
Chapter 15.3

“I’m- I’m not useless! I can do anything! I can do whatever I want!” exclaimed Flora. The fact that she sank back down to earth and her body broke out with beads of sweat as she spoke belied her words. 

Flora held out for a second more then sighed and slumped over her stomach, giving up on lifting herself. Kayla wondered what had happened to the cum she had been filled with, she imagined some part of the local forest was currently covered in a layer of steaming white stuff.

“Ah! I’m done!” said Vivi suddenly lurching backwards and climbing to her feet, her sagging belly reluctantly coming up with her. The fox girl was wearing shorts but nothing else, her breasts resting on her tummy. Kayla supposed the cotton t-shirt was intended to change that. 

The fox girl lifted her arms up and slipped the shirt down over her head, shaking her muzzle to get it through the neck hole. She tugged and pulled down the hem of the close fitting shirt, pulling it down over her breasts and then over her stomach where it was stretched wide, unable to properly fit. Vivi managed to get it about half way down her abdomen in all, the cotton stretching to its limit to contain her size. She looked down at the shirt and smiled, flashing her canines, clearly pleased.

Kayla looked at the t-shirt. It read “I’m not pregnant, I’m just full of cum!” The lettering was done immaculately, as though it had been printed. Kayla was impressed with how steady and accurate the fox girl’s paw was, the design looked good, despite the absurd statement. 

Her gaze wandered downward as something caught her eye and she saw the cloth of the fox girl’s shorts bulge and shift as though something was shifting and moving below the surface. A flash of white slipped out before disappearing back below the hem. 

What... was that?

Before she could verbalise her question however Fey trotted up beside Flora. 

“I told you I would keep my promise!” said the centaur, she almost looked a little smug, which was unusual to see on the centaur.

Flora blinked and turned her head to look at Fey.

“What are you on about? What promise?”

“I said that I would cum in you so much that you couldn't move under your own power if you carried Lily to safety, and, well,” Fey gestured broadly at Flora who was fully resting on the ground at this point having given up lifting herself.

Flora’s mouth fell open in outrage. “What! No! It doesn't count retroactively!”

“Well can you lift or move yourself?”

Flora gave her an offended look but then set her jaw and clenched her fists. She rose both hands into the air furrowing her brow and she started to lift ever so slightly as she closed her eyes in concentration. Sweat poured down the gnome but she could lift herself no more than that, not even enough to lift her belly free from the grass. 

As she strained and stressed and groaned a pair of small damp patches appeared on the white cloth of her blouse over her breasts. Kayla watched wide eyed as the patches quickly spread and then ran down, darkening the cloth. After a moment of spreading the fluid began to sputter and sprinkle through the fabric, spritzing into the air a white substance, milk. The gnome was openly lactating and not by a small amount. More and more milk spurted from her breasts, which strained against the fabric with their size, judging by how hard they pressed and pulled at the cloth the gnome’s breasts were engorged and full, turgid and heavy with milk. Lines of white ran down her belly in continuous rivulets. She let out a soft gasp of exertion and milk sprayed from her breasts in a small gush, this in turn forced an unconscious moan of pleasure from her lips.

Fey’s hand came down and grasped one of Flora’s uplifted wrists. Flora opened her eyes and blinked, staring at the large hand wrapped around her and then down to the damp milky mess she had made of her front.


“You’re lactating Flora, like a broodmother. Like my broodmare, my mate to breed. You're mine, all of you, every single little part of your body belongs to me, all of it, to fill and fill and breed and breed with more and more and more.”

“Wha-what?” repeated Flora, her voice now higher in pitch. She was almost fearful as she looked at the hand holding her in an iron immovable grip.

Fey blinked and seemed to come back to herself. She snatched her hand from Flora’s wrist as though she had been burned by a hot iron. The pair stared at each other wide eyed, suddenly awkwardly conscious of their relationship. 

Flora swallowed, her mouth almost painfully dry. She glanced at Fey’s back end, her throbbing vascular erection bobbed there, eager and hungry to be sleeved in a tight wet pussy.

What Fey had said, it was very out of character, but then hadn't she said similarly possessive things recently, with the goblins for instance? Flora wasn’t sure what to make of it and her  thoughts were made all the more scrambled by hormonal instincts screaming in the background of her mind, telling her that this is what all animals were born for, their primary directive in life: To mate and reproduce. She had found something that fulfilled that deep deep animal desire more than anything else in history, a sense of fulfillment unlike anything else was hers for the taking. What Fey had said, about being hers, belonging to the centaur, her permanent sloppy cocksleeve, her breeding post used to empty the centaur’s turgid balls over and over. Flora realised with a little buzz of pleasure that sounded fucking amazing to her, which was a shock as she was the one who was supposed to be on top, the one in control, the dominant one. But then the centaur, the centaur was different, her lower part was more than any male she had ever come across, a dominating overpowering masculinity that made Flora’s feminine side weak at the knees and eager to spread her legs for the centaur as her thighs trembled in anticipation.

“S-still counts as fulfilling my promise!” Fey managed to get out, feeling a little uncomfortable under the gnome’s ravenous analytical gaze.

Flora blinked. “Huh? Wait no! That doesn’t count! You can't do this to me! Not after what you just said!”

“F-forget that happened! It was a mistake!” said Fey, backing away from the gnome.

“NUUUUU!” said the gnome as she shook herself atop her belly sending ripples across her skin. Her hands reached out for the centaur. “P-please! Please Fey!”

Fey was disturbed, seeing the normally rude and self-serving gnome openly beg for her was… it felt wrong. She backed away further and further until she disappeared around the side of a caravan. Then she turned and ran away.

“You’re lactating like a cow Flo, do you want me to fetch a bucket and start milking you?” said Vivi as she fondly rubbed a paw over the tshirt tightly stretched across her stomach.

“No you dimwit! I’m not pregnant! I’m not!” snarled Flora turning on the fox girl.

Vivi grinned foxishly, “I never said anything about you being preggers, that just then was all you.”

Flora let out a groan of frustration and buried her face in her milky breasts which let out another sputtering spurt of white that sprinkled across the grass as the weight of her head came down on them.

Vivi snorted out a laugh and turned to Kayla. “You know she’s going to be completely useless for the rest of the day and maybe some of tomorrow right?”

“Uhm, yes?” said Kayla not sure what the vulpine was getting at.

“Your sister, she’s still full of Fey’s cum. Flora is barely able to lift herself let alone Lily. That’s a problem as we are moving today no?”

“Oh no! What do we do!” said Kayla suddenly deathly afraid her sister was going to be left behind.

Vivi rolled her eyes. “We empty her, duh. Come on, follow me.”

The vulpine stepped away from the sulking gnome, who was glaring angrily at anything and anyone who came near, and strode through the camp, her new shirt proudly on display. The confused double takes the shirt constantly attracted just seemed to swell the fox girl’s pride in her handiwork all the more.

It wasn't long before they found Lily. She was stuck at the edge of the camp, a warm blanket wrapped around her body, or at least the part that wasn't the drooping spherical tummy that she was trapped on top of.

“Kayla!” exclaimed Lily. Apart from her belly just her head was visible beneath the blanket, a hood of fabric covering her hair and ears, framing her small face. Kayla had to admit she looked adorable.

Vivi sidled up and pressed her own rounded belly against the otterkin’s belly, Vivi’s smaller short-furred mass squishing against the larger pale smooth mass. As Kayla watched she swore she saw the surface of Vivi’s belly move, lumps pressing up beneath the surface and exploring and touching at Lily’s belly through the body of the fox girl. 

Kayla distractedly remembered Lily had spoken and was looking at her questioningly. 

“Uhm, Vivi has offered to help empty you Lil. Flora burned through all her magic or something and can no longer lift you so we don’t have much choice.”

“Aww!” said Lily unhappily. She pouted and pulled back beneath the blanket until just her small amber eyes were visible in the shadow. “I dun wanna.”

“Do you want to be left behind in the middle of the forest with monsters all around, all on your own?”

Lily let out a whimper of fear and the blanket trembled. She still clearly felt the trauma of their journey through the woods.

“O-okay, b-but in private, not out here in the open…” mumbled Lily. 

“Of course!” said Vivi cracking her knuckles. She circled around the otterkin until she was at her rear where her fat otter tail poked from beneath the blanket. Without hesitation she grabbed hold of it with both paws and hauled back causing the otterkin to squeak in alarm as she slopped across the top of her liquid filled belly. 

“Hmm. Heavy. I’m impressed Fey managed to pick you up, she'll have me out of a job if she keeps this up.”

“Can you not move her?”

“I never said I couldn’t, I just need to lean on my Class a little bit.” 

The fox girl furrowed her brow and activated one of her Class Skills. Energy surged down her limbs as though they were suddenly much much denser and heavier with compacted muscle. She set her feet and hauled back on the otterkin’s tail eliciting a squeal. After a second of heaving the otterkin began to be dragged across the grass and Vivi took a step back then another and another as the body of the otterkin gradually sped up until the pair were making good progress across the ground. Soon the shadowy cover of the tree line and surrounding foliage was covering them and after being dragged a little further they had the privacy they sought.

Vivi let go of the otterkin’s tail and her body sloshed back across her belly to equilibrium. 

She turned and glared at Vivi while rubbing a small hand over her sore tail.

“That hurt you know!”

Vivi shrugged. “Did the job, didn't it? If you're going to be a warrior like me you need to be strong and hardy and tough!”

“But I don't want to be a warrior!”

“Nonsense, of course you do, everyone wants to be a badass warrior, nobody wants to be a lame stuffy mage.”

Kayla wasn't quite sure she believed that.

“Erm, h-how do we empty her?”

“Oh that’s easy. We just have to jump on her and squeeze it all out.”

Lily’s eyes went wide and her tail curled up around her rear protectively.

“W-wait you can't!”

Vivi ignored that and grabbed at her blanket, ripping it from her small hands and discarding it. Next she leapt at the otterkin’s borrowed shorts, a hole had been torn in the back of them for her tail and she pulled it down her legs, hooking it from the otterkin’s kicking feet and flinging it aside.

“Noo!” wailed Lily as Vivi pushed her broad tail up and put her paws on her rounded ass cheeks and parted her buttocks.

The fox girl looked down at the otterkin’s tiny plump pussy with interest, as she watched a little dribble of white slipped from her tensing lips.

“Just calm down this won't take long I promise.”

She placed her paw pads to either side of the small slit and spread her digits, smearing apart the otterkin’s muff revealing her pink and sloppy wet interior. Her folds trembled and made sucking motions at the air, the relative coldness of the outside air touching up against her sensitive insides. The otterkin squirmed beneath Vivi’s paws, her fat tail slapping against the vulpine’s immovable forearms.

“Kayla, if you would?”

Kayla bit her lip but then grabbed hold of one of Lily’s arms and used it as leverage to pull herself up, her small feet sinking deep into Lily’s softness as she clambered. She made her way to the top and sat astride Lily’s back, her knees to either side pressing into her sister’s belly.

“Okay, now start bouncing.”


(This is a 4 parter)

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