
Chapter 52 14

Previously on Centaurus: The band arrived in the city of Draconica, dragon capital of the queendom. After managing to smoothly trick their way through the gates, they end up accosted by a crowd in one of the poorer areas of the cities, a crowd who begins to push their luck. A gang of drakes enter the lead caravan and steal the last of the band's treasure. Unable to afford the expense of a coach house for the two dozen caravans it seems they are doomed, that is until they are offered a place to stay by a trio of Inari sisters who are part of a wealthy family. The band rolls up to their new accommodation and gets to know their hosts. Later that night Fey gets to know their hosts even more intimately. Things end up… cramped.

Now, chapter: 52

Being trapped under cum belly, while alarming at first, was actually kind of relaxing. It was very quiet as all outside sound was muffled and Fey's sleepy breathing was loud in her ears, standing out in the silence.

Quiet, apart from the occasional gently muffled feminine moan, faintly heard from gods knew where in the filled up room.

The other nice thing about it was how warm and soft it was, like being covered in a very heavy pinning blanket. Fey was happy to admit that she had slept like a foal underneath it, dreaming pleasant dreams about having a girl on her cock every moment of the day, so her length never had to be naked and outside of pussy.

It was a nice thought, and she could have dreamt of it forever, but all good things had to come to an end eventually.

The sounds of wood being shifted faintly echoed through Eiko's cumbelly and Fey stirred from her dozing, her cock twitching beneath the belly that was pressing it down.

She listened carefully, hearing louder sounds, alarming sounds, sounds that sounded like someone tearing down an entire wall.

And then, after a moment, a rush of air came as Ren who was to her side was dragged free, cool air spilling against the small part of Fey's body visible beneath Eiko. Then a moment later an invisible force gripped Eiko and started to drag her too, pulling and tugging her free from the room, her belly being dragged from atop Fey.

Soon daylight was pouring over Fey and she blinked as she looked around. The exterior wall of the room had been entirely removed and a pink haired gnome girl was floating in mid air, directing the enormous belly of Eiko and lying her down on the grass outside next to her sister. 

Fey stumbled to her feet, a lazy hormonal mist stirring with turbulence as her head moved through it, the air as warm as a sauna, although that was quickly changing as the fresh air from outside replaced it.

"Th-thanks Flora, I couldn't have gotten out without you." she held up her hands showing the gold braces still around her wrists. "Too heavy to move them even a tiny bit with these things on me."

Flora rubbed the underside of her nose with her index. "Yeah I figured. I saw the way they were looking at you at dinner. They could have waited though, you fuck everyone in the morning session!" Flora grinned happily and started drifting toward Fey's cock, which twitched happily in response, a familiar girl and horse cock couple eager to be with each other once more.

"Not today Flora. We're busy. You can manage to go a few hours without being stuffed with absurd amounts of cock." came a commanding voice.

"What!?" cried Flora turning sharply on her captain, "But I need my morning breeding! I'll get all needy if I don't!"

Ellaria scoffed and rolled her eyes, "When are you ever not needy? If you are that bothered then go masturbate to the pictures you captured on that silly magic rectangle of yours, it's not like you aren't doing that with every spare moment."

"It's not the same!" groaned the gnome. "How can it ever be the same as having a great big horse c-"

"Forget it. We have things to do today. Not the least of which is finding an elven blacksmith to get those manacles removed."

Flora suddenly perked up, "Hey but she can still fuck me while we're walking around right? Right?!"

Ellaria raised an irritable finger, lips set in a line, but seeing the hopeful light filled expression on the pink haired gnome's face she deflated somewhat.

"Fine, you can ride her cock a little bit."

Flora fist pumped the air.

"But! You're not allowed to make her cum, in fact, Flora, would you kindly avoid pushing Fey over the edge into ejaculation when she's inside of you. There. You can now ride her without turning into a street blocking cum reservoir."

"But that's the best bit!" whined Flora.

Glowing sparks started to coalesce around an increasingly irritated Ellaria and the gnome hurriedly ducked down, fleeing beneath Fey's barrel to hide, peeking up between her legs.

Fey massaged her wrists. As much as the manacles were magic, they weren't exactly designed to be ergonomic, and they were starting to chafe a little.

"Are you even sure a blacksmith can remove these, Ella?"

"We can't know without trying. They are from the old empire, so an elven blacksmith should be able to handle them… That they are from the empire is also why it's best we avoid too much attention while we see to that. Speaking of which.

She turned to find Lily whose enormous breasts were being lazily pumped for milk, Wummy sending the milk into a set of huge barrels taken from the caravans.

"Wummy, you aren't allowed to be outside in the city, if people see you it could be bad. This is an order from your captain."

Ellaria glanced at the three cum balloon Inari sisters to make sure they hadn't noticed Wummy, but they were still very much unconscious, their massive gapes slowly oozing gooey white down their taut purple bellies.

"Squee?" came the reply.

"Quickly finish up with Lily and get back inside Vivi before anyone sees you."

"Squee." said Wummy, a tentacle saluting her captain's command.

Of course quickly in Wummy terms meant powerfully, and a scream ripped from Lily's mouth as the tentacles on her nipples suddenly tripled in size and began hauling milk from her gigantic nipples, her hands clutching at her breasts as she squirted in response to the stimulation on her sensitive nips, a long arc of clear fluid spraying up in the air from between her thighs.

The otterkin was left whimpering as her breasts were forcibly drained down to eight feet across, her nipples painfully red and sensitive as the tentacle milking nozzles were removed.

Fey trotted by to see the tentacles draw back in through a sliding door to the room beyond. There a snoring Vivi lay, her legs spread, the tentacles slipping back up into her pussy to join the true mass within her womb.

As the last tentacle tip returned inside it flicked the fox girl's clit in passing and Vivi jerked awake with a start.

"Wh- whassa?" she mumble-slurred.

"We're leaving for the city. Prepare yourselves, all of you." said Ellaria, striding past the sleepy yawning fox girl.

And they did, the band quickly gathered near the entrance, pulling on their adventurer's gear at the red door, Vivi hopping on one foot as she stepped into a pair of short shorts and wiggled them up her hips and under her slime girl pregnancy. Lily's breasts were ensconced in a blouse sized to perfectly fit them thanks to the clothing tree, skin tight white cotton covering her vastness entirely.

Fey gasped as incredible soft slippery warmth brushed against her cock tip and then spread around it easily and comfortably. Even without seeing her Fey knew it was Flora. She had so frequently fucked her over the last few days that she was familiar with every square millimetre of her pussy, every unique nerve cluster, where she could press against to elicit the most screams, what parts made her squirt the hardest, the ring of her cervix and then the heat of her sacred core. 

She recalled her dream of wearing a girl every minute of the day and wiggled her hips a little. Okay, she could get into this perhaps. Wearing Flora as they went about town wasn't so bad.

Below, Flora got herself comfortable, squeezing herself down to the base and between the top side of Fey's dick and her horse stomach, her short skirt hiding her stretched wide pussy from view. She plucked the magic rectangle from her cleavage and carefully aligned it, taking an image of Fey's cock sheathed in her belly reaching out beyond her head. She hummed, making a pleased sound as she inspected the result. Yes, this would make for most excellent private time material.

The ground started to move below her as Fey and the band moved off, stepping into the street where the convoy of caravans had been parked dividing the street in two. An army of teddybears worked behind them to stop a swarm of rabid Feytaurs from following after them, teddy bear arms linked and forming a wall against the horde.

In retrospect, the neighbours might not have been very appreciative about having the entire street turned into a parking lot. Which was confirmed as a group of tall figures who were gathered down the end of the street spotted them and started storming toward them, arms gesturing in outrage. Each of the figures was taller than a human and wore white owl masks along with black and white cloaks embroidered with curling foliage.

One of the other cardinal clans Fey supposed.

"Ah, this might be a problem. Perhaps a little flame is in order." said Ellaria, a few sparks flicking from her fingertips, perhaps a tad too eagerly.

A rosy cheeked Lily waved for her attention from behind her oversized breasts carried by many teddy bears. "Uhm, we could just run away captain, my bears can distract them!"

Ellaria paused, "....that works too." 

Lily flicked a hand, and a group of bears slipped from the doors behind. The bears began marching down the street in a line toward the owl masked group. 

At first, it seemed as though the owl maskers would ignore the bears, simply stepping over them… and they tried too, but that only provided the teddybears the perfect opportunity to duck under their robes and start climbing up their legs, using sticks held in paw to start jabbing at any soft sensitive parts. The group of angry owl maskers went from angry and determined to panicked squawking, jumping and madly dancing as they tried to shake off the determined and furiously prodding teddy bears.

Magic mog was given plenty of time to slink away, leaving the increasingly distressed clan behind as well as the feytaurs firmly shut behind the compound gates.

The band made their way into the city, this time without two dozen caravans attracting the attention of everyone and their dog… Although the sight of Lily's breasts still attracted a lot of stares, the white cotton cloth wrapped tight around them, swooping arcs of cloth hanging between her nipples which tented out the fabric.

That said, the band didn't attract as much attention as they expected, perhaps because the city was filled with so many unusual sights, great dragons flying overhead, strange species, and exotic clothing. 

Ellaria led the way, stalking through vast boulevards and squares until they emerged into some kind of shopping district, the streets lined with market stalls and shops, rotund silk clad merchants bellowing for attention. 

Everywhere, the colours and textures of smell. The spice and mouth watering odour of streetside barbeque, the freshness of new-baked bread and sweet pastry from bakeries, spiced pear and cranberry pie, pastry horns stuffed with snow cream, all competing with the fragrance of the many flower-sellers and the ashen scent of tobacconists.

Then, as they neared the edge, a scent with a metallic tang filled the air, as well as a faint wood-smoke haze.

*Tink* *tink* *tink*. Ellaria rounded a deserted corner to see an elf with a small silver hammer leaning over an anvil, hammering what looked like a solid gold leaf that spat pink sparks with each strike.

Ellaria waived for his attention and he looked up, pulling away a pair of metal-worked goggles from his eyes.

"Yes?" he paused, "House starry oak?"

Ellaria scratched her cheek looking a bit uncomfortable. "Ah. My family has some renown in the eternal forest. But I didn't expect to be recognised."

"Hmm yes and no, no renown needed, just a fine memory. I recall seeing you as a teenager at a number of woods meets and the like with starry oak although we never spoke. My grandfather stormed the walls of this city with your great grandfather you know, died together in battle, crushed to death under dragon claw, warriors of the old empire both, good folk."

"...Er, right, that."

"Well what can a humble metalsmith like myself do for a fellow elf hmm?" said the elf with a warm smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling.

"Removal of a pair of manacles, enchanted manacles from the old empire."

The elf smith tilted his head seeing that Ellaria wore no manacles. His gaze drifted over to Lily and his eyebrows raised on seeing her bust and then to Fey who lifted her hands showing the gold manacles circling her wrists. He didn't seem to quite register the thing hanging below her barrel, although that might have been because it was sleeved inside Flora and wasn't immediately recognizable for what it was.

He scratched his head as he stepped forward to look up at Fey. "You're a big one, even for a centaur," he said as Fey brought her manacled wrists near for him to inspect. He gripped one and turned it over, eyeballing the workmanship and the elvish scripture engraved into the gold.

"Hmm, curious."

"Can you take them off?"

"Unfortunately no, this is beyond my ability. Perhaps you should speak to the person who made them?"

Ellaria blinked. "What do you mean?"

"I recognise the craftsmanship, it's the work of your sister, a fellow metalworker, a skilled one. These aren't from the empire but made long after, only a few decades back if I had to guess."

Ellaria stiffened. "Are you accusing my sister of having recreated those abhorrent manacles?"

The smith gave her a silent look, expression unmoving. "Yes. That is why I suggest you speak with her. To do such a thing… is problematic. If certain more vindictive species were to find out then that could bring a lot of damage to elven kind, some hold onto centuries old generational grudges like a lifelong lover and will pounce on the excuse to exact harm. I won't tell others of this, it's best this is dealt with behind closed doors. I urge you to seek out your sister and prevent her from doing whatever it is she is doing, because whatever it is, It isn't good."


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