
Chapter 11.3

“Where's Vivi?” asked Ellaria. 

Flora gestured back the way they had come and Ellaria bounced to her feet and strode off, still completely buck naked. 

The others followed after her. They soon came across Vivi, the battered fox girl busily tugging her longsword free from a fallen tree trunk. The sword had apparently fallen from the sky and embedded itself in the wood hilt deep. She finally managed to get it out and stumbled backwards.

She noticed the others and her face lit up, “Hey! We all lived! Which one of you guys kicked that jerk’s ass?”

“Flora, she took him down.”

“Noice! Where's the body?”

Flora’s eyes slid over the horrifying pancake that was the hobgoblin.

“Uhh, don't worry about it, best you don't know.”

Vivi looked non-plussed but shrugged and swung her sword before sheathing it. Fey fussed over her, running her hands over the fox girl’s body and healing any injuries.

Ellaria, who seemed perfectly comfortable being stark naked around the others, cracked her knuckles together and jogged on the spot. Fey couldn't help but stare, the elf’s perky breasts bouncing up and down in the most hypnotic way possible was not exactly easy to look away from.

“You okay captain?” said Vivi.

“Hmm? Oh yes, I just seem to have a lot of excess energy, like alot alot. I feel so incredibly refreshed for some reason.”

“Uh... right.”

“Hey, you know we’re not done with the job, there's still the goblin camp, there's no way that was the last of the goblins. We should go do that, go go go.”

Vivi grinned. “You took the words out of my mouth. I could do with blowing off some more steam.”

The elf suddenly started jogging away. Fey blinked in dismay as the distance between them increased quickly and she hurried after the elf. Maybe there were some slight side effects from using such a strong healing spell. After a little while the elf began to run and then to sprint and the others found themselves running after the pinging hyper elf not sure what was happening or why they were running. Flora had given up moving the trees aside and was currently floating overhead above the canopy.

“S-slow down!” called out Fey.

The elf did, but only because she had run straight into a clearing. The clearing was occupied by a few dozen tents, crude homemade tents, made from leathers. Goblin tents.

The band stumbled to a stop behind the naked elf who had her hands on her hips and was staring confidently at the goblin camp.

The goblins for their part slowed about their work and stared at the centaur, the fox girl, the indecently exposed elf, and the… well they didn't know what to make of the giant gnome orb floating down onto the grass.

A group of goblins with weapons began to coalesce at the edge of the camp, the noises they made growing increasingly angry. 

“So, all we gotta do is put a stop to all that and we get paid then we will have enough money for travel to the nearest city and hopefully a little for Fey’s Soulomancer. Simples.” The elf snapped her fingers together several times.

“Is it just me or is Ella acting a little... off,” murmured Vivi.

“Definitely just you.”


Said Fey and Flora.

Vivi scratched her head and gave the pair a suspicious look. But that didn't stop her from slipping free her longsword, flipping it into the air, catching it and then forming up as the goblins broke from the camp in an angry roar headed straight toward the band.

The goblins… did not stand much of a chance. The only reason they weren't immediately vaporised by Ellaria was because the elf had somehow decided the best way to defeat this oncoming foe was to set her fists on fire and beat the snot out of them.

Suffice to say it wasn't long before all that remained of the goblins was a few piles of burnt diced up meat and two or three survivors struggling to get away, one a hobgoblin struggling beneath Ellaria’s foot, a regular normal hobgoblin, not the thing they had fought in the woods.

Flora floated down beside her, her hand on her chin.

“Hmm, you know this is kind of an opportunity.”

“An opportunity to do what?”

“To do some testing.”

Flora flicked her hand and one of the goblins rose up in the air and began drifting toward Fey who was facing away from them. The struggling goblin came to a stop on top of Fey’s horse back. It blinked down at the broad back it was suddenly straddled on top of.

Fey yelped and turned her head trying to see what was on top of her. When she saw it was a goblin sitting nonplussed her eyes snapped to Flora, her brows furrowing. 

“Flora, what is the meaning of this! You don't just do that stuff to a centaur! Any other plains centaur would kick your shins off for doing so!”

“Just give it a second yeah?”

“Wha? Wha- OH! Oh gods!”

The goblin on Fey’s back suddenly started to rapidly shrink down, losing inches, its face becoming chubbier and cuter.

Fey herself experienced a pleasurable feeling rushing all over her body, a stretching straining feeling. She realised that it was the feeling of growth, however slight. She couldn't help herself and stretched out her arms and moaned.

“Huh, so it does work with monsters. Interesting, interesting.”

“Try this one next,” said Ellaria, removing her foot from the hobgoblin.

“I’ll do both!”

The hobgoblin and last remaining goblin lurched into the air and were slapped down on Fey’s back behind the now meek and chubby and weirdly cute previous goblin.

“H-hey! Stop that nuu! I don't want to grow any moar!” said Fey between gasping breaths as the hobgoblin began to shrink down. The hob didn't stop shrinking after just a bit, no, he shrunk down all the way until he was the same size as the first goblin. 

Ellaria and Flora paused. 

“H-hey, is it just me or does it look like Fey just absorbed that monster’s evolution?”

“...That does appear to be the case…”

“Isn’t that kind of a big deal? The hell kind of magic can do that?”

“None that I have ever heard of, that isn’t supposed to be possible, once a monster evolves it just is, it doesn't go back…”

“Hmm, wait why isn't that other goblin shrinking?”

“F-female, it’s a female goblin!” said Fey.

“Huh, so it is, chest wrap made her tits hard to see..”

The two shrunk down male goblins leapt off Fey's back and ran away, their hands waving in the air comically.

The female goblin slipped over the side of Fey as well, but then she paused. She turned and looked up, the heavy throbbing mass of Fey’s dick twitched above her, a thin line of precum drooling from the tip. The goblin’s eyes widened and she said something undecipherable in the goblin tongue.

“Wh-what’s she doing?”

“She ah, seems to have found something of interest it appears,” said Ellaria.

The goblin stepped forward hesitantly then reached out a hand, putting her palm under the thin stream of precum. The clear sticky fluid pooled on her small hand, she looked at it with fascination and then brought it to her face, her nostrils flaring as she drew in the scent. Her brow raised, apparently impressed with something. The goblin stuck out her tongue and dabbed at the precum. Then her eyes lit up and she put her hand to her mouth and slurped it greedily until it was all gone and she was left licking her fingers.

She eyed the drooling cock with new interest.

“I’m gonna go for a run. Got lots of excess energy. I’ll be back in a bit,” shouted Ellaria over her shoulder as she dashed off into the forest abruptly. The band watched her go in silence.

“Er, did our captain just run off in the middle of a job?” said Vivi.

“Uhm, I think so. M-maybe she’ll be back sooooOOOWWOOO!” Fey gasped as a pair of goblin lips slapped on her urethra and began greedily sucking and milking at her cock, a small tongue playing with the opening.

Vivi bit her lip as she watched the goblin greedily going at it and she squirmed her hips. She was still in heat of course and not being filled with cum was bringing the feeling back with a vengeance.

Flora put her hand to her chin thoughtfully. “You know maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to empty your balls a little Fey.”

“Wha- that’s- ooH!”

The goblin jumped up and wrapped its arms around Fey’s dick, hanging from it with her legs kicking in the air.

Flora rolled her eyes. “Amateur.”

The goblin exclaimed in her language as she was bodily lifted into the air. Her long black hair dangled around her head as her clothes were tugged from her body, her chest wrap unravelling from her body letting a surprisingly large pair of breasts bounce out, that along with her flared curving hips gave her an attractive shortstack appearance not unlike Flora.

The goblin gasped excitedly and clutched at the massive dick as she was dragged along it until she was placed at the tip. The size difference was absurd, the goblin completely outsized by the heavy vascular shaft, this just seemed to excite the goblin all the more however.

“F-flora! What are you doing?!”

“I found a convenient receptacle for your cum Fey.”

“B-but that’s a m-monster!! I can't have sex with a monster!”

“Why not? It’s not like it’ll feel any different, plus this way you don't have to find a regular person to do it with.”

Vivi glared at Flora. “I’m right here you know, perfectly willing and able.”

“Yeah but I’m sick of dragging your fat ass around.”

The goblin let out louder and louder squeaks as she was pressed against the tip of Fey’s dick until with a juicy wet SCHLPOP! she slipped over the head and her belly bulged outward in the shape of Fey’s dick, silhouetting the slightly flared bumpy head.

The goblin shrieked and thrashed but barely had a moment to breathe before she was forcibly rammed down the shaft, her belly bulge shoving between her breasts and smacking her in the face. The goblin screamed louder and louder as she was speared on Fey’s shaft, her legs and arms fully wrapped around it hugging it tight like her life depended on it, only the goblin didn't stop moving and her pussy slammed into Fey's medial ring before greedily slopping round it gobbling up more of Fey’s dick inside of itself.

“Wow goblins are naturally really stretchy, she went down that like a sausage goes down a greased hallway.”

Fey cantered on the spot, the speared goblin happily riding along as her shaft flung around with the goblin on it.

“I- I’m fucking a monster! Nuuu!” wailed Fey even as her cock flexed and lifted the goblin, thoroughly enjoying being inside the warm and tight female.

Fey began hobbling away even as the goblin began to move up and down her shaft letting out increasingly disjointed screams of pleasure. Flora wasn't about to let the centaur get out of her range however, she floated after her with a leering smile on her face, jerking her hand, each motion moving the goblin in time with the motions of her arm, as though she was jerking Flora off herself through the goblin.

“S-stop! Oh gods why does this feel so good!!” Said Fey stumbling and trotting away from Flora as fast as she could.

It wasn't long before they were approaching the camp and were amongst the tents. Fey was flagging by this point, her legs going weak as she stumbled back and forth drunkenly. She slammed into a wooden goblin totem in the center of the camp, desperately holding onto it to keep herself up. The sound of splattering liquid tickled her ears as the screaming creaming goblin squirted on to the dirt, back spattering fem fluid up Fey’s horse legs.

“Just let it happen Fey, just think if you do this now then you won't have to deal with ball pain later, relax into it, feel the release, yes, yes, that’s good.”

Fey whined softly and her hips began bucking forward, further driving her shaft into the little goblin stretched around it.

“G-gods! I’m- I’m gonna cUhM!!”

Fey’s dick strained and thickened and a fat rope of white exploded into the goblin’s womb, bulging out her stomach before slopping down making her look instantly pregnant. Fey’s hips continued to thrash as the goblin’s garbled and screamed in her language, one hand clutching at her tummy bulge while another pulled at her face as pleasure wracked her body like nothing else.

The goblin rapidly filled out, her belly drooping lower and lower until it touched down on the ground. With one last shivering shudder Fey ejaculated her last into the goblin.

Fey was now hanging desperately from the totem, her legs limp and half buckled and wobbly. She gasped as the goblin began to slide off her dick on her own, her puss slipping down her length leaving the wet hot steaming length exposed to the open air. 

The goblin slid down to the tip where she slowed before slipping over the edge with a soft shlop! She then fell until she was caught by her own expansive green belly resting on the ground, nearly five foot across.

Fey’s cock let out a few spurts of cum that had remained trapped in the shaft over the goblin, painting lines of white over her.

“Shame we can't just take a few goblins with us, it would be convenient, cum in them and then just chuck them somewhere, disposable cum dumps.”

The goblin wiggled on top of her belly, her arms wrapped around her throne of a body, her breasts pushed up in her face by the amount of cum in her. She licked her lips and said something in her strange language, then she looked at Flora and pursed her lips.

“What? Why is she looking at me?”

The goblin huffed then turned her head and called out. 

Hesitantly, more goblins began to emerge from the tents, dozens of them.


This chapter is a 4 parter.


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