At this time, She Yuanlong looked more embarrassed

There was still a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

A look that has experienced a fierce battle.

Su Tian and Bingyan, as well as the gaze of Zhen Situ Hong behind the two

Let She Yuanlong immediately explain:

“I went to find that Situ Hong just now!”

“I was trying to find a chance to kill her,”

he said

“I didn’t expect…”

She Yuanlong sighed

It seems to be regretting that he did not succeed

“That’s a quest boss, you don’t think you can fight alone, do you?”

Bingyan said with a rare opening.

After speaking, Bingyan also glanced at Su Tian beside her


It is really possible for one person to fight.

After Bingyan finished speaking,

She Yuanlong paused, and then said with a bitter smile:

“Also, it’s me who can’t help myself!”

Shaking his head, She Yuanlong walked unhurriedly towards Su Tian and Bingyan

At the same time, he proposed:

“In that case, then let’s cooperate with the three of us!”

“That alien insect is really too strong!”

“I feel like the three of us should be able to win!”


Bingyan looked at Su Tian unconsciously

It seems to say again, “Su Tian, you decide!” ”

See this,

Su Tian raised his eyebrows slightly

There was no response to She Yuanlong’s proposal

Instead, he slowly stretched out his right hand

“Kivat (moon bats!) )”

Hearing Su Tian’s call, Kivat Bat III appeared in mid-air

Flapping his wings and flying into Su Tian’s hands

Place Kivat Bat III in front of your left hand

“I bite! (Tear bite!) )”

Kivat Bat III opened his mouth and bit on Su Tian’s left hand

The pattern appeared, and Su Tian said in a deep voice


Kivat Bat III was perfectly fitted by Su Tian on the belt that appeared at the waist

After a burst of sound effects,

Su Tian has once again become Kamen Rider Kiva!

“Sue… Su Tian, what do you want to do? ”

She Yuanlong saw Su Tian transform,

A visibly panicked panic appeared on his face.

“Don’t do anything! Just kill you! ”

Su Tian silently took out the Pasha flute whistle

Put it in the mouth of Kivat Bat III

“Basshaa! Magnum! (Pasha Merlin gun!) )”

The Pasha Merlin gun appeared in Su Tian’s hand

Su Tian changed into Kiva’s Pasha form again.

“Kill me? Why! ”

“We’re teammates!”

“Su Tian, don’t be impulsive, I know that I was wrong before…”

She Yuanlong explained excitedly

I want to make Su Tian put down the movements in his hand

“Su Tian…”

On the side, Bingyan also looked at Su Tian suspiciously

She didn’t sympathize with She Yuanlong,

Instead, I thought,

If She Yuanlong is there, they will have an additional Kamen Rider TheBee on their side.

At that time, it will be easier to resist the alien insect that mimics Situ Hong.

Glancing at Bingyan, Su Tian explained


“Are you sure that this She Yuanlong in front of you is real?”

As soon as this statement came out,

The expressions on the faces of Bing Yan and She Yuanlong were instantly shocked.

Situ Hong, who was behind Su Tian and Bingyan, shrunk even more and hid behind Su Tian.

That’s right!

Before, they almost recognized Zhen Situ Hong as an alien worm

Now how can you be sure that this She Yuanlong in front of you is real?

Bingyan’s eyes also had a hint of doubt.

“I’m sure it’s true!”

She Yuanlong saw that Bingyan began to doubt, and immediately said:

“If you don’t believe me, you can just ask me questions.”

“Besides, how can you be sure I’m not real?”

She Yuanlong looked at Su Tian excitedly

An expression of grievance even began to appear on his face

It looks disgusting.

Su Tian slowly raised the Pasha Merlin gun in his hand

Aiming at She Yuanlong,

The mouth spat out indifferent words:

“I’m not sure!”

“No need to be sure!”

“Whether you’re real or an alien, it’s fine.”

“Just kill you!”

Finish talking!

Su Tian directly pressed the trigger!

“Whoosh! Sou! Sou! ”

“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

Three water energy bombs came out smoothly,

smashed on She Yuanlong’s chest

There were a few muffled sounds

And She Yuanlong, who was hit, had a painful expression

The next second,

I saw that his body began to emit a green light

From a human to a green alien worm,



Turned into exploding ashes.

“It’s really a foreign worm!”

Bingyan looked at Su Tian in surprise

Unexpectedly, Su Tian actually guessed it.


Bingyan thought of what Su Tian said just now

Not sure, no need to be sure!

Su Tian didn’t guess at all whether that She Yuanlong just now was real or an alien worm

It doesn’t matter if the other party is really She Yuanlong,

Su Tian will be a killer!

At this time, Bingyan reacted

If you let the fake She Yuanlong just now get closer,

The goal is Su Tian or himself is fine

It is possible that the two of them will react

But if this fake She Yuanlong’s target is Situ Hong,

Then the mission may fail directly!

Even if there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of failure

Does Su Tian also want to extinguish this one in ten thousand chances?

Bingyan thought like this, and looked at Su Tian who took back the Pasha Merlin gun with trepidation.

And then the next second,

Bingyan saw Su Tian shake his head slightly, and said silently in his mouth:

“It’s a pity…”


Bing Yan was stunned

That She Yuanlong just now is a foreign worm, and he was killed by you

What are you sorry for?

Could it be…

Bingyan suddenly thought of a possibility

Could it be that what Su Tian wants to kill is the real She Yuanlong.

Just thinking,

【Knight Century】The prompt sound of the light brain appeared in the ears of the two.

【Warning! Player She Yuanlong died!!! Withdrawn from this quest! 】

【Warning! Player She Yuanlong died!!! Withdrawn from this quest! 】

【Warning! Player She Yuanlong died!!! Withdrawn from this quest! 】

She Yuanlong is also dead!

The corners of Su Tian’s mouth rose slightly

After killing the alien worm that mimicked She Yuanlong himself,

She Yuanlong died.

That means that She Yuanlong is in the hands of others

And it is a state of slaughter.

And quite possibly,

The murderer who killed She Yuanlong was secretly observing this place from the side.

Sure enough,

In the next moment when the prompt sound of the [Knight Century] light brain disappeared,

Su Tian and Bingyan heard a very familiar voice coming from the door of the gymnasium

“It’s Kamen Rider Kiva!”

“I can actually detect that the woman is the real Situ Hong!”

With the sound of the sound,

Su Tian and Bingyan also saw the owner of the voice.

They came to the world of quests to see the first person!

Situ Hong (false).

I saw that this Situ Hong was dragging a corpse slowly into the gymnasium

Fix your eyes,

That corpse is the real She Yuanlong!


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