Su Tian nodded when he heard this

Then expose the back of his right hand

Above is a crimson coat of arms


“Huh? It’s actually Kamen Rider Kiva? ”

Zhong Wu was startled and recognized the knight’s coat of arms on Su Tian’s arm

“I didn’t expect your luck to be so good,”

“I got the power of Kiva the first time.”

As soon as Zhong Wu finished speaking, his pupils shrank suddenly

His lips trembled:

“S…… S+ rating? ”

Just as shocked as Zhong Wu, there was also outside the classroom

Candidates who have been recorded but have not left.

They were also stunned to see the “S+” pattern that appeared on the back of Su Tian’s hand.

That’s S+!

It is almost certainly their school,


It should be the provincial leader of their province!

The rating of S+ will certainly not be limited to one person

But when an S+ score appears in your own school,

And also with himself when in an examination room,

This shocking feeling is difficult to express.

“Sleeping, I didn’t expect Su Tian to be a big guy! I knew I had a good relationship with him before! ”

“I hate it, why am I not with Su Tian, otherwise I may not die.”

“I really envy the four candidates who are with Su Tian.”


Outside the classroom,

She Yuanlong listened to the discussion of the classmates around him, and his heart was not even tasted.

He entered the copy with Su Tian.

“Yu, why is Su Tian’s rating so high?”

“Could it be that the fly was really killed?”

She Yuanlong knew the horror of the heavy position of the fly alien worm

But he also knows that

Su Tian received an S grade or above

It must have killed the flies and alien insects!

“Su Tian has such a strong strength, don’t say it?”

“He actually watched me die?”

A resentment rose in She Yuanlong’s heart.

In She Yuanlong’s view,

Since Su Tian has the strength to kill flies and insects

At that time, I should have stopped myself who wanted to kill flies and insects alone

Then take yourself with you to kill flies and alien insects,

Instead of watching yourself die.

She Yuanlong did not have the slightest idea of finding the reason from himself.

“It’s actually an S+ rating!”

Zhong Wu’s eyes burst into surprise

The tone of his speech to Su Tian subconsciously became softened:

“Student Su Tian, congratulations!”

“S+ rating, all the universities in the Great Xia Kingdom will rush to get it!”

“And because of this martial arts assessment, a message was sent from above.”

“Any candidate with an S grade score or above can get a large amount of bonus!”

“So please record the money bank account number at that time.”

This Wu Kao reform is the first time

So for students who can get high grades,

There is a reward payment system,

When Su Tian heard this, his heart was slightly pleased

The predecessor came out of the orphanage,

Itself depends on part-time work to survive, and naturally does not have much savings

Although Su Tian didn’t care much about money

But how can you refuse to improve your life?

The heart rejoices, but on the surface,

Su Tian was still quite calm, and after reporting an account to Zhong Wu

And after nodding and greeting Zhong Wu,

He walked out of the examination room under the envious eyes of the candidates.

And Zhong Wu also recorded the scores of several candidates behind Su Tian

He came to the principal’s office without stopping.

There’s an S+ rating in schools, and that’s a big deal!

And Su Tian’s side,

I have come out of high school where I have been for three years,

After the end of the martial arts examination, it also announced the graduation of high school

Su Tian also had no idea of staying at school

I returned to the rental house I rented by my part-time job

Su Tian just opened the phone

I found that all the Internet is XXX region with S-level ratings

XXX school appears with an S+ rating message,

Even Su Tian saw the news about himself.

In Blue Star,

Because the results of the martial arts exam came out instantly,

So it will soon be known who is where the champion

The news also flew all over the sky at the first time.

This is the same as when Su Tian took the college entrance examination in his previous life

Online reports on where where students scored more than 700 points on the test and were admitted to which school the same


The martial arts test on the blue star is even crazier!

Su Tian is still watching,

A strange call suddenly appeared on the phone

Pick it up and listen.

“Hey, is it classmate Su Tian?”

“My side is the admissions office of Tianlu University.”

“I came this time to invite Su Tian to join Tianlu University.”


Tianlu University!

One of the best universities in Great Cheyenne Country!

Of all the universities of Blue Star,

The main thing is to teach some knowledge about [Knight’s Century].

Such as Kamen Rider information, Weird information,

Combat skills and so on….

As for those majors in past lives, such as medicine, economics, computer, etc

Also in universities,

But these became elective majors.

The better the university,

The more comprehensive the information of the [Knight’s Century] taught

The more teachers are rich in combat skills,

And more importantly,

A good university can get more and easier access to the resources in the [Knight Century]!

That’s what attracts students.

Of course,

University is just a springboard, and a person’s specific achievements depend on the individual.

Su Tian’s goal is also a top school like Tianlu University

Talked to someone from the admissions office of Tianlu University for a while

The call is over

In order to attract S+ graded students like Su Tian,

Tianlu University will also give some incentive money as an attraction

Su Tian did not agree at the beginning, nor did he directly refuse.


Su Tian was already a little moved

Not because of the bonus

It’s because Tianlu University is the easiest school to get into.

Dungeons are one of the relatively many ways to get items in [Knight Century].

Just like the ‘Garuru Flute Whistle’ and ‘Pasha Flute Whistle’ that Su Tian obtained in the copy of the Wu Kao.

“Bell bell bell…”

At this time, Su Tian’s phone rang again

Pick it up and listen

“Hey, is it classmate Su Tian?”

“My side is the admissions office of Baiyang University.”

“I came this time to invite Su Tian to join Baiyang University.”


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