Ikawa is not averse to religion.

In times of despair, people with weak willpower always need some spiritual medicine, and religion is one of the cheapest.

Only by lying to themselves that they can go to heaven after death, some cowardly people have the courage to pick up a gun and die....

"There's a clear Blood Cross here, look, sir, those are—"

John pointed to the towering church, on which nearly a hundred tortured people were hung, but strangely unlike other Blood Cross gathering places, most of them were Blood Crosses.

The Blood Cross also tortures its own kind, but any harm to the Blood Cross is a great pleasure for them, so they prefer to hear people scream more than they love the infected.

These Jingguan and churches made of corpses are perfectly integrated, which makes people have to sigh.... Blood Cross is an amazing creative force in this piece of killing.

"Go ahead, stay vigilant.

Ikawa shook his head, here.... It was very dangerous, it could be the territory of another outer god, but he could feel that this outer god didn't seem to be so malicious.

Is it a Christian god.... This kind of belief, actually leads to a certain god

, the information of the church has been passed to Yi Chuan, and the army quickly controlled the blood crosses on the periphery, but for the sake of safety, Kong Yuanxue stayed in the periphery to be in charge of order, only Yi Chuan, who was not afraid of death,

the spirit John and Rand who used a remote video call entered here.

Although it is not famous, it was built in an extremely ancient time, even dating back to the Crusades, and has stood here for a hundred years, with a strong occult color.

If there is a more suitable place for the coming of a Christ-type outer god than here, it is probably here.

In the depths of the secluded church, there was a faint chorus of chants, although the voice was still a little crazy, but it was much stronger than the blood cross on the periphery, at least it was no longer creepy.

"Boss, this place is indeed.... It's clean, after you gave me the ability of the "Judgment Eye", I saw almost all black red traces at a glance, and the guilt of the blood cross was simply explosive, only here... In the Blood Cross in the city, it's outrageously clean, ah, by the way, Boss, I'll have to explain.

Rand seemed to be smoking a cigarette on some high platform, and could hear the whistling wind.

"Recently, I've figured it out.,The Judgment Eye can see two values.,One is the "sin value",The other is the "judgment value.,It took me a long time to find out.,The sin value represents its killing.,Robbery.,Fire prevention or something.,Objectively reflect what it did.,About 40% of my strength.。

"The value of the judgment represents the degree of his own confession, as long as he thinks he is wrong, I can use it to exert force.... Sometimes he didn't do anything wrong, it was just a misunderstanding, and the value of the judgment could increase.

"Cleanliness here means that judgment is clean, and sin is clean... You know, I'm almost blind after I open it, and this world is full of sin values, and I can't see the Tao clearly, but ah, the sin value here is high and pure, and I'm black-eyed.

Under Rand's explanation, Yi Chuan also nodded.

"Got it, religious lunatic.

"Hey, it makes sense, boss, the main thing in this group of guys is to have a hard mouth, okay, let's not talk, you can get busy first."

Rand hung up the video call perfunctorily, and Ikawa pressed the button to turn off the holographic projection, and followed the spirit John forward.

"Hmm... Religion indeed... Maniac, sir, be careful. Suddenly

, John, who was walking in front of him, seemed to see something unbelievable, and his brow suddenly tightened as he stood in front of the church chapel.

Following the sound, I saw a tall, almost two-meter-tall giant man kneeling in front of the blood-stained statue of the Virgin, wearing a white priest's robe, and a tall Roman collar looked very solemn and formal..... If it weren't for the horrific bloody cross herpes on his face.

Around him, several men and women of reasonably dressed blood crosses knelt beside him reverently, unlike the nearly 100 blood crosses crucified on the periphery, the blood crosses here had no protection, but they didn't actually go crazy to form a game...

"My lord, my lord.... but light, and whoever believes, let not be made like in darkness..."

The leader among them seemed to be the giant man, his two-meter-tall body full of terrifying muscles, which made no doubt that he could shatter the bones of a normal person with one punch, and his body was covered by the heavy priest's robe, and he knelt reverently, holding the clean Bible in his hand, and prayed to Jesus next to the hundreds of corpses in the heavenly vault.

"High IQ Blood Cross......." Yi

Chuan said in a low voice, without hesitation, he took a step ahead of John and stepped steadily into the hall.

As Ikawa's footsteps approached, the voice of the big man's low prayer slowly stopped, and he raised his head slightly and looked at the comer.

Ming, Yi Chuan saw a trace of excitement in his eyes, the same ecstasy as those low-IQ blood crosses.... But it was only for that moment, as he exhaled heavily, the eyes of the blood cross actually returned to clarity.

This surprised Yi Chuan for a moment, you know, they have also tried to heal with ripples, or use technological means.... But once the blood cross is infected, it is obviously irreversible.

In the comics, the Blood Cross has the ability to empathize a hundred years later, but it takes time, and Ikawa doesn't want to leave the Blood Crosses for even a year.

"Ah, the undead... It's you........."

Stopping John from wanting to stop in front of him, Ikawa slowly approached the priest, who grinned strangely, his silver-white teeth flashing with an eerie light.

"Father, may I call you that?

"Yes.... OK.... Only demons fear real names. The

priest was obviously communicative, not so intimidating, except for a somewhat strange tone.

This was the first blood cross that Yi Chuan had ever encountered, and with an attitude of research, he turned on the radio and holographic camera, thinking as fast as he could.

"Brothers and sisters, continue your prayers! Only the Holy Spirit can save from demons, only the Holy Spirit!"

his words made the surrounding blood crosses retract their gaze, and they knelt on the ground and prayed intently and reverently.

"It's a pleasure to work with... We were surprised that you didn't have any ill intentions, and now, I'd like to ask some questions, okay?

Ikawa tried to be as calm as he could, but the priest didn't seem to care, still smiling and nodding, holding a Bible in one hand and a cross in the other.

"Yes, undead, I am not surprised by your arrival.

"Well, that's the first question, why do

you call me undead?" Those low-IQ blood crosses all call themselves undead, which makes Ikawa wonder, why, does he really look like a vampire?"


who have been defiled by demons have trumpeted your deeds, and the most depraved one has said that it does not see the breath of a god in your mouth and nose, and only inhales it in your body when you are fighting.


Yi Chuan's heart was solemn,

and there was actually a blood cross that observed his appearance when he fought.... Indeed, after the body is transformed into a vampire, you don't need to breathe yourself.

Only when the ripples are incorporated in the battle, you need to breathe ..... yourself

In this way, there are quite a few high-IQ Blood Crosses who are observing themselves, these guys who only know destruction and pleasure... It is worth being vigilant.

"IMHO.... You're a Blood Cross, aren't you? Father, how do you stay sane?

Yi Chuan asked the most crucial question, it is true that the high-IQ Blood Cross can control the low-IQ Blood Cross, but even the highest IQ Blood Cross does what it does to perpetuate the Blood Cross race and kill, and all the goals are just for this.

Can... Why is there a high-IQ blood cross who believes in God so devoutly?

"God does not look at people as people look at people, but people look at their outward appearances, and Jehovah looks at their hearts. As

the priest recited the scriptures reverently, it could be seen that the violent will of the blood cross in his eyes was actually suppressed during the recitation, and his voice gradually became lower.

"The sword of the devil cannot leave a mark on the placket of the pious, but for me, since the eyes of God have left me, I have been pious, I have believed, I pray, and the devil can distort our faces, and desecrate our souls, but have a mind that cannot control us.

"Hell is coming to an end, but that light is the true light that enlightens all who are born in the world!

"Bishop Anderson, Servant of God, do the will of my Lord!

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