
Chapter 45 13

Previously on Centaurus: The band hatch a plan to escape Lady Alexandria who has made it law that Fey is now her possession. Friends of the band along with many of Lily's teddy bears go out looking for willing volunteers to take Fey's load. 

They end up with a few more than expected.

Now, Chapter 45:

There were… a lot of girls… a fucking lot of girls. 

Fey glanced behind her as an attractive deer girl darted up, lovingly kissed her balls then skipped away tossing a lock of fur into the box as she giggled.

If only she were the only one. Behind her stretched a line that double-backed on itself before leading out the dining hall, girls waiting patiently in line to kiss or fondle her balls. Well mostly patiently. There had been a moment where one had become too agitated and ran out of the queue lunging for her balls with a cry of FEY! 

Ellaria had swiftly blasted her eyebrows off with a fireball and practically growled at her. The unfortunate girl had fled in terror, but not before the elf plucked a lock of her hair and tossed it in the box of course.

Things had sped up after that, Ellaria's patience wearing thin as they slowly realised just how many girls had descended on the estate for the promise of Fey. It really was astounding.

"H-how many teddy bears with notes did Lily send out!?" hissed Fey after the first hour.

"A lot apparently. I assume she wanted to maximise the quantity you ejaculate… but still, this is… a great number."

Another hour later and Ellaria completely lost her patience.

She bellowed at the girls, telling them to get a move on or perish, making them practically jog in line. Each girl was barely able to peck or brush at Fey's balls before they were rushing past.

Yet somehow even that wasn't enough to get through the sheer number of girls quickly.

Fey thought it impossible that Alexandria could be distracted for such a long time by Flora's conversation, it seemed inevitable she would notice something was up.

Unfortunately, she had turned out to be correct as the dragoness started to look back at Fey more and more frequently, her eyes narrowing. Did she realise they were hatching a plan against her? Fey shivered in fear.

Her rescue from the dragoness's growing attention had come when Ellaria had gone to fetch someone, a certain minotaur.

"I'm not sure if I should thank you or hate you for showing me such a sight," muttered the elf as she brought her into the dining hall. "So many Feys, so many Feys in one girl… this better not unlock a new fetish."

"We've been doing it every night, with a couple of them, admittedly that was a tad extreme. Those two seem to really like Fey," murmured Baerinda.

"Right…. In any case, here, care not to be seen.'' The elf brought the minotaur by one of the broken windows and they both peeked out.

"That's… a lot of dragon."

"You can do as I asked, yes?"

"Uhm, yeah, but I don't see the thing you want me to do it on."

"One sec."

Ellaria turned to the Lily doll who was sitting on the window sill waiting patiently.

"Let her know, it's time."

The doll nodded.

Baerinda looked between the two in question.

"Just watch."

Outside a distracted dragoness was starting to move her head closer, trying to peer through the window, when something whizzed up in front of her face,

She frowned and peered at what appeared to be a tiny glowing rectangle, making some kind of tinny sound.

"What do you think of this?" came a yelled voice from the direction of Flora, just audible.

"I do not know what this is gnome, something of magic?"

"Baerinda do the thing!" hissed Ellarria.

Baerinda lifted a hand and the colourful rectangle promptly expanded, growing larger and larger until the glowing rectangle became a very very large rectangle, one suitably large for a giant dragoness, a rectangle the size of a full sized wall.

With its increase in size also came an increase in volume and music boomed over the estate.

The dragoness stared in shock, eyes opening wide, but then she cast her gaze around with suspicion.

"Cool huh?!" bellowed Flora

"Magic. Illusion magic. Tell me, is this your doing?"

"Yes!" cried Flora "Couldn't show you properly without it could I? Try tap it!"

The dragoness peered at Flora but turned back to the giant glowing noisy rectangle.

There was a picture of a cookie on it.

The dragoness raised a brow but lifted a claw and tapped at the cookie. A bright sound came from the screen as the cookie crumbled along with some digit in an unknown language. The dragoness tilted her head and tapped it again. Another digit appeared. She tapped it some more, brows rising as things started to happen on screen, awards showering down, cursors appearing to help click cookies faster.

"Curious. This is some of the most advanced magic I have ever seen, such incredible detail."

The dragoness continued fiddling with the rectangle, ignorant to the fact that a huge number of girls were fondling and kissing Fey's balls right below her nose.

It gave them the time they needed as girls continued to pour past Fey's loins.

She glanced over at Baerinda. 

"Can't you just do something to her so that we can escape? Make her only see darkness? or us fleeing in the opposite direction?"

Baerinda shrugged. "Doesn't really work on dragons. They have an innate feel for magic. Not exactly much of an illusion if you can tell that it's magic no? She can break any illusion if she chooses to."

Alexandria tapped faster.

They got maybe a half hour of the dragoness furiously tapping at the screen, brow furrowed in concentration, before she got bored.

"A curious bit of magic, but I do not understand its purpose, and the writings are in some foreign tongue I am not familiar with. I suppose that's in keeping with its strangeness," she sniffed. 

"Want to see something really cool?"

The dragoness hesitated before lowering her voice, "...yes?"

Fey wasn't sure what she expected but for the screen to become a window to another place she was sure was something she could have never predicted.

"What?!" squawked the dragoness as music and voices boomed from the rectangle. "This is a scrying ball?"

"I don't know," said Flora. "It's always the same, so unless the events are playing out the exact same way, yeah right, then I believe it is scrying the events of the past… somewhere."

"I have never heard of such a magic," said the dragoness looking at the screen, clearly dumbfounded. 

Fey herself was having trouble looking away, had Flora really gotten the strange glowing rectangle to show this? She glanced to her side to see Ellaria frowning up at it. It seemed likely she would be having words with the gnome later.

"All these humans, where are the other species?" grumbled the dragoness after a moment of observing the rectangle. "Did they kill them all in this strange land?"

"It's the past right? Could have happened thousands of years ago, maybe other species just hadn't reached that part of the world?"

"Perhaps…" The dragoness blinked as something large and reptilian flapped onto the screen and breathed fire. The dragoness stared at this sight, her lips slightly parted.

Then, after a moment some of the humans spoke and the dragon became instantly incensed.

"Dragon? Did that white haired girl just call that wretched little wyvern a dragon? This is outrageous! Gods above you non-dragons seem to have trouble telling simple shapes and colours apart, is your vision really that poor that you can't tell the difference between a dragon and a ratty little wyvern? I swear there must be functional issues with having such tiny eyeballs to be so blind! I mean it's so obvious! But the number of times I have seen some idiot point and call a wyvern a dragon, UGH! It beggars belief! I mean really, look at the thing, it only has two legs and no arms!"

The next two hours were mostly filled with Lady Alexandria watching the rectangle and going on minutes long rants about dragons and wyverns every time the word was mentioned in an episode.

By the end of it Fey felt like she knew more about dragon and wyvern anatomy than she really wanted to and was very thankful that the line of girls brushing past her balls had at last finally come to a faltering stop.

Ellaria patted her flank to get her attention. 

"She's so busy arguing with the thing we should be alright for a bit. Come, it's time for Lily to do her part."

Fey pulled back from the door to find the Lily doll standing on the dining table. The doll cracked her knuckles, which made no sound as they were fabric, and beckoned Fey close.

"The back of you Fey, not the front."

Fey hesitantly turned around and Lily reached out her hands.


Rainbow mist seemed to spill over Fey's balls and she shivered as a cool feeling washed through her rear and into her sheath. It was almost refreshing.

"Is that it?" said Fey as the mist wisped away.

"Wellll it's active. Now we just need to make the connections." The doll glanced at the box of hair. "Rather a lot of connections."

"How is that done?"

"Much more efficiently than my usual magics," said Lily as dozens of teddy bears heaved the heavy box up above their heads. "Just hold still okay."

Fey watched with alarm as the bears marched the box down the table and then with some impressive effort tipped the thing toward her balls.

She half expected to find her balls covered in the masses of hundreds of girls' hair, but before the hair came close to touching the surface of her balls it simply wisped into rainbow mist, and then into nothing.

The entire box was poured over her balls, and then the box was empty.

Fey felt… peculiar. This magic was unlike Lily's usual stuff. Normally a doll or a bear or some approximation of the target would be used to target the target. But in this case she herself was the link.

She shifted her hips, half expecting something to happen.


"It won't take effect until you penetrate something Fey, I have a rubber cocksleeve I had prepared…"

"That's… fine," said Fey a little awkwardly. "But there's kind of still a large problem.."

"What's that Fey?" said Ellaria.

Fey lowered her voice and looked guilty. "I can't get it up. I did it too much Ella. I did too much sex."

Ellaria glanced down at the very much still sheathed horse cock below Fey's barrel.

"I am aware of that issue and I had a solution before I was even aware of Lily's new limit break…" She began walking away, beckoning over her shoulder "But first we should get cleaned off, you are covered in dust."

Fey glanced down at herself and realised it was true, her coat in particular had a light sheen of masonry dust on its top side. her balls had of course been protected from this by her tail.

"This kinda doesn't seem like the time" murmured Fey, but still found herself following after the long legged elf.


Fey's cheeks were flushed pink, her hooves shifting nervously on the wet tile, her hearts thundering in her chests, so loud and powerful that she thought Ellaria must certainly have been able to hear them over the sound of the showers.

Fey's eyes edged to her side, trying not to look while trying to look at the same time. She caught a glimpse of bare skin, a curve, and just that little glimpse boggled her mind because of its sheer raw female perfection.

She was in the showers with a freaking naked Ellaria. 

Fey began hyperventilating.

She tried to calm herself, this was silly, yes she had seen her captain naked before, bathed with her too, but this felt somehow different, the elf was standing directly next to her, seemingly on purpose. And they were Alone.

There was very clearly something going on here, something the elf was trying to imply by them being alone, feeding and growing a kind of electric thrilling tension that had always been there, hovering between them.

Fey turned her head slightly, darting a microsecond glance down at the stupendously gorgeous elf. 


Fey swallowed and snatched her gaze back, her cheeks flushing so hard they hurt.

Unfortunately, despite seeing her, well, heartthrob crush, completely naked and so close, the centaur found she wasn't getting hard. Which said something about how absolutely spent she had become. 

A perfect shoulder brushed against her flank and the centaur physically shuddered. 

The elf was just too perfect in Fey's opinion, it just wasn't fair. Had she not been spent she felt sure she would be as hard as diamonds, in fact for the first time she found herself becoming frustrated with her own lack of performance, it almost felt like an insult to her crush that she wasn't extremely and massively erect at the sight of her unbelievable body. It honestly made her feel horrible, guilty even, this kind of beauty simply demanded an erection when seen.

Lost in trying to get hard, Fey almost missed it when Ellaria brushed by her, moving to the drying station. 

She snatched more millisecond glimpses of the elf, watching her hands running through her red hair that flowed around her shoulders as warm air washed against her perfect skin from every direction, evaporating beads of water from the recently re-acquired arc of her midriff.

Fey had been with many girls, but there was only one Ellaria.

The elf gave her a small perfect smile as she noticed her watching.

"I'll be waiting Fey." She stepped by and into the bedroom, hips swaying in a hypnotic figure eight, the door closing behind her.

Fey began washing frantically, hands flailing at her shampoo covered body, desperately trying to clean faster. A minute later and she jumped into the drier, dancing around in it like a maniac trying to dry herself off faster.

She leapt out as soon as she could and darted toward the door, quite literally hyperventilating with excitement.

The door opened and she stepped through onto the plush cream carpet of the bedroom, eyes dancing, searching.

Ellaria was there, lazing elegantly on the bed, eyes half lidded.

That wasn't the worst part, the worst part was that she was wearing The Dress.

It took a moment for Fey to realise she was drooling, she quickly wiped her chin. Then she nearly fainted as Ellaria lightly pinched the hem of the dress and casually lifted it revealing she wasn't wearing any panties, her perfect pink pussy on display, slightly parted, heavenly candy for the eyes.

The centaur made a small keening sound. Her loins wanted to become erect, they really did, but she just couldn't, and it physically hurt, her sheath pained!

If she couldn't perform… they were doomed.

The centaur shook her head.

No. Ellaria was here. Presenting herself to her. Ellaria!

Fey took in a deep long breath.

And then she closed her eyes.

When she opened them again she found herself floating bodiless in the void, a vast dark planet before her.

The planet seemed to give off an aura of content smugness, like somebody who was resting in bed after some very intense sex, perhaps smoking a cigarette.

That wouldn't do for Fey. She, unlike this vast endless mass of virility, wanted to breed. She somehow wanted to breed more than the literal sentient mass of pure feral breeding.

She had no physical presence in this space, but that wasn't going to stop her. She and the mass were inextricably linked and if the mass could draw itself down into her then perhaps it could go the other way.

Through sheer force of will she grabbed hold of the massive mass with her mind and began to suck it toward her, a small bulge appearing on the surface on one spot as the planet deformed, being pulled out like soft dough.

This seemed to stir the mass to life and it reacted with a fury as Fey hauled on it, drawing it toward herself, pure hyper virility for her balls, for her length, she needed it and nothing was going to stop her from getting it. There was an Ellaria who needed breeding.

The bulge came closer, becoming more slender as the planet raged.

But she still succeeded.

Just one tiny miniscule touch against that very tip top of that dragged out bulge and she was knocked hurtling back to reality with a gasp.

She opened her eyes as something heavy and meaty slapped up against her barrel and a massive hosing spray of horsey precum exploded between her front legs, clear fluid spraying down the room, up the bed over Ellaria and up the opposite wall in an instant.

Ellaria elegantly wiped away some of the beaded fluid from her cheek. Somehow, despite being sprinkled with pre, it just made her appear even hotter. She smiled, eyes squeezing together.

"Ella!" wailed Fey as she stumbled forward, her cock slapping over and over into her barrel, stiff and ready to plunge into pussy.

Unfortunately, she was a little too excited and she lost her footing and fell at the elf, her front half coming down on Ellaria's midriff as they embraced, her back half falling before the bed. Her cock continued to spray over and over under the bed.

"Ella…" whispered Fey.

Ellaria touched her cheek then brought her hand down to stroke the slight arc of her belly. 

"You know this is your doing, Fey."

"Y-you put one of Flora's eggs inside of you again?"

Ellaria rolled her eyes. "No, I'm pregnant for real Fey, with your offspring."

The sound of violently jetting fluid came from under the bed, gallons of precum spraying half way up the opposite wall.

"B-but but how?"

"We've done it once already, Fey. Flora used Lily to have us unknowingly be together."

Fey blinked. "That time with the doll… It felt…" 

"Yes. You made me very large."

Even more clear fluid sprayed under the bed, half the cream carpet darkening with precum.

"But it wasn't really real Fey, we weren't embracing, we weren't intimate, and you didn't know."

Fey looked up at her as she hugged the elf's waist. Was it wrong to feel this way about your captain?

"And this will be really real this time?"

Ellaria patted the centaur's head.

"It can't be Fey. I'm sharing you with hundreds of other girls."

"I- I can go get Lily, make her turn it off!"

Ellaria shook her head gently. "It's fine Fey, I've waited, I can wait some more. When we do it for real I want to be bigger and more pregnant than any other, and I want you to be far bigger than you are now, I want to be dominated by your size, to be permanently shaped to you, I want you to be M-Massive." The elf bit her lip as a little shiver ran up her body.

"I- I can try to make you big now! Even if it's divided between everyone, I can try!"

Ellaria smiled. "I know you'll cum for me Fey, cum as much as you feel for me."

Fey nodded, tears in the corners of her eyes as she struggled up.

Ellaria in The Dress adjusted her position. Her perfect legs slowly eased apart and she did the splits on the bed, her dress hiking up over her hips, her perfect ever so slightly parted pussy presented for the centaur. As she moved little twinkles of her feminine lube drooled from her pinkness, rolling in rivulets down her thighs, over her cheeks. Fey stared, jaw trembling in desire, staring at a bead as it cruised down over her perfect soft rear leaving a wet line behind as it darkened the white sheets in a tiny patch.

"HNNNN! I can't wait any longer!" wailed Fey as she leapt forward, front hooves coming down either side of Ellaria who gasped and giggled in delight.

The massive cock head sprayed precum over the elf's thighs as it came up, the tip pressing against her puss, her unbelievably cute clit, then slipping over the top as Fey whinnied and her hooves danced.

"B-back a bit Fey!" gasped Ellaria, pushing down on the broad head with her perfect hands even as pre sprayed between her fingers.

Fey keened and hooked her hips back then pushed between her legs, little squeaks escaping her lips as she felt the elf's small softness tickle then squish against her barbaric tip.

Her horse thighs tensed and she began to ease forward with a groan, unable to wait even a second more.

Ellaria's perfect little pussy slowly eased out, spreading for the massive she-stallion, somehow elegant even as it slipped wider.

The monster of a cock gradually pushed inside, Ellaria gasping and shuddering, her fingers clutching at the hardness as she guided Fey into herself, a long needy ache, at last, being satisfied.

With a soft Shlirpp her labia suddenly and quickly engulfed the head of the cock and Fey cried out as sheer perfection enveloped her. Her mind instantly went back to that time Flora had used the cock sleeve on her, yet this, somehow, was even better. There was just so much pussy… wait… something was wrong.

Fey blinked as she felt things move that weren't Ellaria, other girl's pussies, each grasping and clenching at her length. It was almost as though she had many other cocks and was penetrating many other pussies, no, not just many, hundreds and hundreds. Fey trembled as she was sheathed in so much needy grasping pussy.

She fought back, struggling to focus on the pussy before her, the most perfect, to block out all the others.

She managed it for a moment and muscles that seemed designed to maximise and perfect the feeling on her cock massaged and clenched, pulling her deeper, eager to have more horse cock inside.

Fey couldn't resist. She languidly eased forward, each square inch of Ellaria's pussy revealed to her a whole new world of impossible sensations on her length, truly the pussy of a goddess.

The elf watched with glee as her arced belly shaped around the massive intruder rising from within. So much cock, her fingers stroked and petted at her dick bulge beneath the dress, loving every moment of it. She half wondered if the dress would survive Fey. But then if it didn't she didn't care. Fey was everything.

Fey groaned as the elf's cervix practically tugged her inside her womb and she looked down to see her belly bulge peeking from The Dress, a tented out shape shaped around horse cock rising up between her cleavage, the smooth blemish-free tops of Ellaria's breasts parted by the obscene cock tip shape of her distended belly.

The view was magnificent, they were beyond deeply and intimately joined, body and soul, as one. 

She was finally inside of her Ellaria. 

…But then the moment of privacy was gone and the sensation of hundreds and hundreds of pussies crashed over Fey once more.

In fact the feeling of hundreds of pussies clamping down on her in layered sensation was enough to nearly make Fey blackout. So many cervixes stretched, so much incredible variety, some vice like, others soft, dozens of different kinds of musculature, uncountable varieties of skill or technique. Some girls shuddering and unable to do anything, others hungrily drawing her deeper.

Despite there being so many many pussies wrapped around her length Fey, to her surprise, could still very clearly feel the most important one very distinctly, Ellaria's. Hers was unique, unique in its insane perfection, a level above all others.

She let out a squeak as she was fully sheathed inside the elf and hundreds of simultaneous pussies clenched down. The multiplied pressure on her penis was intense, enough to crush a lesser centaur, but even with that vice like grip she began to slowly pull back.

It was actually quite difficult, the strength of hundreds of pussies determined to never allow her to leave their wombs pulled back on her and she had to apply a lot of her strength just to get herself free, hundreds of clinging labias rolling over her hardness and veins as she was exposed to air.

The slide back in was almost too fast and she had to physically slow herself down as so many pussys sucked her back inside, her hooves literally being dragged across the carpet by her cock along with her entire body as she was drawn back inside by the hundreds of girls working together.

Below her Ellaria moaned and Fey bit her lip, sorting through the layered sensations she felt and focusing on the elf.

Maybe they hadn't needed to do this thing with Lily, Ellaria on her own felt freaking unbelievably amazing! Somehow far far better than any other girl despite there being so many!

She moved into long sawing strokes, sliding feet of cock in and out of the elf whose voice rose with every plunge until Fey felt her squirt, a gentle spray against her underside, the warm fluid drip dripping from her belly. Somehow even the elf's squirts were elegant.

Slowly the pace increased. Ellaria grabbed hold of her split legs as she lay back and drew them back further, presenting her all for Fey, presenting herself to be bred.

Fey didn't disappoint and her hips grew more aggressive, driving her cock over and over into the elf's loins, the suction of hundreds of pussies thirstily dragging her back in only making each thrust all the more brutal.

Ellaria cried out, her fingernails digging into her thighs as she squirted again and then again, 

Fey groaned in response. The sensation of so many pussies, it was just too much! Truly she could spend hours just thrusting in and out of that perfect elven pussy, she could spend days fucking this elf without stop, but the desperate hungry slurping of so many pussies up and down her length on top was driving her over the edge, driving her to madness.

She screamed as she thrust all the way to the hilt, Ellaria crying out beneath her, fingers clawing at her chest as they then screamed together.

Fey exploded into the elf.


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