
Chapter 17.3

“I want to make an anti-heat bag Fey, and all I need is to give you some, uhm, treatment and fill it up. Simple! I’ll just milk your thingy and collect the material produced in the bag, it will be easy!”

Feys lowered hips shifted and she swallowed uncomfortably.

“Uhm, I- I guess that makes sense?”

“She wants to use you as a cum bank Fey, you should definitely charge money for that,” murmured Flora from where she lay, face still flat on the table.

“No! I'm not charging!, I’m not -it’s not, it’s f-fine, you can, m-milk me Rina, if it will help Zal with her heat, it’s my job as a healer to help people if they are struggling and I can h-help with this.”

“Excellent!” Said Rina, a ferocious look flaring to life in her eyes at Fey’s agreement. She was beyond ready for this job.

“I- I’m r-ready f-for- eep!”

Fey squaked as a long scaly ping tale slithered up and around her body, whipping around her barrel and encoiling her in scales. Her cock throbbed in excitement, thudding as it bucked up against Rina, smearing a precummy wet stain acrosst he glossy pink scales. Then as the scales of the lamia rolled and coiled further, pressing up against her hardness, a cup of precum squirted forth splashing over her tail and pouring down onto the floor below.

“Hnn, R-rina!”

“Please Lady healer, call me nurse…” said Rina demurely her eyes half lidded as she sidled up to the centaur and for the third time in so many days coiled around her, their upper bodies pressing together, touching intimately close, the vast breasts of the two pressing up against each other through their clothing.


The lamia’s tail rolled over Fey’s dick, coils slipping and squeezing past as the tip of the tail circled back around, the tip stroking along the length and touching up against her vascularity until it found the head where it circled her urethra, tickling up against it until Fey lost control and let out a whinny. A cup of precum sprayed over the tail tip engulfing it in fluid as her hooves lifted and stepped with the stimulation. 

“N-nurse, it feels so good! Oh!”

Rina continued to apply pressure with her coils until she let out groan of frustration, her chest rising and falling with her heavy eager breaths.

“I- I need more, m-more, more of you,” groaned the lamia as she moved her upper body down. Rina slipped downward, sliding along Fey’s body, hanging from her using her coils until she was dangling below.

Supporting herself she snaked one hand down her body until she came to the V shape that defined the transition from her stomach to her scales and then a little below that where on the cream pale scales of the belly side of her tail there was a puffy mound swollen with her arousal. Already she could feel the heat of it and when she ran her fingertips over the pressured scale the scale suddenly parted at her touch revealing the lips of her swollen labia. A dozen rivulets of her juices ran down her scales as her private parts touched the air, her pink insides heavy with heat as her large thick nub of a clit pushed free from the scales and stood free and proud. As was suitable for her large body the lamia had a particularly large pussy, a match to her clit which was over an inch in girth.

“T-tail stimulation isn't enough for this job, I need a t-tighter milker,” murmured Rina.

The lamia moved down until her pussy was aligned with the broad head of Fey’s dick, her pussy practically pulsing with the need to be filled. She edged closer until the puffy mound was being pressed up against the head, squishing it down, her muff flattening out.

Fey for her part was startled at the feel of it, she had almost universally been with very small girls with small petite pussies so the feel of the thing touching up against her which was far more a true fit for her own massive size was very different. It felt good to be touching up something so large, so soft and giving and hot, that sunk in below her massiveness eager to slip over and engulf her, which it promptly did.

Fey gasped out as her dick slipped inside with little resistance, the lamia’s cunt engulfing her in extreme heat, her heavy thick folds wrapping around her dick and squeezing down. It felt good, no it felt amazing, the lamia internal muscles were as powerful as the muscles that flexed her tail and the heavy weighty pressure she applied to Fey made the centaur lift her head and groan aloud. 

Rina didn't stop and shifted herself down, eagerly pushing her pussy down Fey’s length, gobbling the massive horse cock up, happy to take more and more of her into herself, and she did so with more ease than anything Fey had felt before, not even her medial ring slowed the lamia down, simply sliding past her entrance to be engulfed in the deep thick sleeve that was the lamia’s insides.

Rina for her part bit her lip and ran her hand over her belly, feeling the soft cylindrical bulge that ran up from her pussy, up her abdomen to her ribs through her tunic. She almost wished she were smaller just so she could feel as Zal and Boze had, to be filled and penetrated oh so massively, still, it was an amazing feeling to be stretched this way, more than any male that she had ever come across, an intense stretching that filled her to her core.

She squirmed her hips and tail, twisting her self up the length, the delicious feeling of it scraping and rubbing at her insides causing her to murr with delight.

It took her a moment to remember she had a job to do. She had to milk this centaur dry dammit!

She began rippling her insides and pumping herself up and down, dragging her cunt over Fey’s medial ring exposing the now slick with wet length back to the open air before dragging herself back down in long languid motions that drew desperate little noises from the centaur above.

Rina loved it, she loved making the centaur feel good, that was her doing that, stimulating the centaur in such a way, making her moan and mewl. Gods she loved it, she loved to give, she  was a giver, she realised that now, she so desperately wanted to make Fey feel amazing, pulling and tugging the utmost pleasure she possibly could from the centaur.

“W-wait, Rina! Wait!”

Rina paused and looked up at the centaur above her.

“What is it? Do you want me to stop?”

“No, it’s not that, its uhm, I’m going to c-cum, and the b-bag?

It took Rina a second to understand that she was talking about the Dimensional Bag. 

“Oh, right”

She glanced down and realised that she had dropped the bag in her excitement. Looking around she spotted it lying on the ground aways away, unreachable.

The gnome was nearby, sitting on the tabletop still, her hand down her shorts, openly masturbating as she watched the two, she noticed Rina’s gaze on her and raised an eyebrow barely slowing her hand’s motion.

“You gonna give me a show or what girls?”

Rina pressed her lips together. She had become decidedly more used to having people watch her during sexual activities in the last few days but the gnome’s taking advantage was a little much.

She nodded at the bag.

“I need the bag, could you fetch it for me.”

Flora paused at that and glanced at the bag and then back at Rina. A strange look passed over her face before she slowly pulled her hand from her shorts.

“Sure, I can help. No problem…”

“Good. “

Rina turned back to the centaur, rolling her tail and hips, keeping Fey near the edge. When she turned back to look at the gnome she was standing over a duffel back, a drink of some kind pressed to her lips. As she watched she finished drinking the last of it down and wiped her lips with the back of her hand.

“What was that? what are you doing?”

“Oh just a drink, it’s nothing, I was just thirsty, nothing at all.”

“...R-right, the bag?”

Flora nodded and swooped over, the dimensional bag flying up into her hand as she passed.

“Move off and I’ll put it at the tip, that way she can cum while inside of you, you want that right?”

Rina blinked, “yes that would be… nice.”

She moved her body up and up until the last of Fey’s cock slipped free from her meaty folds leaving her gaping until her cunt tightened up.

She couldn't see below her stomach due to everything being wrapped in pink coils but she could feel the gnome moving around beneath her, shifting around on her, then a gasping sound, even Fey gasped above her. She furrowed her brow, what was the gnome doing? Was there a problem putting the Dimensional Bag on Fey’s tip?

It didn't matter, she wanted Fey back inside herself. She shifted her body down until she thudded into something, Fey’s cock? It felt different somehow, had the bag really made the tip of Fey’s dick that much larger?

Out of Rina’s view, Flora hugged at the horse dick she was currently impaled on, her rounded belly bulging at the top as Fey’s cock pressed through to the other side, a cylindrical bulge atop her pregnant belly, parting her reddened breasts. Gods how she had missed this. She licked her lips as she looked at the massive pussy bearing down on her head, the long slit practically streaming lubricant, so much lubricant, which was probably a good thing for what was about to happen. 

The gnome’s head crashed up against the lamia’s lower lips instantly soaking through her hair and smearing it flat, juices spattering as the lamia’s puffy folds squeezed down over Flora’s head, running down over her face and getting in her eyes, streaming over her mouth. She licked her lips, the tangy taste tickling her taste buds, the double scent of Fey’s incredibly masculine virulent musk and Rina’s hormonal plentiful lubricant hitting her like a sledgehammer.

It was a good thing she liked it as she was about to get a lot more. The lamia continued to struggle, pressing down her cunt on Flora’s head. Flora decided to help, she reached up and slipped her fingers into the lamia’s pussy and slowly pulled it wider. With a yelp of surprise at the unknown foreign sensation the lamia’s cunt yawned wide and slipped around the gnome’s head engulfing her entirely in pussy, stretching her way past what she had been expecting, and far more than Fey had before, her eyes went wide as Flora’s head scraped over her inner walls.

“Wha-what the fuck is that! Oh Moon! Oh my, OH!! AHH!! OHhhHhh!!!”

She didn't have room to say much more however before a small hand grabbed hold of her clit, fingers wrapping around it tight then jerking on it, furiously masturbating the lamia’s nub like a small cock even as a small tongue felt around inside of her and began desperately licking at her walls.

“Hnn! n-nuuu!”

The lamia’s tail constricted as she was suddenly unexpectedly stimulated and the pink tail squeezed in against Flora’s belly, pressing down against it hard.

Fey yelped as for the second time she felt a sensation entirely new to her. The sensation of many small round hard objects inside Flora being pressed up against her dick, she had the distinct impression that they were egg shaped small round hard objects, in fact she felt with utmost instinctive certainty that the crowd of objects squeezing and rolling all around her cock inserted inside the gnome were in fact eggs. Flora’s eggs. A remembered image of the door to that terrible dungeon came to mind, a picture of an egg engraved upon it, set in leafy laurels. Apparently she had been affected in yet another way she hadn't been aware of, her insemination of the gnome creating eggs of some kind rather than the calves a centaur normally produced.

“nnnnnhh! It-it can't be! Oh nonono!” wailed the centaur, slapping her hands to her glowing cheeks even as her lower hips bucked forward of their own accord thrusting up into the gnome and pushing apart her breasts with the column of flesh bulging from the top of her rounded belly.

“Oh yesyesyes!” wailed Rina as she was pushed to a peak by the gnome furiously masturbating her clit.

A gush of fem cum exploded around Flora’s head as the pussy she was inserted into spasmed and twitched, the lamia’s clit twitching so hard that it jerked free from the gnome’s small hands as the lamia writhed and squealed in ecstasy, cumming for the first time while being with Fey. It was beyond anything she had imagined, she wanted more! She wanted to peak with Fey! Together as one!

She was readying to push herself downward when an invisible force grabbed hold of her hips and did it for her. She cried out as she was thrust back until her cunt slammed up against Flora’s shoulders. The lamia gasped aloud as the pressure rapidly increased, forcing her down harder and harder and harder until with a wet schlorp! her pussy was stretched impossibly wide and thin and the gnome’s shoulders slipped inside.


Screamed the lamia as her belly bulged outward this time far more than before, her fingers clawed at her tummy, feeling the moving mass of Flora inside of herself, completely confused about what was happening but also massively aroused, this, this was what Zal and Boze had felt she was sure, this feeling of being stretched to the limit and then some by massive penetration, her nerves going haywire.


Fey’s thrusting hadn't stopped, each thrust producing the most lurid sound as the dripping insides of the girls were dragged back and forth, Fey’s hard turgid balls plapped up against the lamia’s coils and the belly bulge sticking up between Flora’s breasts surged in and out and as the lamia’s cunt engulfed Flora’s shoulders. Rina’s fat clit became perfectly placed so that as with every thrust of the centaur’s hips the bulge crashed against Rinas sensitive clitoris over and over, crushing it down with each thrust, driving her wild.

“Oh fuuuuck! Harderrrr!”

Screamed the lamia as she came once more, squirt washing over the gnome’s body. The lamia being so large meant that it was an almost torrential amount of fluid that sprayed down over Flora’s reddened breasts and her bulging belly.

Flora hadn’t stopped ramming the lamia down using her magic and the convulsing insides squeezing down on her from every side only made her push her power all the harder.

Rina’s cunt strained down, pushing down Flora’s breasts against her rounded stomach harder and harder even as the gnome’s legs kicked at the air until with a sloppy lurch the lamia’s cunt yawned wide and they slipped up inside of her, the new found pressure causing one last gush of milk to be squeezed from the gnomes diamond hard nipples.

The lamia screamed as she was forced to take Flora, her stomach bulging out obscenely with the gnome shaped dildo stretching her out, the buttons on her tunic straining until one by one they ripped free, bursting open her tunic and sending buttons pinging out from between Fey’s legs to go bouncing across the ground.

Everything was dark and warm and tight around Flora, but she didn't mind, she could breathe perfectly fine having drunk the water breathing potion that she had previously purchased in town. She had been planning to use it on Vivi, muzzle fucking the fox girl once again had been on her list, but this was far far better. The chance to be so incredibly used, like a condom trapped between the two larger girls, the huge size of the lamia providing a chance to be stretched on Fey while being squeezed in on every side.

Her face rammed up against something and she realised she was touching up against Rina’s cervix, without hesitation she wiggled her hands up her body, pushing past he lamias squeezing walls and reaching forward. She could feel the lamia reacting as her fingers dragged past, scraping and rubbing over her insides.

Flora pushed forward and taking advantage of the stretchiness that Fey’s magic provided she curled her fingers around the entrance to the lamia’s womb and pulled her wide, eliciting a body length shudder form Rina. Flora eagerly squirmed forward as Fey thrust all the harder inside of her still exposed cunt.

There was a brief pause as Rina was continually forced down over the gnome and her clit rammed up against the dick bulge then straining for a moment slipped around and over it. Her muff coming down on the rounded shape of Flora’s belly sending ripples across its surface.

Flora’s legs kicked frantically at the air as more and more of her was engulfed by the lamia, her belly being shoved down her frame as it failed to fit inside the lamia’s squeezing cunt, until bit by bit it did. The mass of eggs inside slipping one by one into the lamia as Flora was pushed further and further into the pussy until with a lurch her compressed egg filled belly entirely slipped inside the crushing depths. Just the gnomes legs and crotch were exposed outside the lamia now, her pussy stretched wide by Fey’s dick which continued to thrust harder and harder, roughly pushing the gnome further inside, until her pussy was level with the much larger pussy stretched incredibly tight around her hips. The muffled screams of Flora along with the gasping screams of Rina ripped through the air and the doubled up pussies convulsed in tandem both unleashing a powerful gushy squirt, Flora’s a smaller mirror to the deluge of girl cum openly spraying from the larger girl’s pussy.

“Oh g-gods!” cried out Fey as an invisible forced slammed into her rear and her cock rammed home, her hips crashing up against the lamia’s still gushing squirting puss and forcing the gnome further inside until Rina’s pussy was clamping down on the gnome’s knees, squeezing them up against the thigh thick mass of Fey’s dick between them.


Screamed Fey and Rina together as Fey’s dick bucked and swelled, flaring wide as cum exploded down her length and surged into Flora’s womb instantly drowning the many eggs inside of her in white.

Rina howled as the gnome inside of her suddenly ballooned in size, sending her belly surging outward, bulging round and pushing apart her coils as she swelled further and further with each roping spray of cum sent in pulsing waves into the gnome inside of her. 

“Oh gawwwd!”

Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, the massive ropes of white just poured and poured and flooded into Flora, filling her out further and further, the smooth skin of her belly filling out the lamia’s womb more and more in a double-layered cum pregnancy until the lamia’s belly pressing up against her massive breasts, pushing them up in the air then spilling around them and then pressing up against Fey’s front legs forcing her to spread them wider and wider as she groaned and thrust until with a scream was dragged from her throat by the clamping convulsing double layer of girls on her length and she ejaculated her last into them sending the lamia girl’s belly out another full foot and lifting herfront legs up until she was partially resting atop Rina’s belly.

It took a few minutes, but Fey eventually managed to recover enough to heave herself backwards, pulling her hips back, her massive veiny length slowly dragging from Rina’s desperately quelching slurping pussy until it came free with a dripping wet schlurrp and a gush of cum leaving Rina’s steaming gaped puss to twitch and clutch at the air, her clit straining outward as her folds slowly closed up tight.

Flora was nowhere to be seen.


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