He took the gun and walked out of the underground warehouse with three people.

The thick and heavy iron door leading to the underground warehouse was opened from the inside. It was a one-way handle and could only be opened from the inside.

Su Shaoze's ears moved, knowing that the target person was coming.

"Where's the bastard, get out of here immediately..." As soon as he rushed down, the leader raised his gun at Su Shaoze and shouted loudly.

It's not that he didn't dare to shoot, but that he wouldn't hurt anyone if he could, otherwise it would be very troublesome for the police to come.

Normally, the four guns here will definitely scare away those naive gangsters, but the problem is...

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Bang"

The three of Su Shaoze turned around at the same time, aimed their guns at the four, and shot directly.

The marksmanship is very accurate, the gun shot headshot.

As soon as these four people came out, their heads exploded and they collapsed to the ground.



In a short moment, there were several more corpses on the ground, and all the customers in the supermarket were stunned.

Then he screamed frantically and squatted on the ground with his head up.

At this time, the cashier and several employees in the supermarket finally understood that something was wrong when they saw their companions being killed.

It's not like ordinary robbers, and they are not ordinary employees.

Several people touched guns, and those with guns raised their hands to aim.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" Remington's roar.

"Da da da" "Da da da" MP5's strafing sound.

"Bang bang bang" the sound of the continuous firing of the pistol.

For a while, gunshots rang out in the supermarket.

One side was the well-prepared elite team, and the other side was the Cougar who had rushed to fight. As soon as the two sides exchanged fire, the Cougar instantly collapsed three or four people. As for the ordinary customers in the supermarket who were affected, Su Shaoze could only say sorry to them, "Bengbengbeng-"

After several shots were fired, all the cameras in the supermarket exploded.

Su Shaoze didn't speak, he gestured to Hou Weidong, and immediately led the three of them into a battle formation. While in charge of sweeping away all those who resisted with guns, he rushed towards the passage leading to the basement.

It only took more than ten seconds from entering to the exchange of fire. The remaining people in the underground warehouse, after reacting, looked for guys to prepare to kill these guys who suddenly invaded. "Damn, who are they?"

"Boss, they're all dead, I'm going to kill these **** guys."

"The firepower of the other party is very fierce. We are going to die when we go up. We stay here and wait for support!" "Fart, stay here and wait to die! Fight with them!"

Just when the people in the underground warehouse were holding guns and trying to fight, Su Shaoze and the others had already arrived at the entrance of the stairs, and the big iron gate was still open.

Usually, if you want to open this thing, you must have a lot of explosives.

But in that case, the supermarket may be bombed and collapsed, and the underground warehouse will be buried in the waste, and it will be impossible to enter.

And now, the people inside have taken the initiative to help them open it!

However, it is not easy to kill the people inside. After all, those people are not pigs and will not wait for you to kill!

"The people below, you know, you can't run away. As long as you agree to my request, I won't hurt you. Don't worry, I don't like killing people, I like peace." Su Shaoze shouted 0...... "Peace-loving? Fuck you, you can't lie to me, everyone outside is dead, we won't go out, come down if you have the ability!" A voice came from the basement.

"You have to trust me, I will use my personality to protect!" Su Shaoze hid behind the iron gate and waved to Zhang Lihua.

Zhang Lihua directly handed over a grenade-like thing, which was a flash bomb.

"I won't believe you, you butcher, swordsman, I've already called the police, the police will come right away, you can't run away!" The people below continued to roar, their voices full of fear and anger.

"Call the police? There's something wrong with your head, you are also robbers, do you have any guts, it's too much!" With that, Su Shaoze pulled the ring and threw the flashbang in. "boom!"

The explosion sounded, and the dimly lit environment of the underground warehouse instantly brightened like daylight. The cougars who were caught off guard suddenly screamed.

One by one, the eyes were so painful that they seemed to be blind.


These guys shouted in horror, knowing that they were tricked and their eyes could no longer be seen. Next, the other party would take this opportunity and rush down to kill them all.

Therefore, regardless of whether he can see or not, regardless of whether he can see or not, there is a burst of shooting in the direction of the stairway.

Among them, it is inevitable to accidentally hurt one's own people.

However, in the face of the madness of several people after 2.1, Su Shaoze naturally would not rush in to die, but each took out a grenade and threw it in again.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Three violent explosions sounded. After the standard pineapple bomb exploded, thousands of tiny marbles were driven by the explosives, sweeping away in a violent storm.

The underground warehouse is completely a closed and narrow space. Even with the existence of shelves, it can't stop the pineapple's power.

Suddenly, screams resounded throughout the supermarket.

After three explosions, the iron door of the basement was slammed open, and four big masked men rushed in, holding the AKB48 in their hands and firing several shots in all directions.

Unable to feel the counterattack, the four of them began to observe the situation in the underground warehouse.

At this point, it was already a mess.

Chapter 226 Slaughter the Cougar Division

The underground warehouse was a mess, and several people inside were all covered with bullet holes, and they were dead!

The four quickly searched for loot in the underground warehouse.

In addition to a lot of weapons and ammo, it's some cash.

About a million pounds or so.

Other than that, the most important thing is some information.

These materials record some information about the cougar, as well as some business dealings.

At a glance, the business of cougars is still not small.

He has cooperated with the gangsters on Yingdao, and even got involved in the white powder and arms business.

The most disgusting thing is that human trafficking and human organ trading are actually one of the industrial circles.

It is hard to imagine that the cougar, as an international mercenary organization, would do such an unconscionable thing.

Art comes from life!

The scene depicted in Guanfeng Rescue has completely become a reality here.

Even far darker than the movie!

"It's really not a pity for them to die!" Hou Weidong said with a sigh.

Looking at the information, his face became worse and worse.

There are not only pictures and information of some children and teenage girls, but even pictures of some organs.

And the information on organ buyers, it looks very scary. "They're cooperating with the Dai gangs, damn-"

Mangu is the largest living organ supply center in Asia, and more than half of the world's organs come from there.

The sources of donors are also varied.

There are living people who have been abducted and sold without sale value, and there are also some executed prisoners.

They are like pigs and sheep to be slaughtered in a meat processing factory, their organs are taken out alive.

Even Hou Weidong, who was used to seeing life and death, felt a little uncomfortable about it.

Human traffickers are worse than drug dealers!

"Okay, deal with these matters later, take these materials and money, and retire immediately." Su Shaoze said in a deep voice.

He was not in a good mood either. Organ trading was a blasphemy against humanity, but he knew that this kind of thing could never be banned.

Everyone has a day of birth, old age, sickness and death, and the more money you have, the more afraid of death, and you are trying to find ways to prolong your life.

If there is demand, the market will exist.

Liu's kidney transplant is a trivial matter, and there is a big man in the United States who is now living by changing his heart.

Without further ado, they took the money and materials and set the supermarket on fire. Su Shaoze and the others immediately retreated.

Although before they started, they had cut off the telephone line of the supermarket and blocked the communication signal.

But the intense gunshots and explosions must have alarmed the people around.

The police are on their way.

Ten minutes later, when the police and fire brigade arrived at the supermarket, they were only faced with a sea of ​​fire.

The sheriff was a little silent, it wasn't because of the brutality.

The telephone line was cut, the call could not be made at all, the communication signal was also blocked, and the surrounding several hundred meters were completely paralyzed. This can already be seen that the other party is a very professional super team.

What's more, from the surviving population in the supermarket, it took no more than 5 minutes to completely solve the battle from beginning to end, and there were no casualties. It can be seen that the tactical literacy has definitely reached the level of the elite special team.

A special operations squad-level criminal gang with high-tech means, so...how to solve the case?

For a period of time, why is Japan but the main island so troublesome!

It's still a big case of fighting with guns!

It was Su Shaoze's revenge for the cougar to uproot the cougar's branch on the British Island.

But his real mission in British Island was to acquire HK Electric.

Three days later, in the Victoria restaurant, Su Shaoze invited Henry. Kathymay begins a second negotiation.

"Mr. Kaisemai, hello!" Su Shaoze said with a gentleman's appearance. "Hello, Mr. Su!"

"I heard that you were attacked by gunmen a few days ago. If you need anything, you can speak up." Old Henry nodded gently.

These words are more like mechanical greetings, and there is no expression of concern on his face.

On the contrary, he felt that it would be good for such a thing as a lion, to save the young man from being too arrogant and suppressing his arrogance, which would be more beneficial to the subsequent negotiations.

This is English Island!

"Thank you Mr. Henry for your concern, I'm fine." "I'll fix those things!"

"Let's take a seat first! Mr. Henry, please!" Su Shaoze nodded flatly.

The night before, the British Island branch of the cougar had been uprooted by him.

And when old Henry heard his words, he laughed, and of course he took the lead and took the lead.

Negotiations begin!

"Mr. Henry, the current market value of Hong Kong Island Electric has been declining since March today, and the current market value is only four billion."

"It is my greatest sincerity to give a valuation of 5 billion Hong Kong dollars! Su Shaoze said.

And old Henry shook his head gently: "You and I both understand that the current market value of HK Electric is only determined by the financial crisis, but his true value is far more than that."

"Hong Kong Island Electric controls three-quarters of the electricity supply on Hong Kong Island. It can be called a monopoly business, and it also involves other industries."

"Real estate, retail, hotels, etc., 4 billion Hong Kong dollars is seriously underestimated. My bottom line is 8 billion Hong Kong dollars and 907 yuan."

Hong Kong Island Electric is a comprehensive company, but it may not be too strong in real estate, hotels and so on.

But just the power part is coveted enough.

But this doesn't mean that Su Shaoze is willing to be a fool and spend 8 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Not even rich!

The next two people were arguing for a while, and one desperately lowered the market value of HK Electric, finding a lot of reasons to prove that HK Electric was not good.

The other is that Hong Kong Electric has been advocating for its arrogance. The meaning inside and outside the words, even HSBC and Jardine Mathematically combined are not as powerful as Hong Kong Electric.

The final result is naturally not negotiated, and the gap is too large.

In front of the restaurant, Su Shaoze shook hands with old Henry.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Henry, if you still insist, our Galaxy Group can only give up the acquisition of HK Electric."

Old Henry was unmoved, it was just a negotiation method, the comparison was which side couldn't hold on first.

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