The speed of the light bullet is very fast,

But Su Tian’s reaction was not slow

Before the gunshots rang out,

A sense of vigilance rose in Su Tian’s heart.

It is the danger perception brought about by [Full Knight Adaptation to Physique]

Without too much hesitation,

Su Tianchao took a few steps back, just dodging these light bombs

The target of these light bombs seems to be only Su Tian alone

Situ Hong, who was closest to Su Tian, did not suffer any harm even if he did not move

Look in the direction where the light bomb came,

I saw that over there, a red figure was slowly approaching

“This is… Kamen Rider Kabuto (Kodou)? ”

Su Tian raised his eyebrows

Recognized the identity of this figure

Red armor, blue eye armor.

It’s Kamen Rider Kabuto,

The body is also thick with super-metal armor, which means that it is also in masquerade form.

The kunai gun in his hand was the weapon that had just fired a light bullet.

“I didn’t expect my luck to be so bad, I was actually the last one!”

“But it seems to be in time!”

Under Kabuto’s armor, a cold female voice was heard

This voice Su Tian and She Yuanlong have both heard

It was Bingyan who was the first to enter the mall!

She Yuanlong’s heart can be described as mixed

First there was Su Tian’s Kamen Rider Kiva,

Then there’s Bingyeon’s Kamen Rider Kabuto.

I thought my TheBee would be the best of the five

I didn’t expect….

Su Tian was also a little surprised

Unexpectedly, the Kamen Rider obtained by Bingyeon was actually Kabuto Kabuto.


But not all Kabuto are Tendo Commanders!

“The life of this alien worm…”

Bingyeon put her hand on the Kabuto insect instrument on her waist

“I want it!”

After speaking, the horn of the Kabuto insect instrument was slightly moved by Bingyan

Blue lightning-fast superluminal particles began to spread across the Kabuto armor

The heavy super-metallic armor bounced off slightly,

“Cast! Off! (Burst armor!) )”

After the armor of the whole body was loosened, Bingyan whispered

Then pull the corner of the Kabuto insect instrument to the other side

“Cast! Off! ”

The mechanical sound sound repeated,

The super-metallic armor on Bingyan’s body burst out instantly

A long horn slowly fits on Bingyan’s head armor

The blue eye armor flashed brightly

Then another mechanical sound sounded:

“Change! Beetle! (Beetle Transformation!) )”

Kamen Rider Kabuto, knight form!

After changing into knight form,

Bingyan patted her waist directly and said calmly:

“Clock! Up! (Ascend time!) )”


When the sound effect sounded, Bingyan’s figure disappeared instantly

Especially for Situ Hong,

Bingyan seemed to have disappeared

In Su Tian’s perspective, a red shadow could still be seen rapidly approaching

“Oh! Swish! Swish! ”

This red shadow shuttled through these unskinned alien insects around him at a very fast speed

Finally, the red phantom stopped in front of Su Tian

It was Bingyeon who became Kamen Rider Kabuto,

I saw that she was holding Ku Wu in her hand, and her body was squatting slightly.

“Kamen Rider Kiva?”

Bingyan slowly stood up straight and looked at Su Tian.

As Bingyan’s words fell,

“Boom!!! Rumble!!! ”

Those unskinned alien insects around exploded at the same moment!

The huge and continuous explosion made Situ Hong subconsciously cover his ears.

“I didn’t expect you to become Kiva!”

Under the armor of Kabuto, Bingyan looked at Su Tian with some surprise in her eyes

Unlike She Yuanlong,

Bingyan’s background allows Bingyan to know more things

As far as Bingyan knows,

Riders like Kamen Rider Kiva, Kamen Rider Faiz,

It is not at all a newbie who has just activated [Knight Century] to be able to transform successfully!

It is simply impossible to reach 30

Unless the newbie has a strong background like himself

Under a strong background, it costs a huge price to meet the conditions for transformation.

“You and Kiva shouldn’t be a good fit, right?”

Although it is guessed that Su Tian’s background is not weak, in Bingyan’s opinion,

Su Tian should have only barely met Kiva’s transformation requirements.

So I continued:

“This alien worm is not something you can deal with,”

he said

“Back off a little!”

After speaking, Bingyan looked at Situ Hong on the side.

Bingyan is clear

A copy, even for novice difficulty,

It is also absolutely impossible to be easy inside.

At least not as simple as it is now

Those two spider alien insects successfully molted, but to be honest, the strength is not very strong


The biggest difficulty is probably this alien insect that mimics Situ Hong!

That is, the boss of this quest!

In Bingyan’s opinion, Su Tian, who is not highly adaptable, will not be the opponent of the copy boss.

When Su Tian heard this, he shook his head gently

Just about to speak,

Suddenly found that a yellow figure was slammed on the ground not far from them

Fix your eyes,

It is She Yuanlong who has become TheBee!

It was those two spiders and insects!

“What’s the matter, he actually sneaked up on Lao Tzu!”

She Yuanlong scolded and got up from the ground

Put your hand on your waist and whisper:

“Clock! Up! (Ascend time!) )”


She Yuanlong turned into a yellow shadow

And those two spider alien insects also used super-acceleration,

Tangled with She Yuanlong,

In this state of super-acceleration, the consumption of the body is very large

So the three are not in superacceleration all the time,

From time to time, the figure will be revealed

She Yuanlong is one against two, although he is always deflated

But the speed of progress is visible to the naked eye

There are back and forth with two spiders.

Bing Yan glanced in the direction of She Yuanlong, and then said to Su Tian:

“You go help him!”

“I’ll deal with this alien insect!”

Su Tian shook his head and said what he hadn’t said just now.

“This Situ Hong is not an alien insect!”

“She is the one we really want to protect!”

“She is the real Situ Hong, the previous one was fake!”

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