
Chapter 49 13

Previously on Centaurus: The band is attacked by a group of nymphs who suspect them of collaborating with those who killed their treant lover. After some violent debate they finally convince the nymphs they aren't responsible, and that Fey should help save their species. Then after some very vigorous and enthusiastic species saving the nymphs reward Fey and the band by giving them a number of gifts unique to nymphs.

Now, chapter 49:

Any girl's hips swaying in a figure eight were hard enough for Fey to keep her eyes off. When done by Ellaria, however, it felt like her eyeballs were riveted to the elf's pelvis. 

That said the rest of the elf fought for her gaze pretty damn hard too. From the shallow arc of her pregnant belly up to her perfect breasts, then up to her shoulders where glossy red hair spilled casually over her shoulders, and higher still to her face, lips slightly parted, eyes half-lidded, the ultimate fuck me eyes, eyes that begged Fey to pin her down and ravage her.

Ellaria continued to sway and move, fingers trailing up the sides of her waist to her breasts, circling their indecently round shape.

It was a stimulating sight to say the least, and Fey couldn't help but become agitated, her hooves shifting, practically dancing, her whole body tense and full of pent up energy.

If her body was tense, her cock was many times more so. She made an unbidden whinny and her cock strained rigid, a long powerful spray of precum gushing from the tip. Gallons of piping hot clear nectar sprayed between her front legs and splashed over Ellaria who gasped and laughed as her skin was bathed in clear slightly sticky precum, her long legs becoming coated in the stuff.

Fey let out a little whine. With the show Ellaria was giving her finding any self control was a forlorn hope.

The elf squeezed her thighs together and then spread them. Hundreds of spider web delicate strings of fluid bridged her inner thighs before snapping. She ran a hand up her leg and lifted it to her mouth, licking the fluid as she side-eyed Fey.

This produced another powerful spray of precum which washed over the elf's hips, splashing up over her pregnant belly leaving streaks of wet.

It was a sight that made Fey's mouth water.

"I am naked quite a lot of the time you know Fey. But you're only having this reaction now?"

"Because we-we are alone and you- you're being sexy!" wailed Fey as another powerful hose of precum splashed over Ellaria's legs.

The elf made a pleased expression and wiggled her hips, scrunching her toes as fluid ran between them.

"Yes, I suppose I am. And time I should take it to the next level…"

She turned to the nearby tree where a certain white Dress hung from one of the branches. The elf stepped over and raised her arms, ducking beneath it and pulling it down over her head.

She swayed, and the Dress eased down around her body, slipping around her as naturally as breathing, the folds of the skirt falling lightly around half way down her thighs as the cupping breast part slipped under her chest. 

Despite Ellaria's gradually increasing breast size the dress seemed to adjust to fit her, cupping her roundness and lifting it. The softness of her breasts became slightly less rounded on top as the dress supported them from beneath, a little ripple sent across their surface as the fabric was drawn snug and form-fitting, perfectly encapsulating the sleek arcs of her body.

Fey swallowed as she looked over the elf. She was less naked, yet the more she stared at her the more attractive and sexual she seemed to become with each passing moment. The feedback loop between elf and Dress taking effect building on itself higher and higher, more and more attractive, more and more desirable, more and more erotic.

She let out a long groan and her tail flagged in the air, her pussy flooding with wet as her cock stiffened almost painfully hard.

"Oh godddd ELllllaaaaa," moaned Fey as a spray of precum far greater than her previous loads exploded from her bucking cock.

Ellaria laughed and shifted, smoothly moving her body, dress flitting up around her thighs as precum hosed over her. 

The elf somehow made getting covered in pre the most erotic thing Fey had seen in her entire life. A girl happily dancing in the warmth, dress bouncing around her as she shifted from foot to foot spinning with her arms raised, the fabric becoming soaked with the liquid, precum splashing over the tops of her breasts, beading on the blemishless surface.

Fey went cross-eyed trying to follow every little part of the elf at once, there was just so much to see of her! 

Her cock agreed, and the huge gushing sprays of precum came harder and harder, huge inch deep puddles forming around Ellaria's ankles, her feet splashing in the wet as she danced like a girl in the rain.

If Ellaria's goal was to stimulate Fey visually as much as she possibly could then she was succeeding, Fey had even started unconsciously mauling at her breasts.

The peak came when the elf spun, high kicking and flashed her perfect pussy at Fey, her pink softness, her folds, her adorable gorgeous clit.

Fey let out a shriek and reared up, a long powerful spray of squirt exploding from her quim to mist the plants behind her as her cock instantly swelled in size and a monumental spray of actual cum exploded from the tip.

This made the precum that came before seem like an appetiser as cum shot forth so fast that it sputtered as it emerged from her urethra and formed several thin offshoot streams along with the main. 

Ellaria only had a moment to react, but there was little she could do, the wrist-thick hose of thick heavy white crashed into her and knocked her clean off her feet to go tumbling head over heels across the forest floor.

Fey barely noticed, lost in a world of pulsing mind-blowing ejaculation as her pussy continued to gush in time with each roping surge of cum.

The area in front of her was a cone of white, everything in sight covered in cum, trees up to their lower leaves bathed in cream as her cock continued to wildly buck and bounce around, spraying messily in every direction.

The sheer quantity was starting to build up and soon the cum on the forest floor was above her ankles and rapidly rising.

They were standing at the bottom of a depression in the forest floor, a low containing bowl shape and so the massive quantity of semen had nowhere to go, it simply built and built, slowly filling around the collection of trees.

Ellaria managed to struggle to her feet, holding up both arms to shield her face as huge ropes of cum sprayed her down, covering the elf from head to toe until she was unrecognisable. 

She fought back against the ever-increasing deluge, trying to push her way through it.

It was no good, she managed a step before a particularly explosive spray of cum knocked her off her feet again and she sunk into the cum pool, which was now passing three feet deep.

Which was a small problem as there was no air to breathe.

After a minute or two of struggling and failing to stand back up the elf decided that if she couldn't fight Fey's output then she had better just flow with it.

She struck out, doing the breaststroke as the cum reached four foot deep, literally swimming in incredibly hot horse cum. That way she was able to escape the direct area that was under fire from Fey's cock and reach safety.

She broke the surface of what she estimated was a pool five foot deep, and stood upright, her head only a little above the waterline, steam rising from the pool and creating a mist that clung to the trees.

Fortunately, it appeared the centaur was finally starting to peter off, the wildly spraying ropes of semen slowing at last. 

Ellaria made a pleased hum. The depressed bowl in the ground she had chosen to present herself to Fey had been turned into a minor lake of seed, a wonderfully warm and pleasing place.

She swam languidly over to Fey who was looking around for her in distress.

"I'm here Fey, don't worry I didn't drown in your cum..."

"Oh thank the gods!"

"I can feel your cum on me though, your wrigglers moving against my skin, fighting to get inside me. G-gods it feels so nice..." The elf shivered and gasped lightly.

"Y-you can?"

Ellaria lifted an eyebrow and rolled over, her belly rising to the surface. It was already a little larger, but as Fey watched her belly slowly grew even more, gradually inflating as the horse cum she was swimming in slowly oozed into her pussy and then her womb, fighting to impregnate her a little more.

Fey keened at the extremely arousing sight and a few more gallons of clear precum was splashed over the top of the pool of white, bubbling up from below.

"This has to be healthy for the skin," said Ellaria, looking amused, her fingertips dancing over her gradually rising belly. "A full-body skin bath… in centaur cum."

"Y-yeah, h-healthy, but why did you really get me to do this Ella?"

The elf paused, her slow drift as she floated through the huge pool of cum coming to a halt.

"Well, first of all I want to know how dangerous my Dress is, and its limits. I'm not a fool, I can tell it has serious potential as a weapon."

"A really freaking powerful one!"

"Yes, Fey, it made you cum without even being touched, I think that is a first for you? Right?"


"And secondly I just wanted to see what it would feel like to swim around in your seed..."

Fey gave the elf a look of disbelief as she began swimming again, lazily making her way around the pool and the trees that dotted it.

Some time later, and after Ellaria's belly had nearly doubled in size, they made their way to the edge of the pool and climbed out.

Ellaria was covered from head to toe in white and it sloughed from her body in great white sheets. She quickly peeled off the Dress before it drove Fey to distraction and bundled it underarm.

She was still covered in cum, and so was Fey's underside and legs.

They decided they couldn't reasonably return to camp in such a state and the elf led them to a pool, a pool of actual water this time, not horse cum, a pool with a waterfall at one end.

After getting used to the water's temperature they splashed toward the pool's end and took turns ducking underneath the waterfall to wash the cum of. Ellaria hugged down her belly at one point, a spray of white forced from her cunny and sent splashing loudly across the water, the mix of water and cum and her own juices creating a little bubbly froth around her pussy lips.

The sight of such a thing of course unleashed another round of precum from Fey, jets that Ellaria took full advantage of to help wash off the more viscous cum from her skin.

She came close and hugged Fey's waist as she held her legs together in front of Fey, just enjoying the sensation of the hot pre spraying her legs and belly down from top to bottom.

Fey was left blushing but unable to stop, the sensation of the elf's bare breasts pressed against her front making her hearts race.

Eventually though, they were done. Time under the waterfall, some powerful sprays of pre, and a few playful water fights later and they were mostly cleaned and presentable.

Ellaria lit a bonfire on the shore which Fey flopped down on her side by, and then Ellaria flopped down right on top of her, arms and legs dangling over the sides of her barrel.

The elf pressed her ear against her lover's barrel, the sound and vibration of her immense heart vibrating through her body, making her feel very small next to the big centaur.

They lay like that in companionable silence as the fire evaporated the last of the damp and left them dry.

"Mmmmm…We've got to go back Fey, you do realise that right? Can't stay like this forever."

"nuu," came the soft forlorn reply.

It was difficult to gather the will to move, but eventually they did, first Ellaria slipping over Fey's side and climbing to her feet, and then Fey rising to her hooves.

They set off back into the forest, the magical fire extinguishing behind them as they made their way toward what appeared to be a valley as the ground started to gently slope downward.

As they neared Fey's breath began to change, going from even and steady to uneven and unsteady and then to a kind of panicked hyperventilating, her footing becoming uncoordinated and stumbly.

"Are you okay Fey?"

"N-no I'm not okay!"

She stuck out a hand pointing and Ellaria turned to see a trio of tiny centaur-like creatures racing through the forest. The first was the largest of the three, its upper body that of a vulpine, the fur on its horse body the same white as the fur on its upper body. The second was the smaller of the three, an otterkin-centaur with an otter tail wagging excitedly from its rump, and the last was a gnome-otterkin-centaur with bright pink hair, otter ears, and an otter tail, somewhere between the otterkin-centaur and the vulpine-centaur in height. 

Behind the trio of giggling things came a teddy bear chasing them with a stick raised over its head. The strange chase disappeared amongst the trees, but they were far from the only ones, various other tiny centaur-like creatures could be seen being chased around by increasingly annoyed teddy bears, herding them back down into the valley.

"Ah, I understand. It's the new Centaurs… Feytaurs, as Lily insists on putting it."

"Y-you do?"

"It's… overwhelming."

"Yes it's freaking overwhelming! I have more children than- I have a terrifying amount of children- that is if they even are children which I still don't know!"

"It's a lot, yes, which is why you need to understand something, Fey. 

Ellaria rounded on the centaur, making her stop in her tracks. She gave Fey a piercing look, eyes locked together.

"One to ten children is a family Fey, ten thousand plus children is a statistic."

"T-ten thousand?! there's that m-many!?"

"No, there's ten thousand at minimum, I haven't counted them because it's almost impossible with the way they won't hold still. Ten thousand is just my lowest estimate."

"I think I'm actually going to faint," said Fey, voice a croaked whisper.

Ellaria reached out a reassuring hand and patted her front.

"It's fine Fey, you're fine, take deep breaths, with me now come on, Breathe in nice and slow, one, two, three, four, five, six, and exhale, one, two, three, four, five, six, and inhale…

They continued like that for a little while as Fey grappled with her rising panic, eventually forcing it down and regaining at least some kind of composure.

As that happened the feytaurs continued to cause absolute chaos. Her eye twitched as she watched one of the feytaurs gallop into a root, trip, and face plant on the other side, their face grinding across the ground as they slid. A moment later they popped up as if nothing had happened and happily cried "BWEH!" before racing off, their arms waving in the air.

It was hardly the last strange thing the feytaurs did as the elf and the centaur slowly made their way deeper into the valley.

More and more and more and more and more feytaurs appeared with every step, the tiny things a maelstrom of motion as they galloped around making silly noises or giggling.

They passed by the feeding area, and found things were even more chaotic as the Feytaurs fought over the food tree, grabbing for the large star-shaped peaches as soon as they regrew every few seconds, hauling them down and devouring them, fighting for space to get at more.

One gnome-centaur hauled one of the peaches down on a branch until it came off with a lurch and fell directly on her head, and because the thing was so soft her head got stuck inside of it. The small feytaur panicked and began running around in a circle before a dozen others tackled her and ate the thing from around her head.

"Oh no Ella, my children are all idiots!"

"I ah, might have to agree with that…"

"You're supposed to say they aren't and defend them!"

"Sorry, but they kind of are."

They watched as a battle commenced beneath the dozen huge barrels of milk they had set out, the Feytaurs fighting to get at the taps attached to the bottom. They somehow managed to grab hold of a tap and jammed it wide open, unleashing a flood of milk on their heads.

The bears administering the barrels beat them back with sticks in a fury before finally managing to haul the tap back closed. The feytaurs covered head to hoof in milk pouted up at the teddy bears.


They passed onto the next area they had set out for the feytaurs, the clothing area. Nearly every feytaur they had seen had been wearing a white blouse thanks to the clothing tree, but as they drew nearer to the place the tree was kept the quantity of clothing started to increase. Skirts that wrapped around either the upper hips or the horse hips appeared, or even white socks that engulfed hooves, or, to Fey's great dismay, horse pants!

Well… that might not have been a bad thing as while all the feytaurs were female they also all seemed to have taken after Fey, that is hermaphrodite.

The clothing tree came into view, a person height snow white thing in an earthenware pot. Around it lay heaping mounds of discarded items of clothing apparently all produced by the feytaurs' experimentation, experimentation done by touching the hanging lower leaves on the tree and coo-ing as the leaves flowed down onto their bodies forming various items of clothing.

They watched as one feytaur touched the leaves and a pair of white long sleeve gloves appeared. They made approving burble sounds as they admired their new article of clothing.

Then they tried to show off to the otterkin-feytaur next to them, but were flatly ignored. So the feytaur leaned over and pushed at the back of the otterkin-feytaurs head with their gloved hands.

They fell forward, face crashing against the white leaves, before they regained their balance and pulled back. They came free with their head entirely covered in white, a perfectly crafted and fitted white balaclava wrapped around their head.

This caused a chorus of giggles and then a flash fashion trend of feytaurs acquiring their own balaclavas, dozens of balaclava clad tiny centaurs.

Fey shook her head. Really, they were so chaotic!

As she neared she brushed a hand against the white leafed tree and micro leaves flowed up her arm, fitting together like cotton cloth and wrapping and unfolding around her chest and arms until she was wearing what appeared to be a brand new cotton white blouse.

She admired the fit, a fit to make a tailor envious. She was so distracted by it that she almost let Ellaria wander by. She was of course still entirely naked and one hundred percent oblivious to that fact.

"Uh, Ella…"

The elf turned to her.


Fey gestured at her blouse.

"Oh. Nice blouse."

She turned and started walking away.

"N-no Ella You're still nake- I meant-"

The elf halted and looked down at herself, registering that she was in fact stark bare bum nude.

Her cheeks went a little pink. "Ah, I knew I was forgetting something, clothing is just so incredibly hard to keep track of. I am sure most people must take notes."

Fey was fairly sure that most people weren't taking notes to keep track of being naked. Nonetheless Ellaria flicked a hand over the tree and bumped her hip up against it. In a moment she was wearing a pair of sturdy white short shorts in a denim like material as well as a puffy white long sleeved blouse.

While it was entertaining to watch the insane chaos of the little feytaurs, and admire Ellaria admiring her new clothes, they were eventually distracted by the arrival of a bear with a red scarf, one that beckoned them to follow. 

They found themselves crossing the rest of the valley, endless numbers of feytaurs in every direction, and up the other side where at last the constant sight of them started to relent, a dozen teddy bears preventing any of the chaotic things going beyond.

A cream teddy bear with an eye path saluted as it allowed them to pass into the Feytaur Free Zone and they found themselves walking through the woods with no feytaurs in sight.

Fey felt a little bit guilty that she felt relieved to be away from the overwhelming number of little feytaurs.

Ahead they found a grassy clearing, the twins wearing leaf clothing, along with Vivi and Flora lazing in the sun, all eating a lunch made up of stacks of star-shaped peaches on plates. The peaches seemed to grow uniformly perfect, a pleasing bright pink and orange colour and so soft they broke apart under the tongue, the rounded shape of the star making for easy eating.

Lily, as was predictable, had by far the greatest number of the peaches and was happily devouring them like a starved beast.

"Sho' 'good, ermahgerd!" said the otterkin between mouthfuls. Sticky sweetness was smeared across her enormous blouse clad cleavage as teddy bears supplied her with a steady supply. The clothing tree had been able to create a skin tight blouse that fully wrapped her breasts, her two thigh thick nipples tenting out the fabric at the front and stretching the fabric in long creases between them. Safe to say the permanently ravenous otterkin had found a small slice of heaven in the infinite star peach tree.

Next to her was her sister with significantly smaller breasts although they still nearly reached the floor while standing with her diminutive height. She had one star peach which she was politely nibbling the corner of. 

Kayla had been ecstatic to become visible again, finally able to see herself, and more importantly to no longer be accidentally overlooked. That had made for an upbeat and merry trip, even when the eggs started to hatch and there was chaos and panic as the band realised just what an insane number of feytaurs there were.

Which made her current despondent look a little surprising.

"Is everything okay Kayla?"

The otterkin looked up at Fey, blue eyes framed with wavy dark brown hair waterfalling round shoulders, a slightly wilted flower perched over one otter ear, apparently a gift from one of the nymphs. Her lower lip wobbled, which was strangely attractive on such a cute smol face.

"Y-yes, it's fine… I just, well I'm really happy not to be invisible anymore! Not being accidentally stepped on or tripped over is the best thing ever!... But we never went shopping before we left Bine. I didn't have an opportunity to get a blank summoning stone. I have my new awesome Class but I can't really use it yet and we're out here in the wild with monsters and I'm still useless in a fight! those spiders kidnapped me and I'm just a big useless pair of boobs to the band…"

Her shoulders slumped with a sigh, the star-shaped peach falling against her cleavage as her hands drooped.

"Ah is that all," said Ellaria. "If you would recall, I did go about purchasing supplies and whatnot for future jobs before we left Bine."


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