
Chapter 42 13

Previously on Centaurus: Rebecca saw an opportunity and took it but ended up hopelessly impaled on an unknowing Fey as said Fey went about her day to day washing and dressing and eating. The dogkin might have remained unnoticed for the rest of the day had Sarah the bunnkykin not unleashed her new Class on Fey's length making it vibrate in the most incredibly intense way and causing Fey to panic fuck. 

Now, chapter 42:

Rebecca had been in some intimate positions in her life, but being pressed between her own cum belly under the heavy solid weight of Fey's barrel was on another level. She swallowed noisily as Fey's heartbeat continued to thunder against her small back, so much heat and weight pressing into her, it was overwhelming! She was stuck spread eagled and trapped against her stomach, not even able to clear her mussed sweaty hair away from her face.

She loved it. 

Unfortunately, the centaur had other ideas.

She keened as Fey eased back from the huge sphere that was Rebecca's cum tummy, foot after foot of cock slowly pulling from her clinging pussy still desperately trying to hold the brutal thing inside. Unfortunately for Rebecca Fey was very strong and she hadn't a hope of even slowing Fey's massive length from being exposed to the air, steaming wet with her juices.

Above this hopeless battle the centaur's front hooves indented the belly surface she was reared up upon, two dips on an otherwise smoothly arcing softness. But as her cock was freed from the tiny girl's pussy she dropped down and with that her hooves came away, Rebecca's cum belly easing back to its full rounded shape.

Well. Mostly. The shape of her soft belly bulged out to the sides, the two orcs buried beneath making muffled sounds, hands just visible around the edges.

"Aaah—ahh! Fey!" wailed Rebecca as her cunny gushed and gushed horse cum, pouring down onto the floor in loud wet splatters, her hands darting down to try to stop the flow from her massively gaped pussy. Not very successfully as her pussy was stretched out so much that she needed both her hands spread to cover it and even then the gooey white fluid just spilled between her fingers.

It wasn't until her cervix managed to ease close that the flow of cum came to a halt, her breath coming in panted gasps of sheer relief that the precious seed would remain within.

The dogkin would have liked to remain like that, resting limply against her roundness, just bathing in the aftermath of being so well bred, but it wasn't to be.

She cried out as her belly suddenly started to move, something pushing at it from the other side.

The centaur trotted back in alarm as the dogkin was rolled, her giant belly acting as a soft sagging ball, her voice became louder as she was pressed against the floor, and then muffled as her own vast throne of a cum belly rolled over top.

The two Orcs came into view and passed by as Fey's brow rose, both pushing and shoving at the cushy pale sphere that was Rebecca, rolling her across the room until a pair of small frantically kicking legs appeared from beneath the sphere, quickly rising up into the air as her body rotated around her belly. 

"Hnyaaa!" came the no longer muffled voice of Rebecca as it was freed from underneath and rose into the air. "What are you doing to meee!" she wailed as the two orcs took hold of her legs and arms and pushed her up further. 

The small dogkin came to a stop as she reached the peak of her belly, moving slightly as the contents sloshed, a short girl trapped at the top of her own womb.

"Uhm," said Rebecca as her belly stopped moving and she hesitantly looked around at her new point of view. She couldn't see much of the others as she was a dozen feet above the ground and her expanse blocked the view. At least she could bask in being so filled now.

The two orcs, despite having been used as a fuck harness and being buried in Rebecca's cum belly, seemed quite happy, smiling up at Fey with big tusk filled grins.

"Uh, Hello." said Fey, unsure why the two orc girls seemed so interested.

"Do you do autographs?"

"What about private sessions?"

"A-Autographs? Oh god, are you- you have that newsletter?"

"Multiple copies of each edition, yes."

"Orcs like it rough and big you know, you're like every Orc girl's dream yes?"

"Oh-oh, I... see… it's, uh, popular?"

"Very popular. I've collected every single one that's been published, even the knock off ones." She sidled up to Fey. "My fav is when you did Lady Alexandria, conquering a dragon like that, hnfff!"

"I haven't done Lady- " Fey's words faltered as she realised that was no longer true, she had done the dragon Lady of Bine, very recently, although she wasn't sure if anything had been published on that yet.

"Then things got really really popular when the latest newsletters started advertising mini dildos moulded after you. There's been a bit of a blackmarket with the damned scalpers, we were lucky to get our hands on as many as we did."

The other orc nodded in agreement.

"The male orcs are starting to grumble, but it's just sooo much fun to try to fit an even bigger length while reading your adventures, Fey."

"True. Gotta admit It's amusing seeing my boyfriend's face when I pull a rubber schlong so much larger than his from my panties at the breakfast table and replace it with something even bigger."

"But piddly bits of mini rubber are nothing compared to the real deal."

"Oh yeah totally, I want a great big Fey gape, one that will make the girl's mad with jealousy when I show it off."

The two Orc's took a step forward and Fey swallowed nervously.

Fortunately for the centaur they were interrupted before things could go any further.

A cry of anger came from behind and after a moment a person struggled up from the wreckage of an armchair, their robe flipped over their head. They struggled with the heavy purple and gold fabric for a moment and managed to pull the rumpled thing down over their face. 

The man who appeared desperately patted down his now scraggly knee length beard, his hair disheveled, once neat robe a rumpled mess.

"Who the... '' His bespectacled eyes snapped onto the two orcs. "What the hell am I paying you two for?! You're supposed to protect me from attacks!"

"Uh, yeah, about that."

"We could have beaten her up."

"But we kinda figured you wouldn't want your extremely incredibly well paying client to have her teeth knocked in."

The old man blinked then turned to Fey, his eyes darting up and down as he took the enormous centaur in. He didn't seem to notice Rebecca at all, but perhaps that was because it was hard to connect the smooth sphere as being that of a person, especially when that person's small body was obscured by said sphere. 

"Ah, yes, the client."

He cleared his throat and quickly stepped over to Fey.

"From what I have been told your case is somewhat urgent."

"K-kinda, it's sort of a sooner the better thing, I think."

"Very well then my dear, if you would remain in place for a moment."

The Arch-Soulomancer stepped back and began making shaped gestures with his hands, forming complex poses. Lights and shapes started to form between his fingers, circles falling in on each other, endless symbology and runes and intricate geomatricies coming into creation, glowing and floating and interlocking.

He lifted the finished product, the thing hovering above his fingers, a tube constructed from interlocking spinning glowing shapes. It looked maddeningly complex, with thousands of moving parts.

Fey stared at the thing. If she had suspicions about the Arch-Soulomancer's competence before they had just been crushed. The man absolutely knew what he was doing.

"I haven't seen you bring that out in a while, boss."

"For this much money I'd harness demons, ahem, I mean, only the best for my best clients."

The Arch-Soulomancer lifted the great magical lens to his eye and peered through it.

After a moment he spoke.

"Hmm, how strange, it appears you have no soul."

"Uh, that's what the last Soulomancer told me."

"Quite." He adjusted the lens. "Ah, I see there's something deeper here that lies below the common spectrum. Curious, it's vanishingly rare that something would exist in such a dimensional space, fortunate for you that I am one of the few with the ability to see so deep."

The gaze of the lens paused, the Arch-Soulomancer frowning.  Then moved it away from Fey, peering at the ceiling then at the floor then at one of the walls and then another wall, each motion becoming more frantic, faster.

"...Wait, what- what am I looking at here? A soul?"

He began shakily adjusting things on the lens, the tube of mechanical parts extending and spinning faster.

"Just how far-"

He fiddled with the thing and it span even faster, sparks starting to sputter from the glowing runes.

"The planet? No, further? it covers past our moons? More? Wait, what even is this? This isn't a soul- I- I need a deeper view."

He slapped the pure magic lens and it suddenly glowed red.

The breath caught in the Arch-Soulomancer's throat as it focused.

"Wha- What is this dark planetary will-? No- it can't be, it can't be! It's everywhere! this is impossible! NO! NO!"

He threw the magic lens down and it shattered upon the floor, exploding into a million tiny pieces that whisped into rainbow mist.

Then he hiked up his purple robe, skinny legs visible to all, and sprinted out of the room.

Fey and the Orc pair remained frozen in place, stunned into silence.

Then Fey realized that her only hope in the world was rapidly disappearing.

"Hey wait!" 

She ran after him, charging through the door.

The old man had some legs on him apparently and she was surprised to find him already at the end of the hallway.

"Hell no, am I letting you get away with telling me nothing after we paid so much!"

She accelerated massively, hooves pounding the marble so hard it cracked and splintered beneath her. Heart pounding like a smith's hammer she galloped down the hallway as she raised and rode upon her storm like fury, chasing down the warbling Arch-Soulomancer as he ran for his life.

Fey skidded around the corner as he darted by, hooves sliding across the marble before she bounced off the wall, obliterating a side table and a vase filled with flowers as she did so then charging on down the corridor.

Somehow the old Arch-Soulomancer was still ahead, his robe billowing behind him as he ran like a man escaping hell itself.

Fey wasn't deterred and put on more speed, more acceleration, gaining on him, only a few dozen feet between them now.

She was going to catch him jus-

The old man flung himself through a glass window, the pane of lacerating glass shattering around him. Fey's mouth fell open as the old man landed on the grass outside, rolling head over heels, glass shards showering down around.

She was so surprised by the reckless act that it took her a moment to gather herself and rejoin the hunt. She raced through the nearest porch doors and came out on the grass outside.

The old man was fighting with some servants in front of a giant bird. It took Fey a moment to realise what was happening. It wasn't a bird, but an enormous gryphon. He punched a maid in the face and then snatched the harness from her hands. Two seconds later and he'd flung himself up on the birds back and was yelling at it to "Move move you stupid bird! Get me out of here!"

He whipped the harness and the gryphon squawked, flapping its wings so hard that the surrounding servants were knocked flat.

Fey could only watch in shock as the Arch-Soulomonacer became airborne, rapidly gaining height as he flew into the sky.

The two Orcs appeared beside her.

"Hey, did he just fly off with our ride out of here?" said one.

"Looks like it. Huh. Wonder what got his panties in such a twist."

"Dunno, first time I've seen him ditch a client. Sorry about that, it uh seems like he's not coming back."

"I'm- I'm not going to let him go-! He can't just freaking tell me nothing and run away like it's something really really really scary I need to be super super worried about!"

"Well unless you're a secret pegasus with wings hidden up your butt you're not going to be able to follow him."

"I don't need wings, I've got Flora!"

Fey galloped away from the two confused Orcs, racing through the estate, past the various excessive parlors, libraries, and ballrooms, and to the stables, or nearby them at least.

It wasn't hard to see Flora with her sheer size now, likely the most pregnant girl anywhere in the world.

Unfortunately for Fey the gnome girl was feeling particularly motherly and hormonal and… very very horny.

"Flora! you've got to fly! Old man! Running-flying! Need to catch!" Yelled Fey up at the wall of smooth skin that rose above her.

Flora stretched her arms and legs out like a cat, toes and fingers pressing into her unbelievably vast belly. She rose well above the stables, fecund with an unimaginable number of eggs. 

Fey's voice reached her distantly upon her palace of a body.

"Ohh, Feeeyy," groaned the gnome girl. "Hnff, I really need you!"

"N-not now Flora, he's getting away!"

Fet felt herself being lifted, her entire body rising up from the ground, hooves dangling. She rose up the vast dome that was Flora until she could see the actual body of the gnome, a tiny thing with thicc thighs at the center of the smooth pale expanse.

"Who's getting away?"

"The- the Arch-Soulomancer! We paid all that money and- and he told us nothing, just ran away screaming!"

"So you've got legs, chase him down."

"He flew off into the sky on a gryphon!"

Flora rolled her eyes and flopped against her belly. The motion made her huge and incredibly milky breasts sprinkle milk, the flitty silk cloth that was covering them staining dark.

"Oh yeah, which direction into the sky did he go? What angle? Did he take off shallow and then go straight up? Cause that's what I would do if I wanted to avoid being followed."

Fey looked at her blankly. Then at the vast blue sky all around, great mountainous white clouds scattered across the endless azure and definitely no gryphon in sight.


"Yeah, that's what I thought. Gotta come running to Flora to fix things huh?"

"It's- it's not like that! things could be bad okay!"

"Things are bad, my pussy is aching to be filled so bad I can't even- hnfff! Don't think I haven't noticed you've gotten even bigger and even more hung since you came back from the palace. I need that Fey."


"And you just want me to go find some Soulo-whatsit who could be literally anywhere by now and might take away your massive throbbing cock? Struggling to see the motivation there Fey."

The centaur's lip wobbled, then she flopped down in Flora's magical grip with a sigh.

"Screaming and running like your life depends on it is probably a bad sign okay?"

"So is my pussy being as wet as it is, that's gotta be unhealthy."

"This is serious Flora!"

"I'm being serious. Did your arched soulfart guy look around wildly like he was seeing something really big?"

"...Y-yeah, how did you know?"

"Cause that's what the last one did, duh. I've been thinking about that, like, what if that whatever that big thing is is just where all your cum is like being stored."

"Flora, that's-"

"No listen, it makes sense, it's not like your balls are that big even if your cum is really really really compressed. I saw that blue cum belly you made at the palace, everyone in the city did, no way that was from just compression. My theory is that the soulo-dumbass saw your secret balls and that's why he freaked out, he realised he was standing inside someone's really big balls, any male would totally hate to find themselves inside someone's really big balls, that's for sure a male thing."

Fey clamped lips wiggled as she struggled not to laugh or cry, she wasn't sure which. Flora's insane suggestion was just that, insane.


"And, this is the important part of my theory, you need to empty these really big secret balls of yours before it's too late, into a girl, specifically me." Flora nodded like she was making perfect sense.

Fey hoped that the hopelessly cum addicted gnome girl was at least mostly wrong. Considering how large the dark planet was that she dreamed of she would need to… she would to ejacualte into a lot of girls… all the girls, everywhere… and that was assuming it would even shrink, balls refilled on their own right?

She blinked as she began moving again, floating up to Flora's body.

"In fact I think we should start your ultimate ball draining sooner rather than later, you know, for safety reasons, in case they explode or something, it's not like you can see them so you don't know how big they are."

"P-pretty big Flora!"

Flora squirmed her extraordinarily thick thighs together, then spread them, presenting her trembling pink gape to fey, the massive donut of her glossy pink cervix visible at the bottom, opening and closing slightly in its excitement. Her pussy was dripping wet and the fat muff surrounding the gape was swollen puffy with arousal, clit erect and stiff and as thick as a thumb. Her cunt clearly hungered for horse cock, really really really big horse cock.

Fey wailed as she was dragged down onto the cock starved mass that was Flora, her hooves pushing against her belly as she struggled in her grip.

"N-not now Flora! S-stop!"

A struggle commenced between centaur and gnome, Fey pushing down on the gnome's pregnancy keeping herself upright, while Flora pushed down on her with her telekinesis, trying to force the massive horse cock toward her gaping hungry pussy.

"The gryphon Flora, nuuu!"

Ruby wiped exhaustion from her eyes as she struggled up on the bed. She felt like she'd been asleep for hours, but really she suspected it had only been a short while. The pool of sunshine that shone through the window wasn't that far from where she recalled it being before Fey had made her slip into unconsciousness. it could be an entire day had passed, but then she wasn't starving hungry so that didn't seem likely. Fey's magic was the most likely culprit of course. She'd apparently been forced into the most intense of power naps.

She very nearly resented the centaur for that. The recursive loop of cumming herself silly over and over had been one of the most wonderful experiences of her life, a non-stop heaven where the orgasms rolled one into the next and just the touch of a breeze on her labia was enough to send her spiralling into yet another panty creaming chain-orgasm.

Still, maybe it was for the best, being trapped in constant incredibly awesome and intense orgasms had to be unhealthy at some point right?

She found Tami on the bed next to her, the teenager limp as a dish cloth. Hesitantly she reached out a hand and gently shook the teenager's shoulder.

"Huh-whas- nuu I don't wanna small one! I wanna ride the biggest!" Tami slurred sleepily.

Ruby frowned as she shook her harder and the teenager began to wake.

Tami wobbled up from lying to sit on the bed and blinked blearily at Ruby. She looked very disheveled, her hair scattered across her face and drool on her chin. Ruby quickly checked to see if she also looked like she'd just had tons of amazing sweaty sex. She absolutely did and she hurried to tidy her hair.

"What happened, I was so happy and then and then-" mumbled Tami with a yawn.

"Fey made you sleep it off, some kind of magic thing I think. She is a healer you know."

"Oh…. Wait, that sucks, I wanted to stay like that forever!"

"You couldn't walk let alone feed yourself Tami, it's probably a bad thing and you couldn't even use your Class. I saw you try and you hit yourself in the face with a rope, I tried too, it's just impossible to focus while creaming your brains out."

"Still awesome."

"Awesome until you collapse from dehydration from non-stop squirting so hard."

Tami tilted her head. "That's a thing that can happen? Hey, I do feel kinda thirsty…"

Ruby sighed and managed to stand from her bed, her legs wobbling for a moment as she found her feet. It didn't help that her beige riding leggings were absolutely soaked and sticking to her skin.

She recalled that it wasn't just her and Tami in the infirmary, although it appeared Ellaria, Lucy and Fey had left while they slept.

She turned to find Sarah, the only other occupant. The bunnykin was on her own bed, but unlike Ruby and Tami she had clearly never slept, instead she was writhing and gasping, soft moans slipping from her lips as her fingers frantically rubbed at her incredibly fat sloppy wet camel toe.

As rubby watched a sprinkle of fluid sprayed from the taut fabric that stretched over it, along with fluid burbling down her thighs.

She blinked as she realised that the sheets of the bunnykins bed weren't actually dark like she thought, no, the teenager had just squirted so many times over them that most of the sheets were tinted dark with her wet.

Apparently she had been cumming herself silly the entire time they were unconscious.

"What the hell Sarah!? weren't you cured by Fey too?"

"C-cured?" groaned the bunnykin, "This is the best feeling of my life, I never ever want it to end, hnfff!"

Ruby looked her over. The bunnykin did look a bit… dehydrated, her lips were cracked and her breath was coming in gasps. Honestly that wasn't all that surprising with how many times she had apparently sprayed down the bed with her juices.

She hesitated but then stood and picked up a glass of water on the bed side table.

Sarah gave her grateful eyes as she continued masturbating with both hands even as Ruby tipped the glass up for her to slurp clumsily from.

She came even as Ruby was rehydrating her, but that didn't stop the bunny from gulping down the entire glass and then a second glass.

"Th-thanks, I don't need to have a break now."

Tami had arrived by the bed and was looking down at her, clearly annoyed.

"How are you able to deal with this better than us? You aren't passing out or anything!"

Sarah gasped, another flood of her juices soaking her already soaked leggings.

"I'm just built differently I guess," She glanced up at the fuming Tami, "Or i'm just not amateur weaklings like you guys are."

Tami opened her mouth in outrage. "That's bullshit!"

"Hadn't you never done it with a guy before Fey Tami? In fact, I know you didn't, you told me so, always gushing over those equine romance books and saying how you wanted your first to be the biggest cock you could find."

"Th-that doesn't matter! I masturbated every day! I'm plenty experienced!"

"Then why couldnt you handle being fucked by so many horse dildos at once huh? I saw you, you were screaming and flailing, hitting at the maids, cumming so hard you blacked out over and over, screaming your head off for Fey."

Tami flushed pink with embarrassment.

"It- it wasn't like that! I was j-just getting used to it!"

"Just look at the difference between me and you Tami, I can handle this, you just… can't."

"F-fuck you! I'll show you handling!"

The tigerkin leapt at the bunnykin who yelped in surprise as she was shoved back on the bed. The furious teenager formed her hand into a fist as she landed and rammed it into the girl's crotch. 

Of course, with how still massively gaped open the teenager was Tami's fist promptly thrust inside, the leggings stretching up inside the bunnykin's cavernous cunt.

She yelped and cried out as Tami began vigorously fisting her, the leggings rubbing over her stiff clit as it was stretched up inside, Tami's fist crashing against her pussy walls.

"Wh-what are you doing!?"

"Seeing how capable you really are!"

The first fist was joined by a second as Tami slung Sarah's legs over her shoulders. Tami pounded her forearms into her friend's pussy, a bulge appearing on her abdomen marking Tami's fists as she roughly fist fucked her.

Sarah tried to hold it together, she really did, but the constant rubbing of the fabric and Tami's fists scraping up and down her sensitive insides was driving her mad.

"AAAIIEEEEE!!!" she screamed and a solid spray of hot fluid exploded from her loins, crashing over Tami, all up her blouse and splashing against her face and up her nose causing her to sputter and choke, she couldn't breathe!

The tigerkin stumbled back, ripping her fists from her friend's pussy, the fabric of her leggings now permanently stretched out remained partially inside of her gape, the shape of her pussy perfectly outlined by the soaked and clinging material.

The two fell back from each other gasping and panting.

"Fuck, I think I need another drink of water."

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