
Chapter 32

Previously on Centaurus: Fey awoke on the forest floor and came to the reluctant conclusion that, broadly, inns were superior, and more comfy than a night on the ground. Soon after waking Flora gave birth to the centaur eggs she had been carrying and returned to being a non-pregnant gnome, albeit one with enlarged healthier assets and rosier cheeks. An amorous Ellaria momentarily lost her grip on common sense and took one of the centaur eggs into herself while the others were distracted.

Now chapter 32:

“Me too! Fill me with awesome lovely eggs too! Please my goddess!” pleaded the tiny lizard girl.

Flora paused. “...Who the hell is that?”

The band collectively stared at the lizard who had suddenly appeared in their midst.

She looked around at the stares, a nervous little smile on her face, a stubby fang protruding from her lip. 

“Uhm, Hiya?”

Her fat tail waved shyly at the band, flagged high in the air.

“Oh my god… Is that a monster?!” said Lily suddenly drawing back in alarm from the tiny lizard girl.

Lily’s fear seemed a little ridiculous considering the lizard girl wasn’t much to look at, even the diminutive otterkins were taller than she was, although the lizard girl more than made up for that in lower width. Her bell-bottom hips were significantly broader than the otterkin’s, massive flaring things backed by an otter length tail as thick as her already thick thighs all balanced atop matching short stubby legs which were proportionally shorter than even the short stackiest of short stacks. That said Lily still had her beat in the chest department as her upper half was very slim and petite, being possessed of shallow curves across her chest. 

Her body was covered in clean white scales with bright pink scales scattered like chocolate chips across a cookie, her inner thighs were glossy with wet as she was absolutely soaked, a steady drip drip drip falling from her puss onto the grass below. The attractive sight was only matched by her big round sky blue eyes that practically begged for dick.

“Don't you know it’s pretty rude to point that out right away?” said the lizard girl raising an eyebrow at Lily.

“R-rude?! But you want to kill and eat us!”

“Maybe I do, maybe I don't. that's you making assumptions about me, and I think that's not very fair to be quite honest, it’s not my fault I was born as a monster, I don't even have much interest in that kind of thing.”

“You aren't denying it!”

“Urgh, whatever. You non-monsters can be such scorched earth purists, a snacky snack here or there isn't going to be the end of the world and I’m not even into that, I’m mostly vegetarian.”

“M-mostly!? S-so you do do it!” said Lily as teddybears drew up defensively around her, nub paws raised.

The lizard girl made a sour face. “Not people, gosh, and that’s pretty rich coming from you lot.”

“What’s that supposed to mean? We don't eat people!”

“No, but you are adventurers, you slaughter monsters with a smile on your face, skipping from blood bath to blood bath while happily giggling because you are all total lunatic psychopaths!”

Lily’s mouth flopped open in outrage. “Adventurers aren’t lunatic psychopaths! ..... ...................................... Excluding Flora!”

“Hey screw you!” said Flora who was still bent over next to Lily. She elbowed the Otter girl in the side. “I’m a perfectly normal and reasonable gnome, it’s everyone else who is crazy and broken.”

Lily gave her a disbelieving look but turned back to the lizard girl as she heard her snorting a laugh.

“You can think what you like you udder breasted otter, adventurers have a reputation for gleefully slaughtering monsters, if you think that isn't true for every adventurer then you have to accept that the same can be true for monsters, not all monsters act like their common reputation.”

“So you don't kill and eat sapient people?”

“No way, they're not part of my diet. I didn't get an amazing figure like this by chowing on fatty adventurer meat all day,” said the lizard girl, then very quietly under her breath, “Except on cheat days.”

“Wait, what was that last bit?”

“Hmm? Nothing, I didn't say anything.”

No, no, you definitely-”

“Look, are we going to get fucked by the goddess or what, that's the important thing here.”

The lizard girl looked back at Fey hopefully. 

“I’m just a smol girl starved for a mate for years, you have no idea, would you pleeeease knock me up my goddess?”

Fey crossed her arms and gave the lizard girl a flat look. 

“No. I’m not having sex with a random monster that turned up in the woods that's so- so-”

“Sluttty?” said Flora.

“I’m not a slut!” said Fey stamping her hoof. The sound of it impacting was quite impressive and a hoove shaped print was indented two inches into the grassy earth.

The kneejerk reaction caused the band’s attention to move momentarily from the lizard girl to Fey. 

“Uhh, Fey, no offence but it’s a little tiny itty bit hard to hear that after you obliterated the inn we were supposed to be staying at by railing the entire populace of a wedding and filling every girl they’re with gallons of cum,” said Vivi. The fox girl had been inspecting the egg pile, Wummy removing an egg and holding it up for her to look over, still clearly intent on using one of the apparently indestructible eggs as a weapon.

“That doesn't count! They came on to me okay, I didn't have a choice!”

“From all the way upstairs in an entirely different room?” said Octavia cheerfully.

“Wha- there was- they were- that's not my fault- I could have stood still and they would have still- I’m not a slutty centaur dammit!” cried the increasingly agitated centaur, her cheeks going pink.

Vivi scratched her nose as another egg was held up beside her for inspection. “You’re pretty cute when you’re flustered you know Fey, like adorably cute. If it weren't for your private parts being on display no one would know you were so capable of devastating girls in the bedroom.”

The tips of Fey’s ears coloured like strawberries and she awkwardly tried to cover her naked chest, suddenly conscious of her nudity. Of course, this ended in abject failure as soft breast flesh spilled around her arms in an even more lurid way than if she had just left them alone.

“Huh, you really are like a goddess of fertility,” said the lizard girl, “So you will totally cum in me and fill me full of eggs like these ones right? I was listening earlier, I totally know you can do that.”

“Please stop calling me a goddess, I’m not a goddess, I’m just a regular normal average centaur.”

“With a gigantic throbbing di-

“Princess Priscilla!” came a shrill voice. 

The bent over lizard girl flinched and turned to see another lizard girl approaching.

This new lizard girl was a little bit taller than Priscilla but still shorter than Lily, and was covered entirely with hot pink scales with the very occasional blue scale dotted here and there. Her claws had been painted blue with some kind of nail polish to apparently match. 

“Princess, you can't be doing this! The Queen is furious, she was supposed to appeal to the goddess first not you! Quickly now, come back with me immediately, you are already in so much trouble!”

The pink lizard grabbed hold of Priscilla’s flagging tail and yanked on it, dragging her off her feet and onto the ground with a thump. Without preamble Priscilla was hauled across the grass and away as the band watched, feeling decidedly non-plussed.

“Get off me damn you! This was my chance to stop the heat! NUUUUUU!” wailed Priscilla.

Despite her protestations however she could do nothing as the older lizard dragged her under a bush and out of sight.

A moment of awkward silence followed, broken by the tink tink of Vivi tapping a claw on one of the eggs. 

“Hmm, this one I think Wummy, it has a good resonance, reminds me of well forged steel.” One of the tentacles nodded and the other eggs were carefully put back on the pile. “Breakfast anyone?” she said, turning to the dead embers of last night’s fire.

“Wha- what do you mean breakfast after looking at my egg like that, you better not be thinking of making breakfast out of it Vivi!”

The fox girl turned back to her with a slightly annoyed expression. “Do you see me trying to make breakfast out of good quality swords and daggers? I would never use such a fine weapon in such a barbaric way.”

“Well... that’s good at least I supp- Hey what the hell do you mean weapon?!?”

Vivi ignored the centaur as already tentacles were pouring out of her well stretched pussy and slithering across the ground. A dozen of them jumped on the fire, quickly gathering together things suitable for burning and pulling a flint and steel from somewhere. The tentacles fanned air as others struck the flint and steel together and soon a flame was being nurtured to life. A number of other tentacles slithered over to Ellaria who was still curled up dazed on the ground, arms and legs around her egg filled belly. Stealthily, the tentacles plucked Ellaria’s dimensional bag from her hip and swiftly brought it back to Vivi where more tentacles pounced on it, dragging it open and pouring in, then, drawing out, food or cutlery or utensils or pots or pans held in each tentacle. A floppy white chef's hat appeared and was carefully placed on top of Vivi’s head and then a second smaller one which was placed on top of one of the curled tentacles beside her as though it was wearing it.

“Do you mind Vi, I’m trying to get laid here…” said Flora. She shook her rear hopefully at Fey. 

“Don't care, am hungry.” replied Vivi as tentacles flipped fifty rashers of bacon onto a various frying pans and clustered them over the fire even as sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, toast, black pudding, regular chicken eggs, and a huge jug of coffee were being rapidly flung together around them, the tentacles a storm of activity.

Lily who had been tending to the teddybears who had protected her from the lizard monster slowly turned and stared at the feast Wummy and Vivi were preparing.

“H-hey, that's uh, some nice looking, pretty, food, you’re uh, making,” she licked her lips, practically drooling. “You wouldn't happen to have a little to spare by any chance?” The otterkin took a step forward, pushing the teddybears aside.

Vivi rolled her eyes. “Yeah, why do you think I’m even making so much, I’ve seen you eat Lily, you’re like some kind of bottomless pit that doesn’t get filled in no matter how much stuff you throw down it. Bloody otterkin appetites.”

Flora watched as Lily wandered closer to the fire then let out a sigh of resignation. “Whatever. Guess I can be regular sized and not stuffed full of lovely horse cum for a little while longer.” She moved toward the clanging of pans.

Fey glanced at the rapidly massing feast then down at Ellaria who was currently sighing blissfully as she rubbed her thighs together, lying on her side, index finger stroking a small lazy circle over her belly.

The centaur raised a hand and waved it at the elf, trying to get her attention, but Ellaria seemed to be in her own little world for the moment and she hesitantly lowered it. Maybe the elf needed a little time to deal with… whatever it was she was dealing with.

In the meantime while Ellaria recovered maybe she should see about getting some foo-

A flash of red caught her eye from the bush Priscilla had disappeared under and a red carpet rolled from beneath the foliage, a splash of crimson that unfurled across the grass all the way to Fey’s front hooves. She blinked down at it in surprise.

“Uhhhhh… what?”

A horn call broke through the clattering of pots and pans and a pair of lizard girls popped out of the bush, horns held high and ringing true. The call ended and both of them took hold of a few branches and carefully pulled aside the leaves, parting the bush. 

From within appeared a female lizard larger than any of the others. Her back scales a mix of violet and royal purple but her front scales were a cream white. A large woven twig crown was set on her head crudely set with various gold coins and colourful uncut gemstones. Like Priscilla her inner thighs were also visibly slick with wet, in fact all of the lizard girls seemed to have the same problem, the horn blowing girls, the pink lizard girl, all of them were completely soaked and dripping wet.

The regal looking purple lizard stepped proudly along the crimson carpet, her sultry half lidded eyes aimed at Fey, a seducing sway in her hips, her tail gracefully following in an undulating motion behind her.

Fey wasn't quite sure what to make of this development, the others seemed more interested in making and eating breakfast than the approach of this new lizard girl and for now were ignoring her.

She turned back to find the lizard girl biting her lip, her digits resting delicately on her naked chest, playfully caressing. The performance was getting more and more steamy by the moment as the regal lizard girl approached when suddenly she let out a squawk of alarm and faceplanted onto the carpet. 

Fey blinked and found Priscilla standing behind her, the regal lizard’s tail in her claws, a furious look on her face.

“Mother, you can't just steal the goddess from me, I found her first! I should get first fuck and first clutch!”

The purple lizard flipped herself over, her expression dark like thunderheads. 

“You little wretch! You ruined my beautiful perfect seduction!”

The Queen scrambled to her feet and Priscilla took a few cautious steps back.

“All I do for you and this is how you behave toward me? This is just like when we captured that band of human adventurers and you decided to sneak one away from me all for yourself, you selfish spoiled little brat!”

“Why should you get all the best stuff and always go first just because you’re Queen! You know I talked to that cute adventurer human, he told me about this thing called Democracy!”

The Queen gasped, her small hand moving to her mouth in shock.

“You would use that filthy disgusting word around me?! That's it. You’re going to breed absolutely last with the goddess, and- and- and I’M GOING TO TAX YOU!”

“What! You can't tax me! I’m a princess! I’m your daughter!”

“I don't care, you’ve done this to yourself Priscilla, it’s all too late now, ‘QUEEN’S LEVY’.”

Priscilla was wearing a slender belt around her broad hips, the only piece of clothing the lizard girls seemed to possess. On the belt was a leather coin purse, a purse that was currently shifting and roiling. Priscilla made a desperate grab for it but was far too late and she couldn’t stop the thing from opening wide, a stream of gems and coins spilling out, a rivulet of precious objects that fell to the ground and then rolled and bounced in a line over the carpet. The ant line of metal and minerals made their way forward until they touched up against the Queen’s foot where they then began climbing her body, up her shins and plump thighs and to her own belt, a luxurious belt made of many gold plates and encrusted jewels wrapped around the Queen's hips, a fat bag woven out of gold and silver thread set on one side. The snaking stream of the princess's wealth found the bag and slipped inside bit by bit.

“My riches!” wailed Priscilla as her purse was drained. 

In under a minute the princess's purse was flaccid and empty and the Queen’s bag was slightly larger. 

Priscilla fell to all fours in despair, her tail limp and forlorn. After a moment she glared up at the Queen, tears in the corners of her eyes.

“You’ve ruined me Mother!! I’m never going to financially recover from this!!”

“Good. Perhaps you’ll have learned not to disrespect your Queen.”

The hot pink scaled lizard from before appeared crouching beside the princess and comfortingly patted her shoulder. “There there Priscilla. You never know, you might get lucky and trap a few filthy rich adventurers and make it all back someday.”

Priscilla gave her a glum look.

“Only for it to be all taxed away again by royal magical decree. I’ve had enough of living under this oppressive monarchy, I’ve decided I’m going to champion a democracy! A reptile republic!”

“But Priscilla, you're a princess.”

“I don't care, I’ll rule the people as a republican princess, nobody says I can't!”

The Queen flatly ignored the two and after brushing off her legs and flicking a speck of dust from her shoulder she turned her attentions back to Fey. 

“Ahem. I believe introductions are in order, my goddess. I am the great and mighty Queen Gizzabess, the Lizardess Wizardess, Supreme Commander Newtromancer and Rain Dancer Salamancer, the Mistress Master Majesty, Queen Mother of the Multitudes, ruler of tens of Lizardfolk and conqueror of entire feet of land.”

“Nice to meet you queen Gizzabess,-

“Queen with a capital Q. I can tell. Emphasis.”

Qu-Queen Gizzabess, uhm, I’m Fey, uh, j-just Fey... but I’m not sure why you and your people are interested in me, honestly I’m... nothing special…”

“Such humility in a goddess, my my. As to why we are here,” she suddenly turned and glared at the band who were mostly busy around the fire, occasionally glancing over checking to see if Fey was okay. “It’s because of Adventurers like those ones.”

“It is?”

“Yes. I am a Queen, but I have no King, in fact none of my lizardfolk do. All the male lizardfolk are dead, every single one of them were killed over two years ago now. The adventurers went into a hunting frenzy, there was nowhere to hide, nowhere to run, they came and they killed every single last one. It has been two long years of wandering the land trying to find a single male lizardfolk, anywhere. But… we are... alone, they are all dead and gone.”

As the Queen spoke Ellaria had gradually been recovering from her unbirthing of the Centaur egg. She slowly struggled to her feet, still completely stark naked, although seemingly entirely oblivious to this fact. Standing, she somehow carried her single large egg pregnancy with such elegance that the arcing curve of her belly seemed a conscious aesthetic choice that a trendsetting fashionista might put into vogue amongst high society, noble Ladies rushing to push giant eggs up into themselves so as to copy that same eye-catching graceful line.

A few sparkling drops of clear fluid fell from between her thighs as she found her new center of balance. After a moment ensuring that she was seemingly quite fine to continue on with her new pregnancy she turned and eyed the lizard Queen.

“As much as it scorns me to say it, this… Queen, is telling the truth. A number of years ago there was a flash trend amongst the nobility to shave into powder and snuff the horns unique to male Lizamandions, commonly referred to as lizardfolk. The number of commissions available was quite staggering and adventurers took up the call in droves. I however had not realised that the males had been hunted to extinction, that is... unexpected.”

“Yes, all thanks to shitty evil Adventurers like you. I haven't had a nice hard lizardfolk dick in me for years, do you know how lizardfolk heats work? Our heats only end when we have reproductive sex! My body has been burning alive to be filled with a clutch of eggs for over two fucking years!” The Queen was quickly becoming agitated again.

Ellaria gave her a steady look. “You realise the ‘goddess’ you seek to lie with is also an adventurer correct?”

“Goddesses do not count as adventurer scum, if she does partake of such a thing then it is merely a hobby.”

“Hmm. Delusional. You know I think I almost pity you. The last of your kind, doomed to die out, alone and childless. I shouldn't condone such a fate as the extinction of your species will mean fewer convenient and easy to kill monsters for amateur adventurers to kill and level up from. Garbage has its uses at times. Very well, I suppose the Guild might appreciate an insemination project to prevent the levelling stock from completely vanishing. An organised breeding isn't completely out of order.”

The Queen’s face slowly became redder and redder as Ellaria spoke until she looked ready to implode on the spot.

“I thought you elves were supposed to have respect for nature and preservation! What kind of a shitty elf are you?”

Fireballs roared to life around Ellaria and her eyes narrowed dangerously, her voice dark.

“The Kind You Obey.”

The Queen screeched and raised her hands in the air, crackles of static electricity stat-stattering over her claws.

“Nobody arrogantly commands a Queen without repercussions. Blood sacrificing an elf to the fertility goddess suddenly sounds like a pretty appealing idea right about now.”

“Woah woah woah,” said Fey jumping between the elf and lizard Queen “Please calm down, It’s fine, I- I will give you, uhm, eggs, if it ends your heat, and helps avoid the end of your species, I mean really that would be terrible! I couldn't possibly let that happen, monster or not!”

The Queen's aggression deflated slightly. 

“Thank you goddess, that would be, kind of you.”

The fires died around Ellaria and the elf looked a little ashamed, realising she might have gone too far.

“I vote that Fey should fuck the lizard girls too!” said Octavia popping up beside Fey. Fey nearly jumped out of her skin the mousekin had appeared so suddenly. 

“Oc-Octavia! You scared me, and you- you want me to do this? Weren't you just trying to take Flora’s turn?”

“Well, I do have a strong moral compass despite what some, many, most, okay the vast majority of people would say about me. I can't help but see these poor struggling lizardfolk and imagine those years of hardship without a good dicking. It’s terrible really, they could die out altogether, the moral argument is quite unambiguous on this.”

“I, ah, am glad you see that it’s the right thing to do, as a healer I couldn't bear to see it.”

“Moral argument? HAH!” catcalled Flora from the fire where she was stuffing bacon in her mouth. “She just wants another story to write about in her stupid newsletter!”

“Hey hey, you can have multiple goals in doing something, that's not illegal shorty!”

Fey gave the mouse girl a funny look, unsurprisingly she already had her book out and was scribbling notes in it as she looked over the Queen. She was focusing on one particularly long note when something glossy white appeared at her shoulder and peered into the book, examining what she was writing. Octavia finally noticed her audience when she finished and flinched back in surprise, her pen slipping from her hand and flipping into the air where the tentacle caught it. She regained her balance and stepped toward the tentacle.

“Oih! Give that back!”

The tentacle shook its tip and then started slithered backwards across the grass toward Vivi.

A surprised Octavia blinked and then realising that the tentacle was scarpering off with her best writing implement raced after it.

Ellaria moved uncomfortably from foot to foot and coughed politely into her fist. “Since this does all appear to be decided I will look into the preparation of breakfast. Fey feel free to do as you wish, I will make sure Lily doesn't eat absolutely everything and there is some left for you once you are done.”

The elf took a few steps backwards then turned and strode off toward the fire. Fey turned her attention back toward the Queen who was looking up at her expectantly. Behind her a humiliated and stroppy princess Priscilla was storming away under the bush, the pink lizard girl fretting in her wake.

“Well goddess?”

“Y-yes, but, ah, r-right here? Out in the open?”

“It has been two and a half long years of non-stop heat goddess, I would unashamedly ride your dick in front of an audience of thousands, I do not care, and I am a Queen, a Queen does not need to care.”

“Erm, I see…”

Not quite sure what there was to say to that Fey glanced over the glade until she spotted the most comfortable looking patch of a grass she could see. She trotted toward it but before she could get there a dozen lizard girls raced from beneath the bush and carefully laid out a luxurious looking blanket for her and then threw down dozens of poofy pillows. She nodded gratefully then muttering under her breath “Where were these bloody pillows last night?”

“What was that goddess?”


She lowered her barrel down onto the grass and then a little clumsily rolled over onto her back, which placed her perfectly on top of the blankets and pillows, both her upper and lower body ensconced in comfiness.

Saving a species from extinction or not, she still could appreciate relaxing into something so luxurious after a night on the cold hard ground. A little shiver of joy ran up and down her body and she started to unwind, the morning stiffness of her muscles washing away.

She was on the verge of closing her eyes and drifting off into a peaceful nap when a weight climbed up onto her barrel. She opened her eyes to find the Queen crouching over her dick with her back to Fey's upper body, one claw tapping her chin as she looked it over.

“This is… quite the large tool. Even the largest male adventurer we have caught is like a particularly stunted baby carrot compared to this… beast...”

“Uhm, if it helps to know, fitting it shouldn't be a problem.”

“No, of course not, a Queen of the lizardfolk defies all challenges. What Queen would I be if I am not able to at least fit the very tip of a goddess?”

“Uh- n-no that’s not what I- Eep!”

She stuttered off as the Queen shuffled to the tip and began paying intense attention to the crown of Fey’s dick, a surprisingly long and dextrous tongue lashing over her flesh like a whip, dipping into every crevice and tickling every nerve, even pressing up against her urethra. 

As the Queen worked her rotund globular rear perked high up into the air, higher than her head, her tail flagging high and stiff, clearly extremely excited going by the floods of clear fluid rolling down her inner thighs and pitter pattering over Fey's horse chest. What drew Fey’s attention the most however was the Queen’s soft pink pussy nestled amongst her soft white scales, a tiny bud of a clit just peeking free from its hood cautiously exposing itself to the air. For all the Queen’s angry severity Fey couldn't help find this part of her incredibly adorable, that is, until it began to move.

Fey’s brow rose as the Queen’s pussy suddenly gaped open, her labia stretching itself wide, gaping wider and wider and gulping at the air, like a mouth her pussy opened up exposing her interior walls, her tunnel, and at the back her cervix which shifted forward, blooming open and grabbing at the air, as though it hungered for a nice thick dick to grab hold of and draw into itself, milking the thing until the male it had captured spurted again and again and again until the unfortunate male was drained bone dry.

The Queen glanced back at her, then pulled back slightly from her tending.

“It has been two and a half years goddess, there are certain... unique muscles of our species that clench down hard when in heat, a powerful kegeling, massive internal contractions that happen over and over without pause, even when we sleep our insides flex down hard then release, flex down hard, then release, an intense muscular exercise, done non-stop, every hour of every day, for over two entire years… it has led to a certain part of our bodies being... an order of magnitude more developed than any other part of our bodies.”

She flexed open her pussy as if to demonstrate, her walls rippling outward then stopping and sent flowing back the other way, her cervix drawn toward her entrance, opening and closing, grabbing ravenously at the air. The Queen relaxed and her cervix retreated, pussy slowly closed returning to as it had been.

“Of course that does not come without its dangers, I had to ban oral sex under royal decree after a number of my subjects had their tongues accidentally crushed. Sadly this only rendered our heats that much more potent and troublesome. For many months sleep was all but impossible as we would be left writhing and groaning in our blankets, unsated.”

“Th-that sounds frightful to deal with. I’m sorry to hear that you had to suffer for so long, it’s not right.”

The Queen paused and looked back at Fey, her eyes carefully reading her expression. After a moment her cheeks went a little pink and she looked like she had been touched on a certain level.

“You really do believe that, don't you. You don’t care that we are monsters?”

“As long as you are nice monsters…”

“Hmph, well, I don't know about that...but I appreciate that you have such considerations...”

She turned back to Fey and studied the tip of her dick. Satisfied that she had sufficiently slathered it in saliva and wetted it slick she crawled around until she was facing Fey and had her rear hovering over Fey’s rigid length, the thing straining and bucking at the air, clearly aware that it was near to being ensleeved in a Queenly pussy.

Without preamble, the Queen leaned backwards and the broad hard tip met the soft inviting folds of her cooch, lips already opening, grasping at the crown. 

The Queen's eyelids fluttered as their hot flesh made contact, an open shiver running from her head down to the tip of her tail.

“G-gods, uh, g-goddess, I suddenly feel so sensitive, it’s like my body knows that my heat can end at last!”

Fey bit her lip and wondered if she should explain that it was actually her that was causing the Queen's sensitivity to massively increase.

She had a full view of the Queen's face as she was on all fours on top her horse chest. There was an awkward moment when they both stared at each other, the Queen grinding herself down as hard as she could, a little electricity in the air, then they both blushed and looked away. 

“Enough of this, I have no time for foreplay. Servants! Attend me!”

A rush of lizard girls suddenly dashed form the bushes and surrounded Fey, dozens and dozens, a colourful bombardment of multi coloured scaling and short bell bottomed girls each with rears that could put carriages to shame. Each and every one of them was soaking wet, long gel like strands of wet strung gossamer between their legs, whenever their thighs pushed together dozens of sticky new strings being created and snapped.

Fey could practically smell their heat in the air, a needy girlish scent that screamed for satisfaction, insemination, to be fucked and bred into the ground until they were left limp and weak and satisfied.

She watched as they crawled onto her belly and grabbed hold of the Queen, helping to drag her back, her pussy flattening against the crown, the Queen straining her cunny as wide as she could, internal muscles made massive by years of constant heat induced exercise now put to use grasping and dragging at the head, spreading her self wider and wider.

She mewled out with a needy little whimper as the oversized horse cock spread her out more than anything she had ever experienced before, her plump lower lips becoming thinned as they were stretched, sloooowly easing over the broad crown, her fat puss steadily engulfing, her globar buttocks spread by the sheer size of the horse dick which was thicker than the narrowest point of the Queen's waist.

“Yes goddess! Claim my pussy! Breed an uncountable clutch of eggs into me! Make me as fat with growing hatchlings as the gnome, more! I am a Queen, a Queen mother and this Queen needs to fuuuuuuck!”

The Queen's voice rose in pitch, ringing like pure glass chime as she was stretched over the tip, her massive thighs squeezing tight around it in desperate anticipation as the pressure against her crotch only increased and increased. A heavy beating throb from the deepest of her femininity resonated as it sensed impregnation was near, each beat becoming heavier, faster, hungrier, her cervix throwing itself against the crown, practically slobbering at the surface, trying to force itself wider, greedy for dick.

The Queen's flailing arms grabbed for one of the girls, clutching at her head, her legs kicking at the air around the shaft.

“Oh gooodds its’s tooo fucking beeg! I'm going to split in halllfff!!” she wailed, as her heat driven pussy inched wider of its own accord.


The Queen bit down on her lip so hard a spot of blood appeared and her eyes rolled up out of sight.

Then, at last, her obscenely stretched out cunt reached the horizon of the crown and in one sudden lurch the Queen was impaled several inches onto Fey’s dick, her slobbering sloppy pussy sinking over it in one loud wet *Shlllorrpp-SCHPLOP!*


The Queen's walls were forced tight around every bump and every wrinkle of skin around the crown, each and every vein scraping against her nerve riddled entrance made hypersensitive by Fey’s mysterious magic, the sheer DEFINITION of raw naked horse dick teaching her pussy what it could never have experienced. The lizard girls were thrown off as the Queen thrashed, her head rolling back as a primal scream ripped from her lips, legs stiffening, back arching, a long loud spray of fem cum splashing over Fey's horse body.

In a moment it was done and the Queen flopped against the chest, her rear held up in the air by what it was impaled on, moving slightly from Fey's flexing dick.

“Wh-what is this feeling?” groaned the Queen. “It’s like I'm on fire, everything is all tingly, I- I can't move my legs… I can't m-move my legs!”

“You, uhm, just came really really hard, Queen Gizzabess, it’s probably because of that?”

The Queen gave her a startled look, “But that's never- that’s never happened before…” She swallowed, a little nervousness showing through. Then, momentarily, she seemed to collect herself, focusing her resolve.

“I desire more of this.”

“More of?”

“What do you think? I want more dick inside of me! Girls, attend me again!”

The lizard girls who had been knocked back came on with a vengeance, swarming over Fey to get at the Queen. In moments dozens of small hands were grasping hold of the Queen's legs and arms then heaving back on her, straining with all their strength.

A few moments passed where nothing happened, the Queen remaining in the exact same position as she had been. 

She scowled at the girls holding her. “What are you doing?! I demand you impale me on this fat horse dick immediately!”

The pink scaled lizard who had been with the princess earlier replied in a strained voice.

“We c-can’t my Queen! Your pussy is gripping down too hard! It's too strong for us! You need to relax!”

“Dam you. Fine.”

The Queen focused for a moment, trying to control her body.

“I-... can't…”

“But my Queen!”

“I just can't okay! It’s- It’s the heat, it’s too controlling! I can't stop from clenching down!”

The lizard girls around her eased back, dismayed.

“So we’re stuck?” said the pink one, “Everything we’ve wanted for two years, our only chance to get rid of our heats, and we can't go further because your body is being too greedy?” 

A discontented muttering broke over the girls and the Queen started to get visibly irritated.

Fey looked over at the breakfast fire, hoping to see if Flora could help. The gnome girl was currently engaged in an all out sausage war with Wummy however and seemed unlikely to respond. As she watched Flora went flipping through the air as one of the dozens of tentacles struck her, grabbing back the sausages she had stolen. 

Clearly, help was not coming from that quarter.

“Uhm,” said Fey, shyly raising her hand, “I’m pretty strong, I could push you down... if I could reach.”

“Hmm. How strong?”

“I, ah, think I could maybe pick that tree up, on my own, if it was lying on the ground, maybe.”

The group of lizard girls turned and looked at the nearby skinny sapling. They were decidedly unimpressed.

“Not that one, that one.”

Their gaze moved to the tree behind, a behemoth of an oak tree that filled one side of the glade, its trunk over six foot across. As one their eyes went very round, mouths falling open in shock.

Awed whispering broke out.

“N-no way, no fucking way…-”

“That thing must weigh, I- I can't even imagine-

“It’s a joke. She’s teasing us-

“Aren’t you forgetting? She’s a freaking goddess!”

The collection of lizard girls collectively paused at that statement. 

“True.” said the Queen. She glanced up at Fey hopefully.

“But I can't quite reach you down there on my lower parts so I’d need-

“Hmpph. That is not an issue. On me!”

The nearest lizard girl, one with yellow scales, scrambled in front of the Queen and slid herself under. She then wrapped her legs around the Queen's chest just under her armpits, ankles locking together behind. The locked in yellow scaled girl lifted her back away from Fey's barrel slightly and then a green scaled lizard girl climbed on top her front and locked her legs around her chest under her armpits, her rear a few inches in front the Queen's head. The next lizard girl slid under and locked her legs around the chest of the green scaled one and so on until six fat bottomed lizard girls were stacked chain like ahead of the Queen, a ladder leading up to Fey's upper body and her immensely strong arms.

The last to join the stack was the pink scaled lizard girl and she gave Fey a meek smile before holding her arms out.

“I, ah, didn’t mean this, like at all, but oh well I suppose,” said Fey.

She reached for the pink scaled one, ignoring her arms and taking her torso into her hands. Then she applied her overwhelming strength and a gasp went through the stack as a force as solid as dark cast iron pressed down on them. The stack compressed, rears pressing against heads and the Queen was put in the undignified position of having the green scaled lizard girl’s ass cheeks press down on top of her, her crown nearly pushed off.

She barely had time for an outraged squawk however before her pussy suddenly lurched down an inch and her golden belt creaked and groaned as it was stretched around the growing dick bulge.

“Oh goddess it works! More! More!”

Fey did as she said and pressed down again, another few inches sliding into her, tenting out her tummy further. The belt strained to the absolute limit, squeezing the Queen’s flesh inward in a line before with a screech of wrenched metal it suddenly burst apart, metal pinging off in every direction as the remains of the belt slipped from the Queen’s hips.

“Hhhhuuhoh! Why does this feel so much betterrrr than anything elssse!” 

It was a new experience for Fey too. Never had she been able to take a girl and with her own hands thrust her up and down on her dick like a cock sleeve. Albeit this wasn’t quite that as she was doing it via proxy through the stack of girls, but still! It felt really really good to be able to move her arms and feel the direct response on her dick.

The continually mewling Queen was driven down inch by inch, her voice quavering as her belly was steadily filled out with cock, her front bulging outward inch by inch until she was a full foot deep and her tented out midriff was pressing up against the soaked cunny of the yellow scaled girl wrapped around her chest. The slick scaled surfaces slid across each other, dangerously frictionless, the yellow lizard girl crying out as the cock bulge pressed against her nethers.

But then, even as her pussy gaped wide of his own accord, desperately trying to take the bulge into itself, the lubrication proved too much and it slipped past, pressing up between the Queen, forcing the lizard girl to wrap her legs around the dick bulge and the Queen's chest, barely holding it together.

The Queen barely noticed as in the same motion her womb was being penetrated, her cervix becoming a thin O around the trunk of a dick, nearly knocking her unconscious due to the extreme pleasurable intensity of being filled in such a way.

The yellow lizard wailed as the Queen's belly bulge rolled past her clit, the textured surface stimulating the now hypersensitive nub to an impossible degree, orgasm crashing over her.

Another lizard girl joined the top of the chain as Fey pushed them lower and lower, the tightly wrapped tummy bulge of the Queen ascending up between the next girl and the next, leaving them hugging her belly bulge and holding on for dear life to their lizard girl opposite.

Fey’s medial ring proved not an issue as the Queen's misbehaving pussy reacted to its touch, pushing out then grabbing hold of it and pulling the entire chain of girls down as it hungrily took it inside, swallowing the ring, not even needing Fey's help.

It refused to cooperate further though and Fey was left pushing the Queen all the way down to the base of three and a half feet of dick, the Queen’s puss pressing down on the bunched up wrinkles at the base, centaur balls roiling and churning just behind her rear.

The Queen's belly bulge was now sticking up between five of the lizard girls, the scales of the bulge stimulating their clits with every motion and as Fey began to pull the chain back toward her a chorus of soft moans went up.

Not that she didn't have some difficulty pulling the chain, the Queen's pussy was extremely unhappy at having to let some of Fey outside of it and clenched down brutally. Still the Queen rose, squawking and wailing as her insides were scraped up and down, her pussy lips forcibly dragged over every little piece of definition no matter how her pussy tried to stop it, even failing to keep the medial ring inside such was Fey's strength.

Fey lifted her hands over her head and drove the chain of girls back down, slamming the Queen down her shaft, a cocksleeve that she could use freely, fully in her control.

She loved it, and her slamming up and down of the chain of girls only went harder and faster, each lunging slam covering more and more dick until the Queen was being dragged up to the very tip and then slammed down all the way to the base. *plap*....  *plap*.... *plap*....

Needless to say the Queen was cumming her brains out, messily squirting and spraying girl cum with each giant stroke. She wasn’t the only one, the girls in the chain above her were being sent mad by the Queen's scraping rubbing belly bulge and with every other stroke they orgasmed along with her, a spray of clear fluid splashing over the bulge and over the head and face of the lizard girl beneath their rears.

Fey grunted and shoved the stack of girls down all the harder, masturbating herself on the Queen, a gloriously tight sleeve that rippled and convulsed over her length driving her to the peak, her thrusting only accelerated, chasing the edge: *PLAP**PLAP**PLAP* *PLAP**PLAP**PLAP* *PLAP**PLAP**PLAP*....  *SHPLAP!*

Fey’s back arched as she slammed the Queen down for the final time, her eyes rolling up, her entire lower half flooding with pussy juices as the lizard girls collectively came although none close to as hard as the Queen who exploded so hard over Fey that her back legs were wetted up to the knees.

Fey could feel the Queen's pussy contracting in waves as she screamed, a soft warm wet sleeve grabbing and caressing her length, milking it for all it was worth, a pulsing pressure that gripped her with her an astounding strength, a womb crying out for virile cum to impregnate the many many many eggs the heat had caused to build up over the years.

She obliged.


The lizard girls hugging her bulge found themselves suddenly ejected as the Queen’s womb ballooned with horse cum, her pale white belly rapidly expanding outward, spilling across centaur barrel as the Queen howled her joy, claws raking at the soft shape of her cum pregnancy as she grew larger and larger, a centaur condom, her aristocratic nobility only making her stuffing full of barbaric horse cum all the more obscene and shameful, her twig crown falling from her head as her head thrashed.

It didn't take long to fill her, being able to control the cock sleeve herself had made Fey’s peak fast and swift. The Queen expanded outward until she was five foot and a few inches across before she stopped expanding. Fey breathed, the morning release somehow washing away all her dismay of missing the inn. Fucking a primed pussy full of her seed was just incomparable, pure unadulterated bliss.

She glanced idly at the lizard girls around her who were all as one staring at the Queen in complete shock. She watched as they collectively swallowed, their slick wet thighs coming together as they realised that this was really real, Fey really had just cum such an insane amount, and more, they could also become like the Queen.

The Queen had seemingly passed out so the collection of girls, realising that they didn't need permission, frantically swarmed her, pushing at her soft belly until Fey’s cock was pulling free, her pussy now too beaten up to do anything but weakly clutch at her length until with a  Splrrtch and a wet gush of horse cum she was pulled off, her stretched out pussy slowly closing up. Without preamble the Queen was kicked off and sent rolling over the grass, discarded as the heat ridden lizard girls leapt on Fey.

A scuffle broke out as they fought to be the one at the bottom of the stack until one girl was victorious and the others formed up in a chain allowing Fey to grab hold of the top most one.

Soon she was thrusting the stack of hugging clutching lizard girls up and down on her shaft, enjoying the new sensation once more, even a normal centaur would never be able to masturbate with their hands such was the anatomy of centaurs so she relished every moment of what she was doing, pumping the chain of girls up and down.

The ones who hadn't gotten a spot either on her dick or amongst the chain of girls watched all around her, mesmerised, their pussies openly drooling in anticipation. It wasn’t long before their neediness pushed them to action and thick tails began sliding between legs, the tips parting reddened folds, then thrusting up into each other. 

“T-tails?” questioned Fey as she pumped.

The pink scaled one was lying on her back, her tail pumping in and out of another lizard girl she was scissoring as their tail pumped into her snatch. They didn't have an easy time of it and Fey could see an incredible squeeze being applied on their wide tails as their pussies clenched down bone breakingly ferociously.

She glanced up as Fey spoke. “W-well after the Q-Queen banned oral sex we n-needed a replacement, ahnnn! This is eet! W-well, th-that is after we s-started taking up tail exercises, in the early days a lot of tails got snapped. Hnnnfff!”

Fey watched with interest as the orgy continued around her but it wasn’t long before she was peaking again and with a gasp she exploded into another lizard girl, this time filling her slightly more than the Queen, slightly larger. 

The girls having gotten used to the process now quickly kicked her off and another replaced her and Fey got back into the long lunging motions of thrusting her cock sleeve up and down her length. This time she came even faster and another girl was sent rolling across the grass to bump up against the other.

fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, with each girl ejaculated into Fey came a little faster and a little harder until their bellies were passing eight feet in diameter, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, the grass around was starting to get a little crowded with spherical cum filled girls and they had to be rolled aside to make room. 

It was as they were rolling the Queen aside that she jerked awake, a wailed scream ripping from her lips as a paused orgasm ripped through her. 

“Y-yes! Ream me! Make me your royal sleeve! Your cum dump egg chamber, your- your…”

She tailed off, blinking in the morning light as she realised that she was no longer atop Fey and everything was done with. Scowling she saw that she had been pushed aside, discarded. That was bad enough on its own but by far the worst of all was that her peasants were larger than her!

“What the hell is this!? Why are my subjects larger and more loaded with goddess cum than I!? I am the Queen, this is not how things should go, I should get the most as leader of the lizardfolk! I should be the most pregnant!”

The pink scaled lizard from earlier who was flopped over a belly nearly nine foot across looked down at the much smaller five and a bit foot Queen and smirked.

“Looks like going first as Queen may have been a miscalculation. I’m sorry my Queen but your ego is quite large, I would call this, ah, Karma? Maybe you could learn a lesson from this if it is not too impertinent for me to say?”

The Queen looked up at the pink scaled lizard, agog that one of her subjects would have the affront to speak to her in such a way.

“Outrageous! Insubordinate! No, this will not do, this, this is a mutiny against me! A traitorous rebellion!”

“B-but my Queen w-we’re not-”

“Silence traitor! This injustice must be rectified, it must be righted.” The Queen's angry gaze moved from the pink lizard girl's body to her cum tummy, then she smiled a predator's smile.

“Ah, the answer was so simple really, I should have foreseen this as it would have been best to do this no matter how much each of you were filled with.”

“Wh-what are you sugg-


The pink lizard yelped and jerked atop her cum tummy, wobbling dangerously across its rippling surface.

“Oh- n-no! Please no! Please nuuuu!”

The pink lizard’s pussy suddenly clamped down as hard as it could, her cervix sealing tight with all the strength her powerful pussy was able to put to bear. It didn't matter. A rivulet of white leaked from her cervix and rolled through her puss to her lips where it seeped through and spilled onto the dome of her belly. The cum pooled for a moment and then began rolling down the arcing curve in a fat rivulet. The cum reached the underside and then streamed down onto the grass where it began flowing across the ground. 

The pink lizard wasn’t the only one this was happening to, even as the rivulet of white left her the other blimped lizard girls began to leak, soft moans rising as their folds were parted by escaping cum. Even as a freshly filled lizard girl was rolled across the grass her pussy was already leaking a stream of white, all of them were. 

All the fat rivulets of cum from every girl streamed toward the Queen, finding her belly then rolling up it of their own accord. The many lines of white converged around the sphere of her tummy all aiming for one point, the Queen's pussy, which of course was only too happy to have this fresh source of horse cum, greedily gulping it up, actively opening and closing trying to take as much into itself as quickly as possible, positively slurping at the combined stream of all the girls, a stream which was nearly thigh thick by the time they all combined into one. The sloppy liquid sounds her pussy created as it drank and gorged on the cum was quite impressive.

The Queen's belly started to inch larger.


Yet another cum stuffed girl rolled away from Fey and she found that there were too few of the lizard girls left to form the chain needed for her to masturbate them on her dick. She had lost count and track of time somewhere along the way, but she was fairly sure she had cum at least forty times into the various girls. That seemed likely considering she couldn’t see the breakfast fire or the rest of the band, or much of glade at all really anymore, huge cum filled spheres surrounding her on every side, some as much as ten feet high, herself an island at the center of it all. 

The few remaining girls left on her were having a nervous breakdown as they frantically tried to figure out a way to extend the chain up to Fey’s upper body but only repeatedly failing. A few of them were even starting to cry when a white scaled girl with a scattering of pink scales squeezed her way from between two pressed together cum bellies. She stumbled free and turned, pulling at something from between the two soft spheres. After a moment she managed to drag it free and nearly fell over as it came out.

She held it triumphantly in the air and rushed over to Fey.

The thing she held appeared to be some kind of crude harness constructed out of belts that had been attached to one end of a heavy black oak staff crudely carved from a tree branch.

The princes proudly held it up for the centaur.

“Goddess, use this, it should solve the problem!”

Fey hesitantly reached out and took the staff from the princess and held it uncertainly in her hands.

“Thank... you?”

Priscilla rolled her eyes. “Don’t you see? I predicted this was going to happen from the very start, the last ones in line were obviously not going to be able to do the same as everyone who had gone before, so, well, I quickly threw this together. I am quite brilliant I know, I have all the best qualities of a ruler.”

Fey still looked a little non-plussed so the princess scrambled up on top of her and grabbed hold of the end that Fey wasn’t holding, the end a mess of belts. She took hold of the nearest sobbing lizard girl and slapped each belt closed around her thighs and then her upper arms, pulling them tight and checking she was properly strapped in.

Fey lifted her end of the staff and the lizard girl was lifted into the air with a cry of alarm.

“Uhmm, I understand what you want me to do with this Priscilla but uh, it feels a bit, uhhhh…”

“What? What’s wrong?”

“It feels really really silly okay, I have a lizard on a stick!”

“My ideas are not silly, just try it, trust me!”

Fey hesitated but moved the staff down, the kicking lizard girl placed against the crown of her dick. She pushed down on the staff and to her surprise found it very effective, the lizard girl squealed and came as she was impaled, her belly bulging out with dick, her belt snapping around it. Moments later and Fey was enthusiastically shooting the lizard girl up and down her length significantly faster than with the lizard chain she had been using before. The lizard girl barely had time to breathe between being rocketed up and then down the massive dick, her tail and legs flying through the air rag doll like as she was utterly used, completely helpless to do anything against Fey's insane strength, her pussy brutalised and ravaged, bright red with abuse as she squirted without restraint every other second. 

Suffice to say Fey came even harder and faster than before. The lizard girl’s belly blimped out and the staff was ripped from Fey's hands as the girl’s tummy grew, enveloping Fey’s lower body and touching down on the grass on either side, a full eleven feet across.

Fey had to use her own strength to buck free from her pussy and roll her aside as the few remaining girls were far too weak. They were quite enthusiastic about being next in line however and various games of rock paper claw broke out, and then a minor scuffle, and then the next girl scrambled into the harness and was sent screaming up and down Fey's dick.

The last of them was her biggest yet a sky blue and red scaled girl who Fey exploded into, her belly reaching an incredible fourteen foot across nearly as large as Flora’s pregnancy.

It took her a moment to catch her breath and awkwardly roll the lizard girl aside. She had to strain this time, pushing her muscles to the limit moving such an insane weight but she managed it, the girl sent rolling across the grass to crash up against the smaller girls. 

It had been a lot in the doing and a long morning and she flopped back panting, chest rising and falling as she tried to draw in fresh air. Easier said than done when the air was practically fogging with sex and feminine hormones, the air steaming warm.

A rustling sound caught her attention and she opened her eyes, looking above her head where she lay on the blanket.

Priscilla stood there, the staff held in hand, her lower lip trembling.

Fey had a clear view of the girl’s pussy from where she lay. She was clearly not doing well. Having to watch while everyone went first had apparently had a severe effect on her body and on her heat. 

Her thighs were completely flooded and dozens of gel-like strands of creamy girl cum made long unbroken lines from her pussy to the ground where already a puddle was forming. Her pussy itself was swollen beyond belief, a fat puffy muff and mons, reddened with arousal, far larger than any other girls. Her lower lips were opening and closing of their own volition, slowly easing back into a pink line they suddenly gaped open, her overgrown internal musculature flexing into a massive O shape, her pink cervix dipping down all the way to her entrance, the puckered thing mouthing at the air as it peeked from her pussy, turning in Fey’s direction, reaching, so starved for dick that it was trying to go for Fey all on its own before being dragged back inside. Priscilla’s pussy quivered and quaked in anticipation, pulsing with sheer raw neeeed to be bred and impregnated with as many eggs as her body could handle, more even.

The heat the lizard girl was suffering through had quite clearly transformed from a mere heat into a blazing bonfire, no a forest fire. It was bad.

She glanced up. Tears were running down her cheeks and her face was flushed bright red, her chest rapidly rising up and down in desperate gasps, hyperventilating.

Fey bit her lip. She should have noticed quite how badly the princess was doing, more than any of the others she seemed to be in the most distress, perhaps explaining why she had been the first to originally break cover and ask to be fucked.

“The harness princess?” said Fey, taking the staff in hand. The princess reacted instantly, practically diving into the belts and slamming them so tight around her thighs that her flesh muffin topped. 

Fey lifted the princess into the air, her pussy drooling long lines of cloudy fluid over her body as she was moved into position.

“G-goddess, p-please make the heat go away, make my ripe little body so full with cum and eggs that I can't even move…. Oh, and make me way bigger than my stupid mother! Way way bigger so I can rub it in her face!”

“I’m not going to go easy, j-just so you know.”

“Goo-oooOOOOOHHH!!!” shrieked the princess as she was thrust onto Fey, her belly instantly tenting outward, her belt loudly snapping and flinging away. 

Fey was merciless and the princess was driven and thrust even more forcefully than the last girl, limbs and tail more like wet pieces of rope that were flung through the air, her head rolling back and forth, a floppy rag doll used as a dick sleeve.

Howling like a whore Priscilla rocketed up and down, her eyes crossing as she came so frequently that it rolled into one firecracker chain orgasm, practically pissing herself over Fey as she squirted without stop, her throat becoming raw as she screamed and screamed and screamed.

Fey could tell that her pussy very much appreciated the treatment however, gripping at her like a velvet vice, her insides by far the strongest of any of the girls, powerful rippling convulsions milking her horse dick for all she was worth, each rocketing plunge down splashing the princess's juices over her balls, massive globular ass cheeks slapping loudly against her wrinkled base. Then on the meteoric way up the immense mass of length leaving causing a massive vacuum on her air tight insides, an earth shattering long shluuuurping queef echoing through the air as air came free, her sloppy wet folds creating the most lurid cheek reddening music that echoed of the vast domed bellies of the other girls.


The sounds went on, the royal princess turned into a centaur’s cock sleeve, no lesser, a disposable sleeve, a condom, a helpless fuck hole, permanently stretched out, each crash against Fey’s base tenting out her belly feet before her head, her body being remoulded for massive horse dick and nothing else.

The relentless pounding continued as Fey sought relief, and then she found it.


Priscilla threw her head back and screeched like a banshee as her belly bulge suddenly ballooned outward, her soft snow white scales stretching over the geyser of cum rushing into her womb, that forest fire of a heat instantly smothered and doused, an incredible stretching feeling replacing it as she grew and grew, her belly rapidly expanding as her pussy went mad milking Fey's dick, determined to have more, more cum, more pregnancy, bigger, more more more!

Fey let out a long low groan as her balls bucked and shuddered, pumping load after load into the princess, already her body had touched down on either side of Fey and was rapidly filling the last free spot amongst the lizard girls, passing ten foot then thirteen, then fourteen, surpassing the previous girl in size, her belly pressed up against the others, roiling, a whirlpool of fresh hot centaur sperm churning within her womb.

The other girls whimpered as she rose above them, dominating, surpassing sixteen feet, then seventeen, eighteen, her womb vast. Then the last drop was pumped into her, her womb a stunning nineteen feet in diameter and her pussy that had slowly been rising as her body was lifted off the ground by her own belly finally lost its grip on Fey's shaft and it slipped free. With a yelp she rolled up, coming to a stop at the peak of her belly like the others.

Priscilla was now nineteen feet above the ground, her real body just a dot at the top, outsized a thousand times over by her womb.

She flopped across her palace of a belly completely and utterly spent as she let out a long weary groan, a groan of a years long heat sated, a terrible thirst slaked, it went beyond satisfaction, it was pure nirvana. Her pussy clearly agreed, the thing gaped open and steaming, her reddened folds exposed to the air, insides trembling with aftershocks every other moment.

A few days just lying here wouldn't be so bad she considered, that honestly sounded just heavenly.

“Hmphh, of course you would swoop in and snatch the biggest load you lucky little brat.”

Priscilla heard the words but it took nearly a half minute for her to grasp them in her cum over dosed state. Once they’d made their way to the part of her brain that understood she slowly raised her head, wobbling with every motion.

She slow blinked at what she saw. The glade was filled with cum stuffed lizard girls from end to end, even pushing aside some of the trees. And she herself was the largest at nineteen feet across, or at least she had been, another was growing amongst the girls, one with purple and white scales. Her mother.

“Y-you! How are you bigger than me, you were tiny when the goddess was done with you! Are you- are you already pregnant and swelling with eggs!?”

“No you stupid girl I am simply taking what is mine as your Queen.”

Priscilla blinked and her eyes found the Queen's wide split legs. A thigh thick column of white was plugged into the Queen's pussy, stretching it as wide as Fey’s dick. It took her a moment to realise that the tube of white was in fact a moving stream of white horse cum going up from the ground and into her vagina. She traced the lines and realised that a thread of white was being drawn from every single girl there.

“Are you taking the others cum?!?”

“Yes, it is mine, my property, that is how being Queen works Priscilla, I rule and I take my share however large or small I decide.”

Priscila slapped her small hands against her belly sending ripples across its surface

“You can't do this mother! It’s not yours to take! Give it back you evil witch!”

“Witch!? Witch?!! You call me a Witch, your Queen Wizardess? Your everything? Your protector from the dangers of the night? No, no, no, I’ve had quite enough of all this today, all of you have gone far too far and must be severely punished... severely taxed.” The Queen drew in a breath and then let her voice loose. “QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY! QUEENLY LEVY!”

Priscillas mouth flopped open in shock as the morass of horse cum in her body suddenly lurched, thrusting up against her cervix then punching through, stretching her pussy wider than Fey had as a torrent of the viscous fluid rushed from her womb.

She wasn’t the only one as a chorus of screams went up across the glade, lizard girls thrashing atop their cum bellies as cum roared out of them in rivers, rushing down to the ground to flow between the spheres, all rivers of cum converging on the Queen where her belly became near entirely covered in a foot of flowing white that centered on her rear, a whirlpool sinking into her cunt.

The Queen clearly having underestimated the effect opened her mouth and screamed as her pussy went from being stretched thigh thick, to a foot across, then two foot across, her flesh breaking all limits as it strained and stretched out, nerves becoming hyper stimulators as the very individual nerves themselves were stretched larger, every touch against them sending magnified signals to her brain.

The Queen squirted and sprayed as the cum ravaged her, but it might as well have been a droplet in an ocean as the deluge poured into her distressed cunny, carrying her squirted fluids into herself. She grew in size, rapidly putting on feet in diameter, her belly rolling over or pushing aside the steadily shrinking girls around her, a huge womb overwhelming in mass, a giant lake of horse cum, spreading and growing, eating up the ground, passing twenty five feet across, twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight, the Queen become an empress of size, more.

Around her the lizard girls wailed and screamed as they were forcibly emptied, their abused and sensitive pussies forced wide by rushing sloshing cum, the field of domed bellies gradually diminishing, the rivers of cum flowing between them more easily seen, and then the grass.

Priscilla tries desperately to fight back, legs crossed, thighs clenching as hard as she could, powerful pussy muscles clenching down. All to no avail, the Queen’s Levy magic was undeniable, the cum inexorably drawn out of her, her cum tummy slowly draining, dipping down below fifteen feet across then thirteen then ten. 

“You bitch! I- I hate you! You’re an awful terrible Queen and you should not rule us, I- I should be the one who-”

Her voice trailed off as she noticed that her scales had started to softly glow, a strange eerie light that made her body hard to look at, a light that started to spill mist from her body.

The Queen rose higher and higher into the air as the vast sphere of her womb grew across the glade, reaching thirty feet across as the light spilling from Priscilla’s body massively increased.

“E-Evolution?” gasped Priscilla as her body started to change.

Her rear wobbled and began to swell in size, her hips broadening, thighs becoming massively thicker as her tail doubled in size. Priscilla had been bottom heavy before but now she possessed a full on dump truck. The reason why her body was growing in such a way was made clear as her pussy suddenly lurched, doubling then tripling in size, becoming a massive fat thing that trembled and shivered as the number of nerves multiplied to match. Unfortunately the increased size and temporarily weakened state allowed the cum inside of her to gush out faster and her belly to shrink in size all the more.

By the time her belly was only four feet across her transformation was nearly complete. Unlike her greatly enlarged lower body her upper body had remained the same, that is apart from the faint glow of magic behind her blue eyes, luminous with an impossible amount of mana.

She fell to the ground as the last of the cum slipped free, shivering and gasping.

“Daughter, you dare evolve before me? You steal such a rarity, the first lizardfolk to evolve in decades? You shame me yet again? Disowning you is the least I should do, disownment and then imprisonment!”

Priscilla shakily managed to get her legs underneath and then slowly began to rise. Her thicker and more powerful lower body having no issue lifting her. She managed to reach an upright position and swayed like a tree in the wind before finding some sense of balance. 

In disbelief she looked down at her lower body, thighs triple the width of what they had been, lush diving curves made for breeding and motherhood, clean sculpted lines smoothly flowing into each other.

She ran a claw over her enlarged body and lifted her enlarged tail to her eyes, looking it over.

“I’m… so… big…” she slowly murmured.

She blinked as her pussy shifted between her legs, a strange feeling, internal strength far far far more powerful than anything she had felt down there before. Hesitantly, she lifted a small hand and slipped it between her thighs. Her pussy instantly grabbed her hand and pulled it inside, hungrily slurping on it. With difficulty she managed to pull herself free, having to use her other hand to help pull her trapped hand out. She lifted it and looked it over, her thick creamy pussy juices hanging in sloppy lines between her digits.

“Huh... You know, I don't really feel like a princess anymore, I feel, I feel rather like a Queen all of myself.”

“Blathering child, you are nothing, nothing! This doesn't make any difference atall!”

Priscilla looked up at the Queen, a dot at the top of a vast sphere of cum over thirty-five feet across, her body as high as the very tops of the tallest trees, her cum filled womb filling most of the glade, comparable in size to a four storey building. The lizard girls lay limp and scattered around her, their bodies mostly emptied, bellies only a few feet across in most cases. 

The Queen had truly gorged herself on cum.

“You took it all, like you always do… and left nothing for me.” Priscilla smiled sweetly. “I don't like it, I don't like it at all, when really, everything, should be MINE. ‘ROYAL USURPER’”

The princess crouched down then thrust upwards, her immensely powerful legs launching her up into the air in a great leap. The princess came down near the top of the mass of the Queen, the vast cum belly rippling under the impact. 

“What are you doing!?” screeched the Queen as Priscilla stalked across the surface, coming closer. 

“I’m taking what is mine. You’re no longer the Queen. I am.”

She reached the Queen’s body and grabbed hold of one of her legs lifting it up. Then she placed her leg across and lowered her cooch toward the Queen's in a scissoring position.

As the two lizard girls’ pussies neared their difference became obvious. The princess's pussy had become much much larger than the Queen's, dwarfing her in size.

Their pussies met and the princess's bloomed, opening and grabbing down onto the Queen’s, engulfing it, slobbering at her entrance, then it began to suck, pumping the Queen's pussy, an immensely powerful suction being applied that pulled the Queen's pussy partially inside of the princess's pussy. 

The Queen fought back as best she could, clenching down, her legs kicking at the princess, her cervix sealing off tight but unable to stop the sucking effect drawing it closer to the entrance of her pussy, peeking slightly free.

For a moment it seemed like the Queen would succeed in her defense, but then the princess massive beast of a cervix descended and gently brushed against the Queen's much smaller exposed cervix, the brush turned into a kiss, then a closer kiss, then a slurp, the princess's cervix opening and mouthing at the Queen's, starting to openly suck at it, opening up and engulfing it.

The princess's cervix began to milk the Queen's cervix, faster and harder with every motion, the far far stronger insides of the princess overwhelming the Queen. The milking only accelerated and the first few spurts of white squirted from the Queen's cervix directly into the princess's womb.

“S-stop! Stop! I c-command you to stop!” Yelped the Queen desperately slapping at the princess's legs.

The words from the Queen only seemed to excite the princess's pussy and the pressure quadrupled until the Queen’s cervix was opening up and a hose of cum was gushing into Priscilla’s hungry womb.

She grinned and ground herself down harder into the Queen, gripping onto the Queen's legs and thrusting her hips into her, her pussy showing its appreciation by pulling harder at the Queen, the hose turning into a stream then a river, her womb filling then stretching outward, expanding, her belly spilling out across the top of the Queen as she took from her.

“There can only be one Queen, and I’m afraid that you no longer hold that position mother, I AM NOW THE QUEEN! MEEE!”

Priscilla’s pussy snarled and slurped so hard against the Queen's groin that the Queen’s flesh started to redden and swell, the extreme pressure acting like a suction cup making it larger and more plump. Although that was still as nothing compared to the princess's size, her cervix now engulfing the Queen's prolapsed pussy, milking it like a teet, moving up and down like it was sucking on a dick, each long draw causing an explosion of horse cum to come gushing free, turning the princess's womb into a growing whirlpool of cum.

Already the princess was a third of the size of the Queen and rapidly growing as the Queen shrunk, her screams and wailed insults becoming muffled below the princess's belly. 

“Me! It’s mine all mine everything the lizardfolk possess belongs to meee! I am the new Queen Wizardess!” roared the princess as she passed the Queen in size, only accelerating, her cunt starting to grow once again in size as she became fecund with horse sperm.

When the Queen was less than four fifths the size of the princess they began to roll, the princess's enormous womb lifting her body, the Queen who was firmly attached to the princess's pussy coming with her, still being drained as she rose, shrinking away, until when he princess came to a stop at the top of her vast palatial palace of a body the Queen’s belly was only a few feet across and then she was empty her womb drained dry by the powerful sucking motions.

“I’m emptyyyyy! Stop! Y-you can't take any more!” she wailed, tears in her eyes, her flat belly indenting in slightly as the massive sucking force continued to pump at her pussy. 

The princess's cervix sucked on the Queen's cervix a few more times but then slowly came to a stop as nothing more was forthcoming. 

Priscilla’s pussy gradually eased off and the Queen slid back, her prolapsed pussy slipping free from Priscilla’s before being slowly dragged back up into herself by her exhausted internal muscles.

“P-Priscilla, d-darling,” the Queen managed to get out her voice dry and fearful, “You wouldn’t just t-take over as Queen w-would you? That wouldn't be a very nice thing to do t-to me.”

Priscilla cupped her chin on her hand, elbow resting on top her cum belly. 

“Hmm, well whatever is nice or is not nice is up to me now since I am the Queen. I don't think I like seeing an ex-queen around like you, nice or not I’m afraid you are going to have go away.”

The Queen blinked and looked down to find the princess's pussy had somehow found the tip of her tail and was holding it between its pink folds. The pussy suddenly contracted and the tail was sucked deeper inside. The Queen placed her foot against the massive pussy lips trying to push herself away but then the princess's pussy opened wide and grabbed hold of her foot, sucking it in deeper, then deeper.

“H-hey you can’t be serious! N-no! No-no! Priscilla!

Too late, the princess's pussy drew in the Queen's tail and leg in several rolling grasping motions and the Queen was dragged off her feet, falling onto Priscilla’s vast belly. She tried grabbing at Priscilla’s legs, her claws desperately clutching at massively thick thighs, but to no avail, the princess's pussy spread wider, then wider, and engulfed the Queen's hips pulling her inside inch by inch by inch, slipping around her waist then up her torso, the princess's cervix latching on and hungrily dragging her inside, into her womb.

“You can't do this to meeee! I’m the Queen!” screeched the Queen as her shoulders disappeared inside the princess, and the labia slipped up her neck. “I- I- Priscilla, I won't survive in there!”

“Oh don't worry about that, a Queen's body is her truest Queendom and where her magic is most potent. My subjects are not permitted to die against my will. You will be quite comfortable and happy in there, my magic ensures that.

The Queen gave her one last surprised look and then her head was pulled inside.

Priscilla bit her lip and wiggled her enormous hips, feeling the lizard Queen being pulled fully into her womb. 

“Hnff, gosh this feels sooo frkking gewwd.” She glanced down at the forty-odd near empty lizard girls scattered about the glade. “But... I could have more. ‘GARRISON THE QUEENDOM!’”

The poor lizard girls who had been through rather a lot recently suddenly started being dragged across the ground, their cum filled bodies rolling or sliding toward the vast body of the princess. They met the base of the princess and then they began to rise, rolling up the incredible curve of her belly, up higher and higher, until they reached the peak. 

The pink scaled lizard girl from before looked over the princess nervously.

“Uhm, h-hi princess! A-are you okay?”

“You. You tossed me aside in your eagerness to ride the goddess, treated me as nothing, like trash, leaving me to desperately throw together a quite brilliant device using a staff and a few scavenged belts. I almost died from anxiety watching the others go first you know, I’d never felt my heat as bad as that.”

“I’m s-sorry my pr-”

“It’s Queen Priscilla now.”


The pink scaled one’s voice rose in pitch as she was forcibly moved toward the princess's pussy which then reached out and grabbed hold of her smaller pussy, already a massive sucking force milking cum from her womb and drawing it into the princess. In moments the pink one was drained and then the princess’s pussy caught hold of her tail and she was dragged into her. Before the pink one was even full inside the next lizard girl was slammed up against the princess and was swiftly drained. 

This repeated over and over, each lizard girl being emptied and then sucked inside, one after the other until they were all gone and the princess’s belly was nearly forty feet across, so large that ground couldn't be seen anymore such was the vast expanse of her womb. 

She could feel the others inside of her moving around in the morass of horse cum, discovering they could breathe with ease and then realising that they could once more be filled they began to fight each other, pussies gulping and swallowing as much cum as they could as fast as they could, bellies rapidly expanding. Priscilla didn't mind, they were after all inside of her true Queendom, every part of them belonged to her. They would grow pregnant inside of her as would she, a sea of eggs and pregnant girls also full of eggs, the thought made her shiver in anticipation. The lizardfolk species was well and truly saved, they would bounce back from the edge of extinction with a vengeance, their population innumerable they would swarm across the land, all with her as Queen, the Lizardess Wizardess!

Of course, as Queen, it wouldn't do if her bodily territory was just this glade. Her eyes looked over her plane of a belly, her glowing blue mana filled eyes then looking straight through the surface and the cum inside, seeing the dozens of lizard girls within slowly swelling in size as they happily swam about, pushing and shoving at those who grew too far ahead of the others.

Looking beyond that she spied a certain very tired centaur slowly trying to crawl to her feet at the edge of the clearing. Yes, that centaur, the goddess, she was the key to her expansion, her growth, expanding the Queendom of her body.

Fey yelped as she suddenly started to slide across the ground, being dragged by some invisible force. At first she thought it was Flora but the band had disappeared into the forest at some point and they were nowhere to be seen in the glade, nor was the breakfast fire, only a hole in the ground remaining where it had been.

“H-hey! What’s happening?” she called out as she found herself touching the base of the princess's belly and then rising into the air, her body gliding upwards along the vast arcing curve.

Soon the princess's body came into view, an extremely bottom-heavy girl, her legs kicking lazily in the air as she lounged atop herself.

“Hello my goddess.”

“Uhm, hello Priscilla.”

“You know, while you were fucking me silly I realised something.”

“Y-you did?”

“Oh yes, I realised, what is a goddess of fertility without a goddess of being fertilised? There isn't one, but, what if there was? A new goddess… me.”

“I ah, I’m not sure that makes much s-sense Priscillaaaa!”

Fey suddenly found herself launched between the princess's thighs, her horse barrel positioning above her, front legs tenting down the softness of her cum belly in front. Her cock was suddenly engulfed in tight wet scalding hot heat, a pussy far larger and stronger than a girl of her size had any right to own contracting around her length. She let out a sharp gasp as her dick was sucked inside to the base, forcefully dragging her entire body along with it.

The princess's pussy lips touched Fey's base and then it began to milk her, long powerful rolling motions, the earth shattering suction being applied causing Fey to flail and kick and gasp, her hands grabbing at the air as her eyes rolled up. 

This was something else than sex, this was having cum forcefully dragged from her balls. Of course, with how eager her balls were, that also made her cum in turn. The combined force of the insane suction and her own ejaculation caused a blast of cum to surge down Fey's length and explode directly into the princess's womb, a solid geyser of white that turned the inside of the princess into turmoil, cum filled lizard girls sent bouncing around her womb as the amount of cum in her grew in volume.

“YEs! MoRE FILL ME MOOOAARR!” screamed the princess beneath Fey, her legs hooking around Fey's balls and squeezing down on them, trying to forcefully drain them of all they had to give.

Her belly once more started to grow, inching across the ground, trees being crushed flat as she rose up and up, her body now above the treetops, her internal Queendom becoming larger and larger, filling the glade entirely, crushing a row of trees, then another and then another, a pale white belly dotted with pink, a dome so large it was a landmark in the forest, a sea of horse cum.

“Help! Stop!” cried Fey as the mixed feeling of cumming and the uncomfortable feeling of being forcibly drained at the same time overwhelmed her.

“I will not for I am the Queendom, I am the Goddess, I am-


The sucking stopped dead and Fey looked up to find Flora beside her, a plate of bacon floating in the air, the frying pan that had just cracked the princess over the head with rendering her unconscious rising up beside her.

“Yo. Want some breakfast?”


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