
Chapter 24.1

Previously on Centaurus: The bands Magic Mog and the Hammer Horns joined up for a joint-band job and took down a Kobogon infestation headed by a powerful ancient Kobogon.

Now, Chapter 24:

Morning light slowly crawled across Flora’s sleeping face, as unwanted as the touch of a wet fish. She scrunched up her eyes trying to keep the brightness out, but it was no use, the sun won, as always. Bastard.

Resigned, she cracked her eyelids as she slowly awakened, then more so as she noticed something was different. To her bleary confusion, there was some kind of mound in front of her, a small round hill covered by her blanket that hadn't been there when she went to bed. In fact, the hill was so large that the sides of her blanket were being lifted and the nasty cool room air was touching her skin, urgh, this was the worst, the hell kind of hospitality did these villagers have after she personally saved their useless behinds. Couldn't they have at least turned off the sun? As always, adventuring was a thankless task.

She shifted and scowled as she realised she was lying in a pool of dampness too, the bed seemed to be soaked through, admittedly the wetness was body temperature, which is why she hadn't noticed it at first, but still! This was a bed, not a bath! What were these villagers thinking!? She was a hero! A saviour! Where was her luxury treatment...

Sighing she lazily flicked a finger and caught the hem of her blanket with her power, it lifted slowly, peeling away from her wet skin… and then kept peeling. Her eyes went very round as she found two great swollen masses, her breasts, massive and milky, taut with the amount of milk in them, easily triple the size they had been when she had gone to sleep, her nipples an angry pink and continually sputtering and spraying milk in little surging squirts.  

Above these suddenly huge things was her belly, it had become, well, a mountain, a vast sphere, her skin smooth, clear, and taut, capped by her belly button now made an outie, the sheer weight of the thing weighing on her legs and trapping her in place. She most certainly had not gone to bed like this, her pregnancy had been accelerating in the last few days but it seemed to have come to a head last night in a huge surge of growth. She supposed her new massively increased breast size was her poor body just trying to keep up.

She stared up at her belly in disbelief. She had been large before, appearing expectant with particularly large octuplets perhaps, but this was something else entirely, her belly was easily over six foot across, a pregnancy of an unimaginable number of children.

“Dammit Fey!” She squirmed under the weight of herself, the motion causing floods of milk to roll from her stiff nipples that washed down her breasts and added to the soaked through mess that was the mattress. “Gah! What is this! I’m too pregnant! I c-can’t- how am I supposed to deal with this you bloody centaur!”

After a moment of struggling under her own pregnancy she realised it was futile and flopped back. Now she was aware of it even her pillow was sodden with milk!

This, this was really not good. A sudden intrusive thought pushed to the forefront of her mind, specifically a certain moment in town when the strange girl who worked for the bishop had used a spell on her to measure the number of souls she had about her person. That number had been Forty fucking Six. 

“Oh godsssss, don’t tell me that was for real…”

It would explain the sudden size increase as even a small amount of growth for each life in her would be magnified by their sheer number. Her thoughts raced, Fey had had sex with her after that measurement with Rina. Could…. Could she become doubly pregnant? No, that was ridiculous, but then, so was being pregnant with forty six kids. She bit her lip. She was going to be a mother, a mother on an industrial scale, Fey’s overly fertile milky brood mother. That thought caused a little involuntary spritz of milk from her breasts and for her pussy to twitch with hormonal desire.

She put her hands over her eyes. This was not a good development for her future prospects as an adventurer. What was she even supposed to do about this!?

After a moment of sulking she dragged her hands down her face to her cheeks and then lifted them away. 

The answer was simple really, she would do what she always did, be Flora, and Flora obviously had zero fucks to give for her field of fucks was barren, (please ignore that small pink flower growing in the corner of said field, it is just a weed and totally does not count.)

With a sigh she flapped her hands in the air and took hold of her own body. Slowly, she lifted, the milky bed sheets sticking to her flushed and heated skin as she rose until they peeled away and flopped onto the bed with a wet splap. 

Looking back she realised that the room was in quite a worse state than she had realised.

“Was I leaking like a tap the entire night? Goddam,” she said while staring at the floor which was awash with milk an inch deep. The bed itself was a drippy soaked through mess, more and more milk draining from it into the pool below with every moment. 

She flipped a finger at a cupboard and the cupboard opened, the door sending tidal waves across Flora lake. Inside were shelves and atop them her thankfully dry clothes. She wasted no time hauling them out and putting them on, or at least her shorts and panties, there was no way in hell her blouse was going to fit anytime soon with her breasts as they were. She wiggled her hips as she slid her shorts up fully, slipping them up under her enormous pregnancy.

She stared at her still naked breasts with pursed lips. She couldn't go out completely exposed and leaking everywhere, she wasn't an elf, she had some dignity. With a flourish of her hand a folded blanket lifted from the cupboard and slipped around her, tying at her back, the front covering over her huge chest. The dents that marked her stiff nipples became immediately dark with wet, more so as the fabric rubbed at her stimulating more release. She shivered at the sensation but there wasn't much she could do about it so she turned and headed toward the door.

That proved its own obstacle but Flora had no qualms about ripping the door frame out and then part of the wall around it allowing her enormity to fit, although she still had difficulty getting down the hallway, the sides of her pregnancy rubbing up against the walls, knocking picture frames and small tables aside.

She emerged out into a courtyard, the summer sun creating a pool of warmth heating the cobble within. The edges of the courtyard were surrounded by the building itself, or manse, she wasn't quite sure, she knew it was probably the leader of the village's home or something like that, the surviving villagers had insisted they stay there. She put a hand over her mouth and yawned. She had to admit the sun on her exposed pregnant belly felt quite nice.

“Flora, you too?”

She turned to find Vivi. The fox girl was doing something strange, her body leaning forward, her arms outstretched, behind her a number of pussy tentacles had attached themselves to a post and together the slime and the fox girl were hauling on something that was... not there… just a weird spot of white hat hovered ahead of her paws?

Flora squinted and looked closer. She realised she was looking at a strangely shaped chunk of Fey’s cum floating in mid air. She recalled how Kayla had become a small white cummy sphere, but now that small white sphere appeared only to be the very bottom slice of a much much larger sphere.

“Ah. I see Kayla has also grown a little more pregnant.”

“A little!? I’m trapped on top of my own invisible pregnancy and I can't stop le-leaking everywhere!” came a wail from the general direction of the floating cum. What she said Flora realised was indeed true, there were spots and spatters of milk across the courtyard stone which had apparently come from the invisible otterkin, the once invisible milk quickly becoming visible after leaving her body.

“She can’t move on her own anymore Flo, she’s become too heavy.”

Flora’s gaze shifted to Vivi’s own slime pregnancy. She was fairly sure Vivi’s belly was also significantly larger than it had been, although nowhere near as noticeably different as herself and Kayla. That made some sense since the fox girl had only been properly fucked full of cum later than herself and Kayla having previously only given Fey oral.

“Why do I have this strange premonition that I’m going to end up being a damned taxi service for a half dozen massively pregnant girls?”

“Not me, I’ve got Wummy, but yeah, maybe for Kayla.” The fox girl heaved on the invisible otterkin and she was dragged out into the center of the courtyard with a yelp. Vivi wiped her brow and let out a sigh followed up by a little squeak and a shiver as Wummy’s tentacles sucked up back into her, a spatter of her juices darkening the stone below. Vivi, to her shame as a warrior, had spent most of yesterday shivering after Wummy had been thawed out and Fey had healed the damage done from being awkwardly trapped on top a slime icepop.

Flora floated forward, letting the sun fully dry her. As she was passing by the puddle of floating cum that marked Kayla something shiny floating in the air caught her eye. A small blue gemstone, faceted and refractive, its steeper angles chromatic like an oil slick.

Puzzled she stared at it, the gem seemed to move back as though being protected by its invisible owner.


3 parter

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