of that whole disaster. Now what kind of job should we do?”

Fey looked over the board. Various papers we tacked to it with job descriptions and rewards.

“Ogres? No, too risky. Oh there's a pack of royal slimes haunting the forest. Oh, that reward is terrible though.”

“What about this one?”

Fey picked out a job that had a crude picture of a goblin’s face on it. Ellaria tried to peer at it and realised Fey was too tall up for her to see so she plucked it from her hands.

“Wow this reward... this could work. Why is it so much? Oh. damn it.”


“It’s not just goblins, it’s hobgoblins. Much more problematic.”

“We can handle it though right?”

“I think so. We’re bronze plate, but we’re really more like silver plate in a fight, but you know, the AG expects so many hoops to be jumped through before being ranked up. Hmm.”

She tapped the paper with her finger.

“You know this might be enough to push us over the edge to silver if I can swing a few things.”

“That's good right?”

“Yup. More guild support and access to special private jobs they don't put up on the boards.”

“We should definitely do that then, it will be like fluffing two tails with one comb.”

Ellaria nodded her agreement and strode over to the main desk where the same stoney-faced clerk from last time was watching them.

“Hello. One job please,” said Ellaria putting the paper down on the desk.

The clerk raised an eyebrow as she pulled the paper across and peered at it.


Ellaria produced the bronze metal plate from her dimensional bag. It was engraved with the AG’s symbol and various references to the Queen.

“Hmm. This is fine. This job is likely above your band’s skill level but I’m not going to stop you.”

“Our skill level is none of your concern clerk, register us as doing the damn job and be done with it.”

A slightly annoyed look crossed the clerk’s face and she opened her mouth to reply when something crashed into the entrance behind them.

Fey turned to see Vivi jammed halfway through the double door, stuck in place by her own cum filled stomach.

“Hey fuck you clerk! You want proof of our ability then I’ll show you! Fight me, one on one me, right now!”

Fey looked back to see the clerk with her mouth open limp, a confused look on her face.

“Uhm. Wh-what is wrong with that vulpine?”

“Ignore her. She’s not important.”

The clerk turned to her and blinked. “She’s the size of a cartload of hay!”

“Yes and that's not important. Register Magic Mog as doing the job.” A spark flew from Ellaria’s hair and snapped against the clerk’s nose causing her to flinch.

The clerk seemed to realize that Ellaria was getting pretty irritated and that Ellaria was actually an elf and not to be crossed. She quickly scribbled something on the paper.


Ellaria swept around and marched toward Vivi who was jammed in the door. The fox girl made scared eyes as the elf strode close and then lifted her boot into the air and booted the fox girl hard. Vivi yelped and went rolling backwards into the street.

The crowd gawped at the rolling fox girl, looking from between the elf stomping out of the guild and the white sphere. Fey hurried out behind her.

Ellaria stopped on the wooden decking and looked up at Flora who was lazily floating in the air.

The crowd held their breath and watched as the elf paused. What would this strange leader of the orbs do next? What drama would come next to their small town?

“We’re going after a goblin tribe led by hobgoblins that's been targeting the locals.”

The crowd cheered! This sounded good, great even!

Ellaria blinked at the crowd, what the hell were they cheering for?

She scowled at them and stepped from the decking and onto the street. Flora gestured at Vivi and she floated up into the air and followed after.

The crowd moved and shifted around them like a shoal of fish around a whale.

As they carried on down the street in what was essentially an impromptu parade they were joined by the town guard who seemed to think it a good idea to keep an eye on the hubbub. The guard did earnestly try to intervene at one point and stop the band but they were working against the crowd who saw what they were doing and made it their mission to get in the guard’s way.

They soon arrived at one of the walled town's portcullised entrances, coming to a stop just before it. Fey looked back down the street they had just made their way down and was surprised to see it full of several hundred people looking at them, all waiting and watching quietly with bated breath.

Fey coughed into her hand nervously.

“Uhm, we’ll just be going now uhm, I hope we weren't too much trouble! s-sorry!” squeaked Fey.

The crowd stared at her silently.

Flora suddenly thrust her fist into the air and Fey and Ellaria rose into the air with Vivi and Flora, the orbs to either side of the elf and the centaur. All of the band were now being stared at by the crowd.

Flora grinned, her fist held high.

“We’re gona kill some goblin cunts and save the town because we’re Magic Mog and we’re FUCKING AWESOME!”

The crowd thrust their hands into the air and roared. This is what they liked to hear!

“WOOOO!!” shouted Vivi joyfully.

“How did we get into this situation godsdammit. Flora get us the hell out of here!” grumbled Ellaria.

Flora waved at the crowd who seemed to take this as encouragement and waved back enthusiastically. She then flicked her hand and the band flew through the gate, Flora herself flying backwards while cockily saluting the crowd, a pair of guards watched them pass on the other side of the gate, jaws slack.

They flew down the road, spiralling around each other as Flora showed off until the road they were on started to near the forest and drew out of sight of the town’s wall. Flora let out a phew and had the band come to a stop. With a gesture Fey dropped back down to the ground with a clatter of hooves on stone. Ellaria smoothly came down next to her.

Flora wiped her hand across her brow, sweat came away with her hand and she was breathing fairly heavily

“Phew. This isn't easy you know, carrying so much.”

“Well that's the cost of not emptying all that cum out. I hope it’s been worth it.”

“Hell yeah it was!” said VIvi. “That's what famous adventures get to experience! Going into a town and being celebrated as heroes for saving people from monsters! That was fantastic!”

Ellaria paused. “Okay that bit wasn't too bad.”

“It was quite nice…” mumbled Fey.


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