
Chapter 5

“Oh my gods Vivi! what have you done to the bathroom!”

A groan was all Ellaria got in the reply. She stood in the doorway, her eyes looking around the disaster scene that was their shared bathroom. Vivi was slumped in a heap in the middle of the shattered tile floor.

Flora appeared beside her. 

“Wow, what has that crazy fox been doing all night long? Gosh!”

Vivi’s low groans took on a slightly more aggrieved tone, but the fox girl was still too out of it to do much more than just lay in a puddle of her own juices and Fey’s cum.

“This is going to come out of your pay Vivi. Godsdammit.” 

The fox girl made a slightly more panicked groan and tried to move but all she accomplished was to vaguely flop around on the ground like a beached fish.

“Forget her, she’s out of it. Come on let’s check on Fey, make sure she hasn't doubled in size during the night or whatever.”

“Don’t even joke about that,” said Ellaria glaring at the floating gnome.

“Well, don't you want to check just in case?”

The elf pursed her lips but turned from the bathroom and strode across the shared common room to Fey’s bedroom door. She brought up a fist and rapped on the door.

A whimper of pain came from inside.

The gnome and the elf exchanged glances.

“Are you okay Fey?”

“Yes... no, n-not really…”

Ellaria tried the door handle.

“It’s locked dummy,” said the gnome. 

“How did you know it was locke-”

“Give me a second!” came Fey’s voice, interrupting the elf.

Ellaria gave the gnome a suspicious look but the gnome preserved her look of perfect innocence.

From inside came the sound of awkward shuffling and a squeaking bed and then the clop clop of hooves meeting floorboards. The clops stuttered for a second as the occupant found her balance and then a sucked in breath from some apparent discomfort.

Ellaria raised an elegant elvish eyebrow at the door.

The sound of hooves, and above that the sound of Fey’s morning wood slapping up against her barrel neared the door and then a bolt was rammed across. The door swung open revealing the shirtless centaur, slightly taller than the day before. She was clearly distressed, her hips shifting behind her.

“What’s wrong Fey?”

“C-can you look? I c-can’t see how bad it’s gotten, but it’s so tight!”

“Er sure? What are we looking at?”

The centaur bit her lip but turned around, her back half being displayed to the pair. Fey’s balls came into view very quickly, mostly because they were significantly larger than they had been.

“Holy shit Fey, your balls look ready to blow!” said the gnome.

The centaur moved her legs nervously causing her testicles to swing around below her muff. The size of them, easily as big as a pair of cantaloupes, meant they had some serious mass and they swung heavily into her legs either side. Despite colliding with her legs they didn't change shape in the slightest, each ball strained taut and round and overly full, throbbing in time with the centaur’s heartbeat.

“That does seem… problematic. Does it hurt Fey?”

“N-no, but the pressure, it’s uncomfortable, sore.”

“Seems like you’ve graduated from blue balls to purple balls. You know I could do something about this problem. As the most experienced in milking Fey I volunteer myself to take one for the band, to ensure we are all in top form.”

“Flora this isn't just another opportunity to get yourself filled. She’s our bandmate and she needs real actual help. I think now that we are in a town with mages who might know something on the subject we should look into getting help. It might be a really simple fix Fey, you could go back to normal today.”

The gnome stuck out her tongue at the elf.

“Y-you think so?” said Fey.

“Nothings certain but I feel confident. We may as well make it the first thing we do today, I wouldn't be a good band captain if I just left you out to dry like this, come on.”

The band minus Vivi gathered and clothed themselves. Fey had questions as to why the bathroom was obliterated and the fox girl passed out on the floor but neither of the others seemed to know anything, Flora very firmly stated she knew nothing of what happened and was entirely separate from any events that may or may not have happened at the scene of the incident.

They made their way back down to the lobby and out onto the street. Warm morning light bathed the paving.

Thankfully there weren't too many people around so Fey only had to deal with a few stunned glances or loose jaws pointed her way. Ellaria led them through town to the mages district, a small district made up of a minor magic school, several shops, and the town’s Mages Guild. All of these buildings were several orders of magnitude more ornate and wealthy looking than the Adventurers Guild.

They walked into the Mages Guild with Ellaria in front. The inside was filled with rare dark hardwoods, pile woven rugs, and gilded paintings, an impressive display of wealth. 

To the side of the entranceway was a white bearded old mage ensconced in a couch and smoking a long pipe. As he spotted Ellaria he smiled and nodded sagely and winked at her, his eyes moved onto the pink haired gnome floating behind her and his amiable expression turned to a frown and then his eyes followed onto Fey and the low down part of her that caught the eye. The mage choked on his pipe and had to beat a fist against his chest to clear his throat.

“See I told you mages don't like me,” said Flora crossing her arms. 

“I’m not sure it was you who that mage was reacting to murmured Ellaria in reply.

“Hmmph. And I’m sure that wink wasn’t for you?”

“He was just being friendly to all of us.”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night elfy.”

Before they made it much further, and caused much more of a disturbance, a grey-haired bespectacled guild mage wearing heavy mage robes rushed up to them and held out his hands beseechingly.

“Please, please, how may I help such a dignified and noble elf such as yourself? The Mages Guild is at your service.”

“Excellent, I’ll cut to the point, I wish to have my centaur friend here checked for curses, blessings, afflictions, banes, hexes, charms or any kind of magical affliction whatsoever. Is that possible?”

The grey-haired mage blinked at her then peered at Fey from behind his thick glasses. 

“Is there something of a problem? I don’t see-”

Flora telekinetically pushed him slightly to the side, he stumbled in surprise then froze as he saw Fey’s large horse dick throbbing beneath her barrel.

“Wha- what? Y-you can't bring that thing in here! That's obsene! Indecent!”

“Well, that's why we’re here to get it fixed. My friend here used to be entirely female, now she is not and not in a, uh, small way.”

The clearly flustered mage adjusted his glasses. 

“This is most out of the ordinary.”

“Grow a spine mage boy, it’s just a giant throbbing horse cock.”

The mage glared at the floating gnome.

“Do you have anyone who might know what's wrong with her?” asked Ellaria.

The mage seemed to gather his shattered professionalism off the floor and reset himself.

“...We do have an expert in magical maladies who may be able to help…. For the small fee of two hundred silver.”

“Two hundred!? That's absurd! You can’t expect anyone to pay that!”

Fey whimpered uncomfortably behind her, her hips shifting trying to find a position where her balls weren't quite as tight, and failing.

Ellaria glanced back and grimaced.

“Not two hundred. One hundred.”

“One hundred seventy five.”

“One hundred five.”

“One hundred and seventy and no lower.”

“One hundred and five or I’ll tell all of my elf friends that the mage guild in this town is a pile of garbage not worth bothering with and none of them will come here ever again. You know elves live centuries right? Word of mouth is ten thousand times more deadly with elves than other species, you’ll lose so much money in the long run.”

“You wouldn't dare. That’s just not done!”

“You want to risk it? This is potentially my friend's life we are talking about here. Don't push me,” said Ellaria, raising an eyebrow and looking down her nose at the mage.

The mage tried to read her stone cold confident expression but whatever he saw it didn't help him. He relented.

“Fine. One hundred and five out of the kindness of our hearts and to save the innocent eyes of passersby from your friend’s protrusion.”

“Excellent!” beamed Ellaria.

“The band's savings…” murmured Fey worriedly as Ellaria pulled a large bag of coin from her dimensional bag and handed it over to the guild employee.

She followed after the elf as she and the mage left the entrance area of the guild. She found herself trotting down purple carpeted passageways until they came to a door with a sign on it that read:

Mage Alger, High Class Sensomancer

The grey-haired mage left them outside. Ellaria knocked at the door. After a moment the door swung open of its own volition and the band wandered through.

Inside they found a lab filled with glass vials, various large lenses, eyeglasses, and oddly shaped telescopes. There appeared to be no one there.

“Ah, classic Guild Mage, can't even be bothered to be around to be useful.” 

“Maybe they went out of lunch or something?” said Fey.

“Guild Mages are always out to lunch,” said Flora, peering through a violet tinted lens that made her face huge.

“Please take care around the equipment. It is very expensive and I doubt you would be able to afford to replace it,” came a voice.

Fora blinked and looked around to see a blonde-haired fairy with pink eyes fluttering in the air beside her. The fairy was tiny, only eight inches tall and was wearing a tiny white robe.

“You’re the mage we’re here to see?” said the gnome raising her eyebrows at her fellow flier.

“Ahem, no, not quite. I’m Mage Alger’s assistant. You may call me Petal. What is it exactly that you are looking to have analysed?”

“My friend’s dick.”

The fairy froze up and nearly fell out of the air, her wings flapping frantically to keep her aloft. Flora laughed at her struggle.

“Y-you have a strange sense of humour gnome. Please take this seriously, a mage’s time is valuable.”

“Whoever said I was joking dinky doll?” 

Flora turned and pointed to Fey, the fairy followed the line of her finger to Fey’s penis and her mouth flapped open.

“Who the hell let you in here like that?!”

Ellaria narrowed her eyes at the fairy. “We paid good money to have our friend looked at, she has a serious condition, perhaps life threatening. She was transformed from her natural entirely female state to this unknown state. She needs help, now are you going to help us save our friend’s life or are you going to return the two hundred silver I spent getting this appointment and accept the black mark on your reputation, or worse?”

“Uh, s-sorry, if it’s that bad I can take a look while we wait for Mage Alger to return. He shouldn't be long but I can help things along by running some of the more basic tests.”


Fey trotted forward and the fairy looked at her warily before she seemed to gather herself. 

“First things first I suppose, I’ll check for any dangerous curse based emanations.”

Flora blinked. “Wait what do you mean emanations? Are you saying that Fey could be hurting us?”

“Potentially yes. There have been curses known to make people around the cursed person become slowly sick and eventually die.”

Flora took a dramatic swoop away from Fey.

“Wha- no it can’t be!” said Fey worriedly, her hooves dancing on the floor out of nervous energy.

The fairy lifted her hands placatingly. “Please, calm down, stuff like that is vanishingly rare, I am only checking first for safety concerns.”

“R-right,” said Fey trying to control her fretting.

The fairy moved amongst the various instruments arranged across the desk and counters of the lab until she came upon one with a trio of black nearly opaque plate sized lenses on adjustable arms. The fairy pushed them around until they were aligned and pointed toward Fey and then hovered behind them and peered through the set, her chin resting in her hand.

“Hmm. Seems there is nothing to worry about, not even a smidge of anything problematic.”

The centaur let out a sigh of relief. 

The fairy flew down to a desk and pulled open a drawer. She dove inside and pulled out a multi lensed magnifying glass that was nearly as large as she was. She handled it well showing her surprising strength for her body size. 

“I, uh, I have to get a little closer for this.”

“That's fine, please just figure out what’s wrong with me.”

The fairy zipped up to Fey’s side and began fiddling with the glass, pulling different lenses across and peering through it at Fey’s side. It took a little while, and as the minutes passed the fairy slowly drifted closer to Fey’s barrel until she bumped into it and jerked back with a small noise of surprise.

Flora yawned exaggeratedly. “You done twinkle toes? Or do you need to look up her nostrils as well?”

Petal blinked. “Uh, no, that’s everything, I couldn't find a thing wrong with her, the most you can say is that she’s rather magically powerful. Miss centaur if you ever wish to join the Mage’s Guild we would welcome one of a calibre such as yourself.” The fairy adjusted her white robe, tugging at the neckline.

“R-really? But I tried before and they rejected me…”

“Well, who’s to say that whatever was done to you hasn't made you better magically too Fey? A larger body, a stronger body, and a bit more powerful magic as a side effect? It does make a certain amount of sense right?” said Ellaria.

“I, I guess.”

“All the more reason you should totally stick with being a big dicked centaur in my opinion,” said Flora.

“Not worth the risk. We don't know what might happen in future. Fools gamble on unknowns,” dismissed the elf.

The fairy cleared her throat suddenly. “We can do some subsurface tests that might provide a clue. Uhm, say, is it getting warm in here?” The fairy undid a button of her robe revealing a bit of cleavage.

“Subsurface tests?”

“Yes, yes, it shouldn't take long.”

The fairy gestured and Fey followed until they came to a small standing curtain. The curtain wasn’t particularly large so Fey wasn’t able to be hidden entirely behind it and her front half poked out.

“Uhm, what’s this for?”

“Well, to get the best sample I believe we will need to focus on the part of the body most clearly affected. If there is anywhere that we will be able to see some kind of magical effect it will be your uhm, novel appendage.”

“She’s saying cock Fey. She wants to put a magnifying glass on your big juicy horse cock.”

The fairy cough choked and had to take a moment to clear her throat and put a hand over her mouth. A little bit of drool came away with her hand.

“Your, uh, gnome friend has a way with words.”

“I am a poetic wordsmith beyond parallel, I know,” said Flora serenely.

The fairy flatly ignored that and produced what appeared to be a wand and a measuring tape. She then drifted down below Fey’s barrel, a flush slowly building on her face. By the time she reached Fey’s throbbing horse cock her eyes were round and her breathing was starting to get heavy. As she neared the smell of it filled her nose until she could smell nothing else but the pleasant musk, her nostrils flared unconsciously drawing the scent in. Up close the mass of meat was simply vast, the larger veins alone were as thick around as her arms, it’s girth far larger than her entire body.

“Gods how is it so big, it’s so so much bigger than me,” she murmured.

The cock throbbed at her words as though enjoying the flattery.

The fairy swallowed nervously and put a small hand against the mass that utterly dwarfed her, her tiny fingers weren't even large enough to wrap around the nearest vascular vein. She put her palm up against the wall of flesh. 

“H-hot. It’s burning up.”

“I-is this part of the procedure Mage Petal?” said Fey nervously.

“Yes, absolutely. Please remain still.”

The fairy licked her lips and flitted up over the top of the horse cock. She slowly lowered herself down until her bare feet touched down on the hot top side of the cock. She slowly stopped flapping her wings until she was balanced on top of it, heat radiating up through her legs.

She took a moment, feeling how the soles of her feet felt against the hot and hard surface, she could feel each beat of Fey’s heart vibrating her tiny body.

Bracing herself she held up the tape measure and walked it to the base of Fey’s cock, nearly tripping over a particularly thick vein in the process. She had to duck a bit to reach the space between the penis and her barrel but she managed to get the tape down and stick it in place as it was magically designed to do. She turned and made her way back down the shaft, her arms outstretched to keep her balance as it bobbed up and down, the soles of her feet pressing down on veins, she could feel the blood pumping through the shaft powered by Fey’s powerful horse body.

“A-almost- the-”

Fey’s cock jerked, bouncing upward, and her head collided with the underside of Fey’s barrel. She fell down with a whump, her legs splayed across the trunk of the shaft, her robes split wide, her muff crashed down against the hot unyielding surface and she let out a squeak. A hand slapping over her mouth in an attempt to muffle it.

“Is everything okay?” asked Ellaria from behind the curtain.

“Y-yes! Everything is completely fine! Please do not interrupt what I am doing!”

She’d come down just before the head of the cock and she used her thighs to steady her self and brought up the end of the tape measure she still had in hand. Leaning forward she pushed the end over the head and took a measurement.

“T-two f-foot and- h-holy fuck- e-eight inches,” she breathed.

“I’m not sure how this helps Mage Petal!” said Fey biting her lip.

“It definitely helps. A good magical analysis starts with data, and measurements are an important part of that,” said the fairy swallowing a mouthful of saliva.


“Chill out Fey, at least you know for a fact you have a certified beast down there now.”

The fairy shifted her hips that were straddled over Fey’s shaft, a damp patch left behind with each motion. She pulled on the tape and it came unstuck from Fey’s base allowing her to gather it together in preparation to measure her circumference. She shuffled back a little to make space to measure. Unfortunately her muff was dragged over a particularly vascular vein in the process, pressing up against her clit. She let out a low whorish moan.

“Enjoying yourself pixie puff?” came Flora’s voice, the leer actually audible.

“Wha- I’m not a pixie! That’s highly offensive to fairy k-kind!”

The fairy began to unconsciously grind her hips into the vein her puss was resting on top, rubbing the surface over her groin and smearing her puffy lower lips apart.

She bit her lip and tried to throw the tape measure around the shaft and catch it as it came up the other side. Her shaky hands completely flubbed it and she could only watch as the tape fell to the floor far below.

“Sh-Shiiit,” she groaned as her hips pressed down harder and harder, her folds spreading over the vein. She peaked and nearly snapped the wand in her hands in two as her legs trembled and she moaned sluttily, a rivulet of wet running from underneath her hips and down the side of Fey’s shaft.

She fell forward breathing hard, her body sweaty, her face pressed up against the skin of Fey’s dick. She could practically taste the musk of it it was so strong. It tasted good, no, it tasted amazing.

“I’m not sure I like you taking advantage of my friend you know. It’s not very professional, even if you are apparently the worlds most ambitious size queen.”

The fairy’s eyes snapped open to see Flora floating by one of the counters, her arms crossed.

“I- I wasn’t doing anything! This is all normal and perfectly rational testing!”

“And if I come over there and move your tiny ass I won't find a small wet patch that smells faintly of fairy?”

Petal licked her lips and shifted her hips nervously.

“Allow me to assist you in your testing since you seem to be having some issues,” said Flora with a wicked grin. 

The fairy blinked then to her shock felt herself being dragged back along the shaft by an invisible force, her entire body dragging against the cock, every bump and vein rubbing over her body. She let out a shocked gasp.

“Wha-waht are you doing! Hnn!”

“You’re about the size of a human hand you know.”

“What are you saying?!”

“Oh nothing much, but it will be interesting to see a full bodyjob.”

The fairy yelped as she was suddenly dragged back further. She tried to clutch at the veins of the shaft and stop her motion but it was hopeless, the veins were to smooth or too large for her to get a grip and she could do nothing but flail and moan as her crotch was roughly dragged along the cock leaving a damp line in her wake.

Fey let out a groan and her hooves shifted on the floor.

“Well go on fairy, use your wand.”

The fairy glared at the gnome but trying to maintain some veneer of professionalism and control over the situation lifted her tiny wand and pointed it at Fey’s shaft. The tip began to glow blue.

“O-oh! I can feel that,” said Fey, “It t-tingles!”

“Yes that would be the deep scaaaaAAAA!” The fairy suddenly jerked forward and was dragged bodily toward the tip of Fey’s dick, her muff forcefully pressed against the uneven surface, her own juices making it slick.

By some miracle, she managed to hang onto the wand and point it down in front of her even as she orgasmed a second time. Her ankles clutched at the massive girth of the centaur, desperately trying to hold herself in place but only succeeding in being dragged along behind.

Her hips crashed up against the rim of the head of the dick and Fey let out a yelp. Her cock bucked up and a cup of precum spurted from the tip to splatter over the floor and splash up against her legs and barrel. Some of the semi-clear liquid back spattered and the fairy took a face full of the stuff, the fluid running down her cheeks, she blinked her eyelashes sending micro droplets into the air even as her hair hung lank with the wet. Her white robe darkened with the fluid.

She couldn't help it, she licked her lips and tasted the tang of Fey’s precum. It felt like electricity was rushing through her body from just that little taste and she felt her crotch and abdomen heat up massively.

“I- I need to inspect the back bit again! M-move me back!”

Flora laughed and the fairy suddenly found herself rushing backwards over the now slick surface of Feys’s cock, every bump and vein ramming into her muff before slicking past. She desperately held up the wand even as her hands shook. She had to use both hands to make sure she didn't drop it but she held on! Her professionalism was on the line!

She let out a gaspy moan as one particularly large vein rippled past her crotch sending her thighs jiggling, the friction stimulating her erect clit. 

“HnnNnh! Oh g-gods! Why does this feel so fucking gooodd!”

She had only a moment to catch her breath before she was sent hurtling back in the opposite direction. She crashed up against the rim of Fey’s cock head once more, this time the top half of her body slipped over and her arms and head were left dangling over the edge and the drop below. Another cup of precum spurted from Fey’s urethra, it crashed into Petal’s dangling arms, spraying up into her face and mouth. The fairy came at the same time, a gossamer string of girlcum squirting from between her trembling thighs.

She coughed and spluttered the fluid away, her blonde hair was completely soaked and hung down lank from her head. By some miracle she’d managed to hold onto the wand, though the wand had seen better days, the glowing tip was flickering on and off, sometimes growing especially bright sometimes dimming to nearly nothing.

“F-fuuuck, I- I just can’t-, I just can't anymore! Th-this dick, it needs to be fucking worshiiiiped. Hnyyaaaa!! I’m not a mage I’m a filthy whore for this dick! Do you know how hard it is to find a fairy, any other fairy out here in bumfuck nowhere? I haven't gotten laid in six years! I need this! I didn't know how badly I needed this! P-please gnome!”

Flora rolled her eyes. “It’s not going to fit no matter what you are imagining right now. Settle down.”


Flora snapped her fingers and Petal was suddenly jerked up as an invisible grip took hold of the shaft. The fairy was levitated forward and then in front of the cock as it was steadied, the fairy’s front facing the ground below, her back toward Fey’s barrel. Her breath hitched as she looked down her body at the size of the monstrous dick that dwarfed her. Her soaked robes were rolled up over her hips leaving her curvy legs and crotch bare. Her reddened swollen muff practically steamed in the air.

“It’s so beeg” she whined in Flora’s grip, unable to take her eyes off the broad head of the dick. 

Her breathing accelerated as her hips drifted nearer, on target to collide with the tip. She tensed up as it hit, her buttocks flattening as her rear was forcibly pressed to the urethra of Fey’s cock. She splayed her legs out doing the splits over its surface, her ankles hooked over the rim of the head either side

“B-be careful with me, I just want to feel what it’s like, take me away when she cums, o-okay?”

“Oh yes I will definitely do that,” said Flora, a hint of amusement in her words.

An invisible oscillating pressure suddenly rushed down the surface of Fey’s shaft and the centaur took a step forward in surprise.

“G-gods, F-Flora I’m on a hair trigger, slow down!”


The centaur let out a moan as more squeezing force slipped down her shaft, faster and faster.

The fairy trembled on the end of Fey’s dick, her thighs clenching and unclenching with nervous energy, her hips rocking back and forth over the opening she was pressed against. She clutched the wand to her chest as she started to hyperventilate in anticipation.

She suddenly felt a subtle sensation rush over her body, the only time she had felt something similar was when she had injured herself and a healer had used their magic on her body to heal her. She blinked in surprise as the flickering blue glow at the tip of the wand changed from blue to green, slowly glowing brighter and brighter.

“H-healing magic? W-what?”

Fey groaned and a small gush of precum leaked from her urethra, washing over the fairy’s body, coating her entirely in pre. Petal let out a whimper, trembling at the sensation of being so overwhelmed by raw masculinity, it permeated her body entirely. 

She bit her lip and glanced up at the shifting barrel above her head, then at the gnome who was busily gesturing at the air, crudely masturbating the centaur.

“F-fuck it. I can’t wait any longer!”

She brought down the tip of the wand on Fey’s dick as it became blindingly bright. The centaur yelped and bucked the air, nearly kicking over the desk behind her. Only the gnomes ability kept Petal stuck on the end of Fey’s dick. The centaur let out a long whine as a buzzing vibrating washed down her cock from the wand.

“What is that! Oh OH! OHHHH!”

Petal felt the shaft below her surge and dropped the wand, her hands reaching out to steady herself, her split legs stiffening up in anticipation. She could feel it coming, rushing toward her, thick virility surging down the centaur’s shaft, distending it with sheer volume.

The fairy gasped as she felt the centaur’s urethra part below her pussy and then heavy white cum geysered forth. Her lower lips didn't stand a chance and the sheer force of the liquid spread her labia wide, forcing itself up into her and straight into her womb, her asshole didn't fair much better and it was made to take as much as her puss. Cum sprayed around her hips but she was held so tight to the opening of Fey’s dick that most went inside her even as cum caked across her back to drip down in long cummy strings.

“AAAIIIEE!!” she screamed as her belly stretched around the unstoppable thick hose of white an inch across. A column of belly exploded outward from her hips, splitting buttons from her robe and roughly forcing her breasts apart then pushing past her head. She grabbed at her billowing stomach as it was roughly extended by the sheer power of the centaur’s output, her hands sinking helplessly into the pillowy softness of her dragged out belly, her hair hanging lank across it. But all this only for a moment as the momentum of the cum ended and it washed backward and gravity took hold, the column disappearing into a rapidly swelling sloshing spherical cum belly filling out her clothing. It swung down to hang below her, hanging off her hips and stretching her robe taught over it, the gaps between the buttons puckering as belly squeezed between the gaps in bulging diamond shapes. The robe strained at its limit for a moment and then the buttons ripped free with a ping! ping! ping!, her robe splitting open as cum continued to fill her. In only a second her stomach went from flat and toned to way past nine months pregnant with octuplets and then double that and then doubled again. Her belly button popped into an outy, the sudden motion sending ripples across her smooth pale tummy skin.

She wailed and thrashed as she was filled beyond all reason, her thighs and legs shaking out of control. Unable to escape she was kept pinned against the opening even as her stomach bulged outward below her, her cunt and asshole yawning wide as the stream of cum forcibly gushed into her.

“Ahn! AHNNN!! How is this happeninggggg!!”

Her hands clawed at her stomach leaving red lines across her pale skin as she was filled like a condom, her belly hanging down lewdly from the tip of Fey’s cock, swelling past cantaloupe size to watermelon size, a full gallon of cum rushing into her womb, filling and filling her until her stomach was taut and round.

She squirted again and again and again but each time the force of Fey’s cum picked up her own squirt and pushed it up inside her puss. The whole thing had lasted only a moment but to Petal it had felt like infinity.

Absolutely covered in white and with a belly several times her own body size she hung limp from the tip of Feys cock, her whole body trembling from aftershocks, her cunt and asshole reddened and gaping, twitching and contracting at the air, stretched out and loose yet hungry to be filled. The fairy was near insensate, tongue lolling from her mouth, eyes unfocused, nothing in her life had prepared her for this feeling, filled and used beyond anything she could imagine... She couldn't imagine feeling more satisfied... And then she felt the second surge of cum rushing toward her. Everything seemed to slow down as her eyes slowly widened, it thundered down Fey’s cock and the fairy’s poor abused orifices could do nothing but open wide and take it as the next load exploded into her. 

“Oh oh gods! Theres sooo muccchhhaaaiiiiEEEEHHHH!!!”

A bump in her rounded belly momentarily appeared opposite Fey’s cock where the hosing ropes of cum surged into her, the force of it causing a current in her cum crammed womb and stomach that sloshed around bouncing her breasts up.

Her belly strained then surged outward as cum continued to gush into her stretched out pussy  and asshole, her hips rocked back and forth, squirming under the deluge, each motion sending cum spraying from her rear. There was nothing she could do but hold on as her body was turned into a horse cum cum dump, ballooning her tummy outward obscenely, drooping down from her torso as more and more and more thick virile cum flooded her insides.


Her screams were suddenly cut off as something hot rushed up from the back of her throat, the fairy only had a moment to panic before white flooded her mouth and burst from her lips, a stream of cum spraying out in front of her. She panicked and closed her mouth trying to cut it off but her cheeks bulged outward and her throat distended as she desperately tried to hold it back. Her eyes went wide as cum sprayed out her nose and she lost control, cum slipping from her lips and then forcing them apart to hose outward once more. The release from her mouth coincided with her peak and she squirted HARD, her eyes rolling up into her head  and her eyelids fluttered as her pussy’s walls rippled and quaked around the river of cum rushing into her. The stream coming from her mouth sputtered as she screamed into it, her legs straining outward her toes splayed as she dragged her nails along her belly, mindlessly clawing at herself, her body straining and convulsing as orgasm tore up and down her body like fiery lightning, a concentrated ball of extreme female pleasure in a hurricane of stallion masculinity. She came and came and Came.

By this point cum was exploding around the fairy’s hips, spraying out in pressurised streams as her stomach reached capacity and cum backflowed through her cunt and asshole. Her belly was nearly three foot across, the fairy lay atop the throne that was her own body, her arms embracing it. She squealed as the cum that could no longer be forced inside of her sprayed against her lower lips and anus and clit. She suddenly felt the force that was holding her hard up against the tip of the centaur’s dick release and her hips were lifted away, partially being forced off by the force of Fey’s ejaculation. She dropped downward as she came off the tip of the centaur’s dick before Flora caught her and she levitated forward all the while more and more ropes of cum sprayed and splattered off her rounded stomach. 

The centaur continued cumming even as Flora dropped the spherical fairy on a nearby desk, her horse hips thrusting forward, her hips rolling out of control as her cock bounced up and down sending massive ropes of cum flinging from the tip that splattered over her front legs and barrel and over the desks and tables and glassware set out on top. The centaur quaked and had to bite down on her wrist as her overloaded balls hiked up further. White sprayed across the room, knocking over glass instruments and caking everything in front of Fey with white. The centaur’s hooves skittered across the floor as her hips bucked, her penis waving in the air. She stumbled on the cum slicked floor and her side crashed into the standing curtain knocking it over.

At last with one final buck of her hips cum was launched over the desks and tables and she nearly fell over from relief. She removed her drool covered hand from her mouth, panting heavily, her skin flushed and speckled with sweat.

“Hmm,” said Flora from behind her, “This might be a problem.”

“Wha- F-flora I-I've ruined everything! The room! All the- the magic lens stuff!”

Flora blinked. “The room? Oh right. I wasn’t talking about that, it’s your balls Fey, they aren't any smaller, if anything they’ve gotten even bigger.”

“You’re kidding me?” said the shocked centaur.

Beside the devastated portion of the room that was Fey’s ejaculation, Ellaria sat on one of the clean and clear desks, one leg balanced over her knee, her romance novel held up in one hand. She looked over at the centaur and set her lips in a line.

“She appears to be telling the truth. This might be a problem if we can't find a solution soon.”

The centaur cantered on the spot nervously.

It was at this point the lab door swung open and a mage bustled through, a sandwich in his mouth and a stack of books in his arms. His eyes alighted on the band and he blinked. Then he seemed to register that a good third of the room was covered in some kind of white substance.

The sandwich dropped from his mouth and landed on top of the stack of books.

“Who are you? And what the hell have you done to my lab?”

“Mage Alger I presume?” said Ellaria snapping her book shut.

“Obviously. This is all mine that you appeared to have covered in… weirdly viscous white paint…. What is that?”

“We’re here because I contracted the Guild to look into my female friends ailment.” She gestured at the centaur.

“What ailment, wait, what’s that below her horse half? … Oh, that’s a penis.”


“And you want me to what, tell you whatever it is that has caused her to have a pe-... OhmygodIjustrealizedwhatthatwhitestuffis.”

The books fell from the mage’s hands and tumbled to the floor as he looked upon the ruination of his lab with new eyes, his mouth hanging open in horror, a hand raising to cover his mouth.

His gaze drifted to the white three foot sphere resting on top of one of the tables. It was squirming. as he watched a pair of fairy wings flicked free and flapped the air flinging off a layer of cum. Then a  pair of arms sloughed off a pile of cum from the head of the fairy, she spluttered and spat cum from her mouth.

“That was the best thing ever,” said the fairy between heavy breaths, cum still leaking from her lips. 

“...Petal?” said the mage.

“Oh- oh Mage Alger, uhm, I was just doing s-some tests in p-preparation for you getting here! L-length, uhm, output! It was what I needed to do! Professionalism!”

The mage stared at the fairy turned cum tank.

“What the hell have you done to my assistant!?!?”

“She said she knew what she was doing.”

The mage spluttered. “This- I don’t-, Gah! all of you, out, out, out!”

Ellaria tilted her head to the side and didn't move. 

“I paid. Now you can either check my friend over or break contract. From what I remember the Mages Guild does not look kindly on contract breakers, the last I knew of was fired. The Mages Guild cares more for their reputation than they care for their people. You know that. Now, that was the carrot.” She lifted up her hand and a roiling two foot wide fireball appeared above her palm, yellow sparks scattering across the tabletops as the room was dipped in orange light. “And this, this is the stick.”

“Those are both sticks!!!”

Ellaria shrugged and waited for his answer.

The fairy waved her hand in the air and caught the mage’s attention.

“Uhm, I- I can take care of this mess later, but uhm, please help them Mage Alger, this was just a magical accident in practice, m-my fault.”

“Petal what the hell?” the mage rubbed a hand over his face but seemed to reluctantly gather himself although his shoulders were still tense with anger. “Fine. You know what, I was enjoying my day until now. The sooner I can be done with this and never have to have anything to do with any of you ever again the better.”

He strode over to what appeared to be a door height vault set in the wall. All heavy black cast iron with gold filigree rimming it and strange magical runes engraved down its face.

The fairy gasped in the background as he flicked through several dials at the center of it and then pulled a lever on the side of the vault. The door swung open revealing a row of shelves. The shelves were completely barren and empty apart from the middle where a black velvet cushion lay, on top of which was a pair of complex goggles with forty or so hinged lenses.

He reverently picked up the goggles and settled them over his head.

“Mage Alger are you sure? That's our most powerful artefact!”

“Quiet Petal.” 

He turned and stared in the direction of the Fey, the centaur looked back at him nervously.

“Stay still. This will only take a moment.”

The mage pressed something on the side of the goggles and all the multicoloured and glowing lenses hinged up and out of their own volition in succession. Then the mage flinched and they all flicked back down one by one, fwhip fwhip fwip, the lenses cascaded down in front of his unblinking eyes sometimes flashing or sparking as they chopped into place. The mage staggered under the mana drain but managed to keep himself up by grabbing onto a desk.

At last the final lens clicked into place and the mechanical goggles made a long beep and a female voice was emitted.

[No anomalies detected. Subject normal]

The mage ripped the goggles from his head and leaned over the desk shakily, breath coming in gasps.

“The hell does that mean!” said Flora, “How the hell is she fine, have you seen how much she cums?!”

“That is most strange Mage Algar,” said the fairy. “I’m sure there is something magical here.”

“I don't care what it says, you got the answer you paid for elf. Take you and your friends here and get the hell out of my lab!”

“You gave me no answer mage.”

The mage jabbed a finger down at the goggles resting on the table.

“The hell do you think this is? A child’s toy? I scanned her for every damned curse and hex and magical malady that I know of! Your centaur friend is either completely naturally like that at this point or…”


“Or there’s something wrong with her soul. Guild Mages don't go in for that poppycock you’ll have to find some crackbrained fruitcake Soulomancer for that. Now out out out!”

The mage made no qualms about rushing around herding the mess creating intruders from his lab, flapping his hands at them angrily until they were forced to leave. 

Fey left cummy hoof prints in her wake to the mage’s vexation.


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