
Chapter 28 33

The band rose early. Fortunately the monsters had left them alone during the night, or at least nobody had noticed any. That said Fey did find a few suspicious scorch marks high up on one of the trees. She squinted at Ellaria but the elf seemed intent on ignoring her.

They broke camp and made their way deeper into the endless forest, up hills, around streams, sometimes making their way down through brook riddled gulleys. Safe to say they were thoroughly dependent on their guide to find their way through the vastness of the endless forest.

So it was a significant problem when the mouse girl sat down on a stump and refused to go any further.

“What the fuck do you mean you won't take us anywhere?!”

“You heard me, I’m not moving. Do as you like.”

“B-but we’ve no idea where we're g-going or where we are!”

“Hmm, that sounds like a you problem. I know these woods like the back of my hand, I’ll be fine.”

Ellaria’s eyes flashed with fire and burning embers started to fall from her writhing hair.

“Mouse girl, you will lead me to this dungeon or I shall turn you into ash and dump your remains in a pig sty.”

Octavia paused and glanced up at the elf. “Well that won't do you much good, you’d still be stuck out here with no clue how to get home or anything.”

Small fist-sized sparkly purple fire balls started to appear around Ellaria as the elf became more and more irritated.

“W-wait, it- d-do we have to fight!” said Fey jumping between them and holding up her hands, “Octavia here doesn't want to stay out here forever, sh-she just wants something! Right?”

The mouse girl gave Fey a sugar sweet smile. “You are right, of course.”

“W-well what is that you want?”


Fey nearly fell over.

“Oh for gods sake,” said Flora, “Is that all? We’ve stopped for this?”

Fey rounded on the mouse girl her fists curling. “You planned this whole thing just to get at me?!”

“Hmm… Yes. I found you in the AG specifically, I don't normally guide adventuring bands, only logging operations, but I knew you were in a band Fey, it was such an easy way to get you all to myself that I couldn't resist. I’ve been so busy arranging this, hoping that you and your band would find work out here so that I could get my hands on you first, before the others.”

“Fucking diabolical.” breathed Flora looking very impressed with the mouse girl.

“Others? Wait… Do I… know you from somewhere?”

Octavia put her hands up as though grabbing a pair of bars and made a forlorn face.

“You! I- I remember you! You were at the mansion when we first got back to the city, one of the girls we locked outside the mansion gates!”

“Mmhmm! What? did you think we just did nothing after you left? We saw the way you looked at us Fey, hungry, and we knew we wanted you, so we talked over what to do to get at you and we decided to form a club, the Fey Hunting Club!”

“The what club?!” shouted Fey in utter horror.

“The Fey Hunting Club, there's even a newsletter where we track your whereabouts and write about your conquests, both real and fiction of course. It's pretty great, excellent masturbation material, the latest minotaur edition caused me sooo much laundry you have no idea! We’re getting so many subscribers we can barely keep up!”

“They wouldn't, they didn't! they- Oh no no no, they did...”

“There's even talk of drawings although they have yet to surface. Shame, I’d just loooove to see those.”

“Oh my gods I’m going to kill them, I’m actually going to kill them” said Fey, her voice suddenly sounding distant.

“Psst, isn't that kinda against a Healer’s principles?” whispered Vivi.

“It’s going to be a mercy killing,” groaned the centaur, “totally a mercy killing.”

“Hmm.” said Ellaria. “I do not like that you are turning one of my bandmates into this strange idol for your cult.”

“It’s not a cult, cults all work together, we’re in competition with each other to get ruined first by the big sexy centaur. Boasting about it in the newsletter is just a nice plus. The girls are going to be so jealous of me you have no idea! I’m going to drive that squirrelkin just mad with envy.” Octavia grinned, her mouse tail waving excitedly behind her.

“I haven't said I’m going to do it with you yet!” said Fey, still furious, scowling so hard at the mousekin that it was a wonder the mousekin didn't evaporate.

Octavia held up her hands and looked around at the forest non-plussed. “Sorry, but unless you have a super secret guide in your back pocket I’m afraid you are shit out of luck.”

Fey ground her teeth together in frustration, but found she didn't have a real retort, Octavia had thoroughly out manoeuvred them.

“You will forfeit any share of the treasure,” said Ellaria suddenly.

Octavia paused. “Fine, I never cared about that. Probably not going down there with you anyway.”

“And!” said Flora, “Fey will wear a condom.”

This took the mouse girl by surprise and she blinked at the gnome. 


“Because we are still reliant on you and I don't trust you to suddenly piss off and leaving us up shit creek without a paddle. If Fey wears a condom that means you aren't experiencing the Full Fey experience, we can hold the full Fey experience over you for later to ensure you stay put.”

“Don't talk about me like that! I am not an experience!” said Fey, rounding on the gnome.

“Wait, Y-you’re saying I can do it with Fey t-twice??” said Octavia suddenly sitting up fully alert. She swallowed heavily and licked her lips hungrily. “I was just hoping for the once, but… Fine. Condom first, on the condition we fuck completely raw on the way back.”

“Deal.” said Ellaria. “We have more serious ambitions to worry about than one casual side fling for Fey when Fey here has done… thinking about it a frankly ridiculous number of girls.”

Octavia jumped to standing, fist pumping the air. “Yissss!”


Octavia paused.

“We do not have time to wait around, thus you will be riding Fey underbarrel.”

Octavia grinned. “I had already planned for that eventually.”

“Y-you did?” blinked Fey.

“Mhmm! Adventurers aren't exactly the patient sort.” As she spoke she began pulling heaps of rope from her damaged Dimensional Bag along with a leather harness and a block and tackle. “This was one of my planned eventualities from the start.”

Fey watched slightly stunned as the mouse girl threw ropes over her horse back and wound rope around her hips. Octavia wiggled out of her shorts then pulled down her white panties. the panties were sopping wet, absolutely flooded with her juices and hung from her finger drizzling fluid.

She stuffed them inside her dimensional bag, then came her blouse which she eased off slow giving Fey a show, her breasts spilling free in the most delicious way. Fey couldn't help but stare, the mousekin was admittedly very attractive with an aesthetically curved five foot body and toned stomach. Her breasts wobbled as they were exposed, her fat pink nips a point of stiff erection capping her chest. She glanced between the mousekin’s legs and found her smooth clear skin glossy with her excitement, rivulet after rivulet streaming down her inner thighs to her knees as strings and strings of the stuff dangled and hung from her puffy lower lips, connecting her thighs together with sloppiness.

Fey swallowed. Seeing a girl in this state all out of desire for her was somehow incredibly flattering and erotic all at the same time.

The now completely stark naked mousekin looked up at Fey with adoring baby blue eyes, her attractiveness only accentuated by her adorable freckles.

Fey’s length spilled down at that look, lengthening, growing down her leg toward the ground, passing her back knee, foot after foot of horse dick pouring out of her sheath.

Octavia glanced back at it and let out a soft little noise, her hips writhing in anticipation, knees coming together.

“G-gods the real thing up close is so…” she swallowed. “You know I’m a real preparation addict Fey, well when I was reading the newsletter I couldn't help myself, reading about your sheer size, I wanted that like nothing else. I soon grew tired of my normal six inch dildo and went out and bought a larger one, nine inches. It wasn't enough, no matter how hard I plunged it in and out in and out it couldn't satisfy my fantasies of you. I bought a bigger one, a full foot of rubber, the rubber merchant gave me the strangest look, I didn't care. I rushed back home and threw myself naked on my bed, thrusting it in and out as hard as I could, holding it in place and slamming myself down on it until I was screaming your name and squirting all over my bed sheets, soaking them through to the mattress.”


The mouse girl bit her lip. “I’ve been horny for guys before but you're something else Fey, something that reaches down deep inside to that primal animal thing, the thing that makes me want to be bred into the fucking ground, scratching that deep deep needy femine itch. No guy can do that.”

“I’m not like that, you’re projecting your fantasies on to me…”

“I went back and bought an even bigger dildo, with nobs on the length and a vibration feature. I read what you did to those minotaur girls Fey, I know it's real, I know you fucked them in a new way, destroyed them, took them to unimaginable heights, filled them with a fucking lake of satisfaction. G-gods you’ve no idea how fucking hot it was to read- I had to go buy several copies of that letter because the ink kept running as I came all over it again and again and again, hnnnnnnn!”

The mouse girl trembled, her tail curling up between her thighs, her legs shaking as a micro orgasm racked her body, her toes curling in the grass as she dripped.

“I- I… Can't promise you that Octavia, I can't, I don't know if I can perform like you want.”

Octavia swallowed, wiping a little drool from her lip. She looked up at the enormous centaur.

“I don’t care, I want to try, I want to know how it feels to be so stretched, so dominated with size, I don't care if you ruin me for other guys, I need to know how it feels after reading- I n-need- I-”

Hyperventilating, she frantically grabbed up the harness and threw it on, quickly buckling it up tight over her naked body, straps going around her thighs, her flesh muffin-topping softly around the leather. She moved up and slapped it across her chest and around her arms. She didn't even bother checking it over, throwing herself up against Fey’s barrel, snapping and buckling herself into place until she was dangling under Fey’s horse ribcage, her limbs hanging down.

“Took you long enough. Right, now that is settled would you please guide us toward this dungeon,” said Ellaria brushing off her knees and standing away from the tree she had been patiently leaning against while she browsed her romance novel.

“Wait, aren't we forgetting something?” said Flora. “The condom?”

Fey stared at the gnome blankly.

“.........What’s a condom?”

“Really Fey? You know there's even non-rubber ones, condoms have been a thing forever.”

“I don't know what that is… We didn't have anything called that in my old clan.”

Flora shook her head in disbelief. “Centaurs can be so rural sometimes.” She flicked her fingers and a blue rubber disk appeared in her hand. The disk was large but still dwarfed by Fey’s size.

“This is a condom Fey. It goes over your dick and catches the cum. It’s good for casual sex between same species when there’s a danger of pregnancy.”

“...oh. That’s… wait why didn't we use that before?!”

“Because interspecies sex doesn't cause pregnancies, duh.”

Fey squinted at the clearly extremely pregnant gnome.

“Also they are expensive as fuck so you better be grateful you’re getting to use this mousey.”

Fey nodded. That was a much more Flora like reason. 

Ellaria waved her hand brushing their words aside. “Yes yes, deal with that as you wish. Octavia tell us how to get to the dungeon.”

“Erm, yes, it's uh, this way, just keep going as we are for now.”

The band stepped forward once more, this time with their very excited guide tied up limp below the centaur.

Octavia looked down at the ground passing beneath her. It felt very close by when placed in such a position and she wondered for a moment if she could handle it. But then something soft and heavy brushed against her bare foot and she gasped in surprise, the sheer heat of it!

She straightened her legs back and began exploring. Her toes touched up against Fey’s semi soft length, the flesh dimpling below where she pressed her big toes up against it, then wrinkling as she dragged her feet back along its length. This was… a lot of dick, an insane amount of dick, there was more dick here than all the guys she had ever crushed on combined, far more, and Fey wasn't even hard yet! 

She was so close to the centaur, her body moving all around her, powerful front legs eating up the ground, and the scent! Oh gods the scent! Her breath caught as that pungent pheromone laden smell of masculine cock hit her nose. The burning itch below her core flared and grew much stronger causing her to mewl, a constant drip drip drip from her needy snatch falling to the ground below. 

She shoved her feet back hard and her toes pressing into the softness of Fey’s sheath, a mass of wrinkled flesh at the base of the dick where the remainder of her length lay. Without hesitation she shoved her toes in, slipping then between the hot folds, the soft wrinkled skin pressing between her toes as she worked deeper, digging into her sheath, the huge fucking thing enveloping part of her feet as she explored, feeling the deeper heat at the core of Fey's length, the blood rushing beneath her toes, each steady thrumming beat of the centaur’s heart pouring blood into her sheer enormity, swelling her larger, becoming thicker, harder, longer. Fey made a gasping sound above as Octavia squirmed her toes, causing the centaur to misstep slightly as her body reacted to the stimulation.

Octavia loved it. Feeling the thing that was about to penetrate her and make her a living cock sleeve grow larger and larger, the anticipation was causing her heart to pound in her chest so loud that she could practically hear it. Gods she needed Fey inside of her!

The tightnes grew against her toes as Fey swelled, until her feet were being crushed against the hardness of the length and then forcibly pushed out as the skin went from wrinkled and flaccid to steel hard and smooth. The massive pillar rose into the air, pressing up between her thighs, three and a half feet of horse penis thicker than her thigh, flexing rigid, throbbing stiff as it went from dangling to slapping up against Fey’s barrel, brushing up against Octavia’s puss, making her cry out as the nobbled rim smacked against her painfully erect clit. She didn't mind, in fact her clit only seemed to push further from its hood, desperate to be touched more.

She grabbed at it with her thighs, trying to hold the massive thing still but failing as her slippery with cunt juice thighs slipped of the fat length, sliding around it, failing to contain it.

“You’re so fucking beeeg!!!” she whined, her hands reaching out and grabbing hold of Fey's front legs as best she could, clutching at her, fingers clawing at the hard muscle of her horse body. She couldn't believe how exposed she felt, dangling stark naked above the moving ground with a giant dick longer than her entire torso between her trembling thighs.

It was terrifying, it was wonderful, it was a rushing swirling mix of emotion, everything she had dreamed of as she lay naked on her bed with her rear lifted up, desperately stretching herself on the biggest chunk of rubber she could find, screaming into her pillow as she sprayed over and over onto her crisp white bedsheets and the carpet and across the room and up the wall.

Something suddenly touched up against her thigh to the side and she flinched in surprise. She turned her head to see the rubber disc floating by her leg, Flora controlling it from above.

Slightly annoyed that they were being interrupted she moved her thigh allowing it past. 

The rubber disc slipped between her legs and plopped onto the tip of Fey's dick, coming down solidly on the very center. Then the rubber began to unfurl, an invisible force rolling it out, stretching it over the broad head.

The rubber quickly became extremely over taxed, stretched far far far more than it was designed to, no condom had ever been intended to fit over a thigh thick dick of course. The rubber groaned as it stretched wider and wider, making rubbery squeaking sounds as it rubbed against Fey's flesh, the transparent blue of the rubber becoming near completely transparent as it stretched hyper thin, clearly being helped by Fey’s magic in some way as it obviously should have broken already. The rubber rolled out wider and wider until at last it met the nobbled rim and slid over of her tip. Things went much easier after that and the condom rolled back down her length, sleeving her length, fitting vacuum skin tight over every little bump and vein, making her stiff length glossy with rubber.

With one final push Flora fitted the base of the condom over Fey's medial ring, the rubber snapping tight around it, nigh unremovable. Fey let out a reflexive whinny as the rubber sealed, her length throbbing at this new sensation, the rubber squeaking as it smeared past Octavia’s soaked puss.

The mousekin sighed airily at the sensation. The condom was so ridiculously tight that she could still feel every little detail, every touch of roughness, but now with a strange sensation on top, the feel of slippery rubber. Strangely it reminded her of her dildos but so much more real and detailed, so much more stimulating.

She was here and she was damned if she wasn't going to make it all real, just like she’d read. Biting her trembling lip she reached out for the pulleys, grasping a knotted piece of rope. She hauled on it and the ropes that encircled Fey pulled tight. Ropes that lead from her harness down between Fey’s back legs hauled back on her and with a yelp she found her rear crashing up against the blunt tip of Fey’s dick, her ass flattening, her thighs spreading wide to fit, her puffy swollen puss finding itself squishing up against the hard surface.


She couldn't stop herself, her arms were locked up and straining toward her chest, pulling in the rope with a strength borne of raw need. She felt herself move, being forcibly pressed up against the tip, the pressure increasing. She could feel her incredibly sloppy folds starting to splay out as they pressed against the surface, her extremely sensitive inner walls scraping over the head, touching every bump, the feel of the centaur’s urethra, ever little micro roughness felt in extreme detail as her flower bloomed for Fey, her pussy parting wider and wider, stretching to spread out over the surface, her asshole being pushed up out of the way, her buttocks spilling around the rim even as her clit was pushed further from its hood.

“F-fuuuuuckkkkingg gawwwwddd!!! Its j-just like they saiiiddd----AAHHHNNNN!!”

She started to slow however, her pussy struggling to engulf Fey's enormity, reaching its limit. No amount of practice had prepared her for this. She mewled, NO! She wouldn't be left out, she wouldn't be stopped! She reached out for the rope and yanked at it, pulling at it, each tug causing her pussy to spread wider, more and more of her insides being smeared flat against the fat horse dick, her thinly stretched lower lips edging closer and closer to the horizon, each tug accompanied by a whining grunt.

Over and over she tugged until her pussy was making a huge O shape, thicker than her thigh, her erect love bean straining out, her entire body working to contain this monster of masculinity, to take it into her petite feminine frame.

Her voice rose in pitch as her cunt slowly splayed out over the nobbly rim, and then rose into a wailing shriek as with a lurch Fey SCHL-POPPED! inside of her, her insides going from being pressed up against the blunt head to slopping around it, her straining nerve clusters made a hundred times more sensitive both due to Fey's magic and their stretched-out state.

She slammed down over Fey, a full ten inches of massive cunt busting horse dick thrusting up into her, her tummy tenting out with the softened shape of the head, a fat ridge marking the blunt rim.

She froze up, her mouth wide and silent. Then sensation hit her and a howling wail ripped from her throat. Her pussy spasmed around Fey, rippling up and down as the extreme stimulation rocked her to her core, her ankles drumming up against Fey's stomach as she squirted down onto the ground below, a sprinkling rain of feminine juices left in the centaur’s wake. *Skllrtsh-skllrrtsh-skllrrtsh!*


It was so much more than what she had been imagining, so so much more, description couldn't contain it. Regular sex and masturbation were a shadow, an impotent meagre thing compared to this, this was eye opening on a whole other level, such sheer unadulterated wondrous pleasure. Flashing lights strobed across her vision as blood roared in her mousy ears, her body quivering as her eyelids fluttered.

She was a very very prepared little mouse girl. But nothing had prepared her for this.

And this was just penetration. 

She couldn't believe there was more.

She couldn't believe anything was going to stop her from getting more.

Jaw shaking as she came down she managed to look down her body between her breasts to where that signature Fey bulge pushed out her abdomen, stretching her, just as she had read about.

She keened as she felt Fey shift inside of her, the motion of the centaur’s trot stirring up her puss, a delicious feeling that made her hips squirm, her knees locking around the thigh thick dick.

Needy for more she scrabbled at the ropes, desperately hauling on them. She jerked back causing her to gasp out as the protrusion marking the horse cock rolled up her belly eating up inch after inch, her smooth skin stretching to fit over the fat dick, reaching past her belly button which went from a round shape to more of an oval as it was stretched around the stallion hood.

“Oh! Oh GODDSS! She’s so fucking huuuuge!” whined Octavia as her insides re-arranged to make way for the monstrous horse penetration.

It was only the first little part of Fey’s three and a half foot of dick but already Octavia felt fuller than she had ever imagined, they simply didn't make dildos to this scale, this sheer girth.

Her pink little pussy was stretched tight around the exceptionally slippery surface of Fey’s length, hungrily slurping at it, trying to draw in more even as her clit was squeeezed even further from its hood, extending down into the air stream that passed beneath the trotting centaur, her fat pulsing clit tickled by the forest air, teasing it to stiffen further. 

The mousekin’s fluids slopped down the condom sheathed length of Fey, fat juicy rivulets of herself that rolled around the slick rubber surface and fell in a constant pitter patter to the forest floor below, so much that it often formed sloppy gossamer strings of stickiness that fluttered in the wind.

She dragged frantically on the rope, inching herself further and further, her puss eagerly gulping up more fat horse dick, thirsty to be stuffed full with more and more.

“Ahhh… Ahnn… m-moarrr!”

Safe to say all of this blew her fantasies out of the water.

She reached past the foot deep mark and had to pause to just cope with that sensation. Fey was inside of her, INSIDE! And not just a little, Fey was in her deepest depths, pushing up hard against that hidden place in her core, that place that she hadn't realised it was possible to reach until she had read of it and begun experimenting.

Fey was pressing up against the entrance to her womb.

She pulled hard on the rope and the breath was blown from her lungs as that blunt log of a dick crashed up against it, against her cervix, trying to get into a place that no male was able to reach, her most sacred feminine place.

Her fingers curled into claws as she dragged desperately at the rope, trying to pull it toward, her, her cervix deep inside kissing up against the slippery head and then gliding out as it slowly gradually spread wide.

It wasn't even a question, Octavia didn't care that her womb was sacred, off limits, she wanted to be defiled, desecrated, debased.

Her cervix stretched out wider and wider, greedily trying to engulf the head, flowing over  every bump. She threw her head back and cried out.

“Violate me FEEEEYYY!”

The massive centaur above her momentarily froze up at that, her body catching for a moment. Then Fey continued her trot, but something was different, this wasn't just a trot, it was a confident stride, a stallion who owned the forest, relaxed as they walked through their dominion.

“You do not make demands of me, my little cock sleeve.” growled Fey.

Octavia squeaked. She knew what this was! She had read about it! Fey’s dominant side taking command, becoming as overwhelming as her size!

The centaur kicked her back legs up, momentarily lifting her hind entirely of the ground, Octavia letting out a shriek of surprise as six inches of dick was roughly dragged free. Then Fey’s rear peaked in height and came slamming back down the earth with the full force of the centaur’s weight. 

Octava’s mouth formed a silent O as Fey thrust back inside of her, the tip brutally crashing up against her cervix, then, because the condom made her length so slippery, her cervix was forced to open up, yawning wide as the ring of muscle slopped around the tip in one sudden rush, engulfing the head.

Fey instantly filled the mouskin’s womb and her medial ring slammed home against her labia, her clit roughly crushed up against the heavy ring.

A mousey whine wound its way from Octavia’s lips, her body frozen up in sheer shock. Then the explosive stimulation hit her like a bolt of lightning.


Her pussy convulsed around the slippery rubber sheath, her internal muscles going mad as they suckled and slurped on the near-frictionless surface, her legs flailing, ankles bouncing of Fey’s barrel asher stiffly out stretched legs swung through the air, toes splayed as her spine arched.

The intensity of the orgasm surpassed anything Octavia had prior known and her love bud became several degrees more stiff as clear sticky fluids exploded around her labia, a sloppy mess that sprayed in thin lines around where the medial ring pressed up against her, clear fluid dousing the ground below in an unbelievable amount of fem cum, a messy Skllrrrt! Skllrrrt! Skllrrrt! If she had been back home she suspected that she’d have had to throw the bed out such was the sheer amount, each pulsing spray of fluid accompanied with firecracker flashes in her brain as extreme orgasm wracked her body until it felt like she was going to pull a muscle.

Of course Fey didn't even give her time to comprehend what she was going through before she bucked back, her rear bouncing into the air before slamming back down into the mousekin, skintight rubber slipping back inside with ease, the sheer force of the penetration causing a wash of fem fluid to be forced out in a tight spray.

Then Fey did it again and Octavia found herself holding on to her ropes for dear life.

“...Octavia which way now?”

“Hnn p-past the oh gods f-fallen MMM! t-tree, Th-that HNGG w-waIIEEEEE!”

Fey kept up the stepping bouncing rhythm pistoning in and out. The intensity was mind blowing but to her shock Octavia soon found her pussy calling out for more, aching and dripping to be stretched and pounded more and more and more.

Her hands trembling she hauled on the ropes, trying to time her pulls with the thrust of Fey's hips. She succeeded and the medial ring ground down on her labia, roughly pushing up her clit, each thrust pushing into her with more force more pressure, but despite that it just wasn’t happening, the angle was all wrong and she just didn't have the strength.

“F-Fey! It’s not going innnn!” she wailed as her muff became redder and puffier, slapped over and over by the girthy medial ring.

She felt more than saw Fey change direction, shifting off to one side of the woods. She blinked down as roots became visible amongst the grass below. What was-?

Fey reared up, slamming her front hooves up againsta huge oak tree, hooves digging into the wood, mousekin pulled up with her, her limbs dangling

Fey grabbed hold of the ropes wrapped around her front and then using her immense strength hauled up the ones that dipped below her chest.

Octavia screamed as she was forcibly dragged up, her pussy pulling out as the massive length was pulled free, the condom making the wet schlurking queef of massive evacuation that much noisier.

Then Fey pulled on the ropes that ran down her horse back. 

Octavia was hauled down, speared on the length, slamming down onto the medial ring, her belly pushing out so hard that her belly button popped into an outie, her breath catching in her throat, a line of spit running down her chin.

“Oh m-my-!!” she managed to gasp out as she looked down at the horse cock tenting her belly out, a shakey hand moving to touch at it. She didn't get a chance however. Fey pulled on the rope and she was hauled back up, her hand just missing her bulging cock filled belly.

“N-nuuu! Give it to me Fey! G-give mee-”

Fey hauled on the ropes and Octavia meteored back down, her hand slapped to the side as her tummy bulged up, her cunt slamming home on the medial ring, slowing for a moment, then Schl-plopping! over, her pussy touching down on the part of Fey's length that lacked a condom. The contrast in texture lit her nerves up and took her breath away as she was forcibly dragged down the length, more and more pushing into her, her belly pushing up between her breast, spreading them apart, up to her clavicle, her neck, her chin, feet and feet of horse dick. She clutched desperately at the shape of Fey pressing through her body, her fingernails digging into her stretched out tummy as Fey filled her beyond all comprehension, and then she hit the base, the greater girth at the base stretching her wider than ever, her petite little pussy stretched skin tight around the vascular beast.

It was too much. Her voice roise in a wailing shriek as her body convulsed around Fey, a little feminine cock sleeve thrashing and howling, her feet kicking, squirming against Fey’s enormous boiling hot balls, feeling the churning morass within.

Her feet felt it first. Fey’s balls lurched up, the powerful heavy things ripping from her clutching feet as they rose, eager to release. 

And release they did. Her pussy was stretched even further as the heavy horse dick grew nearly an inch in girth just due to the sheer amount of womb busting cum being forced into it, exploding down the length, past her rippling walls, through the ring of her cervix, up to the tip where it stretched out her belly in the most obscene way, and then from the tip came Fey’s immense ejaculation.

The incredibly loud sound of rubber squeaking under extreme stress come from with inside of her, a near transparent rubber being stretched paper thin as huge amounts of cum hosed into it, a ball of white appearing at the tip that rushed outward, pushing out her insides. Fey groaned and humped up into her as pulse after pulse of spraying hot cum pumped up into the frantic mousekin.

Her belly ballooned outward as the blooming condom inside of her grew in size, her womb straining to fit its shape, a cacophony of rubbery squeaking emanating from her body as her flesh slipped and stretched around the growing shape, her belly spiling outward, her body a condom around a rubber cum filled condom. Her hands were pushed away as she filled, fingers pressing into the softness as she expanded.

“HNGGAWDDS-s-Sho mhuCH- Ther’s sho MHUCCCHHH!!”

The condom filled out her womb at the tip and the rolled backwards, spilling down around Fey’s length, flowing down between her breasts and spilling her belly out, a nine months pregnant sphere that hung from her hips, dangling down, growing larger with each intense pulse, each sloshing squirt, each surging ejaculation of boiling hot horse cum that roared into her, a churning boiling hot slurry that filled her womb larger and larger.

It was like a damn had broken and she was the only place that everything behind the damn could go, a smol girl made to take a colossal stallion’s oceans of seed. She could only hang on and survive as she was blimped larger and larger, her belly sagging down as she expanded past octuplets in size.

At last, it came to an end. Fey letting out a weak whispery sigh as the last few drips were released. Octavia looked down at herself, an obscene six feet of preggers like belly hanging from her body.

Fey suddenly heaved backwards and she found herself being dragged from the tree, the centaur pulling and tugging herself from her puss as she backed up.

“W-wait F-fey I’m not r-ready!”

But Fey didn't stop, inched by inch she dragged herself from the mousekin until her medial ring was forcing its way from her entrance, then the rest, the mousekin losing her mind as her overly sensitive insides were dragged out by the still hard length. With a jerk Fey pulled her length entirely free. Of course, she was still wearing the condom, the rest of which was currently inside of Octavia.

A stretched transparent tube of rubber strained from the tip of Fey’s penis down into the gaped wide pussy of the mouse girl, her insides clearly visible through the rubber.

“S-Stooop! HNNN!”

Fey continued to jerk back, the stretched tube becoming longer and longer, the base of it widening as the vast mass inside began to be pulled from Octavia’s entrance, her pussy yawning wide as the wide part of the cum filled condom tried to escape, stretching her lips wider than even Fey had. 

Octavia howled and thrashed as she was stretched around the condom rising from her, taking her pussy from an o shape to an O shape as the massive bulb of cum began to reach her cunt. 

Then, to her absolute relief, some of the cum slopped free from the bulb inside of her, a fat foot wide ball of white that poured into the tube of condom leading from Fey's dick to her puss. The ball pulled down on the condom, forming its own hanging shape. This of course opened the flood gates and with a cry of alarm Octavia found cum slopping from her puss in waves, ball after ball blob blob blobing free, adding to the balloon of cum outside of her body, the two condom wrapped lakes of cum transferring through her passage, pouring from her snatch, her belly shrinking in size as she was emptied.

She didn't want this.

“N-NUU!” she cried out, scrabbling at her shrinking cum belly, emptying, vanishing, that immense heat leaving her, her toes pushing against the vast condom balloon below her, the sheer heat of the seed inside warming her feet.

With one final schlup the last of the cum and with it the condom pulled from her pussy leaving it gaping, her insides twitching and trembling, cervix open, fresh forest air cooling her sloppy wet insides.

She dangled from Fey’s chest, spent, exhausted both physically and mentally, her mind still occasionally sparking as orgasmic aftershocks shivered up and down her body.

A polite cough caught her attention and her limp head slowly wobbled up until she had a view of the rest of the band watching her.

“Tell us guide, which way next?

Octavia flopped back down with a groan.


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