“So, I’m the standard template for the protagonist?”

Su Tian, who was lying on the table, sighed in his heart.

The predecessor was the same as himself, named Su Tian,

But the difference is that

Su Tian of this world grew up in an orphanage

No father and no mother,

When I was in high school, I used to earn living expenses by working part-time

Walked out of the orphanage and rented a rental house next to the school.

Standard protagonist identity background!

“No, there is still a sister…”

Su Tian reacted.

How can a mighty Kamen Rider not have a sister?

The time for the literary examination passed quickly

After the invigilator on the podium has closed the papers

Then I heard him say:

“After 1 hour, there will be a martial arts test!”

“There will be a special teacher coming over then!”

“Everyone stay here and rest first!”

With that, the invigilator walked out of the classroom with a pile of test papers.

After the invigilator is gone,

The students immediately began to discuss.

“It’s over, I feel like I didn’t do well in the exam this time…”

“It’s okay, I didn’t do well in the exam, the score occupied by the main body test is only 100 points, by the way, how many points do you predict you have?”

“It should be less than 90.”


An hour-long break allowed these students to relax a little

They all found their usual good classmates and began to discuss.

There is a saying about the content of the literary examination just now,

There are also those who are worried about the next martial arts exam.

Throughout the classroom,

Only Su Tian alone had no one else around.

Su Tian’s predecessor was a relatively withdrawn person

Coupled with the identity of coming out of the orphanage, almost no one came to contact Su Tian’s predecessor

For this case,

Su Tian was also happy to be leisurely

It’s better if no one bothered!

The mobile phone that I got back after opening the literary exam,

Su Tian began to check some information about the martial arts examination.

A simple search reveals a whole host of information.

Wu Kao!

It is the most important exam in the college entrance examination.

It is also the moment when everyone in this world activates [Knight Century]!

At the beginning of the martial arts examination,

The invigilator will organize all candidates to activate [Knight Century]!

Then all candidates will enter the world of [Knight Century] for the exam!

The specific content of each year’s martial arts examination is random.

But it’s basically all about fighting.

“I really don’t understand some people, and their grades are average!”

“I didn’t work hard during the exam, so casual!”

“In order to be in the limelight, I answered the test paper indiscriminately!”

Just looking at the mobile phone, Su Tian suddenly heard some prickly words

Follow the sound and look at it,

I saw it in the direction of two meters in front of me on the left

Three male students were looking at each other coldly

Memories flip in the mind,

Su Tian quickly learned the identities of the three boys.

The tall boy in the middle

Squad leader, She Yuanlong.

She Yuanlong’s family background is very good,

Because his father was a star.

In this world, stars are not singing, acting this kind.

To become a star, first of all, you must have a certain strength in [Knight Century].

At the same time, it also has some popularity.

And She Yuanlong’s father is a high-level player in [Knight Century].

It is said that once again, he won the third place in the event!

With such a father, She Yuanlong usually thinks that he is superior.

Therefore, it is usually not said to be arrogant and arrogant, that is also domineering.

What Su Tian said just now came from She Yuanlong’s mouth.

Su Tian thought about it in his mind

The predecessor and She Yuanlong don’t seem to have much intersection,

If you have to say it, it is that the appearance and appearance of the predecessor are relatively excellent

“Is it because of jealousy?”

Su Tian guessed in his heart

High school seniors like this, full of youth,

It is also the age when emotions first open,

Boys want to behave in front of the girls they like.

And girls generally like excellent appearance conditions

Not yet old enough to see things outside of you.

“Brother Long, I think this kid must regret dying now!”

“Yes, so quickly finish writing the question, you must write an answer at a glance, can you not regret it?”

“And even if you take 10,000 steps back, what about letting him get a high score in the literary exam? Wait for the martial arts exam! ”

“Wukao, Brother Long is definitely the first place!”

Beside She Yuanlong, two male students slapped a few horses at She Yuanlong.

This age is not as obvious as in society

But for some people,

Their nature is to like to associate with rich and powerful people.

Hearing the words of the two younger brothers beside him, a hint of pride flashed in She Yuanlong’s eyes.


She Yuanlong and Su Tian really have no grudge

He just simply felt that

During the literary examination just now, Su Tian finished writing so quickly, and then went to sleep

This behavior is too pretentious,

Angry that his limelight was robbed,

Let She Yuanlong, who is usually in the eyes of everyone, be a little indignant!

Therefore, I couldn’t help but make a mocking remark.

But then,

She Yuanlong laughed at himself

What is the competition between himself and a doomed person like Su Tian.

“Brother Long, I heard that when you are in the martial arts exam this time, you will get a chance to refresh?”

“Really fake? Isn’t Brother She about to take off? ”

The two younger brothers beside She Yuanlong asked flatteringly to She Yuanlong.

She Yuanlong hadn’t answered yet, and the students around him listened

They all ran to She Yuanlong’s side

“Sleeping, a chance to refresh? Oh, I want it too! ”

“She Yuanlong, no… Brother She, take me! Bring your little brother! ”

“Brother Long, should we go out to play after the college entrance examination today!”


Listening to the words of the people around him, She Yuanlong smiled with satisfaction

Began to patiently answer (show off) to everyone.

Su Tian on the side saw this

Pouted, didn’t care.

The mocking voices of She Yuanlong and his two younger brothers

For Su Tian, who had already experienced a lifetime,

It’s just a child’s behavior

Su Tian would not be angry about this

Of course, the most important thing is that

Now the situation is special,

Su Tian didn’t want to be disqualified from the martial arts examination because of fights and other reasons.

Wait until you enter the [Knight’s Century].

“What do they mean by refresh, though?”

Su Tian muttered in a low voice.

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