His own funds are very limited, and it is very interesting to be able to support two million.

Now Su Shaoze's 10 million donation is here, as long as it can be cleaned up, he has no reason not to accept it.

And this is the first...

When Laobu goes ashore in the future, he will naturally find a way to repay Su Shaoze. Otherwise, why would people use real money to support him?

This is the signing rule of this campaign game.

Xiaobu raised his glass with a smile and touched Su Shaoze.

"I thank you for your support for my father."

"But before officially accepting your donation, my father's consent is required."

"Of course."


After the conversation with Xiaobu, some people appeared beside Su Shaoze. After the whole reception, Su Shaoze was undoubtedly one of the focuses, and there were people around him almost all the time.

Although this kind of hypocritical entertainment is not what Su Shaoze likes, but this is how the world is.

If you want to live a better life, sometimes you have to wear a mask against your will. This has nothing to do with your status, but human nature.

At the same time, Thoros kept silently watching Su Shaoze throughout the banquet.

He waited until the reception was about to end, and when there was almost no one around Su Shaoze, he picked up a glass of champagne from the table and prepared to walk towards Su Shaoze.

"." What are you doing? ' said Jeremy.

"Of course I'm going to get to know the third richest man in the world. Maybe I can become good friends with him," Thoros said.

"Don't be reckless, and don't use the same tricks to deceive him. No one who can become a billionaire is a fool." Jeremy said worriedly.

This is the banquet of David Rockefeller, the billionaire who is also a friend of David.

If he angered him, then it would be equivalent to offending David, and Thoros might not have a better life on Wall Street in the future.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to share some views on the world's economic development with this billionaire. I won't talk about anything."

Come on, Thoros walked directly towards Su Shaoze, no matter what he thought, at least his face was full of confidence.

At this time, Su Shaoze looked up to find the figure of David Rockefeller, prepared to say hello to him, and left the banquet.

The goal has been achieved, and he has made a lot of contacts. He doesn't want to stay here to spend the night with a bunch of big men.

But at this moment, Su Shaoze suddenly realized that another familiar face appeared in front of him.

"Hello, Mr. Su~"

"I'm the founder of Liangzi Fund, Thoros!".

Chapter 557 The dark prelude, the soaring U.S. economy [Seeking flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】


This is another well-known figure in later generations.

But now his Liangzi Fund has just started, and his fame is far from the level of later generations.

It can only be said that he is just an ordinary member of the many vampires on Wall Street.

What really brought him to prominence was the World War I five years later, and in another five years, in 1997, he would become famous in the World War I, and his personal reputation and career in life would reach their peak.

Now, in front of Su Shaoze, an international capital tycoon and a world-class billionaire of tens of billions, he is only a small loach.

"Hello, Mr. Thoros."

Su Shaoze planned to leave David and go back, but now he suddenly found an interesting character, and he was not so anxious.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Su." Thoros looked happy, and the ghost guy seemed to be able to blow his mouth.

Regardless of whether you recognize it or not, you can quickly get in touch with people.

"I've heard a lot about you. You started from scratch and created the Galaxy Group, which is now one of the largest groups in the Western Pacific."

"You are so amazing."

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment, it's actually nothing, the times create 270 heroes..."


"Well, Mr. Thoros, I don't know what you have to do with me."

After talking for a while, facing this guy's bottomless bragging, Su Shaoze also felt a little helpless, had little interest, and was ready to end the conversation.

The boss is not trained in a day, the current Thoros rank is too low, Su Shaoze will not tolerate him like Xiaobu, and it is not worth Su Shaoze's painstaking investment.

In the final analysis, it is still determined by his status, future and destiny. The return he can bring to Su Shaoze is far less than that of Xiaobu.

In interpersonal communication, it is the most realistic thing.

Seeing Su Shaoze's lack of interest, Thoros also got a general idea of ​​Su Shaoze's temper. This young rich man is not the kind of young frivolous person who likes to be complimented by others.

Doing things is straightforward and simple.

I have to say that if Thoros had accomplished such a career at Su Shaoze's age, he would have felt that he would be a hundred times more arrogant than Su Shaoze.

"Mr. Su, although Liangzi Fund is a new financial company, it is one of the best companies on Wall Street."

"Last year's profit rate was 35%, and we made tens of millions of dollars for our customers."


"If you are in the United States, if you have any financial investment or stock trading, please feel free to hand it over to Liangzi Fund, and you will never be disappointed."

Thoros speaks directly and is a qualified salesman.

Although there are bragging elements, all kinds of directly stated data, various profit rates, including how much money he has helped customers make in recent years, have all been revealed.

Nothing is easier to convince than profit and money.

If it were an ordinary upstart who just came to the United States, I am afraid it would be easy to be moved by his rhetoric.

But it was a pity that he met Su Shaoze, and all his words were turned into two words by Su Shaoze, flickering.

Su Shaoze started his business with financial venture capital, and Galaxy Fund is the core industry of Galaxy Group.

So he knew all too well the means of this line of work.

To sum up in one sentence, the best way for financial companies to make money is to cheat customers' money.

While Thoros boasted about how much money he helped clients make, he wouldn't say how much he lost.

In their eyes, those customers are all big fat sheep.

Obviously, he also regarded Su Shaoze as a fat sheep.

It is not to say that he will definitely cheat Su Shaoze's money, but at least he will not be as honest as he seems.

However, Su Shaoze was not angry either, and he always had a light smile on his face.

As if testing him: "What does Mr. Thoros think of the future economic development of the United States? If I want to invest in the United States, what advice do you have?"

Hearing this, Thoros' eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "Of course the future economic development of the United States is no problem, and it will definitely rise as before."

"The global commoditization situation is getting better and better. U.S. goods sell well overseas, and the export volume is rising every year. No matter whether you invest in any industry, you can make a steady profit without losing money."

"Of course, I suggest you try the internet industry if you really want to invest."

"This is a new type of concept industry that can make people rich overnight, and now many billionaires have been born."

Thoros said more and more vigorously. He tried his best to persuade Su Shaoze, and wanted to take money out of Su Shaoze's pocket.

The Internet industry is the trend of future development, and many people have seen this.

Many people have made money by buying shares in Internet companies.

Just like the listing of Microsoft a year ago, the stock price soared tenfold, and the total market value reached one billion US dollars. Just one year later, the market value has doubled again, reaching two billion US dollars.

It is enough to see the madness of the Internet industry and the madness of the US stock market.

At the beginning, Fengyun Capital bought 15% of Microsoft's shares at a price of 15 million US dollars. Later, it expanded its shares through various means. Now it has mastered 23% of Microsoft's shares.

If they all sell off, they will soon be able to realize $500 million.

Thoros didn't know this. If Su Shaoze wanted to invest in the US stock market and the Internet industry, he would not be needed at all.

Companies such as Fengyun Capital, a subsidiary of Su's holding, have already mastered the shares of many Internet companies including Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, Apple, IBM and so on.

The total value is as high as two billion US dollars.

It's just that in the ensuing economic crisis, these Internet companies are the ones that suffer the most.

Assets will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, these shares held by Su's are destined to be realized, and it has already begun.

In addition to continuing to maintain a controlling stake in Cisco, all other shares will be sold.

In exchange for a large amount of cash, and when the economic crisis is about to pass, after the assets of these Internet companies have experienced a substantial depreciation, Su's holdings, which hold a large amount of cash, will start to hunt for the bottom.

Sell ​​high and buy low. This is the principle of making money in an economic crisis. Going a step further is to directly short the U.S. stock market.

Chapter 558 Found the person who carried the blame [For flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

"Mr. Thoros, I think your analysis is correct. The Internet will indeed become one of the most important industries in the future economy of the world."

"I'm also very interested in the Internet industry myself."

"But in other aspects, especially in the economic development of the United States in the future, my think tank has given different opinions."

Su Shaoze stood up and looked directly at Thoros.

Soros was not very tall, he didn't think it at first, but as soon as the two stood up, they were directly suppressed by Su Shaoze.

Coupled with Su Shaoze's inexplicable aura, Thoros' face became tense, and he didn't know why: "What does Mr. Su think? Will the economy of the United States fluctuate in the future?"

Thoros said deliberately, but he was muttering in his heart.

As a financial genius, he kept his cool a lot of the time.

After his analysis, he feels that the economic bubble in the United States is very big at this time, and the bubble is likely to burst in a certain period of time in the future.

There will be a downturn in the economy to some extent, but this idea is diametrically opposed to mainstream thinking at this time.

Thoros is just a small person now, and he can't affect anyone at all, so he can only follow what others say.

It's just that he thought that the U.S. economy would all decline, but he did not expect that the decline would be so tragic.

In the next three months, the United States will enter its darkest years in fifty years.

This led to a global financial crisis.

"Mr. Thoros, you're an interesting person. We'll discuss these financial thoughts later, if we have time."

"Okay, it's getting late today, I'm going back."

After finishing speaking, Su Shaoze tidied up his clothes, smiled softly at Thoros, and turned to leave.

"Mr. Su~"

Thoros looked at Su Shaoze's back, not knowing why, he was a little anxious, but there was nothing he could do.

He didn't dare to stop Su Shaoze.

It seemed that Su Shaoze was moved by his words, but he didn't feel moved.

Su Shaoze was very interested in his plan to invest in the Internet, but he put forward some different opinions, and he was not finished yet.

Thoreau's heart was depressed and helpless.

Saying goodbye to David Rockefeller, Su Shaoze's motorcade slowly left the manor.

Sitting in the car, he could hardly feel the shaking of the car, Su Shaoze shook his head and smiled.

"Go and investigate all the information about Thoros and the Ryoko Fund."

"Okay, boss~"

Beside her, Qin Ya took a notebook and wrote down Su Shaoze's instructions.

Lin Mengmeng didn't come. As Su Shaoze's secretary, she wanted to help Su Shaoze with any needs anytime, anywhere.

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